(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


i think gynae will only give hosp leave if u stay min 1 nite in hosp..

tat was what my gynae told me when i was expecting #1

hosp leave can last fr 2 weeks to 3 weeks, my ex boss was jumping up and down that time :p esp cos i kenna hosp stay two times..think absent for at least 4-5 weeks in total


u mean not picky bb right =)


i wish SGH is next to my hse..HAIZ

the last birth was kind of funny, cos i packed everything except my hp..

so imagine we travel all the way fr Bukit Batok to SGH already reach doorstep, then we went back all the way from SGH back to bukit batok to pick up my hp and went back SGH again

contractions were rather regular then and i pop abt 2 hrs later


My craving satisfied.... super duper satisfied... damn song... i'm going to have the same thing for dinner.... *slurp* hope everything stays in my tummy...

badfifi, no lar.. jus that i have very nice & helpful colleagues working in the same team, so must try my best lor. I'll definitely be selfish if they are the selfish type oso.. *oops* hahaha.. aiya, i think this is human nature, if u are nice to me, i'll be nice back oso mah. correct?

Luvlee & badfifi, i think can sleep in aircon room. All my frens on their aircon 24hrs during their confinement. jus that dun on so cold lar. will die man if cannot bath and cannot stay in aircon. I hope sept weather is gd but it is really hard to predict since the weather now is so ecentric.

Ehh, i sleep in aircon room during my previous confinement. Shinchan is correct, i bathed with herbal and did not wash hair for 21 days, at first i tot i want to tahan till 30 days, but really feel myself very disgusting hahaha

Hi Mommies, izzit true that we cannot drink cold drinks? I'm been slurping on my cold drinks then all my colleagues are frowning at me.....

cannot stomach plain water now...puke more if I take plain water. Been drinking Bubble Tea, Ribena, Longan with Red Dates...etc

BabyT!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Now I'm craving beef noodles more than ever!!! And Coke!!!!

Pinkyluv> Not fussy is very good! Easier to take care of. My husband hopes our baby won't be fussy! Not like me...I think if she is fussy like me, he will cry! :pPP

xiaopang - i have the same issue as u.. can't tahan plain water... best solution for me is ribena or 100+ or sprite... i did ask my gynae, he says there's no scientific evidence that cold drinks harms the baby cos in cold coutries, their room temperature water is still cold... so... but still just drink in moderation ba....

badfifi - i finished the wholeeeee bowl... damn song man.... now i'm slowly sipping on my coke... the beef noodles are sitting nicely in my tum tum.. if i still crave for it i can eat for dinner later...

xiao pang> i think it is quite "cheat myself" lah (like make myself feel better only) but i take small sips andhold it in my mouth until it is less cold then swallow... or if you can take it, u have those drinks, but not chilled...

shinchan> actually yes, quite human nature. if you have nice colleagues, you will be nice to them too...

jynnsan and shinchan> thanks!! hehe, i don't know what i will do without my aircon! esp since it has been hotter than before

BabyT> I am sooOOO envious! But ok lah, just had hokkien prawn mee...

Sigh, this baby LOVES unhealthy food...McDonald's lah, instant mee lah, laksa lah, MOS Burger lah...I haven't had like healthy food in like 2-3 weeks!!!

Really envy all of you who have super good appetite. Keep it up ya!


At least you have the appetite, I want to eat junk food also 没味口 呵呵

jynnsan - my appetite is slowly coming back... but i'm hitting week 10 TOMORROW.. hopefully my MS will go away soon...

jessica - hi^5... i'm a cold drink junkie and fast food junkie... BabyT prefers western food to chinese food... healthy food is out...

Jynnsan> actually, mine is a case of no appetite also must eat, coz my dad and husband are making sure i eat regularly (i had very bad gastric probs b4)...so i just eat things that don't make me queasy...and so far, all unhealthy stuff! Luckily I managed to have some MOS salad!

Jessica> try dark choc or semi-sweet choc...less sugar, more taste...i know normally, dark choc is supposed to have more health benefits but i don't know if it's still the case for pregnant ladies...


