(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Any mummies whose bb were prescribed nose drops to clear nasal congestion- bb gets more coughing?

Seem e case for my bb... Cld it be tat e medication is clearg up watever in e airway which was not cleared up at birth; bb at birth clear their airway during their first cry and maybe midwife do some clearing by doing suction, I think... Dun remember my bb had tat done


Thanks melissa for e article!

Re; Rocking baby to sleep

Stella, teoong. If its yr MiL, my prob is wif my own mother. She loves rocking n walking ard e hse to put my baby to sleep. I told her sooo many times not to. Its not helping me! Coz dun want my baby to get used to it as she sometimes wakes up 3-4x a nite. There is no way in hell im going to cradle her n walk ard e hse each time i haf to put her back to sleep at nite! Lucky my mom only come weekends but dat too i sit n watch her play wif baby.

Stella, i pity u. Mil case v tricky. If my own mom i can tell her not to do certain things but mil.. Hmm. But uve gotta take control. At e end of e day u r the babys mother, uve got e final say. This is y i refused to stay wif my mil. Shes like yrs. They too shiok wif baby, Dunno where to draw e line. Im going on holiday tmrw n she said to leave baby wif her.. Like huh? Y would. Wanna go holiday n leave my child behind? Not shy ah, even to ask me? Shes been bugging me to put baby there when im back to work but i scared she will b too attached to my baby when i want to take baby home she will play emotional blackmail n cry. N my hubby is mamas boy type. Im sure he will gif in to her. Before any of dat happens id better make a wise decision

Anyway i hope u dun haf to put baby in infant care. But if yr mil is still stubborn (i dun tink she will listen to yr instructions esp when ure at work) yes best alternative is infant care.

Stella, if u dun want to mil to feed baby fm then dun keep one at home. I tink u haf more than enuf ebm stock in yr freezer. Dat way yr mil is forced to use yr ebm. I purposely never buy fm coz i know if one day theres emergency n i need my mom to take of baby she would simply feed my baby fm coz she pro fm one.

Hi mummies,

Was reading the thread with regards to mil problems.. For my case is my mil will be taking care of 2 kids when I get back to work. She is currently taking care of her grandson she dote alot.. The boy is the first bb in the family and everyone love him so much till he is like the king in the house. It's been almost 3 months my daughter join this family and the boy actually beat and pinch my daughter even when I am around. When I told my mil about that, her reply is he is still young donno anything 1, she even warn me that no one in the house is beat him only his parents and her. There is once he pinch my daughter till bleed and she just comment that bb will recover very easily and she don even wan to mention it to his mother cos she don wan him to get punish.. I am so worried wat will happen when I go back to work, will the naughty boy use things to throw at my daughter and poke at my daughter causes injury to her.. Whenever my mil carrys my daughter, he will make alot of noise wanted her to carry him instead. Guess wat, my mil will put my daughter down or pass her to others to carry.. I am so headache now, so worried of my daughter, till I donno wat to do.. My mil keep saying that she can cope with 2 kids but I don trust her.. I wish to work but at the same time I am worry about my daughter.. Am in the dilemma now.. Haiz..


I suggest taking no pay leave instead of resign. Then either get a maid or look for a good infantcare.

Re: MIL/Mum

Parents often have a different way of thinking compared to us and they are desperate for the kids to love them most. I find that sometimes its better for other people to tell them and not us. My MIL love to bribe my daughter with toys, sweets, etc although I don't allow. Heng, my husband can tell her off that if she bring too many toys and distract my daughter from eating/sleeping, we will throw all the toys out. He did once too. I took the cue from him and warn her not to bring sweets, etc else she suffer the wrath of my husband. My own mum also like to play with my daughter even when its sleeping time. I chase her away many times already saying that if my gal dun sleep and end up cranky, the one who suffer is me, hinting that if that happens, I will ban her from coming over. Heng she is scared of that. Bottom line, gain the control no matter what. Some people may say we are not filial but I still maintain that I need to protect my kids who cannot protect themselves. Parents can protect themselves.


I suggest you do not let your MIL look after your daughter. The boy is not old enough to know any better and your MIL is not gonna protect your daughter. Accidents do happen. Consider maid or infantcare.

Agree with Fifi, there was an incident at my MIL's relative side where a 2 yr old boy stepped on his infant brother and the infant brother suffered from serious brain damage and could not grow up normally. Better be safe than sorry. I know that a lot of money could be saved if MIL or mother take care of baby but try not to compromise on safety and upbringing cos we will be the one to suffer for the next 50 years or so.

