(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Shin, i juz popped into the forum and read abt your frustrations. sorry to hear that but i can totally understand how u feel. probably u hv caught ur hubby at a wrong timing?

anyway, i agree with you abt child's safety. seriously u wont wan any bad stuff / accident to happen to aedan. now i understand accident can happen anytime anywhere and its so fast that we as a parent cannot have time to react.

over the weekend, my gal knocked her forehead against our coffeetable right in front of our eyes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] a huge patch of redness and baruku on her forehead. now still slightly blue black. we felt so sorry for her and very guilty. so like u, i m thinking of all possibilies and ways to prevent it from happening. now my hubby dares not to leave her alone on the mattress. maybe u can highlight to your hubby that a knock on head or whichever area is not a small joke, especially when they are so young.

its very stressful to be a full time SAHM, though rewarding but very tiring too. therefore i m super grateful and appreciative to my mum who can be the main caregiver.

Shin, in short, take a break whenever u need it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u deserve the break [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Marrissa, we were on long flight fr France back to SG connecting flight so 4 take off and landing and during take off and landing, twice and thrice she was sleeping so Hubby say let her sleep. I cld not wake her up to latch too. But eventually she is okie.

Hello Happy_Ocean. My baby is 8mths and cannot sit nor crawl yet.

suiwaiwai. Mentally I am quite exhausted too althou Hubby been helping alot. Every Fri I will already start dreading Monday cos Time flies, weekend is use to catch up on sleep and seem like time flies so fast, most of the time is gone.

Shireen, I shld be the one sitting opp you with Hebe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shin, sometimes guys have different kind of thinking.

Maybe you shld think of alternative care so that u can have a little bit of me time. Try to find some help?

Shin, I think after having kids, couple might tend to argue more if they have different parenting style. Try to find a win win solution, and make him realise how tired it is to look after Aedan.

thanks groovy.. she seems to be better now with her 'blue-black' diminishing. but still very heartache to see it and recalled her cries. goodness... it was very horrendous. i can feel her pain too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

apple, agree with u after hving kids will hv disagreement more than often. this is inevitable and babygalore is right that main reason cos they arent the primary caregiver.. cld not understand the 'tireness' As they grow older and get more active, it will be even more challenging.

so sometimes hubby take care bb over the weekend, he knows how challenging it is to care for a kid now. hahaha! really... must make them 'work' =P

Morning mummies.

Been long long time since i logged on.

Shin, sayang sayang. Man can be thoughtless at times! Why not you suggest your hb to take one or 2 days leave and take care of Aedan himself, probably this way he can understand your needs to get a playyard. If not, tell him to look after Aedan fully by himself during wkend? Its really not easy to look after active baby at this stage. Safety is of utmost impt at this stage due to their mobility. Dont worry I'm sure things will work out for him and you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shin ...

Pls tell your hb that scientifically the baby spacious awareness are still developing hence they have no idea that the bed is no longer level and hence they will fall off the bed and even if they crawl on the floor and come to a hole, they will not stop cos they have not learned that they will fall into it and even if they fall into it ... they will not learn the next round cos their brain is not ready for them to procress such information till they are bigger. They see things in 2D and not 3D if you get what I mean. Hence the importance of us parents coming in to set a boundary for them to learn and explore. The play yard is afterall bigger than a play pen.

I am just guessing ... is your hubby 'stressed' over the fact that he is the only one working and bringing in the money? Hence he is trying to be careful and manage the finance?

How about find 1 day when just the 2 of you ... sit down nicely and discuss to agree on the limits/rules etc on how you want to bring up the child? And it may be good to just say what YOU think (dun bring in example of how your friends do it and what expert says etc) works and hear him out cos all of us grow up differently and our own parents' way does have an influence on us as well.

Dun let this affect the relationship as a child is suppose to bond the couple closer and not the other way.



I have a better suggestion. U go tour for 3 days in Bangkok with ur friends then tell ur hb to take leave take care of him. By the time u come back he perhap tell u to go buy playyard. Must let him 24hrs take care then he will know how tired we can be. Aiyoh I mean ur hb said we treat our kids like dog, not say u lah.

