(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Geri>> @ TMC no need to pack things for bb. They provide bb clothes, mittens, booties & a swaddle wrap with cap when u discharge.

They give u a trolley with bb supplies when ur in the room: wet wipes, hand sanitizer, cotton balls, nappy cream, diapers, etc

They also give u 6 btls formula milk of ur choice when u discharge , n they ll pack all the leftover bb supplies Fr trolley into a diaper bag for u, together with a changing mat.

Oh remember to ask for glass bottles, these great for storing breastmilk, usually nurse will give u abt 8-10 bottles. U nd buy the bottle cap fr the TMC pharmacy downstairs. Cost $1 each.


Hi Ladies.

Still in hospital but feeling much better so decided to log in to check on who had pop. Hehe!!

Congrats to those mummies who had popped.

Frankly,I dunno how you mummies actually remember the timing of each event. I am real bad at remembering the timing but I try my best as I write my birth story here. Hehe!!

At abt 4.15pm, I checked in to the delivery suite @ MAH. Then change into the delivery gown, given the enema (dunno how to spell) to poop. After that, waterbag broken then put on drip to induce contraction. When I checked in, still 3cm dialted.

After an hour, I cannot take the contraction pain anymore and requested for epidural. After 30mins, the doctor came and gave me the epidural. I was in so much pain that I dun really feel anything when he did the process. After a while, although the pain is gone but I still know when I am having a contraction.

At about 7pm, the nurse checked my cervix and it is about 4cm dilated. BB heartbeat strong, contraction is good. But the pain getting stronger for me again... so the nurse increase the dosage... even though the pain is soothe but i still can feel the urge to push like that and it was really uncomfortable. Hubby keep asking me not to push.

At about 8plus, the nurse checked again and cervix is dilated to 6cm but BB head still high. Nurse increase my epidural dosage to the max and still it is not helping me much cos I was still feeling very incomfortable down there and soon I was moaning away. Nurse told me she cannot increase the dosage anymore and by this time I am already using my 2nd tube of epidural.

At about 10plus, the nurse came in to check again but still 6cm dilated and BB head still high. She tried to help me out by twisting her hand to open up the cervix further and ask me to try pushing abit to see if BB head will come down. But doesn't seem to be working much.

At 11plus, I am still not opening up and remain 6cm and I was really tired out liao. My gynae called the nurse to check and ask to speak to my hubby. I already know what he will be suggesting to hubby. When hubby came back, he told me gynae suspect BB's head is big and can't come down so cervix is not opening. Suggested emergency C-sec cos he scared if I delay any further, BB might be in distress. I agreed immediately. I was also very surprised that I was not afraid at all of being cut up. I was just too tired.

At 12.15am, I was pushed into the OT. My epidural dosage increase in prep for C-sec. Hubby came in awhile later to be with me. When they cut me up, I smelled burning smell. I asked hubby if they are burning me up. Haha!! Then suddenly I got 2 pairs of hands pushing my stomach and another pair tugging below. It was so uncomfortable like my tummy is bursting. I keep hearing Dr Fong say " the shoulder, the shoulder" Then at 12.44am, BB is out. But I didn't hear him cry, was so worried and keep asking hubby. Hubby say they cleaning his mucus.. then suddenly.. a big cry came. I was so relieve. Surprisingly, I didn't cry when Kayden was born. I thought I would cry big time but I guess I was too tired le.

Hubby followed BB to the nursery to take measurement while the gynae stitched me up. When I was out of OT, I was shivering like hell and I vomitted. Luckily I didn't eat anything since lunch so all I vomitted was water.

I couldn't even breastfeed Kayden that very night and told the nurses to give him FM first.

So that's my birth story. Hehe!!

Hi ladies! I delivered my bb gal this morning at 8.05am via c sect GA . baby weighs 2.8kg .

Wondering how's serene n baby coco. I am still feeling dizzy n stil on bed.

Seems like so many mummies in hosp today!

