(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Good morning mummies & daddy!


Have yet to put in Cae’s porridge. Me a little hesitant cos he reacts to ikan bilis powder. He will have rash around his lip and under the eyelid. I stop for a few weeks and start again, the rash came back. So must be the ikan bilis powder lah. Have started to put wolfberry and he is ok and seems to like the porridge more. Maybe because it is sweeter. Want to try red dates but scare will be heaty. Will wait for a while lah. What else can we put in the porridge to make it tasty?


I want to try to give him variety. But never get around to do it. Must try…. Ha ha ha


I heard about barley cause phlegm. Thus I have switch from barley to chrysanthemum for #1. Anyone got any idea if our babies can drink chrysanthemum now?

Bao/Pao Sen

Can we give bao/pao sen weekly? My mil was concern say Cae seems to be panting a lot. From what I monitor, it seems more like he is too active. Cos he can’t sit still to play. Must craw here and there. Try to stand, try to climb over, etc. So thought of giving bao/pao sen as I heard that it nourish the qi.

Waking up

Hiazz.. Cae can join Issac and Kayden. Till now he still wakes up every night and sometimes 2 to 3 times. Will feed him at 11+ to 12mn about 120ml fbm. He will still wakes up 2 to 3 times from 12mn to 6am! Last night, he is good. Woke up at 4+ for milk but 6am he woke up again and didn’t want to sleep liao. Latch already still eyes big big want to play. Place him in his cot, he play on his own for a few minutes and start calling us and he will extend his hand out of the cot to pull my t-shirt or beat my hand. His cot is beside our bed.

Don’t like crowd!

Cae doesn’t like crowd especially in the late evening. Brought him out to Nex yesterday and he had a nap and finished his porridge. Yet still very cranky leh. Carry him also fussing a lot. Once we in the cab, he very happy. Reach home after clean up still wide awake doesn’t want to sleep even after milk. Any babies like that? I think he is so used to be home and in quiet environment. We do turn on music or TV and he does get to go downstairs for stroll daily.

Baby Puff

Yesterday, that is the only thing that can calm him down. It helps to keep him quiet for a while. Ha ha but I ran out of it. Only bough a few, less than 20 out. Next time must bring out more

Cherry, how is your gal? Fever subside liao? What I learn from KK is to sponge using normal tap water (don’t add any ice). Sponge on neck, armpit and groin. Must turn off the fan and close window to prevent baby from catching a cold.

Booboobear, happy 9months to sweet Alyssa!



hihi! all your time spent on little aedan? saw his FB pics standing up in the cot. lol! looking very cheeky! and he seems very stable on his feet, no wonder tiring his mommy out. hope you get to at least sneak in some me-time during weekends or at night when your hubby is around. don't wear yourself out!

jadelyn is a chilli padi, especially at home. quite manja if she is in the mood to be cuddled and demands attention from anyone that just steps in. will shout to be hugged or carried. think she will be quite a chatterbox 'cos blabbering a lot. yesterday just started to call "mama! mama!" when she saw me! quite surprising, but really sounded very very sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jadelyn on some days will be cranky outdoors too. she generally enjoys being out strolling with my mom and just see-look at birds, cats etc. but when she's tired, she'll also start fussing and she's best in a quiet and dark environment. very typical bah for babies bah.


happy 9 mths to Alyssa! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry, are you there already-at the Mango sales? I think u wait v long already right?

Zuen, Issac did the allergic test already? My Wt and Tummy or maybe even wt down, Tummy still there. So dun worry friend. SG got too much good food, every here and there sure will talk abt food.

I want to try rich and good swiss roll...but dunno when got the chance.

Stardust, u off on certain weekdays?

booboobear, Happy 9mths old to your Darling.

If your meet at Vivo, I sure will join. But I think u all shld have fun for the east side gathering. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Push the cot further away? Hehehe.

When Isaac refuses to sleep after I latch him, I will put him on the sofa beside me. Then I lie down to block him from falling off and ignore him. He will play by himself and if I heng, he even falls back to sleep. Otherwsie, I will latch him again when he makes too much noise. But I think cannot do this much longer especially when they become mobile.

Isaac very kpo. He dun mind crowds but he hates car rides, especially night time. Must feed him to keeo him quiet. Car rides home are sometimes torturous now when jie jie in cranky mood. Kill me!


Never wor.

I dun think he is allegric. I tried to stay off certain food but his flare-up doest seem connected to what I eat and not eat leh. I suspect that it has to do more with the environment. Eczema babies are sensitive to moulds, dust, dirt and fur. -____-"


for red dates, buy those without seed(not heaty).

mummies looking for Jap scallop,

think no more stock in the market. Even those medical hall which have stock only sell to regular customer.