I feel we must control our kids n discipline them fr early stage if not next time they will behave like monkey outside, running n jumping like nobody business.


Ya, get ur hb to look after aedan n he will know how tiring it is. Give me a choice and I will be a ftwm anytime lor.

I also agree on safety 1st. When dd n Isaac fell on the bed, we were so guilty towards them.


I understand how u feel. My hubby also like ur hubby. I come in to the forum lesser now though I have maid but the maid is of no help at all..I have to wake up early in the morning bring my boy go market to buy ingredient to cook porridge for him, come back got to bathe for him, entertain him. Then mil everyday want to go out. I wake up at 7am, 12am then sleep, everyday I doze off before my boy. Really tiring but it's my boy who keep me going..I've change 4 maids already, all Myanmar maids, I really don't like myanmar maid but my mil they all insists though they may be stupid but won't anyhow. But really make u vomit blood & I realise most Myanmar maid don't like children. I feel really swarmed.. & tired.. Looks so haggard now..anyone knows of any agency who i can approach ? As my friend recommends a Filipino maid to me, but I have to do up all the paperwork myself. Anyone know of any agency to intro. I wld like to join for most of the gathering, but alway got stranded at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] got maid also so tired. Myanmar maid not willing to learn ...don't like kids

hi mummies


hugz! dont cry ok? sahm are the most wei da! and sadly Men can never understand.

i bought the playard for Maeve at month 4 and to tell you the truth i think she has developed in many ways. i do not agree that it's caging.

on weekends, early morning she will kwai kwai play in her cot (adjust to lowest level) for half hour, i take time to wash up and stuff. then put her in yard, bout half hour she will play alone. if she makes noise then i come into the yard and play/sing/read to her. i also rented the exersaucer and she will sit in there and see her favourite dvds or tv shows, max about 45 mins she will make noise, then i pick her up or i simply just stick around beside her. i cannot imagine not having the yard/exersaucer.

how can we ever 20 hours carry bb? isnt this even more bad for their development??? i have heard of cases toddlers fall down knock head and go into coma. this is what we are afraid of. talk to him. reason out with him. i hope Men can understand us mothers more.

i know your hub bring in the bread so maybe more stressed. let him know it is not easy on your side also. Hugz! dont cry...


hugs!! dried your tears already?? husband and wife will always argue over childcare. my hubby and i had rows over jadelyn also. but we always manage to work things out and i'm sure you and your hubby will too. men always say hurtful things without thinking out of anger. he probably feels bad also. give him and yourself time to cool down and talk again tonight. cheer up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i managed to get the diapers!! you went too??


ouch! poor baby! that must have hurt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] time for all of us to child-proof the house. i haven't done anything yet, keep procrastinating..

re: playard

i wanna get it too. my mom has been asking me to get one to place my babe in. she's very curious and wanna explore/eat everything. dangerous for her. so better to 'cage' her up than exposing her to dangers which we will all regret later.

re: treating children like 'dogs'

remember the issue with the child-harness where a lot of locals say parents using this are treating their kids like dogs?? i personally think i rather 'treat them like a dog' for a short moment than risk losing them.

Good Afternoon mommies and Ian![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Its been a long while since i last posted here!HOw is everyone?


If ur girl doesnt wanna latch,just let her cry to release the pressure...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but not all babies will experience ear blocked unless the bb/person is having flu[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Have fun![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hugs!I totally understand you,however i also think that you should find a better solutions to this....like what Jasmine had said it could be something doing with monetary that your hb is facing..not saying that you can't afford but the burden of being a sole bread winner can sometimes brings stress to himself then to the family esp money kept flowing out.

