(2011/04) Apr 2011


Ya, 3 pumps a day. Yes i latch on at nite. Even if i didnt latch on at nite, my last pump will be at 11am and then next morning pump again at ard 7+am. If i latch on at nite then i can sleep till 9 or 10am then pump. ;) so i dun really wake up in the middle of the nite to pump.


Think got good and bad with latch on and bottle feed. But sooner or later u hv to wean her off so tht she can get use to bottle feed.

Now the topic is on diapers. Looks like mammypoko and petpet is popular here. Anyone used both and can share which one better? Dunno can call and ask for sample so tht can try.

I hv been using drypers and huggies. Huggies so far so good for me, only drypers dunno why nowadays when he poos, is either goes to the side or splash towards his back and will soiled his clothings. Dunno is it a sign to upgrade the size?


I dun tnk my boobs are full coz b4 he reject, i had latched him on 3 hrs before successfully.

Mrs chua,

I aso have [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Toking abt Z rejecting to latch, so for the past 2 feeds, i tried to latch him. Both times are successfully ( probably coz he is tired and hungry from those crying) only after abt 45mins-1hr of coaxing him. And during these time, he cries and cries.

Half way wanted to give in by giving him bottle after seeing him cry so badly bt HB wants him to latch on and get use to it so refuse to give bottle no matter wat


Star flower: we're going marina mandarin.. Hope u can join too!! U're slim enough for more food la!!

Sookie: y dun allow bottle feed?? Then next week u go back to work how??

Jsl, Lynn, fung.. Thanks for offering ur member.. Pink already whatapps me her number.. Thanks pink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually is my Sil's who wanna buy things.. She is due end sep.. For me, I will go go see see, if see anything I like or suitable den buy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diapers: my boy currently using M size Huggies ultra.. I like that alot but the new packaging one makes pple think my boy poo cos of the green line @ the side of diapers Lols.. Think I'm gonna upgrade my boy to L size after funish the last pack of M.. Now M size still ok for him but jus scare his tights abit tight for him.. Mama poko.. I find it exp leh as compared to HU & drypers.. Though I know the cutting bigger.. If L size HU too big for my boy, den maybe I can get a pack of mama pokO M for him..

mrs chua, i think now good time to buy at mOthercare, cos they're hving 15% for home & travel stuffs + 5% for members

Morning all!

Regarding diapers, I use drypers in e day, n pampers active overnite n when gg out..drypers use in e day then no issue of e tape jiak jiak sound..hee.

Oh mummies, tink I read b4 tt beco butterfly 2 is highly recommended here by some..isit easy to use? N can share how much u bought? Am contemplating to buy either butterfly or Gemini fm a bp..anyone using a Gemini?

Morning ladies.. I dyin Liao my BB keep wakin up n can hear lotsa mucus in his nose he wake up every 2 hr after I carry him n pat for sOme time yesterday at work tink too lack of sleeps I feel so giddy if this goes on will die ah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I use petpet n mamypoko.. Mamypoko definitely better but more ex all the while I use pet pet for day n nite ni issue but the new version nt suit for my BB always leak at the back area..



I still using Pet Pet for day n nite ;) No issues.. just tt M seems to be getting abit tight le.. and L will be too big leh.

Piggy, aiyo.. get hb to help take care on alt nites? I alt nite feeds with hb too.. last wk he sleep through most of the nites.. but this wk wake at 5am every day again. Then by 6am i gotta wake up n prepare stuff le.. so tiring.


My BB nt wakin for nite feed but he can't sleep well with the block nose.. My hb also kena n lack of sleep like me n affected his work alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Btw I remember some want to change pigeon bott? Taka fair is early this yr tink end jul startin liao till Aug[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggy, we zz in separate rooms so tt when bb wake up.. wont disturb both ppl! So at least can have alt nites of peaceful sleep!

fung fung, my boy used to be opposite, like to latch dun wan to be bottle fed..but i keep telling him that mummy is going back to work so u have to be bottle fed when mummy is not around..surprisingly, he seems to understand and accepts the bottle with abit of fussing initailly during my first week back at work..now after 3 weeks, even when im around at home, he's ok to be bottle fed...if he dun wan dun force him? cry for an hr very pitiful le...=(

agree babies nowadays are very smart, if i latch him on and if he's not hungry, he will suck a bit then spit out and look at me 'innocenty'..duno to be amused or what...

diapers: how come no one using pampers ah? my boy used nappy in the day and pampers at night...initially he used huggies newborn cos thats the smallest in the market..but i find huggies very hot le, my boy backside everytime very red compare to pampers..now he's on M size but den i find like got no QC, same pack sometimes like too small, sometimes just nice..duno should upgrade to L anot..so mammypoko is good??

piggy and hippo, my boy also have blocked nose previously when sleeping in airocn room..he keep on wriggling and we have to practically carry him to slp the whole night..go c doc eat medicine make him super drowsy..in the end we bought the battery operated nose aspirator from the first few years...suck it out for him everytime we hear his nose blocked..super happy when i see chuncks of mucus coming out..haha..after 1-2 weeks, his nose clear liao...

isetan got baby fair oso..can trade in bottle to buy pigeon...