Stella, Oh ya i agree wif fifi, is better for someone else to talk to yr mil than yrself. Is there anyone besides yr hubby that u can talk to n also close to yr mil?

For me i complain to my aunt ie. My moms elder sis. Coz she took care of 5 grandchildren before so she knows better. My mom has no experience taking care of children, even when my siblings n i were young, we were taken care by Our grandma. Now everytime my aunt sees my mom keep cradling n walking ard e hse wif sofea, she will scold my mom to stop doing so coZ in e long run i will suffer!

Marrissa: I'm not really close to my hb side of e family except his cousins but I hardly think my mil wil listen to someone younger no matter how experienced. She only listens to her dr quack friends! Everyday gossiping on e phone bat how she shd take care of my son... If not gossip at the market w e stall holders. Everyday come hm w a new piece of advice. Typical auntie la.

Fifi and Elle, I had a maid for 2 months there is alot of complains on her and she was caught stealing money so i had to send her back. Even when i had a maid, the boy also can hit the maid everyday and my mil just scold a little that's all. She keep telling us he just wan to play with her.. As for infant care, I am working retail hours, so it doesn't help. Think the only way is for me to quit the job and be full time mummy.. My poor daughter, she is so young and innocent..

Morn mummies:


I also find that it is so hard to hv the same views as PIL or even our own parents. When my PIL carry my boy, they also like to rock n walk here n there. Especially wen they sit down n he cries. Sometimes I just can't be bothered or I tell hb to tell them.

My MIL volunteered to take care of my bb n ask me to go bk to work, but I state my stand that I wan to take care on my own n I'm taking no pay leave for the time being. She nvr say much but I know in her heart she thinkin I sld work la. If nt her son suffer. I dun care. Anyway hb say let me decide Liao.

Feeling so sad that gt to keep throwing away my EBM. Cos j wen to extract wisdom tooth yesterday n dentist say can't breastfeed for 24hrs due to the local anesthetic. Hv been feeding my boy fbm. He dun really like bottle. N also I dunno how much to feed him. Any suggestions??

Last night he drank abt 100ml at 6+ then slept all the way till today 6am then wake up to drink leh. So weird lor. Mb he dun like the fbm so rather sleep. Haha. Gt fishy smell n taste leh.

Xin2, if yr hubby is ok, go ahead n take no pay leave. The 1st year babies grow v fast. So sayang to miss all e impt milestones. If circumstances allow, i would want to take care of my own child too, dun want to b a wkend mom.

Ladies haf u gotten yr 1st period? I thot i had mine last month but turns out was jus a tiny drop of blood. Till now no period.. Shd it b dis long?

Baby sick

Metta my bb also warded when he was 3 wks old. We didn't know tt he was not breathing normally. The pd took one look and said he's not breathing normally need to be warded. Nearly fainted. Tt time there were not much symptoms just tt he was sleeping alot, not wanting to drink much. Mummies I think we as mothers know best, as long as we feel something is wrong better bring see the experts. I was glad I sent him to pd fast even though wat I could say was A little cough, not wanting to drink. Tts all. Cos we nvr know when it's serious. My boy was warded for 5 days and for the first two days a nurse is attached to us to monitor his poo, urine and even feed him round the clock. Sigh that was how serious it was. Now I recall Also shiver. Dunno wat would have happened if delay sending him to pd.

Baby caretaker

My two boys going to be looked after by my mil. They moved in with us after my #1 born. It's really not easy esp many practices differ. U can say until saliva dry also can't change certain things. So it's really have to close one eye. Just have to remember that they dun mean any harm to our children, actually much safer than maid and care centers. But if there are other children who may "endanger" the bb then really may need to look at alternative arrangements.

MOrning mummies!

Xin2, I too found that FBM will have a little fishy taste de, it's okay, cos we still take fish or fish oil supplement mah. For me, I feel that we need to start to feed them some FBM at some feeds of the day, so that they can get use to FBM, otherwise if bb rejects FBM in future, it will waste our precious BM and efforts to store them. So now I do give bb FBM at least once a day, rather they take FBM than FM.

Marrissa, me too, I thought I had mine last week, but also tiny drop of blood, but was feeling like stomach cramp leh.. It depends on individual, some pple will get it even though they are still BFg, some wont until they stop BFg.


I vote for phl. Smarter n understand English, need lesser time to train. But they can b too street smart at times.

