(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Hi mummies,

I am creating some flashcards in English and Chinese, on powerpoint using Glenn Doman and some of my own words. I just started, currently there are "wild animals" and "birds" for you to download.

I am sharing with fellow mummies for FREE. Help me share with your friends if you think these are useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

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Suwaiwai ...

I use milk bottle for water too. Is there any reason why we shouldn't? I havent start her on juice so I can't comment on that =p

I'm using straw from Pigeon Mag Mag..

Josie likes to drink water using sippy cup.. It's just milk she doesn't want.. So happy now we found the solution [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milk bottle, the hole is too small for juice I guess.. Even last time I use sippy cup still too small. So until now I'm still using plate to feed her fruit juice. Maybe later will use straw too. Hehe.. Now I love straw so much :p

good afternoon mummies!

ya.. suwaiwai

y cannot use milk bottle for water? i use magmag in the day, milk bottle at night for water


mine's on similac. once a day, solid poop.


i think Josie bored! wanna try something new =)

hi mummies,

nowadays my boy wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to play!!!! In all 7 mths, he just wakes up to drink milk then falls back to sleep almost immediately. any other babies doing this?


So clever can use straw. My boy give him sippy cup..he treats it like a toy..use it to knock here and there instead of drinking from it. Maybe i should try straw just for fun..see he know how to use not.

Mummies with maid! If u let your maid cooks for your baby, please ensure to try out what they give to your baby first!

My maid put salt into Josie's porridge even though I told her so many times never ever put salt or sugar!!!

She said it's only today she put salt. But who knows, liars!

I'm so sad now.. If change maid also we won't know what will they give to our baby. Must always pray to God so that our baby is safe and sound.

I haven't change maid now, because new maid difference is $100! And don't know when can we get the new maid too.. I'd better wait for my mum who said my grandma has a good candidate to be brought here.. I ask mum to try out that maid first in her house, after that she'll try to get an agent to bring her here..

Anyone knows any agent in Jakarta to bring our own maid over to here?

I think if change maid now won't worth it, since must train new maid, after that this maid recommended by my mum will come already.. Just feel so sad..

I'm thinking now, even though I'm the one cooking for Josie, or if I ask my maid to cook in the morning first, but I still won't know if she later feeds junk to my baby. Hix..

Today I scold her very hard. I told her if I told her what not to do, then don't do, don't take any initiative! Everything must call me first to ask. She always dare to make mistake leh!!!

I told her even though she put salt on her baby back then and her baby is okay, it doesn't mean I'm okay with that! Must always follow what I said. Sigh...

$100 every month is a lot for me and no guarantee can get a better maid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'd rather wait for my mum to get the better maid to bring over.


Dont u think it's time to change maid?

How abt phil maid?

Sorry if i sound harsh n unforgiving, n not believe in 2nd chance, but compiling from what u hv experince with her so far, she is kind of 'dangerous' n not listening properly to simple instruction, such as 'no salt'?

I dont hv maid here n back at indo our maid has stay with us for long, or recommended by family who knows this maid for long.

So there is no trust issue here.

If u want to bring maid from indo, i suggest ur mum find a good maid asap, based on reccommendation, mk sire she is someone u n ur family can trust. train her english n the tests needed to get here.

For financial issues, im hv no say n dont know how the 2 of u coping, but all i can say 100 will b worth it for josie's safety ( i mean, what else she could do, gathering from ur stories n definitely u have major trust issue with her now).

Everyday im sure every mummy here is praying for our little one's safety, but what i can say is, dont put our child next to fire n only expect God to protect her from getting to touch it. In the first place we need to mk the effort to protect them n put them away from danger too.

Really sorry if any of my words offend u, doesnt intend to b that way, just expressing my concern. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All the best in making ur decision. Really hope for a solution for u.

Btw josie is v smart!!! Can poo in potty n drink from straw. Niko cannot even drink well from sippy cup.


Totally agrees with Ann n this isn't the first time that your maid disobeyed you! Now put salt n next time put detergent you also dunno! First time?!? I dun think you will be so silly to believe her.

I think god has given you enough signs that it's time to change a maid! $100 divide between you n hb is just $50 per pax. One nice meal less, one toy less or one outing less per month to ensure better care n a maid who listens to you 100% is worth the money.

