(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Wed meeting

Not sure whether i can join... have other appt on that day but not yet confirm..

Have fun mummies....!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The photo looks so sweet... looks like he/she is very comfortable slouching inside ur tummy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care okay.



I buy ikea bibs.. not bad..

The plastic one, then in front will add cloth bib too. So double protection.. hehe...

Ikea also has cloth bibs.


I hvnt got the time to check on svc centre location. But I heard it's at toa payoh too. My pump didn't 'died' as in completely cannot work. But suddenly it made a funny sound and no suction!! The funny sound was so loud it woke my hb n bb!!! Tried to take out the parts n reassemble again but still got the sound.

When I compared the motorpart to my cous in law motor, I realize it that bit that 'pumps' the diaghram that is spoilt. I dunno how to describe, the bit that goes up n down when pumping, mine didn't come down anymore. So cannot connect with sicilone diaghram.


Must take care ok! Don't carry heavy stuffs. Hope Jadelyn guai guai and don't stress mummy too much! Heh!

I go back Msia during cny too. Very boring for me but it's quite fun for the kids because of the firecrackers!


Really felt traumatic reading what you went through. 100% will happen again? Even if you take extra care? That's very stressful.... Since dragon or not doesn't really matter then you can take the time to get yourself ready. Horse and goat also not bad! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have a dragon, 2 goats, 1 horse & 1 tiger at home. And I love them all! Haha~


that's not all.. Still kana placenta prévia so c section!!!

Now still so fat with a container truck spare tyre and losing hair... Think factory better close tight tight..

Hi starry,

pls take care of yourself and rest well.

My boy's fever is finally gone! But he still has the diarrhea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] we are still waiting for the result of the poo analysis but doc is sayin that his body is slowly fighting whatever virus was attacking it. And if the fever is gone, hopefully the diarrhea will go away soon too.

I wanna ask you mummies if you start introducing sippy cups to your babies.

loca, my boy just started on porridge on saturday, jsut started feeding him water using spoon. But bought a sippy cup, took it out, washed..going to start using soon!


Need so long to get the result?

I rem that my PD always ask me to stop FM and turn to soy milk whenever my girl LS.

How is the blood test results for his allergy?

By the way, I was at vitakids yday and the sales was telling me that Omega oil (oral) is helpful to tame eczema, but have to be at least 6 months old to take the oil. So far, Isaac only started cereal, so I am waiting for him to be older before I try the omega oil. I am still unable to tame his eczema. Haiz.

morning mommies & ian!


white dog cafe sounds great! see wat other mommies say.


pls tk care. nice scan. bb so cute! making stroking chin helping u to think how to disturb chao ah lian! whahaha


glad tt ur boy fever is gone, hope he gets well soon from the diarrhea!

i hv not tried sippy cup yet, now still hving fun making all the solids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh yes, i wanted to ask if u all hv probs logging into FB?

i cnt access since last fri! even if i managed to get in, i cnt update the latest feeds.

FB from iphone / pc same prob!

the only thing i can do it upload pics or status from my own profile page lor!! arrrggghhh!!

Morning mummies,


Take care and have ample rest.

I also have not try sippy cup. Maybe will go and buy one soon.

Mummies can share your porridge recipe? Want to trydifferent variety.

Went to Sembawang Shopping Center (SSC) yesterday after church.

Didn't realize actually the shuttle bus to Woodlands is different than the usual shuttle bus!!! It's written Woodlands Transport instead of carrying SSC logo! Actually we queue for the bus before the bus goes off but we don't realize it! Sigh!!!! Then we need to wait another 25 minutes for the next bus? Like wasted 40 minutes of our time :'(

SSC doesn't have any clear sign on the shuttle bus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. No sign at the back of that Woodlands Transport bus, some more, there are 2 Woodlands Transport bus when we are queueing, so we thought it's not the shuttle bus..

Some more it's night time already. huhuhu..

I carry Josie all the way, since we don't bring stroller. Huhu.. Now like whole body ache.. :S

Momotan try delete yr fb in iPhone then download again. See if it works [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning everyone.


White Dog is good. Its quite baby friendly. I had a gathering there with the mummies from my #1's thread. Many mummies, many babies, many strollers and yet the staff were still friendly. They were very helpful in getting hot water for the mummies who needed to warm up milk/make milk.