I heard abt pao sen too, it apparently helps to increase baby's appetite? All hear say, dunno if there's any truth to it. I'm tempted to try it cos my boy's a v small eater. Just dunno if it's really suitable for babies.


Yup I work part time so some weekdays r out for me.


Happy 9 months to Alyssa! Ethan's having a cold, nose dripping. HoPe it goes away soon. He must hAve caught it from my hubby, who's been sick since last sat. How I wish we could vaccinate against every infection possible!


PvZ = Plants Vs Zombie. Once I start, I can't stop!

I also wanna sleep longer! But Jovis wakes at 8+am everyday, so no choice!

He loves sashimi! I don't have the guts to try the scallops uncooked =X


Hope your girl is fine.

Was at TM, went Mango after reading your post, BUT the sales only starts at 5pm!! Argghh!


Ya, same like dried shrimps. You try see nice or not then tell us!! Haha


Happy 9 months to Alyssa!!

My girl just turned 7mths 2 weeks back, and yet Alyssa is already 9 mths!! So fast!!!!


Butternut squash/pumpkin is one of her favorite! Makes the porridge very sweet! Other stuffs I use to make the broth are celery, chinese cabbage, and the usual carrot/potato/brocoli/spinach etc etc.

Pao Shen

My ex-MIL used to put 2-3 pieces into a shallow bowl and steam it in the rice cooker when cooking rice and feeds the water to my son. She says it's good for "qi". She did that when he was about 6 mths old.


Hope Ethan gets well soon! My girl was down with runny nose few weeks back, and both of us didn't manage to get much sleep for those 3 days!!

Re: Meet up @ swensons TM

I'm not working, so am free most of the time.

So will it be better if those who wanna join give suggestions for dates?


yah..spent all my time with Aedan and my only entertainment is fb and hk dramas. lol.. now that he's more mobile.. i am so busy... luckily contain him in the play yard i still get to do some things.. but i cannot walk away from him for too long also... by the time my hubby comes back at night (abt 9-ish)... i'm already dead beat. Weekends also tired! hahaha... yah Aedan can stand up by himself in the playpen liao.. even play yard also as long as he has smtg to hold on... but he dont know how to sit down so he falls back... luckily got mattress for him!

sometimes i also thought i hear Aedan calling out "mama" but i am not sure if it sounds like it.. hahaa.. can imagine Jadelyn doing that! cutie lah! the pic of her pouting is so cute!


happy 9 months to Alyssa!


i do add wolfberry now... apparently can help strengthen them so i add a bit... makes the porridge tastes nicer too!

mikki> things are same for me..more time to accompany xavier liao lor~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shin> he's such a brat la..buay tahan him sia..

ytd he pulled out a leaf from my MIL fake potted plant while he was cruising in his walker..and he was hiding the leaf away from my MIL's sight by clenching and putting his fist inside his seat..zzz..


Oh no looks like I'm in for some tough nights ahead.

I'm usu free on Mondays and thursdays to meet up. But ya, my boy nose running now so if he's not well by den den I'll have to give e gathering a miss..

So e pao shen water just give a little once a week?

Ian, ur boy so clever. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah he so smart ah! hahahaa like so cheeky also.. boys are all like that.. lol... hmmmm planning for #2 already? heehee.. i am sure u can handle it!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shin> at least wait till xavier turns one then see how lor~ damn shag..

and does any mummy's baby wanna watch a particular video clip/tv ad before he/she starts feeding?


No problem, just sharing what I know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U can give pao sheng to yr boy, just double boil it then give him sips of it. Can take every 2 wks once or so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Another one u can consider to cook soup with is "Dang Sheng" it's also used to replenish the "qi" in the body, adults can oso take it due to our stressful and hectic lifestyle.


For increase of appetite, try boiling "si shen" soup, use it to cook porridge. Si Shen will helps to increase appetite "kai wei"

If your baby has poor appetite all the time, can try "Qi Xing Cha" obtainable at medical hall [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Completed yr studies so more time with your son now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A bright child you gotten there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can start thinking of No 2 when Xavier turns 1 hee...


Hugs & Kisses to Lovely Alyssa for turning 9 mths! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah it's damn tiring now! i totally agree...

i think u shouldnt let xavier make a habit of watching a particular cartoon or clip before eating... just my opinion lah... cos my friend's son is like that.. NO cartoon NO eating! so everytime when she is out.. she needs to either rush home by meal time or smtg.... quite bad leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hw's yr little prince? U must be hands full with him but he's definitely alot of fun now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mikki> see my financial status by then how lor~ thinking of upgrading to EC.. :X

shin> it's quite impossible to feed him w/o playing his fav clip/tv ad sia..unless he's sound asleep.. haiz.. already happening when he was like 3mths old..recently just got worse..die die dun wanna drink w/o seeing his fav clip!