I dun think it's the first time that many of us told you to just change the maid n end this agony of yours. There must be a reason why she is transferred so many times! Change before 6mth is up n it's still FOC

Goodie Morning. Very Busy these few days..foreseen more busy days on Friday and Saturday.

Wishing everyone a happy Weekend, TGIT! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


change, change!! salt in porridge.. what's next??!! later give twisties to josie when she fusses. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that time u said give her 30 days to improve. the 30 days up already? think u can call up the agency and request for a change of maid asap. no choice u will have to take this gamble again since this is how it is from the day u have decided to hire a maid. might as well don't wait and start getting another one right away. the longer u drag, the more headaches. all the best to you!!

WTB: Fisher price Bouncer & Bumbo Seat with tray

For Bouncer: Vibrating and music must be working condition.

Prefer to collect at tampines or sengkang.

Pls PM me the price, the pics, used for how long.

Hello apple!

Yes TGIT!! Everyday must b thankful .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Particularly for me coz tmr hubby is not working!!! Can go ard n shopping IN PEACE (for me lol)

Enjoy ur day n weekend too, all mummies n ian!

I can't remember where I read or the reason why but the article was discouraging drinking any other liquids other than milk in milk bot. I suppose it wanted kids to relate milk to milk bots only. Can't remember why tho. Sigh my brains still not functioning. Somehow I was convinced after reading the article so I usually give water in sippy cup.

morning mummies,

so happy that it's friday. been so busy at work and kena shot by bosses yesterday. feeling so angry. decided to resign after i got bonus whether i got a job or not.


U intending to resign? Can temporary be sahm. Hehe. Then we can meet up more often. Haha.

Din get to talk much the last time. U were so busy attending to Darius.

Btw, u mentioned starting on porridge? How u purée? I haven't started giving porridge. Lazy mummy. Kept procrastinating.

Shireen: envy u can resign n b sahm for at least a while. I wan also can't coz can't afford to at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] somemore my ms so bad, jus feel like staying hm n lying in bed e whole day...

hi xin,

I am starting to look for job. definitely can meet when I am not working.


I think I can afford not working max. 2 months.

ask your gynae to give you mc to rest. most important must test more


Change lah. I changed my 1st maid bcos she broke my trust too. Very difficult if there's no trust. Then, I constantly worried when my maid will either give me a surprise or heart attack. Too late to regret when something happened. Choy!


Will is ur bonus coming? Beta to secure job 1st b4 quitting.


Erm, my criteria in getting a maid is able to perform basic household duties and take care of my baby. But, so far i've changed 3 maids, 1 from indon, 2 from Myanmar and the current one from Myanmar. The problem with Myanmar maid is that they do not seem to favour kids and communication problem. So headache with maid problem. So far, i dare not let them touch baby stuffs, i will still do myself but my mil and hubby alway scold me and ask me to let them do. I alway have the mentality they are not clean when handling baby stuffs..so far i only ask my maid to help with sterilising baby bottles and wash, hang, iron baby clothes. I dare not return to work too..maybe wait till my bb turns 1 year old.


i think u better change ur maid, risk it. i understand as a working mother, it's quite hard to make a decision as u got to retrain the maid all over again but why does she put salt in baby food? For my maid, she wash my baby untensils till very smelly and have food particles on it. I guess its all pure luck to get a good maid.

Josie is sick these 2 days.. Maybe becoz I have sore throat after being so stressed out with the maid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now in dilema change or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This maid teach Josie how to poo in her potty.. She knows her cue already.. Sometimes she can also make her to pee in her potty. Huhuhu.. She also knows Josie's feeding schedule already and will heat the milk beforehand in the weekend before we ask her..

She can cook, can do housework, and very experienced in taking care of baby because she has 3 kids that she took care of on her own..

The problem is she's so daring to not follow instructions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. And I don't have peace of mind anymore now. huhu..

If change maid, I need to take leave to teach the new maid, maybe for 1-2 weeks. Right now I can't afford to take leave becoz too many things to do. But maybe 2 months later I'll have time. But it's also not confirmed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Usually agent will only said in about 6-8 weeks and will let us know when they arrive right? I can't take urgent leave like that leh.. Then we have no one supervise this new maid, how to work? My MIL now is sick, I don't know later.. My own mum also has diabetes, she said she's so busy.. She also hasn't even come here since January. So sad leh..