I am sure your hb don't mean what he said by locking Aeden is like a DOG!Sometimes out of anger harsh words might just spurt out accidentally![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Maybe for him ...having a BOY is to let him venture n explore n not over protecting them by blocking all the obstacles..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]Unfortunately,Men don't think like the mothers!He is not totally wrong in some ways.I really hope that when u have a chance to discuss further on this ,you will see what he is really trying to put across..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe if you could get a pre-loved items at a cheaper price and let him see the usage of it while u cook n prepare Aedan's food...then he will slowly appreciate the playyard![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

always TRy TO puT youself in his shoes Too as a MEN/HB/FaTHER.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]MEn dun really know how to express themselves nicely[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You have playpen rite?Why not use that as his play area?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I really hope you will find a better solutions....dun take it too hard[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]We have different ways of bringing up our kids..there's where arguments starts..but hey,its away to learn n love one another too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]HUgs..take care k...


we feel the same way too.

especially for me, I really thank to him. as I have a low lying placenta (major), I had a bleeding since 28weeks. since then, I had to be on fully bed rest and had to hospitalized on and off.

whenever I hospitalized, he takes care of me although he doesn't need to (coz I stayed at C-ward before my actually delivery).

He is such a kind and caring person. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He made a right decision for my delivery too.

yeah.. yeah.. MS is very difficult to handle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hope MS time flies very fast for u. take care!


*hugs hugs*

I can understand for u. I alone had been taking care of baby during my maternity leave. taking care of baby/child with no helping hand is not an easy job. He may be stressful at his work. how about trying to discuss with him again when he seems relax.


how is she now? hope she is fine.


how are you? missing u as I can't see ur green words.

vivian>i have just checked with CS..they say one way to get around is to make payment 1st, as the redemption requires the receipt~

starry & angelkkk

ya she is okay now. her daddy was extremely worried! LOL! heartwarming to see his reaction la. =P

anyway now trying to gently rub her blue black area so that it doesnt hv any clot there lo. super heartpain to see her 'injuries' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] well, can only blame ourselves for being careless ba. imagine our guilt-stricken we were... she hurt herself right in front of our eyes. SIGH!

Hi mommies,

I have a brand new mama love sarong sling carrier w/o packaging for sales.

Selling for $25 (RSP: $60+ at kiddy palace)

can contact me at [email protected]


Guess I m not the only one feeling down. Guess there r good days m bad ones har. Was soooo tired that day. feeling so lousy then. But much better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shin, i'm sahm too so i totally understand y u wanna yet a play yard . i was considering one too but no space at my current rental plc. Will definitely get one when i move to my new home. If not home to get any work done?? There r some play yards that resembles those lit tikes toys. They dun look like a 'cage' at all. Can recommend tis to yr hb.

I think it is hard for our hbs to understand how it feels like to b 24hrs w bb. I told my hb once even if u busy at work, if you need to poo, you can drop every thing to go toilet. I have to tahan and schedule when I can go toilet. If not I have to endure hearing crying and maybe screaming if I just rush to toilet there n then.

Someone (I can't rem who) said she use stroller at hm. I tried that too. Now I use the high chair and move her in it. Sometimes she like some times she cry. Sigh it's always a guessing game.

think other than me, shin n tiffy n princess d r sahm right? Anyone else?? Sorry can't rem Liao

isetan -private member sales 25 may wed.

Tangs -private member n citi bank card member sales 25 may wed.

Taka -member sales 26 to 29 may Thursday to Sunday!!

minced chicken, yes, my wet market chicken seller will minced it for me.


my hubby also refuse to buy the play yard.. He says baby will out grow it, so I lower my playpen n put my BB into it for any quickie such as toileting, make milk etc.. Alternatively, I also place my BB on the walker and tie the walker using a string

to the sofa legs to restrict BB movement when I need to walk away.. Children n BB get bored with things n toys easily n quickily so don't invest too much to prevent white elephant.. But if u see the need, then share with hubby ur intention n hear what r his views.

Cheer up, don't take it to heart n enjoy this up coming great Singapore sales!


I'm also a sahm. Can fully understand how it's liked to face baby alone at hm 24/7. Really sometimes need to tahan n let baby cry when need to go toilet lor. Luckily for me, bb can self entertain for a while and sit in his rocker or jumperoo. I'll on the tv for him to keep him occupied for a while.

Hey shin

Can try to rent play yard too. I was thinking of that option too. Scare like wat cherry said will become white elephant when bb outgrows it.

Actually I think i champion at creating DIY toys. Hehe my latest.. Those window envelopes.. Just tear out the window part of e envelope n gv to bb. Mine loves it cos it makes crackling sound.