Re: caregiver

Haha, looks like I m not e only one having prob with my mum. I didn't expect things to b so difficult with my own mum. E last thing that I want is to hurt e r/s that I hv wif my mum lor.

Jus talked to my hb cousin. She told me that it's been proven that carrying n walking ard or rocking n bouncing bb will cause body fluids to backflow to the brain! Faint... It explains y our generation not as smart as kids these days. My mil rocks n bounces bb at each nap time n it's even more reason for me to not want a sarong cradle.

Stella, I also heard the same thing as you that rocking & bouncing will affects bb brain! Tht's why I'm against rocking bb to sleep, at most is pat baby to sleep!

Teoong: now I'm so worried lor coz my mil wun listen. Wen my boy was ard 8 weeks he can flip frm tummy to back easily. Now he can't anymore, like no energy to flip or forgot how. N he can't slp well keep waking up wen in e cot. Now he has dark eye circles. Only sleeps soundly wen we carry. Feeding frm 3 wks til now nvr increase milk intake, instead decrease. He is growing stil but slowly n I'm wondering if it's the rocking n bouncing m bad sleep habits that are causing it...


Filipino -> More intelligent but will want more day off, higher pay, and more materialistic.

Indonesian -> Usually less intelligent, language barrier but can have less day off and less materialistic.


Any neighbours that you can "twist" around your finger to help you give some "advice" to your MIL? i.e. stage something. Else bring your MIL to a PD with you and let the PD know that you need him to help explain to your MIL.


When I mean maid, I mean you employ one that you manage. The maid's sole responsibility is to look after your daughter. And you also have to step in with regards to the boy. If you see the boy hitting your daughter, etc, you scold the boy, discipline the boy. No such thing as no one can scold him. If the parents or your MIL step in, you have to be stern to let them know that you are not scolding the boy for nothing, he did something wrong and condoning it is bad for him too. He will end up a bully in school -> gang -> fight -> die or go into jail. Tell them straight that if they don't want to discipline from young, they are sending the boy to jail or to his death themselves. That will probably "worry" them abit.

In your case, then no choice maybe quit and find another office hour job? That way you can send your child to infantcare. Of if your husand really can afford, then look after your child yourself lor.


Yes sometimes babies do this thing called "reverse cycling". This is when they will drink less in the day (when mum is at work) and drink more at night (when mum is back). For your case, the drink less period is when you gave him FM.


Yes this is true. Excessive rocking or shaking and severely harm the baby. Hence, even if need to soothe a child, what I do is slow dance with my baby, i.e. slight swaying abit only but coz of the body contact, baby is soothed.

Hi mummies,

I'm a silent reader of this forum and my gal was born late October.

I just bought a Medela freestyle (since many people recommended it) and am quite surprised that the suction power is very low compared to my Medela PISA. I think some of you mummies could have tried both before too. Is it really the case that the suction of freestyle is a lot lower. I get only about 70% of the milk I normally can get with PISA. I also notice that even at the highest power, my nipples only vibrate at the stimulation mode and only protrudes a little into the neck of the breastshields. Is this normal or should I send my freestyle for servicing?

Would appreciate any comments. Thanks!


What lvl were you using on PISA. I used both before and find no significant difference but I was not using highest level. I used lvl 4 for PISA and 5 for Freestyle. Do check the way you fit your pump together as that would result in significant difference for Freestyle - all 3 clasps should clasps properly, tubing should fit in properly.


Thanks! got the address.

Yes I have asked HR, I still need to give 1 month notice. Just hope MD allow me to clear my leave. I have 19 day leave balance from 2010 so i just need to work 1 to 2 days. My sis has agreed to help me babysit (she will take leave from work) for those few days that I go back to work. if not I really have to pay co for 1 month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

if resign now - likely it will affect my bonus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my hubby lor he heartache after baby went KKH and after he had seen Suction of nose which he said very pain (he went along with nurse to see which I opt out as I know I will heartache definitely) He said (1) no more new maid and let baby cry while getting use to maid - more cry = more block nose. no more suction. (2) maid may not have patience to take care of baby who is frequent feeder and dont take long nap (longest pm nap is 30 mins)after coaxing and rocking him for 5 to 30 mins (3) infant care not a good choice as we hve viewed those near our place - he thinks they wont have the time to keep feeding baby and will probably leave him to cry to sleep (which Hubby also said no more excessive crying or let him cry to get use to as baby had cried till lost his voice with the last maid and during stay at KKH). he rather b financial tight and ask me to look after baby.

btw anyone baby feet feels cold? I always put on socks for him as his feet feels cold most of the time

anyone keen or know someone keen to purchase Isomil 1? found a seller from forum which sells cheaper 400ml ($12.50) but Need another mommy to buy 7 tins.


perhaps you may consider bringing your baby to PD for checking. Just to be on the safe side. Go with your hubby so he can tell his mother if your MIL is not going with you.