Good afternn mummies n Ian!!


It's an unique habit to have to watch a particular show so that bb can eat! I've not seen that but I do have to agree it's not a good habit. If go out how?? No show = no eating??


Congrats on Alyssa being 9 mths!! Grace will be 9 mths in a few weeks. Wonder if she will have teeth or can talk by then. Her crawling now is still wormy like. Tummy still on the floor. But she cannot sit still anymore. Hiyo on the sofa need to crawl here n there. Tried to worm her way to the floor. I scare one day she will really fall off!!

My mom is irritating me!! Keeps telling me how light grace is!! She is currently 8 kg at 8 mths+. I feel that she is ave, not heavy but not that light le. KeePs asking me to feed her more, give her more milk, give her snacks. I already feed her all of these. N this gal cannot stop eating even if she is full so if I keep feeding her, she will eat then later will puke!!

My mom said she should be 10 kg by now. Then I replied I'm happy with the way she is, my mom turned to grace and said your mummy don't want you to be too heavy cos then she dun want to carry you cos her arm will ache Argh can vomit blood anot!!

I'm the skinny sort. Eat like mad wouldn't go fat, just have a big tummy on skinny legs. So maybe grace takes after me, high metabolism. Why can't my own mom understand that??


Haha your Mom so funny :p.

Tell her this, last time I bring Josie to PD, the PD said it's good, easier to carry. As long as still grow tall she's fine. No need to worry. huehehehe..

My Josie also only 7.7 kg in her 8.5 mths.. I've tried my best to feed her too. She has skinny genes lah, hubby & I are skinny type..

My mom/PIL knows Josie is a fussy eater so they never complains.

Ian, maybe outside ok cos have lotsa other distraction? My nephew also develoPed a unique habit of drinking milk only when he is out of his home. Even in diff rooms also cannot. Cannot bluff him Parents in the end had to feed him outside their door step then he will drink. Lucky he outgrew the habit. I guess you have 2 options: 1) indulge in the habit till he outgrows it. 2) go cold turkey. Try other distractions, if still dun want then no milk for him??

diveera, maybe its a boy thing la. My frens 9 mth old son oso hate crowds n malls. But loves to b outdoors or parks or jus at home. Trust me, if it its a girl no prob being in malls.. Hehe.

Booboobear, dovey, no prob la im fine wif bakerzin.


My mom same2. Make snide remarks n teeling others that im putting sofea on diet jus becoz im strict abt e no salt no sugar n oso coz i was angry at her for feeding baby tea. My baby oso average size but pd said its jus nice ler. Just ignore my mom but boiling inside!


Love yr little gal's pic! She's adorable! very chubby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Post more ya..:D

Re: Scallops,

Can consider to use fresh scallops too, I buy those for my kids and cook porridge with them. Very savoury & sweet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sww> yeah dats what i think too..he knows very well the place he's in..whenever someone presses the door bell..he will chiong to the door!


Saw yr FB, u are looking at the Blossom Residences *wink wink* prices seems ok! Nice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I asked my mum to get those big fresh ones from the mkt, nt in shell thou' when they are back hahaha ;p~


I think Grace is of a good weight, nvm the old folks, dun understand why some of them equate chubby baby = gd? hahaha ;p

Most imptly, she's growing and developing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilbluey, wow, you are very knowledgeable! will try try when ethan's a little older. i like the one about "kai wei" but ethan only refuses milk he's a greedy eater for other things.

booboobear, happy 9 months to Alyssa! She's such a sweet and pretty princess! Wanna see her when we meet for east side mummies gathering!

Swensens sounds good. There is secret recipe at Tampines 1, think it is halal? i am usually free on weekdays.

Suwaiwai - your girl is just nice!!! Not skinny!!! Ignore ignore....

Ian, what clip/tv ad is that that he is so addicted too? Is it abt $$$$$?

Hebe will be 9mths in 2days time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Suiwaiwai, please tell ur mum that Hebe last check last Thursday she was 6.9kg. So got someone slimer. And I know of a few friends whose baby is slim too. It feels terrible to eat when full.


So smart of Xavier!! The sight of him doing that must have tickled all of you!!

Re: TV Watching

I don't on the tv when the kids are eating. Hopefully it's just a phase and he will outgrown it soon?


You have your husband to help you mah, so don't worry so much! Our gathering date is not confirmed yet, so hopefully he'll get well soon!!