Can also use chkn essence boxes to build tower or make into rattle if you put small cloth peg inside!! Me so cheapo hor. But I also think spend so much on toys then they only play for awhile so wasted. I bought those teethers, hiya she dun like them all. These free stuff, she likes! Haha

Re:play yard

Can sell it off in wts thread. Sure got buyer.


If no play yard, better to put them in play pen than high chair. At these stage, they can manage to topple if we did not watch over them.


Isaac loves to play with our tissue box, especially those in platic packaging. Then, he will proceed to entertain himself by pulling out the tissue one by one. Waste paper.

Hi angel

^^ im doing great!Everyday a new challenge for me!The girls are doing great too..just the lil one is more n more active n vocal just liek the rest of the babies here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How are you?


Yup..SAHM for 3.5yrs now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babies are exploring everyday and they gets bored with certain toys easily!Ur way of inventing a toy..its brilliant[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *clap clap*!

Meghan's fav still tissue box and remote control!No other toys beat that two things!!=.='''


thanks a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks a lot... we will definitely talk abt it lah... dont worry we will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah.. sometimes they dont understand that babies nowadays really like quite different. sometimes my mum always like to say "last time we also no need to do this and do that.. why u so mafan?" u know sometimes this kinda comments i dunno how to rebutt them... hais... thanks a lot for ur words [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i hope Nat is ok now! thats why i got rid of my coffeetable which is made of glass!!! and now the hazard is the tv console and that is fixed so i can only watch over Aedan instead. maybe ever since Aedan was hospitalised due to our negligence when he slipped off his stroller.. i have told myself that i would be extra careful no matter how kiasu it takes... i just wanna prevent and take precaution. Yah, the part that he says "let him knock liao then he will learn" is something I NEVER AGREE. they are still so young. sometimes i really wanna take a break too.. but things like making the boy sleep.. making sure he does his things on the right note... my hb and mil sometimes has no patience... sometimes lah... they always turn to me and say "ayha he dowan to sleep" or smtg like that.... so i take over again lor...


yah i totally agree that men sometimes do think differently i do respect that as well.. but if the concern was like "we really have no money.. is there an alternative?" and if he talks nicely... i would not have been so upset. rather.. i was upset at the words he says which i think doesnt make sense at all! yah.. after having a child... also tend to have more diasgreement...


thanks babe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

he totally understands how tired and difficult it is to take care of him. cos sometimes when i go out with my friends a while or during weekends he will help me out. only HELPING out he already complain. he always say to Aedan "ayha see lah... papa whole day entertain u only... i cannot even do my own things" ... and things like putting him to sleep.... my hb can get very impatient... i dont like it when he gets impatient with the boy cos i dunt think it helps the situation at all.. but dont worry lah... quarrel quarrel but everything will be ok lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah i told him already! i said.. how can the baby know such things? they are still too young to understand.. maybe when he's older like 1 yr old or what.. then slowly they become more aware mah... he says " YOu always say he is young.... next time until 30 yrs old.. you will still say he is young" .... u see... hear this type of things.. will angry or not. haiyo.

sometimes my hubby will be stressed that he is the sole breadwinner at the moment but usually this is not the case. he just thinks that all these things are just unnecessary.. Its the same as signing up the child for classes or enrichment or swimming sessions... these are things he thinks are totally redundant. and i cannot change his mindset on these..

thanks a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah we will be fine after we talk it out lah.. just that i dont like it that after we talk it out.... it happens after a while again and then he says things like "why isit you never listen to me? you forever will do tings that i never agree in the first place" .... and these are things that i have asked him to do before and he agreed eventually.


hahahhaha leave Aedan alone with hb? he will never agree man! plus going on holiday without him... he will never agree.. yah we must control our kids from young and discipline them the right manners but it takes small steps and patience... and right now.. i doubt they even understand what we says!!!! just need some time and slowly they will learn as they grow up... thats my stand...


huh.. why ur maid like everything also dunno? hmmm... i really cant advice u on the maid part cos i have no prior experience! hehehe.. but really hope u can find one that is of real help to u... cos its so impt!!!