Yes, i think you are right, i must also make sure i eat timely, but the problem is i look at the food i will have no appetite which is really so bad for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway, jia you, bless that the MS will go away soon

jynnsan> actually, when i see food, sometimes i even fell queasy, but force myself to bite, chew and swallow...

yes, we must ALL jia you together!

Jessica> hee. well the dark choc kind have lots of taste also wat. i thk cos my frd had to have her baby via c-sec before EDD cos baby was quite big, i'm very conscious of eating too much sugar or putting on too much weight...

badfifi, actually i share the same funny act as u.. I tried to take smaller mouth of ice cream the other day and leave it longer in my mouth to "warm' the ice cream... so i'm no not alone.. hahaha...

Ladies, actually the avoid cold stuff thingy is specifically instructed by my gynae during my 1st visit. So i guai guai follow lor, since he is on western practice and also believe such things.

Yummy, i am surprise i actually got craving when you all talk about chocolate...

I am a person who can't really tahan all these, keep complaining and grumbling to my parents, sister and dh. My parents tat day just said," You really can't take hardship!" 吃不了苦, then they will bring up my mum actually had MS for all her babies until end of term, all same, at those days, no medication to supress, nobody to help, still have to do housework, slog. Imagine they gave birth really drugsfree, nothing to help at all. I feel that i am really very 失败!

Yeeks....I heard of stories where the ms lasted for the full 9 months (shudders). I miss wacking Bak Kwa and Pineapple Tarts. Am gg to miss out on all the fun for CNY.

My gynae ever gave me Hospitalisation Leave even though I was not admitted. I supposed if you have been on long MC, and the MC entitlement of 14 days is running out, can request for Hospitalisation Leave. But HL typically is if Gynae is giving 1 week - 3 weeks mc.

Jessica> if u meet with this kinda things dun tink you can tolerate any longer than me, i have been tolerating very very long for abt 3yrs or isit 4yrs. And i dont think my age plays a part in this..

And i feel that what they did is over the top thats why im hopping mad, even more cause hubby dont feel it and "side them". And i believe no karma will come back to them.

They effin go thailand pray,a lways also strike lottery one, if their karma comes, i dont think will ever come so long liao they also nothing happen

xiao pang - i read somewhere that cooked pineapple is not 'liang' already... i ate some already.. but eat in moderation... like hawaiian pizza 1 slice like got 5 pineapples, i will remove 3 then eat with 2 pineapples.. it's like.. eating chicken rice without chicken.. don't listen to those horrid MS stories.. we must think that we are not "suay"... we will overcome this MS.... JIA YOU...

Jessica> yup, 1st pregnancy. that's why more kan cheong and blur abt everythg :p Yah, i think u r right abt parents' build affecting size of baby...both the parents quite big-sized...

jynnsan> different times and different environment mah, cannot compare just like that...don't feel badly abt urself lah! we all have different thresholds,

xiaopang> yes, i agree with babyT, the key is "moderation". just don't gorge, eat a bit should be ok.

babyT> yes, i think positive thinking is impt too! then i keep hoping that my baby will "absorb" this positive mind-set and be a positive thinker in future! hee.

shinchan, badfifi - it's tough keeping a positive mindset, but trying is good enough... baby can feel the positive vibes... so we must laugh and smile more... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya... no rejections is GREAT NEWS... but it's so guai that my food digests so fast?? within 1.5 hrs i so hungry le lor.. just now i just ate 2 mini snickers bar... hehe... BabyT loves choc too.. Kinder Bueno, Ferraro Rocher etc... eat things agar agar jiu hao... over indulge wait waistline grow bigger not cos of baby bump... mwahaha... but i lost weight instead... so i'm sooooo looking forward to end of 1st tri... another 2-3 weeks... tomorrow is 10Feb10, i'll be 10 weeks exactly and it's my 5 years pat tor anniversary with my hubs... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh, i keep telling myself i must be better-tempered, if not scully baby is bad-tempered...but failing miserably lah cos i'm very quick-tempered (the fly off handle very quickly and also cool down very quickly type)...