Hope your boy gets well soon. As with #1, I am not gonna introduce sippy to my son. Using open rim cup - am using Doidy cup.


For porriage, my Stock - carrots, corn, potato and chicken. For ingredients, as I am still at the introducing 1 food per 3 days stage, I will add this food into the porriage, cook together till soft then blend the whole mix. Can use potato, carrots, corn, sweet potato, pumpkin, green vege, slowly move on to meats also.


I hv a fren who has ezema n her son also. She started him on lacto gg n apparently it is working. May be u wanna ask online shop babymeadows about it. Hope it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, ian! something good to share. app store kindergarten.com flash cards are all for FREE this month! go download for your little ones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just realized that i am really blur... my appointment for oscar is actually on wednesday but i overlooked and thought it was thursday! so blur... luckily hubby reminded me. if not we happily go to work and forgot all about it le.

i will be taking halfday leave on wed for the oscar appt so probably can meet you ladies at vivo after all!! and it's so near NUH! muahaha!! my appt is at 4pm, i can leave vivo at ard 3.15pm. woo hoo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Since Starry can make it for Vivo, shall we stick to Vivo then?

White dog restaurant

Address: 1 Harbourfront Walk, #02-131/132 VivoCity, Singapore

Meet at 12pm onwards

1. Princess Diamond

2. Seabreeze

3. Starry

4. Momotan

5. Apple (??)

6. Snoppy (??)

7. Shin (??)

Keep the list going, will call and make reservation tom =)

you all bringing babies? i definitely won't be! but would love to meet up with the lovely babes and hunks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mommies n Ian

I just woke up from nap since 1.30pm! How good was that to have hb at home??!! Lolita been awhile....


I'm okay with anywhere la.. If settle with vivo then make reservation...


Wow! Okay okay, come n eat with us then go NUH! Heeee.....

I ll leave around 4pm too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It was seabreeze idea to meet there...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me not been to white dog ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] since it's proven to be children friend,y, then just stick to there la... Anyway not many will bring bb oso.....*raise hand* I'm one of them!


I'm sick of fb !! Cannot view comment n the posting settings is sucks!using iPad n iPhone ! Both the same!!!!!!!!!!!


That's great!!! Hope he fully recover soon n cont to feed him more fluid!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I ve started Meghan with sippy cup but always ended up bitting the spout cos that girl is tbf! Refused btl![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I'm coming for the outing...bringing Lucas. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now to figure out the route. :p

White dog restaurant

Address: 1 Harbourfront Walk, #02-131/132 VivoCity, Singapore

Meet at 12pm onwards

1. Princess Diamond

2. Seabreeze

3. Starry

4. Momotan

5. Apple (??)

6. Snoppy (??)

7. Shin (??)

8. Emmie + BB Lucas

Keep the list going, will call and make reservation tom =)

I hate FB on iPhone too!! Really sucks. But cannot do without also. Love and hate!

I'm having good old indian mutton soup now. Damn nice! Too long nv eat already. What a treat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad u bringing Lucas. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wanna meet handsome boys. Haha!

hey mummies! Yup I'm coming for gathering on Wed! Will bring Aedan! But will be late cos can only come after my PT cleaner leaves [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can't wait to see the babies!!! And of cos meet the mummies. Hehe

Hello everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes! Come come! Wanna say hi to ur lil beanie too! ^^

I think u saw emmie bringing Lucas?

I'm bringing mine too. Hahah! The 2 Lucas can tk foto together!

Is jadelyn coming??


Bring Meghan & jade le.

I hv not met ur 2 cutie pies before.


Really hate it!

Not sure why I cnt access it v wifi, only 3G!

Last time no such probs.

Hi Zuen,

yup..they are very very slow..sometimes really can drive me crazy. Blood test result came back ok. supposedly no allergy to anything they tested for. But hor..now doctor ask me to bring him for prick test in 1 mths time and only to check for milk allergy. Strange lor..if result positive still must do prick test..then might as well just do the prick test from the start right?

Doctor advising us to still continue with the expensive milk (supposedly with broken down milk protein or something), the anti-histamine & the cream for 1 more wk.