The thing that I'm afraid most is the transition, how to teach the maid all over again and stuffs. Definitely can't be done in 1 day? Did anyone tried and teach in 1-3 days only? Huhuhu..


U should change the maid.

But sometimes we just can't have the best of both worlds. Which is more impt to u? Havin the maid who can take care of Josie but doesn't listen and lies? Or having a maid who's ok but needs some time to learn and handle Josie? Then it will dictate whether u wanna change ur maid or not. If u think u keep saying u r in dilemma.. Ur situation won't change mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's either this or that or u keep one eyes close.

Many situations is like that... U really won't know if the next maid is ok or not ok... But for josie's sake, shouldn't the priority be making sure everythin is ok for her? Maybe if it's me, no matter how good she is with my child, if disobey instructions happens again and again... I'm sorry, this person has to go. Cos I wouldn't know whats the next risk my child is gonna go thru. Whatever it is, my child is most impt[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope u make the decision quick befor something else happens again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks stella, groovy, apple, ann, princess_D for yr replies. sorry i havent had time to log in since e last post abt taking baby on plane. Went to bangkok and just came back last nite. Been wanting to go bkk for e longest time and finally had a chance.. heck, jus bring baby along. BKK not baby-friendly place but e ppl there love babies! Always get extra discount for THE Baby.

Anyway Sofea din even cry during take-off or landing, gave her teether and rusk but she refused to suck. i guess she's not bothered by e ear pressure but i am! i hate taking planes coz of e ear pressure :p Man, I dunno how ann and apple can travel many2 hours on plane with baby! My baby doesn't know how to keep still at all, then during e flight back she cried her head off.. so paiseh. wanted milk but dun want to latch in e open. Had to latch her in e toilet -_-

Ann, i din sign up for the holiday playnursery class as well. Really really swamped wif work! Now sofea is very active and napping less i only have nitetime to catch-up wif work. u back in s'pore?

Jac, congrats on having another cute princess! Girl Power!

Shin, read ur long unhappy post. I think yr hubby just want aeden to toughen up and not become mommy's boy. But can't help it la, we mommies will always b over-protective. anyway at this age, baby can't understand yet. u would tink they would learn not to go near e edge of bed after falling off 2-3x.. but im learning to let go. My hubby's turn to freak out! Like i no longer put mattress in e living rm to cushion her fall. just let her crawl all over. Once only she bumped her head on e floor. And i realised ever since i let go, she's able to learn to pull herself up. she can evern stand w/o support for 1 min. PD oso encourage so that they baby can learn and discover. i know its diff to even bathe or pee when u're alone wif baby. i put baby in high-chair near e toilet door when i need to go or place e high-chair in kitchen when i cook.

groovy, change maid for a peace of mind. Babies can always train em but maids if they dun listen and respect u, then v diff to trust em.

Hi all

Still as busy and tmr is weekend so more busy !

GSM, thanks for reply. Seems like situation is improving as he is pooing less frequently these 2 days. COuld be guava that is causing him to poo more. :p

stella - take care. Heard from staff nurse in KKH that eat biscult before brush teeth in the morning will ease ms. Not sure work or not as I didn't have ms. I think no harm to give it a try although eating before brush teeth sound a bit weird to me.


Maybe bcos you are already in your comfort zone? Like you say lor, getting a good maid is a gamble. And if your next maid is really good, you will be banging your head and wondering why you never change earlier.

If you ask me, can never trust maid enuff, they will definitely put their own interest 1st. U scold her so badly this time, no guarantee that she wun revenge??!!!

Why dun you get transfer maid? Call up their ex-employer to find out why they were terminated? No waiting time required.

Or drop maid altogether and get a nanny?

Transfer maid then there'll be a chance to be like her..

She always talked about what happens in the lodging.. Like she said lots of maid actually hide their handphone. And she said Philipino maid always have handphone but Indo maid doesn't. She said even though handphone is important for communication

If new maid probably will be inside the lodging for a while only, not much chance to chit chat with other maid & gets the tricks to lie, etc..

