(2011/04) Apr 2011


cannot la because I realized Vianne scare dark ....


Cute meh she purposely leh... and she thinks it is funny.

for me when Vianne coughs I gave her medicine and she is smart la everytime see the bottle she will get ready to spit out the syrup... I think wont develop to something serious ... just give her medicine it does helps a bit


Eva is so so sweet !

tomorrow I am bringing Vianne to KK to see what is wrong with her loose stools she still has it but lesser in frequency ...


Vivi & other mummies collecting the bbq toy,

http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/451986/5707174.html?1312047365 <--- take note.. I'm lucky my set is ok.. Remember to check! If all jialat, dun collect first? Wait for next batch?


So good!!! KTV i want!! xD Even go for a fuss-free dinner i also dun mind! But i think gotta wait another few yrs at least! Lol..


Any chance ur parents or any neighbours selling house mah? Keke..


Psps that day i nvr go take.. Super busy.. U given away liao? If not, i still wan leh.. Haha..


when I read the thread you posted I was horrified. I will collect this saturday and hopefullyy the toys is ok or else dont blame for being a bitch... worse case i am prepared to go to CASE for this...

Piggy,wow! U're good man! So fast found a new job! Hope it's a gold mine n not shit hole. Hehe

I'm stressed at work~~~~~~~~~~~~

very very tempted to throw letter n b SAHM! But I'm so scared of my boss's reactions if I throw. She's going to be shocked lor....

Seems like I'm not alone in wantg to throw letter.....is it's coz we enjoy our ML too much n needs more time to adjusting to corporate lifestyle??? Sighzzzzz


hee thanks quite surprise the interviewer so on willing to comfirm me on the spot n yes no more shit hole pleaseeee.....

u also finally decided to throw letter? if u intend to go den no need to bother abt boss le... sigh lately i am stress up with family n work n esp lack of sleep i totally no mood to work at all.. i really hope in near future i can be a SAHM[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Go for the interview.. Try lah.. If it is something you really like.. There was once I was about the start work in 1 co but a better one offer me a job later, I politely told him the reason and left!! They should be understanding mah.. Best man wins!! The job on the other side was offering more so I took it lor.. Hehe!!

Piggy, supposingly my boss not too bad to me lor coz she's known for being fierce n demanding but becoz I'm goody, whatever she ask I try to give......I'm a yes man!

My current job considered quite good, got potential to earn $$$, I'm working in a business unit in bank n my dept is 1 of d top few revenue generators. If I resigned, Im not sure if I could get another better offer in future if I want to work again.

This job is already a change for me coz previously I've been doing accounting for 10yrs n was lucky to get this banking job but its getting more n more challenging for me to take. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm so lost now lor.......I'm very sure she'll ask tons of questions WHY I want to resign n ask me to reconsider n how she can improve to reduce d work load etc....



ya i understd wat u mean but if u can afford to be a SAHM i believe even if u get a lower paid job in future it is still additional income rite??? hee for me if i decided to quit i will be v firm.. if can tink of a v gd excuse.. my boss also same will keep tryin to keep the person so i gave her 1 reason wher she got no choice hhaha..


Can can. Buffet no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we can even go ktv before our buffet or after... Keke! I also miss ktv...


Z also shriek nowadays. Maybe this is their phase. No matter how I tried, he still screams when he not happy. And sometime when he plays, he also scream when happy.

Pearly, I also wanna look for house near my mum place. Can save us alot of time! U wanna sell urs? Haha! We went to search, tt area no one selling!


I'm on.... So excited! Long time didn't go Liao. Can fix a date and venue already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Forgot to congratz u on your new job~ xD


Haha.. I can't sell anyway.. But I love my location! xD U're also looking around this area ah? My parents sold their house le.. Now need to buy le.. So no choice loh, looking at admiralty and woodlands station houses.. They wan nearest to MRT de so I can go and come back easy.. I think my mom also interested in the pte house above Sun Plaza.. But agent say most likely is 99yr lease.. sian..

