(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


yup, the VE is the deciding factor to whether u r dilated or not, can't look inside... cant see a thing... everything is by "feel"...



hahaha! maybe becos they gave birth to us, so that's their licence to criticise us lor

everyday we keep hearing mommies popping or gynaes asking them to standby, i also getting excited oredi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, 4th (i think) July mummy reporting with popping business [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 10th July 2010


9.45pm - contractions recurring every 20mins. stopped at 12.50am, went to bed.


1pm - gatecrashed gynae (Dr Lawrence Ang), did VE, 1cm dilated with regular contractions. baby estimated to be 3.2kgs. told to wait for CTG machine, and instructed to check in to TMC @ 10.30pm that night

3.30pm - finally done with CTG machine (so many mummies waiting in line!) and rushed to get some last minute stuff, went home, spent time with #1, became emo, dinner, became even more emo after putting #1 down for sleep

10.30pm - checked into TMC

11.30pm - low dosage of pill inserted to regulate contractions. tried to sleep but pain was constant but bearable. walked around 3rd floor, watched crappy tv


7.30am - another low dosage of pill inserted, pain stronger but bearable

9.00am - went into observation room

1030am - waterbag burst, put on IV, used laughing gas when pain got even stronger. had enema done.

12noonish - heard commotion.. someone delivered her baby at the lift lobby!

1.30pm - pain unbearable. relied of laughing gas to relieve pain, moved to birthing room

2.30pm to 5.30pm - intense pain. used gas mask to stifle my screams more than to use the laughing gas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] catheter inserted to relieve bladder, considered epi, considered csect, considered murdering husband heh heh

5.30 to 6.00pm - huge urge to push + super painful contractions, guided by midwives to push to count of 10

6.00pm - episiotomy done

6.09pm - last push, baby delivered with forcep assistance

Baby Airina ~ 3.090kgs

Congrats, Fau! ya, very dramatic! but glad to know you're doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fau, congratulations!

so excited to read july mummies' birth story [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jelly: does that mean that when we are warded, the midwives that check our dilation for us also will stick their fingers into us? Eeks! hope they are as gentle as my gynae, i din feel any discomfort just now.

fau: wow wheee congrats!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats fau! my edd is a few days earlier than yours. reading your birth story makes me all the more excited to see my princess.

i will officially start my ML tomorrow cos right now baby is pressing down very heavily on pelvic area. i'd rather stay at home. seeing gynae on thursday for CTG and all.

right now, just waiting.

Fau, Congrats. My EDD is the same as yours and u are making me real excited and nervous as this will be my first pregnancy.

I dun know wat to expect at all.

Fau: Congrats! Another supper-mummy who did it without epi! omg.. its getting more n more exciting here with mtb popping one by one!! making me anxious n impatient, scare but inspired by these super-mummies to be braver, all emotions mixed up at the same time!

Jelly: they do it so often liao... like nothing to them won't be gentle also i guess.. haha.

today & tmr on MC... wee... later going nap nap abit.

EDD is 27 Jul but I am really hoping BB will come out a week earlier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh,u are in 36 weeks pregnancy now??hehe, wont pop so soon gua..

talk with ur bb to come out 1 week earlier than edd..bb ll listen to u..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha, Mrs Long, getting impatient ya? I'm sure you'll use those languages if you're not going for some pain relief...

I was all happy coz of the epidural!!

I'm only in Wk35 this week le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Getting impatient cuz BB's movement & all these aches are making me comfortable. Plus if can deliver at Wk 38-39, at least BB can hv more 'freedom' of space to move around out of my womb...cuz now like very poor thing inside, hehee.

junie i know how you feel...i keep thinking she has no space to move coz i'm short and my torso is small. and yet i want her to stay there till full term! even though she's already 2.8kg at 37 weeks!


i cant key chinese characters on my pc ... cant show u, but her name and her bro's super easy to write. they will thank me... cos during chinese exams, they shd start earlier than others by a few seconds! haha... that's how i came up with their names, but the more serious side of the story is that their middle character is the chinese character of "revelation". and then my ger's last chinese character is common among gers, which is "grace" and my boy's "joy"... so their names are Qi En and Qi Le

Hey girls, just abck fr TMC. The swaddle cloth are here. Go grab for those who wanna buy.. Its at level 3, Parentcraft office..

jelly>> Oh, ok wat...I tot their name will be like "lao yi", "lao er", etc...hahaa. Tat is what I call lazy leh.

Dunno why but tdy just feel very odd/uncomfy...BB's movement is a lot & whole day is pretty painful for me.


my husband's chinese surname is "Pan" as in "plate"... i told him, can anem our kids, Pan Zi (plate) and Pan Wan (plate and bowl)...

hang in there. my unborn monstar also making my life pretty miserable.


hahaha! you're so funny. but their names ok wert


today also i feel very uncomfy. i sit down, my ass hurts - this is usual. but the unusual thing is i'm getting stabbing pains in my lower left back, which i've never experienced before. and also feel soooo sleepy. just feel like dozing off


i get that on my pelvis and i will scream when i feel the stabbing pain on either side of my pelvis. my hubby thot someone murdered me and i said, almost! cos it's v painful!

jelly >> hahahaa! My HB's surname is Long (as in dragon)...we were also joking last time, can name our son "Long Ge" as in "dragon brother"...then everybody have to call our son "Long Ge"...as if big brother/boss, hahaa.


"Pan Wan" and "Pan Zi" a bit too much la. hehehe

hope mine doesn't get that painful. just dun like the soreness. once felt my baby really stretched herself to the max - think her head was pushing against my bladder - wah! sooo painful! like something gonna pop out

congrats to all the mommies who delivered..

and yup.. I AM ENVIOUS OF ALL OF U.. hahaha.. i also wanna deliver lei.. but in any case, i have to tahan until wed.. cause dr ang will only be back on tues! loooonnsss..

my hubby and i pray hard that we can deliver Celeste on 29th or 30th june.. really.. pray hard... at this pt of time, i cannot go long distance, i pant a lot when i climb stairs, i get tired easily... wahahha.. i miss sleeping sideways and hugging my boister!! haha

fau: oh!! i was in the clinic on 17th and suddenly dr ang say he wanna go and deliver.. then i was ask to go on CTG and had to meet him with my report at TMC.. then i left, and suddenly he called me back to the clinic after hearing i got cramps.. then check here and there.. haha.. then saw him rushing off the TMC liao... haha.. whole clinic was in a mess cause dr ang is gg for his holidays and seems like everyone is gg to deliver like tat.. hahaha...


i always wanted to ask u if your hubby's surname is long as in dragon! then ur son's name is power de lah! surname already so "hiong"... good...


hee, that is for fun. i dun want my children to hate me... my hubby wanted to give my ger pan yu mei as in "jade blossom" and the dialect name is to be converted to as "yoke moi" i almost collapse laughing...

bb name -- my hubby surname is luo 罗

so we had a joke about bb's name..

if girl.. we call her luo li pop (lolipop)

if boy.. luo si puay(screw driver in hokkien)

luo li tao also can (lorry)

jelly>> whahaha! Pan Yu Mei sounds so taiwanese leh. So "gu dian" like ancient beauty like that.

Ya, Long as in 龙. Fierce hor...somemore born in Yr of Tiger and if EDD is 27 Jul, under the horoscope of Leo (aka lion). hehee.


hee, LOL. although we joke about naming our kids like this, we could nv make them hate us before they got to know us so we will NEVER name them these farnie names...