Josie still has fever on & off. Next week hubby and I are going to go to agent to find new maid candidate and see whether there's a better candidate first or not..

This maid transferred 2 times, the first time is because she change the aquarium water tank, so the fish all died, so the employer return her in within 1 week.. The 2nd employer she said is very fussy, scold her for nothing. So she's the one asking to be transferred. When she came to my house, she has open wound on her palm, she said becoz the prev employer ask her to clean the toilet bowl using scrub, not the brush.. So her hand touchs the toilet cleaner until wounded..

From both experience now I know, 1) she doesn't follow instruction, 2) she's pretty selfish, doesn't want to face difficulties at all.

Another good thing of this maid of mine is: she doesn't eat much and she in the end offers to paid her own international calling card even though last time I said 1 mth I'll give her 1 for free.. So I let her paid. She's not that money oriented, because if we go together with her, and she bought things, she'll want to paid immediately and keeps reminding me that she still owes me..

When choosing transfer maid last time, I give their biography to my mom to choose and my mom actually didn't like her becoz she's a divorcee.. This time around I'll need to choose carefully the new maid, if there's any good candidate or not.. If I found no good candidate and doesn't pass my mom's eyes, maybe not and wait for another batch of new maid..


If u get transfer maid again, must call ex-employer to check why she was terminated. No point asking the maid bcos it is never their fault.

Hi Mummies,

I wanted to rant here... Feeling so sad & angry..my hubby took care of baby today and guess what? Baby fall off the bed!!! The bed was about 120cm high..!! I was devastated when I came to know of the news. Initially I tot my hubby was playing tricks on me. But bb did really fall off the bed. Now, I m afraid that he might suffer internal injury..how??? Feel really sad & teary ... But baby seems fine, still laugh & chuckle.

ZuEn> Did the agent allow us to call ex-employer? Becoz agent is the one saying this one is transferred becoz of what etc.. Will do so if the agent allow. Thanks for informing me..

I prefer new maid though, hoping that they are less corrupted by their stay in lodging. huhu..

Because transfer maid can also be grouchy, keeps saying they are transferred so their debt increases again and again. My maid always said she's being sold by the agent. ZZZzz.. I'm the one saying it's her choice, and the salary of maid here is very high if we convert to Rupiah! U know what, the average maid salary in Indo might be still less than $100 a month.

It's just true that the agent here collects lots of money from the maid and from us!

Claudia> Check for bump on the head. If no vomiting, no change of behavior (like fever, lose appetite), that means baby is okay.. Monitor till a few days..

Claudia> Here's to share from the slip I get from Mt Alvernia A&E dept for closed head injury. (if he falls down and bump his head)

Monitor if he:

- keeps falling down

- Irritable and keeps crying

- does not want to eat or drink fluids

- abnormal sleepiness or difficulty in waking up

- continued vomiting, especially while at rest

- confusion or disorientation or other unusual behavior

- double vision, blurred vision, slurred speech, weakness or numbness

- difficulty in walking or balance problems

- no improvements of symptoms in 24-48 hours

- seizure.

Hopefully your boy is okay..

Thanks groovy.. Apple is the fault, hubby so engrossed in his ipad2..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my intuition is quite accurate, I can forsee my baby falling off the bed as the night before, I dreamt of my bb falling off the bed but I didn't manage to salvage the situation. I shouldn't entrust my hubby to take care of baby.. Now I m really afraid that bb might suffer any internal head injury as the height of the bed is rather high..now he seems normal , can eat , can drink, can play, can laugh, can giggle, can baby talk. I hope he is ok, felt so worried for him..Sob


I m also having this maid issue. I think I shld just stop employing maid for a while. Anyone went to nation maid agency before?


Yup, can call up ex-employer. In fact, e new family who took e maid that I returned called me up to check.

I supposed there are some good maids who are returned. At least u wun hv to train them. New maids are clean slate but definitely require more training.

Hi all,

Recently busy and coz office under renovation, I am sharing a table with one of my colleagues so not so convenient to come online.


Dun be too upset. My son fell off the bed once too - under my hubby's watch. I felt very bad too but my son is well.