After all the fever & diarrhea..now somehow his eczema no longer seem so worrying liao..hehe

White dog restaurant

Address: 1 Harbourfront Walk, #02-131/132 VivoCity, Singapore

Meet at 12pm onwards

1. Princess Diamond

2. Seabreeze

3. Starry

4. Momotan

5. Apple (??)

6. Snoppy (??)

7. Shin

8. Emmie + BB Lucas

9. Fifi (but will be abit late coz coming from office)

Keep the list going, will call and make reservation tom =)

How about having 2 gatherings?? One at Orchard & one at Vivocity. Then mummies can go according to their preference & convenience??

oops! Yeah, that was emmie's Lucas! Using iPhone do didn't see the nick, only saw text and assumed it was Momotan. Glad both hunks are coming!


Yeah, I wanna meet Aedan too. Hee!!

Re: orchard

I'm fine with that too, but may only join in a short while as Orchard's a lil' farther from NUH so gotta leave slightly earlier.

hi all

Baby was cry mode the whole yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nothing seems to please him - go out/home/car ride/food/play/carry sigh.. Luckily today he is rather ok (",)

Thanks for the recommendation on where to get bibs. Those that I can find on BP is not of my liking ... will look at your recommendations.

Hi to Stardust

Just keep trying and testing .. maybe your baby dislike cereal - try porridge or just plain marsh potates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry - do take care of yourself and do check in to hospital if there is a need. Your #2 really brings back those preg days memories [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, thanks for iphone applications - will ask hubby to download in his phone


good luck to you on selection of maid - its like tikum you need all the luck you can gather [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Loca - hope your baby get well soon. do take care of yourself at the same time as you need the energy to care for him.

Milk allergy - can baby take soy milk? the PD i seen previously said to take the expensive special milk forumla only if soy milk is not suitable.

I have started to give cow milk mixed with soy milk (as recommended) for daryl. so far so good .. keeping my fingers crossed as by following week it will be completely cow fm only!

Final conclusion on gathering

Marche at 313 - proven ideal for all n no need to worry abt spilting of bill @ 12pm onwards


1. Seabreeze

2. Princess diamond

3. Starry

4. Snoppy + bb

5. Shin + bb

6. Momotan + bb

7. Emmie + bb

Pls add on, sorry if I missed your name, surfing using the small miserable iPhone

I'll be there for the gathering. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Looks like we have a nice number. Looking forward to tmr!

I realized I shld have told those who knows abt my pregnancy to not mention it on FB. Now more and more ppl knows. Was planning to keep it low profile for a few more weeks. Sigh..

Morning mummies n ian..

If venue at 313 i mighy b able to join for lunch.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let u all know later.

My baby is getting so mobile i will b really tired during the day and at the end of the day....

He started to climb over ppl, pillow, bolster, anything that comes into his view...

And he is now not satisfied being inside carrier... will struggle a lot... gave me a headache when im alone shopping with him.. will stretch n shout in high pitch!!

But im happy for all his development..

And... I LOST 3 KG last week!!!! Wahaha.. was sick n super tired i think.. hope all the catching with him will make me lose more weight hehehe.. o

Im starting to give him 2 meals yesterday, morning n lunch.


Glad ur baby is better. Hope for his speedy recovery.

ann, you are good! u can still carry your boy in the carrier. my whole body gonna break when i carry my gal in it. shoulder ache, lower back pain. we still rely alot on stroller

Marche at 313 - proven ideal for all n no need to worry abt spilting of bill @ 12pm onwards


1. Seabreeze

2. Princess diamond

3. Starry

4. Snoppy + bb

5. Shin + bb

6. Momotan + bb

7. Emmie + bb

8. Iris

9. Dressaholic + bb

Starry ...

Nevermind lar ... tummy cannot hide one hahaha but eating mutton and beef are both fine as long as in moderation. The only 'problem' with mutton is that its higher in cholesterol so beef is a good option for iron and bigger bb hahaha


Morning to all the beautiful mummies!

Bright & shiny day!

Gathering, sorry ladies I can't make to this gathering got a meeting in the afternn. Will catch up on the next meeting. Can't wait to see all the lil handsome hunks and pretty babes!

Tiffy, confirm the EnfaPro sample that Meadjohson wil be delivering is 400g tin. Any mummies wana get the sample, go online to request, my suggestions is don't send sms. No response from them on sms de.