Just like my mom - now "obey" what the KKH doc said. dress baby warm to avoid him catch a cold. otherwise she blow fan directly him no matter its raining or sunny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


It must be very difficult for u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Can u take care of logan yourself now,meaning Most of the time dont let ur mil take care. Just snatch him whenever u can.

If u are already feeling like u describe here and lots of "damage" to logan, seems hiring nanny is a good choice, at least u can train them now. But interview them well and dont let the nanny side with ur mil later!!

I dont know abt infant care but i know 2 of ny friends baby who r sent to infant care easily fall sick. Also picking up bad habit like sucking thumb n things easier since they are not always under supervision. My friends son pick up cockroach n try to eat it!!


My boy's hands n feet feel cold mosg of the time in aircom room. But i did not put socks at home. Only when going out. At home i cover him in blanket.

I think it is genetic too as i cant stand cold.

My mom said lots of heat goes off from the head. Esp when the hair havet grow back if u shave ur baby.

Usually when it is cold or at night i cover my boy's head with hat or small hanky, so that he would not feel that cold. Seems true for me as his feet are not as cold when the head is covered... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Fifi,

Thanks for your response. I was using both at the highest level. I notice though that even when the 3 clasps are fitted properly, the curvy base of the plastic piece with the tubing insert protrudes out a little instead of fitting snugly. Does this sound right?

When you use freestyle, would your nipples get pulled into the neck of the shield?

Really wonder what's wrong. So disappointed after paying so much for the pump.


If you have no better choice, then have to tighten your purse strings and go ahead. You may be financially tight but you will gain in terms of your relationship with your son.

That said, you may want to try to alter some of your son's habits too so as to make it easier to look after him. As long as he is not frequently throwing up, you can slowly drag the interval between feedings so that he will drink more each time. Keyword here is SLOWLY hor. i.e. drag abit by abit and not large change.

For napping, you need to ensure that the environment is condusive to sleeping as babies this age are not very curious and easily distracted. "Exploring the world is so much better than sleeping". Consider letting him nap face down (head to the side). CAUTION: you must watch him and this should not be done at night. For my #1, I got past this stage by letting her sleep in the middle of my bed with her face very near my pillow (my smell). My maid watched over her but that allowed her to sleep longer. For my son, we now let him nap on the L part of my sofa face down - again maid watches over him.


Yes, slight protrude but my fit is quite ok. There is a click sound when I fit the 3 pieces together.

My nipples would move in and out of the neck but there is no excessive pulling. Excessive pulling means pump may be too strong.

Why are you using the highest level? That is rather strong. Do you have blocks?

Metta, you are not alone. My bb girl's feet also feels cold to touch, but I will wear socks for her everyday and rub the Ru-yi oil on her feet everyday after bathing in the morning n the evening.

Hi Fifi,

Thanks for your advice. Think I will send the pump to Medela just to make sure it is working fine. I've been using PISA for the past 2 months, so could be that I'm addicted to the high suction power.

I'm using PISA at the highest power as advised by a LC from TMC. At first I was afraid it would be painful during my early congested days. But as the congestion eased, it is now virtually painless though I still feel it can be a little too harsh.

As for blocks, I suspect I may be having some now as it is getting harder to clear the breasts even though I'm 90% on direct latching. Anyway, will be seeing a LC later so she can confirm.

Hi Fifi,

Yeah, agree. Thinking of getting a ML to clear the breasts as I can't seem to do it quite well on my own. The last time my ML did it for me, it felt really great afterwards. But she's expensive at 80 bucks an hour.

Hi Ann & Fifi

Thanks. Will try putting on a hat or cover his head and change his feeding/sleeping habits slowly

Hi Iabelle,

which LC are you seeing? I am having blocked ducts for the past few days. have cleared some myself but there are some blocks still. thinking of seeing a LC to help me clear the rest.