I think its time to change maid. I was quite upset when I had to change maid too coz the maid is with me for 7 years already but when I got down to processing the change (i.e. looking for a new maid), I started realising how much I "accepted" just because of the reluctance to change. I realised that there were so many things that I don't like and am not happy with but just accept coz can't change her (say also no use). I just keep telling myself she can look after the kids rather well so just close 2 eyes. Take the first step ba.


I been to nation. Find their quality of maid so so. They just give u data and expect u to call and interview them yourself they don't really look into your need and do proper matching.

Tried 2 maids under their package in the end both so lousy. So I made alot of noise and got back my 2k plus after 2 months of chasing!!!


my boy cried for a short while and he soon laughs, hopes he's really well..


I received letter from MOM already..haha, cos this is my 4th maid..i really dont know how?? This 4th maid also like to pretend pretend with me, alway tell me she dont understand what am i saying and told me she lost her sense of smell..she wash my boys stuffs all very smelly..and she didnt even know if my boy poo while carrying him..resulted in red patchy backside..haiz...really dont know if i shld change maid again..i just want someone who is willing to learn and love my baby..


I heard that MOM is more sympathetic towards family with young kids.

I dont think MOM will bar even if we cross the limits lah. Otherwise, just see MP lor. They want mummies to work, right?

Mrn All!

Claudia, hope your boy is ok.

Groovy, think it's best to change your maid. So scary, nowaday seems can't get a hood helper ya!

I'm feeling very unhappy recently. Been always working late and late hm. Definitely I see the lacking of time spent w my boy lo. Been wanting to quit but I still yet to find another work. I can b jobless tempoary but I feel insecure financially. Very vexing! Blue.....


Dont be sad, your boy should be fine. My girl also fell off from the bed and sofa twice! Feeling heartache too but she is still doing fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can enlighten me what is this MOM letter for? Maid no good also cannot change?


I cant find the last tube of the cream think already used up. Nevermind i have already gotten my friend to send me more, once i have it i will definitely send to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cheer up babe! Is there anyway u can discuss this with your immediate superior? if not since u already wanting to quit why not quit now and just tighten your belt alittle while looking around for new job, u will be happier to be with denden and have more time to hunt for work? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

can i join this thread? my no 2 born in oct 2010 too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re maid issue: read lots of post regarding maid. i tried to hv maid but i couldn't keep her for more than 3 mths. really v unhappy with her so i terminate her n sent my no 1 to whole day cc. personally, i feel more comfortable with child care.

Hi mummies

Can I check with you if your bbs are getting cranky?? Sigh mine is like the complaint queen and super crybaby!!! A bit a bit will whine then it'll escalate to crying if not resolved. She is also going thru what I think is separation anxiety but not just with me. With anyone!!! Someone needs to b with her most of the time. Can faintz

hi suwaiwai

my no 2 is like this now. think she is teething too. yes. cannot leave her alone. me also dont know what to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies and Daddy


It really depends on lucky. But honesty and trust very important for me. Once I can't trust her very difficult to continue. My previous helper very good with children but not honest so i bite the bullet to change. Current one with me about 1 month, I need to change too. Cos she can't adjust to the fast work pace in SG, can't manage my gal who is 5 yrs this year. The latest reason she gave is allergic to my dog, her body will itch. Back to selection of maid. Never easy to train and retrain but if can't trust i have no peace of mind to leave my kids under their care even though my mil is with us.

cranky bb

Suwaiwai, hope it is a pasting phase lah. Cae also like that. Worst when he is unwell. Always want to be carried. Are you alone taking care of her? Can someone help you out for a few hours?

BBlin, hope you can get a job soon and quit!

Claudia, oh no. Hear already also heart pain. Glad that he is ok.


Hang in there, my girl born in early Oct is also more aware of her surroundings and going thru separation anxiety. In the daytime, she used to be able to play for 1hr all by herself, now, she needs companionship most of the time. Maybe its nature's way of ensuring their safety too since they are so mobile and also need our supervision most of the time. And I will console my hb (she used to sleep thru but now wakes up at 4am to play and needs attention, read its also a manifestation of separation anxiety)who cannot sleep well now that I read separation anxiety is an important social development for our bbs, without it, we need to worry. So cheer up k!