Any mommies know of the name of herb/flower/leaf that we can get from TCM to help decrease jaundice level? Airina's jaundice level is slightly high, and past few days it's been cloudy/rainy so no chance for me to sun her.

hi hi.. am so bored now lying at the labour ward. Lucky i bring along my laptop. Seems like today alot of ppl giving birth. All single bedder are fully booked. HAiz..

Congrats all mummies who pop! Wonder who are in TMC. Maybe can pop by. heehee..

ceres: Ya lo.. quite tiring. I nearly fell asleep just now when I was breastfeeding Kayden. Haha!!

Jo_lyn: Jia you!!!

AK: Congrats!! Must be happy to finally pop.

phy: i tested 3 times throughout my pregnancy nothing leh...

keropi: oh.. think no issue unless it persists. just talk to gynae if scared then go for test.

ceres: I sleep alot le but then dunno why... whenever i feed him, I feel so tired. Like he is sucking away my energy. Haha!!

keropi: Brownish discharge could also mean your discharge is mixed with blood. Always better to check with gynae.

Seems like a super long time since I last log on.. keep seeing mummies news of giving birth on Facebook.. haha.. congrats to all who delivered liao..

Dunno if it's good news or bad news.. I need to move out of my hse in 11mths cos it's being enbloc.. hope all the house viewing now won't cause BB to come out sooner then she is suppose to come out.

Ann, there's wifi at MAH ah?? how come u on epi liao still can feel?? my collegue's wife who delivered one mth ago by Dr Fong say she cannot feel anything at all after Epi leh..

have a smooth delivery, keropi! so excited for all u mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

reporting in... Baby Jayden was delivered on 26/06/2010 in the morning. Natural wit Epi. Now currently at TMC. will be discharge on Monday.


I think our BB same Birthday.


which ward are u all in??? think now we all at same hos, TMC...

Wow...so exciting, so many new babies today! Congrats mommies! Remember to get as much rest as you can while in the hospital so by the time it is to be discharged, you'll be all energize 

hi ladies

after a gd 16 hours, celeste was born via emergency c sect on 27 jun weighinh 2.605kg, 47cm.. v drowsy now, will update more when im home

Congrats to all mommies!!!!!!!!!! I saw all the photos in facebook, so nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Sunday morning ladies.

Just had my breakfast. Can't really eat much these days cos haven poop yet. But I really did fart alot. Haha!!

Now my nipples very sore from breastfeeding. I think when I am able to pump milk into bottle, I will let BB bottle feed at night. Need to let my poor nipples rest too.

Noknok: Different pple react differently with epi. I also dunno why epi didn't numb as much as I thought it would have.

Sun_tan: Yup.. they allow my hubby to accompany me for emergency C-sec with epidural.

Jasline: Congrats.. finally can hold Jayden in your arms. Hehe!!

Serene: Congrats.. wah... u still can last 16hrs before C-sec? I only 7hrs & cannot take it le. But how come C-sec in the end?

Mummies in labour ward now: Jia you!!! Wish all of you have a smooth delivery.

Hi mummies, my bb pop at 6.38am, 27/06/2010. Natural with epi. Keropi n Jasline: I am at 528 now. When better can

visit!! I go slp now Liao!!

Congrats to all mummies who have delivered their precious bundles of joy safely and smoothly!!

I'm really getting quite nervous myself!

morning ladies.. just finish feeding my gal and now feed myself.. haha..

all the best to mummies in labour ward!

i finally on TBF after 5 days of mix bm and fm.. the my hubby asked me.. what to do with the fm now.. haiz.. when i rush to buy there is no small tin ones, left the big tin.. dunno how to deal with it now..

these few days morning keep raining.. want to sun my gal also cannot. jaundice only drop by 0.1 *pengz*

Congrats to all mommies who have popped! so nice to read that all are doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congras congras!!! U guys must be so tired now! Rest well and bond with bb well!!!

Anyone popping today?