thanks a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]he knows its not easy for me... but duno why sometimes i ask him to help or do certain things then he will hesitate so much. to the extent that sometimes i rather just do the things by myself and not depend on him. sometimes i really dont understand.


thanks babe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yah i agree men always say hurtful things when they are angry and suddenly after that they realised they shouldnt have said it. i thought that after so many times and so long... he should at least be thinking on the same line as me.. but sad to say... sometimes.. its a No. Regarding the play yard... BP is selling.. u can go check it out!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup i know being the only breadwinner is tough so i try and will not expect for things like having a maid or those sort of things... things that i ask for are like... proper bed for me and Aedan... proper chair or rocker for him to sit on... if can save money, i will borrow from friends or rent it. of cos i know its tough for him working and earning the money...

the part abt having a BOY is totally so true!!! he always say " He is a BOY LEH! dont need to be so protective lah!" I say.. yah.. when he is older and can udnerstand things.. its ok.. but now we need to teach and take care of him...but dont worry!!!! we will quarrel then it will be fine lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i will leave Aedan in the playpen or exersaucer or his rocker now. but his attention span is so short that he doesnt like to stay too long in a certain "toy"... so when i bathe or cook for him or go toilet... everything must chop chop!


hahahh thanks a lot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the GSS is so tempting but i cannot shop so much leh!!!! no allowance... hehehe.. not working leh.... yup i wanted to share things out with him but his words like "you want you go ahead and do it... i dont agree" pissed me off! wahahhaha

anyway.. thanks you ian and all mummies! i am so touched!!!!! heheheeh... really really touched for all ur words, kind encouragements and concerns. dont worry i am fine now! i might have been angry and upset with my hb but at the end of the day.. he is still a great hubby and papa lah!!! it's just certain times where we have different opinions and it happens to everyone... so we will definitely work it out! thank u everyone *hugs*

Shin, u r most welcome!! That's why thank god for this forum on all sorts of encouragement. Nat's blue black is recovering nw. When I get the chance I will try to rub it but she will turn her head to the side to avoid the rubbing. Lol.


actually my friend's mum says that to make sure the blue black goes away.. have to really rub immediately after the knock... dont care whether painful for them or not.... just rub with zambak (dunno how to spell it)... and it will disappear faster. hhehee.. dunno how true lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hugs! Hope u r feeling better now. Cheer up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Majority of myanmar maids do not know how to take care or handle children, they prefer to work for employer with no children or grown up children. Indonesian maid is more responsive than myanmar maid. U should let your mil knows that we should judge on ratio of quatity, majority of them here are indo and philipino of cos we will see more bag eggs as compared to myanmar. How so sure that myanmar maid will not anyhow?? Its all the same. I always believe that is the way how we treat them and to be firm on instructon what's right what's not right from the start. Training a maid is not a 1 day event, patience is needed as they are not used to our pace especially those just came out from village, i was like u vomit blood too and it took me months to train my maid. Now she can handle my 2 babies indepedently. My neighbour asked me how come my maid so good but she already changed 5 maids, she told me she stupid simple thing also dont know how to do only know how to eat. I will never scold my maid stupid so i asked her what is her maid routine and i came to realise that her maid has not given enough food to eat. I always tell my maid we all have different expectation, she has to learn to know my needs, and i will take care of her needs too, during the learning process sure bounds to have errors, but nevermind learn from mistake. Usually our maid will serve us but how many of us will actually serve them at times? There was once when i served her just a glass of water, the next day she made my favourite sandwich to bring to work. BTW, she was sent back to agent by her previous employer before i picked her, her previous employer complained that she cant work and cook, now she does all the house chore, she can cook a decent family meal for us and babies, she bath, feed, play and pat my babies to sleep when i at work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have a regular agent that does all paperwork for me, u can PM me if u interested. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The cream that i passed to starry is SILKRON from korea. It was recommended by my Korea friend as her kids has eczema and it has done her wonders for couple of years. I used it for bb rashes previousy especially her neck fold, just applied thin layer and rashes gone the next day, for me it works better than any other cream. I think i still have balance 1 new tube but i got to search cant remember where i left it, pm me your address, i send to u once i found it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya high chair is quite dangerous. My nephew can climb outta it!! They r gymnast naturally, space so small in high chair n yet can still worm their way outta it. I dun leave her alone in it. But will just carry her in it with me to kitchen so that I can wash up etc. Usually she is next to me so I can see her and b near her. Otherwise in living rm, she'll be on the playmat or exersaucer

Alamak I forgot abt tissue box. Why they like it sooo much?? Mine loves it too. She bangs on it so happily hehe

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb your thread.