Aiyo... Despite feeling pukey hor... I still managed to put on 1kg within 2 weeks. This is so scary!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cold drinks... I still take them leh...

Jessica: mine already can be seen at 7 weeks la.. haha that pic is not recent also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i put on 25kg last preggy.. eat too much fast food. this time round trying hard to control! hahaha..

Later going to have dinner at jumbo.. mum's chinese bday celebration by her frens. feel quite sad cos no appetite! don think will enjoy the food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

badfifi: yes must b a happy mum.. else bb will "absorb" ur temper.. i was v happy thru out my #1.. bb come out v smiley n cheery.. but #2 now.. i tink abit hard cos really v xinku. HAHa.. trying to stay HAPPY..

mango - guess what.... i'm going to have that for dinner too... since no rejections, guess i can continue eating.. moreover full only for a while nia.. now hungry again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I'm also trying v v hard to control, but then the kids are driving me insane ALMOST EVERYDAY!!!! How to lun4?

So frankly speaking, I'm kinda worried for my #3. What if he or she turn out to b a super bad temper kid? Sighz. But I'm trying v hard to control. All I can say, it's v v HARD.

Adelynn> Yah, I have to remind myself more! If not, my baby will be bad-tempered! Imagine, don't get her way only, start wailing! OMG, I will pengsan!!! Must think happy thoughts!!!

BabyT> So sweet! 5 yrs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have many many more 5 yrs of bliss to come ah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Beef--> hairy baby... Really? Oh no!! I better not eat too much then!

Mango - beef = hairy baby??? serious??? i thought it's good for protein and iron?? hmm... then i better ask BabyT to stop craving for beef le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

badfifi - many many more 5 years... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so fast lor... time really flies... it seems like just yesterday when i first started pat tor-ing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Erm.. i never take beef.. but my son also very hairy when he was born? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango, adelynn - hmm... but the mo is only for awhile right??? omg... i'm trying to picture a momo baby... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hairy--> beef: haha mango and adelynn

babyT> hee so sweet...yah it seems like yesterday for me when i 1st starting pak-tor with my husband also. used to feel like a giggly keen-nah (kid), but now got baby on the way, must be a more "serious" adult liao...haha

badfifi - ya.. so fast lor.. which means we're growing older too... now people ask how old am i, i keep saying i'm forever 21... mwahahaha.... ya... now going to be mummy liao must be more serious... but still must have fun at times.. arbo wait baby come out serious serious... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBL~do take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adelynn~ me too le #3 now also showing liao cos havent lose it from #2 wakakkakakak :p

clare~later part of the pregnancy the actuall size n weeks will be more accurate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] esp after the details scan.so dun worry about it now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bellebeins~ohhhhhhh my girls also 27 months old now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] be careful terrible 2 coming.......

aussiebb~ dun give up hope yet...wait till the next chk up probs bb is of the more relax type [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care n u hv brought up a very "tong shi" girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coke/hkg style ice milk tea~ these 2 are my favourite so i hv it whenever kekekekek.sorry 3rd time mommy liao so abit bo chap attitude :p

babyT> haha, when pple ask me how old, for fun i reply that i am 17! ;P obvious that it is a lie mah, so pple can't say i trying to lie abt my age, cos so obvious, where got any "trying" abt it! heehehehehe

ya lor.. was just telling DH the other day that i cannot believe fast time flies. from pak tor till now alrdy 14 yrs.. scary ya.

regarding the beef thingy, there was once i complained to my mother how come i'm so hairy as compared to my sis, then her reply was "cos i ate alot of beef when i was having u lor".. so how true is this belief i dunno.. haha..

c sec milk flow~ nt really my milk came right away when my dd n ds was put upon me to breastfeed in the hospital.....but the flow is not so much though....bb needs to suckle then milk flow will come anyway...body too after epidural etc....mine is full GA so alot of drugs inside my body....therefore slower bah i guess.

my milk flow lasted only 1 month for both bbs.....me no patient /cant tahan the every 3 hourly pump or feed/n nt much milk supply probs due to no time to drink water too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....


weishy> thanks so much! now i know more of what to expect! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