Btw, cov around this area super high! Duno if it's everywhere also shoot up or only here.. Got one lvl 2 5room above kopitiam, 4 levels block kind, asking for 160k man!! Then now all around woodlands cov minimum 48k.. Somemore the few we viewed not those fantastic one, location so so only.. Why all suddenly shoot up? Even got 1 tell my agent he wan try his house for 450k.. My block, lvl 3.. Piangz..

With all this scary prices, I scared my parents go back to buy pte.. Then very far for me.. Haiz..

If u got hear any news of anyone selling and u duwan buy, let me know k?? LOL!


Better to be safe than sorry ba.. If all not even ok sets, then better dun take first.. They did say they don't allow for exchange (but I do hope those mummies get to exchange la).. The way they all say sound very jia lat leh.. But I a bit skeptical cos no one posted any pic.. And mine is ok de.. Plasticware sure got a bit scratch here and there de mah..

I bought a LT car for kait also not good quality.. The alignment was out so the roof is very loose.. LOL! Paid $100+ for that never even go back change (too far and after assembly too big to lug around).. This free de, I don't expect too much loh.. I hope u get a good set!


piggy, fungfung

Gathering @KTV? great!!! count me in, so suaku I nvr been any KTV in sg loh. fixed a date then we can apply leave :D

Wah ktv I like too! But hor.. My leave v diff to take. Approve le also can cancel. Today supposed to go on course. I tot end early can go facial. Who knows, last min boss say today need me. Ask me can cancel anot. I ll lo.

Pearly, u mean those blks opp marsiling mrt ah? Ya lo, crazy prices! Ur parents mind 5 room corridor? We saw one selling at blk 40x. Forgot exact blk. Big floor area! But I dun like corridor. Wannamove near mum or ifc.. So we can zzz more! But looks like diff ah.

wah so many keen in KTV ah.. ok ok how abt 26 Aug?? Fri better for those who wanna take leave?

location n time let me tink tink den post in f/b k..



huh LT products so lousy ah i thot suppose to be gd leh..


Wow!! Gathering @ KTV!!! I dun know how to sing wor!!!

Pearly, still got.. then got 2 sets of outdoor clothings for ur gal. the huggies toy they got call u to collect isit? ur quene is wht number?

vivi, the huggies toy they got call u to collect isit? ur quene is wht number?

piggy, u found ur new job already ar? where is it?


hahah nvm la it not as if we r gd at singing close door sing like dunno wat also like tt hahah... come la..

ya found 1 near IMM... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies,

Any of you been to class 95 movies in the park? Is it very crowded .How's the parking at fort canning Hill ?

Thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My hubby and I don't go out at night anymore since the birth of my #1. That's like 2 years. Sometimes, I do miss the night life :/


Thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yup will join if able to make it. I too would like to meet u and the rest of the mummies.


Ur one week break is from 22nd to 26th Aug that week?


Yes, class 95 movie at the park is very crowded. As for parking wise, very difficult to get a space but ppl just illegal pack. Is there one coming up?


Ya this comg Saturday. I'm thinking if its better to take a cab there. They are showing Iron man II and one cartoon movie. Is it fun ?

argh tryin to book for holiday but but headache..

which option wld u chose?

1) took 2 days leave less disruptive at work but pay $200+ more. but enjoy christmas oversea.

2) took 3 days leave more disruptive at work but save $200+ n nearer to CNY.


Ya, it's fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I went twice, one at fort canning, one at Padang.


Oh ok... So u starting work on 1st sept?

As for holiday, depending on where are u going? And see whether will it affect u when it's nearer to CNY coz some ppl need to prepare


yup easier mah n my current co last day till 31 Aug but i use leave to offset keke..

i goin HK CNY dun affect me la but scare chinese country dunno fun anot.. n new co like not nice to take 3 day straight.. but can save almost $300..


Congrats.. tot ur notice period is long???

I wanna throw letter next week too!!!

and i choose option 1..


Haha.. i cant sing.. im deaf tone wan...


U can park at park mall and walk.. but far..


Got at 40x? Can give me contact of agent or whoever? They don't mind corridor de.. hehe..


I wish I can.. But cannot la.. I got 2 babies in tow.. Nowhere to dump them.. haha.. Even go for a simple quick supper also not an option for us.. U ladies go enjoy ba..