I have 25 packs of EBM to give away (dated from Early April 2011). Reason for so is I am expressing my milk daily and now, my freezer is full- gotten clear space for newer ebm.

Just some additional information:

- I am a chinese mummy who delivered my daughter on 18 Jan 2011

- Since birth, my daughter is on total breast milk. Cos of that reason, after latching my daughter, I pump out the balance milk (to store for rainy days esp when I go back to sch)

- FYI: I am a non smoker. Besides that, I am strict on my diet: no coffee, no tea and no spicy food and I take fruits daily

- The breastpump that I use is Avent and I sterilize it using Avent sterilizer before pumping. And after pumping, I use Kodomo Cleanser for Baby Bottles and Accessories to wash the breastpump

- As for the breastmilk, it is stored in Boots milkbag

- On average, 1 milkbag contains 9oz of breast milk.

Self collect at my house- Bt Panjang (Fajar).

PS: Pls bring along your own cooler bag and ice pack.

If you are interested, pls contact me directly at 8421 5286.


I guess i have no luck in employing a maid. i've been looking for a decent maid since pre pregnancy days till now still dont have a maid that will stayed long with me. I know where the problem lies with. Communication barrier. I can't communicate with Myanmar maid! They really don't like children and working attitude is really bad. I never believe in scolding them too but if u treat them nice, they climb over your head, totally unappreciative.


What nationality is your maid? Thanks!! Please send me ur agent details. Really hope to find a good maid whom i can trust and take care of my maid else i cant rest my mind at ease and go back to work and ended up i do everything by myself as i dont trust the maid. I coop myself up at home now as i cant set my mind at ease when i go out hence i quit my job to take care of my boy.

Oh no.. These 2 days my baby's stools are solid. Why is this so? Tot baby's stools are supposed to be mesh or liquid form. Dont know is it bcos I hv just switched her to enfapro 2.


PMed you my mailing addy liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I haven found anything that can tame Isaac's eczema yet. Recently just saw some cream on BP that claims to tame eczema. I hope that cream helps. I am forever buying cream and testing them on Isaac.


Isaac has a thing for tissue box and remote control too. Haha. Wat's with the babies.


Congrats on your baby girl. Saw your fb post. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess d, zuen,

Babies like cheapo toys huh?? Gd for us! Jadelyn also loves the remote controls and huggies plastic diaper box. Will keep her entertained for quite a while. She bangs it, knocks it ard, open and close the lid. Lol!


Thanks! I'm excited. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


have you tried your breastmilk on his eczema?i have very bad rashes on my hand,what i do is to apply breastmilk on it, after that wash it off with water and soap...it seems to help..maybe u can try

Ange> If u have given your baby solid food, then the stool might be solid too..

Ever since I give solid food, my baby's poo is solid, even though she's still on total breastmilk.

As long as your baby didn't have difficulties passing stool (didn't cry when trying to poo), I guess it's okay..

mummies who are still expressing milk> just wondering, if you already have supply less than demand, such that you need to use the frozen EBM that u store previously, will you freeze some of your fresh EBM and use the frozen one instead just to replenish the frozen one or not?

Did your baby still drink lots of milk?

Josie everyday drinks around 700-900 ml, but we usually put 150-160 ml each bottle (6 times - 900 ml everyday) :S.. Wasted quite a lot of milk. But she sometimes finish sometimes not finish, so we dunno to reduce or not.. My supply now only 800-840 so every few days I need to take my frozen EBM already.


Morning mummies ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shin, i thought of zambak too. but hor my gal likes to rub her eyes.. so since the blue-black is pretty near to her eyes area, i dare not to apply the zambak lor. but hor, my mum told me not to let the bb sleeps immediately after any knocks.. so i kept my gal entertained for a while b4 putting her to the bed..