Allow me this new comer to gatecrash, mammypoko can absorb more than other brand. NTUC is selling having offer, u may wish to chec it out


those using huggies, are u not collecting the pink stamps that is on the pack and redeem for the toys???

Alot of mummies overstaock and just wan the stamps, so i buy their leftover from them.. since i don wan the stamps.

u can visit their website



Yes, u can call each of the diaper hotline or website to get a sample.

But only 1 pc each size.


for block nose i burned some eucalyptus oil or i poured it into my humidifier.

charmaine, I've tried Pampers, Drypers, Huggies, Mamy Poko, PetPet, Nepia on my #1 and so far, Mamy Poko's the best, in terms of cut, dryness, comfort but it's expensive to use on younger babies esp on BM(& my #2's being bf longer than #1), they poo alot... Huggies diapers I find, are good for boys, not so for girls and I've got 2 girls! Drypers are also good as it absorbs well and dun feel so wet. Am still trying to find another as good but less exp brand as MP, but I guess the search wld be fruitless, hahaha.

hmm.. seems like i need to give mammypoko and pet pet a try before finalizing on the diapers for Z.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


did u bring K to see doc for his blocked nose? usually if got blocked nose, he won't be able to sleep well

Although I've tried those many brands but I've forgotten how's the tape like for PetPet and Nepia but I think I don't quite like them... That's why I didn't buy anymore after that 1-2 packs...

oh thks, smiggle, now I know at least Huggies' stamps r useful. The rest of the brands don't hv such redemption programme rite?


any suggestions how to let bb slp better through the night?

I've tried swaddle, he wriggles out after awhile, put the beansprout pillow on him, i feel like he cannot breathe. (like the pillow too heavy) and i always have this fear that he will flip it up and cover his face...

He was so naughty last night, just want to latch and sleep to sleep soundly. remove only he wakes up......


I let my BB sleep in non aircon room same[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Usu below 6 mth no medi 1 leh how come ur dr have?

Fung ,

Ya today took urgent leave to bring him see dr but can only do suction lo this mornin did suck sone our for him v yellow n sticky...


I use eucalyptus oil to bath for him n apply on him same leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Not sure abt other brands.. been usin huggies for 3yrs liao..


U have humidifier?? In aircon kasper breathes and snore very loud, then i bought it. Got so much better. E novita one can measure how dry ur aircon is. My aircon gives my family sore throat every morning lor.


no wor i din use humidifier cos so far my #1 n my HB no prob sleepin in aircon... tt time i try to sleep with fan my bb also will wake up once to eh eh eh so i suppose not the aircon?


oh yes the nose drop but usu only only use 4-5 day mus stop i alr use 5 day but no improvement... the most common brand i tink is illadin?

Hello mummies,

The gathering at marina mandarin , where the meeting place?

My boy didn't poo again. Mummies, how many days interval does your bb poo?


my boy poo twice a day, morning and night in potty. and sometimes in the afternoon. on total BM, sometimes i wonder if its the food i ate that may cause him to poo so many times.

piggy,mus suck longer so to 'force' it from the back of the nose..

hippo,ht the function of cos make full use mah..nw become white elephant sitting one side..

Yes think Charmaine's aspirator looks more powerful than the normal manual ones. But I don't have time to buy it from my first few years yet . Aspirator plays music ?? Sounds cool right. Lol

Up to latch and pump...zzzzzz

Our night owl club is officially dead. Forum is so quiet now ...*pin drop*


ya i know usu will keep sickin same place a few time to slowly suck out the mucus.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


tink most alr back to work bah..

sian last nite my bb wake up almost every hr now tryin v hard to keep myself awake how? tink i need toothpick soon... lol~


nvm we input more to make it active haha..

oh my bb coming to 4mth goin to have a Kui chor (hokkien) ceremony for him keke..


NP u nv see i post so much this few day lol~~

oh it a ceremony to mark the startin of solid for the meanin only la cos v cute to hang biscuit over their neck lol~ i will only start after 6mth...

Hello me here

Vianne sick with cough and cold somemore still LS

Later I am buying the thing that suck out the mucus. Cannot stand the mucus


Hai.... Still waiting for my boy to poo poo.. Dk why he likes to keep his poo poo in his tummy for. Already day 8. Already give the sugar syrup to him given by Pd.


So fast, our babies already 3 / 4 months old.