Dear mummies n Ian

Paiseh, I been awor lately, been v bz n had some prob with mil n then end up having prob w hubb... Was feeling very depressed... I was almost at the stage of thinking about leaving home with bb... Sigh...

I was jus reading some recent posts n realise we hv similar experience. Let me catch up with yr posts n rejoin you gals soon...

Hi Shireen,

I just saw a private LC. Not impressed although there have been rave reviews about her. I think the TMC ones are much better. When I told this LC about possible blocks, she just smiled and said baby should be able to clear them - without even checking if there were indeed blocks or teach me how I can clear them myself. My ML managed to clear them very well though - if you need her contact please PM me. I also used a "cheaper" ML, but when it comes to blocks, she too asked me to use baby, and only gave me a general breast massage.

Good noon mummies & daddy!

Read the papers,saw NTUC having promo on MP @ $20.65! Grr...i've gotten it last wk!

Christmas is coming! So happy & love December!! Merry Christmas to all!!!

However, very sian cos i'm going back to work real soon!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now got to keep pump & store milk in the freezer to be used when i go back work. My storage bottles are using up. Hmm do you all use storage bags to freeze? How do you all thaw the milk? Do you all store the milk amt according to baby's demand? E.g. if he takes 130ml, keep milk @ this amt?

Re a/c room.

Do you all let your bb sleep in a/c room every night? Hmm... for those who insisted not to let them slp in a/c room, why so?

Hi Mummies,

Im from the Dec 2010 mummies thread.

Can I check if any of you brought your babies to the polyclinic for the 1month Hep B jab? Can we walk-in for the jab?

My confinement lady is leaving on Mon and when I called to make appointment, they told me no appointment for Mon. And they kept emphasizing that no appointment = no jab (ask to go home). Im wondering what about those who didnt call their hotline to enquire.

Did any one tried just walk-in for the jab at polyclinic and didn't get turn down?

Good afternoon

Baby nap for last half hour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee so happy no one at home so quiet. hopefully he can sleep longer.

My mom cannot tahan ache anymore so went to see sinseh. Poor her. I tried to minimise her carrying also but my son wants her to carry him by looking at her and stretch out his hand.

Not baby sitting my niece as my sis is on leave to bring her to the movies.

Merry Christmas to all! have a happy holiday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] May all relationships with IL or Mother improve. Also wishing all babies be healthy, happy and sleep through the nite real soon! For mummies will be happy as baby is happy and healthy (",)

These days my boy has been drinking less in the day & usually he will cry until he sleeps, tears flow ard his whole face & he has lost weight too. Don't know what's wrong with him


Maybe you check if his nose is blocked? Cos weather is chilly recently.

My girl is having runny nose and sneezing. So it's uncomfy for her. She's drinking less and asking to be carried.


I'm thinking of getting milk bags to store and freeze ebm. But I', gg back to work end Feb so dunno if I should start storing now. Worried that store too long the milk will spoil.

I think I've read somewhere that to thaw frozen ebm, should take out from freezer and thaw in the cooler compartment and then warm it.

If your boy drinks 130ml now I think should store 10-20ml more cos dunno if their appetite will increase in another mth time.

M a silent reader n also a oct mum.

bblin - yes, i do freeze my ebm in milk bags. In qty of 150ml and 180ml (the amt they will roughly drink when we go bk to work). To thaw, just bring it down from the freezer n put it in the lower compartment n later heat up using the warmer. That's wat i did for my #1. HTH.

raspy, i took my son for the hep b dose in polyclinic by appointment. Not sure they entertain walk in? Which polyclinic u went to? Why dun make an appointment? Better cos dun nid wait too long.

Claudia, ya cud be nose blocked? Colic? Give him ridwind?

nycmum, wah you still has got 2 more mths! Me going back on 4 Jan! hmm fbm should be able to keep for months right? Ya if you can, express more and store now. I slowly storing now also.

Thanks Stacy!

Hmm, right now i froze 130-140ml. Can i add into the frozen milk 10-20ml more?


bblin: Thanks for the reply. Im going to amk polyclinic. I didnt know need to make appointment cause everyone told me newborn can skip the queue. Initially wanted to go tomorrow, but when I called the hotline to ask about the type of vaccination, the officer told me she's short of 1day to 4weeks period from 1st jab and the nurse won't vaccine for me if I go tomorrow. And Sat is Xmas so they're closed. For Mon, they don't take appointment. My CL is leaving on Mon, thats why Im thinking of going on Mon morning cause I don't think I can handle my gal myself.