Ya loh.. That's what I tot so too.. I think that applies to "our generation" de la.. Now the quality is like those neighbourhood shop standard.. Totally not worth the $$ for the big items..


My Q number is 2xxxx de.. Forgot liao.. U can call and go down collect liao.. Remember to check hor! If not satisfactory, don't take first.. Wait for next batch (as advised by some mummies on the thread?).. Or u dig until u find ok ok set.. They describe until quite jialat, until dangerous for kids to play.. ^^

Eh, can I go over today or tml? U free mah?


Don't be sad.. Me too! When the kids grow up, we can go hang out with them instead.. Ask them drive mummy and daddy go out to chiong! Haha..


You going for holiday ah? Go where? How u handle 2kids with hb alone? Or maid and ILs going too? I also wan go holiday.. That time planned go cruise liao.. Then last week my dad down again, admit hospital, just discharged yesterday.. Duno if I should go ahead with the booking of cruise onot.. But if only me, hb and the 2 babies go, I duno can handle onot leh.. Haiz~ Btw hor, if I go, I intend to book from the BP de.. xD

Should I or should I not?


oh not CNY la 2 wk advance but dunon got thing to buy anot n i tink Christmas go might be gd got mood? sigh i also dunno cos new co n get 3 day leave straight like not v nice hmm..


ya my notice period 6 wk but becos she manage to hire my temp to replace me so willing to let me offset my leave lo..


ya cos SQ got promo wanted to go hokkaido but becos of the recent earthquake n radiation incident so we change our mind so end up go HK haha.. hmm not goin to bring #2 cos HK not suitable n feedin wise quite troublesome n we goin to ocean park cannot enjoy with #2 leh so will dump #2 with IL lo.. my HB say fair cos last time we also dump #1 go HK our own -_-''


hmm i read the BP 1 i tink shd be quite safe bah cos she got explain how the deal work quite diff from the RWS 1 but all online purchase do includes certain risk la so up to u.. i tink we really need some break else v tedious mentally n physically n goin for holiday is the best !!!

Good afternoon mummies!!!!

Long long never come in!!! Big HI!!!!!

Congrats Piggy! I'll choose opt 1!

M still try adapting to work. Used to nap at hm during ML. Now damn sleepy at times. Haiz.

Pearly, my number 1xxx.... U received phone call then can go n collect is it? or now can go down le? I not sure where I kept my receipt.. need to go n dig.. lol

Piggy, so far Christmas u got celebrate overseas? For me, I will choose opt 2 no matter what cos Christmas I need to stay in Singapore..

Hi mummies,

Piggy: Thanks for your link, it is much cheaper than retail shops lor.

Fung: OMG, i just gave oral medicine to my son, and i have throw the nose drop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. He still got plenty of phelm, I will bring him to see PD again.

Any good nanny agents to recommend?

I am looking for a babysitter now.


nope nv tried celebrating oversea n i dun need to stay in Sg for any particular reason [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


finally see u here so quiet without u hahah,..

argh u chose option 1 huh.. actually i prefer option 1 too but $300 more can buy lotsa thing hahahah so headache..


YESSSS tt y usu i get from BP keke...


if u are going HK, better dun go on CNY period...i think won't enjoy much as most of the shop will be closed. even if it's 2 weeks advance, i think shop will tend to close early for CNY..

if the venue is HK, i'll choose option 1 too.. and i also know your concern on the S$300 which can buy a lot of things


finally see you here... long time no see... lol

Hi piggy & Aemiko,

Thank you for your reply in the playmat.

Piggy, Congrats on finding new job!

Mummies, anyone brought playmat 12mm thickness? Does tis dimension provide gd cushion? or 15mm is better?



Means I'm noisy?? Hmm.... Wahhaahaha.... I know u all miss me lar!!!! I know the $300 concern but u see arh, we normally aldy save here n there, must go wild once in awhile! N yes, dun disrupt work quite impt as it may affect ur performance becoz u still new at the new coy then. One more reason, go Christmas u come back still have enough to do some last minute preparation for CNY! Next year CNY end Jan leh...


Hi!!!!! Busy at work. Then night time tired always fall asleep before I can finish read, lol!