As for the Pao Shen, once a week is the maximum.


Tell her that the PD/DOCTOR says her weight is just nice, perfect. Older generations usually RESPECT the doctor's opinion/advise/remarks more than others.


If wanna lunch, might as well choose somewhere we can all eat together right... we're fine with anywhere anyway. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks!! You're so kind!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like what Emma said, you're really very knowledgeable, I'm learning lots of stuffs from you!


U seldom post Hebe's pics tis days, must post her updates ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pls dun mention it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We all learn and share with one another [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yr boy cute lar! Knows what he wants hee...


THAT's Jade's and Meghan's fav video too!!!hahahahahah...how coincident?lol....and now whenever Jade does the oooooo weeee ooooo weeeee....Meghan will chuckles!!!LOL

Lilbluey, cos no iphone on weekdays. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Evening mummies,

I just bot the gerber puffs for kayden to try. Guess wat, he nearly choke leh. Think he really dunno how to chew n just swallow leh. Aiyo. So scary.

How to teach babies to chew? Jialat leh. If like that can't feed him food that are in pieces leh.

So far tried giving him the Xiao man tuo he's ok. Will just melt. But realized the puffs doesn't really melt leh. Still need a bit of biting n chewing.

Haiz. Don't tell me he can only eat pureed foods?? Chiam leh.


Wah!! You must have been real frightened!!

Actually the puffs does melt when mixed with saliva/water. I've tried it before giving to my girl. Guess Kayden just swallowed immediately? As for how to teach him to chew, maybe you can demonstrate to him? Put food into your mouth when he's looking and chew dramatically as they learn by imitating too.


Yah it's really a handful and I'm struggling to cope alone... Not that he's difficult.. It's actually easier to care for him but cos it's so fun and he's so mobile that it becomes more tiring on my part.. Plus the fact that I don't get to have my meals regularly or that I don't get proper sleep... Makes me tired the entire day! Hahahaha oh well... I just need to brace thru it lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


So jia lat? Aiyoh... Somehow need to break this habit leh... If not end up like my friend's son. Really no cartoon he REFUSED to eat at all. End up the mum had to record all the cartoons in her hubstation. And the same cartoon can play like many many times a day.

Although Aedan does enjoy cartoon but I try not to coincide with his eating times unless he's super duper cranky! Anw maybe he also enjoy hk dramas??? Hahhaabhaha!!!


Thanks for ur suggestions on e herbs to kai wei. Will go check them out.


I usu break e puffs into smaller pieces so dat they will turn mushy faster. If I give e whole puff as it is, my boy will oso choke.


Ooops I forgot u work in the G sector, so cannot hv camera phone right?


Dun put the whole thing in his mouth's first, hold it in yr hands let him taste/bite/chew to soften it first before feeding him the whole puff to prevent choking.


Motherhood is not an easy feat, especially being a SAHM hv to juggle looking after a baby and tending to the household chores too. You are doing a great job, give yrself a pat on the shoulder. Seeing him grow up strong and healthy will be the biggest reward! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks to all mummies for your lovely wishes!!


Sometimes babies can get cranky when they're overstimulated. Alyssa is like that as well sometimes, then she calms down when we get into the car. But most of the time she's cranky because she's tired.


Hope Ethan feels better soon. Since you're working, how about you let us know which day works for you when Ethan is better?


My goodness, Jovis is 6 weeks younger and she's already bigger and heavier than Alyssa! Must be so satisfying to see how well she's growing.


Since you're happy with Swensens, then let's stick to it? I have no problems with ice cream hahaha...


I'm so amused by what Xavier did lol! How clever. As for feeding, I face baby away from the tv during mealtimes so she only looks at me. But sometimes when she starts fussing I have to sing to her and she'll take a few more spoonfuls.


You know so much about herbs! Next time can run to you for advice when I have any questions right?


I think our girls weigh about the same. Alyssa was 8kg at 8 months as well. PD was happy with her weight and said she was average. I think you're feeding her really well, overfeeding is no good as well. Don't let your mum get to you and don't worry too much about her development. All babies grow at their own pace and one thing's for sure, they won't starve themselves!

mummies> as far as we're trying hard to avoid playing his fav clips and so on..this boy of mine somehow has the strength to wrestle his way out of our arms no matter how hard we hold him lor.. haiz.. and he's pretty selective of what clips we play to him lor..and only certain tv ads will appeal to him..the rest he dun like! *SOS*

Thanks mummies who answered to my posting.

Ian, your boy boy, Xavier is very smart. Know that he has done naughty thing and try to hide. So young know what he wants and persistent about it. Hope he will pass this phase soon.

