(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Sorry to be mean and blunt. i can't resist making a jibe at myself (since am a 2nd time mummy).

Weight gain is a small part. You face potential

-ugly stretchmarks like watermelon

-pimply face with outbreaks

-saggy breasts after months of breast feeding

-saggy tummy that look like slightly shrivelled apple

-wobbly thighs and arms

-some even dropped lots of hair(!)

-pigmented face with lots of freckles

BUT at the end of the day, when you look at your child , it's all worth the risk. All of the above is nothing. And the hubby just have to say, I love you ALL the same , if not even more . Yippee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hael, Swanston is at the level 2 of ppl park complex. Level 3 got one more call Ocean. SOme of the stuff is cheaper there. U gotta compare.

By the way, what is the price of LC Cheng maternity package? Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i 2nd pillow's statement.

i have so much stretch marks from my 1st pregnancy. (by the time i hurried to apply stretch mark cream faithfully -it was TOO LATE - u have to start immediately actually if u are concerned.

I just look at my saggy breasts, stretch marks, hormonal dandruffy hair - oh my butt & thighs are slightly firmer actually after the pregnancy maybe walking & carrying the ball & after that the child helped. I asked my HB do u still love me? he said yes! its all i wanted to hear.

I look at my daughter smiling at me - its all ok.

me: are you my little pig?

my 2.5 yr old girl: oink oink!

made my day.

Hi ladies,

i juz happen to be reading thru' some threads.so pls don't feel like i'm interrrupting all of u.i wanted to write something to jimbo.

Hi Jimbo,

I'm sorry to say i wanna smack ur wife.this may seem a little violent,but let me explain.i've always been a very slim and vain gal.appearance is of utmost importance to me.during my 1st preg,i even made a chart of my waist size & i weighed myself every wk to make sure i'm not gaining wt excessively.the reason for not wanting to gain wt excessively is not coz of beauty/stretch mark,but to make sure i don't end up with gestational diabetes which will put my baby at risk.when i conceived no.1,i was reasonably young,i was 27.my baby was my no.1 priority all the time.when i ate during the 1st trimester,i made sure i pushed food down even when i didn't have appetite.i made sure my baby got all the vit. necessary.i did put on wt and i embraced it.in the 2nd trimester,i made sure i did light exercise (same thing,to avoid gestational diabetes) and a healthy mother would cope with the baby a bit easier.by 29 wks,i put on 7kg.but i lost the baby.so pls tell ur wife that preg is a beautiful time.enjoy it,embrace it.i'm glad i did it for the 29 wks my baby was with me.it's an indescribable joy,a feeling that i cannot wait to embrace again now that i'm trying for my 3rd time (2nd ended in m/c).there is nothing wrong with putting on wt and having a buldging belly.in fact,i embraced it so much that i flaunted it.i wore stylish clothes.who says preg women must look dull? tell ur wife to be happy abt being preg,then she will glow & she will look pretty.i was also afraid of stretch mark coz i love my bikinis.but i accepted it's part of preg.i applied normal body lotion fr day 1,progressed to clarins cream when my belly started showing.in the end,i didn't have stretch mark at all.i wonder if it's coz i was really happy throughout the preg.haha.so pls tell ur wife preg is a beautiful stage of life and embrace it instead of pushing it away.i get very upset when ppl don't treasure their pregnancies,coz every child is a blessing.

jo lyn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my husband paid (including the visit & scan that day plus vitamins & a wash/cream) $1450 upfront. i understand its meant to be about half. then delivery charges are another bit to be paid up after we give birth. but i seem to be seeing him only once a mth at present so i feel (in my opinion) since u are seeing him more often, its more "value for money" if u take up package early. that means it covers all your $150 plus visits u have been forking out all this while [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the thomas incentive scheme does not cover LC so when i do the oscar test i might sign up then bec it gives 10% discount off scans (this includes all our detailed scans etc etc)

by the way my EDD is meant to be 17th july 2010, slightly after yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Hael, thanks alot for your info. My next appt will be next week. So kinda excited to know the amount first.

Maybe one day we will bump into each other there. Heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u must be a very concerned husband to want to find ways to support your wife but ultimately she is the one who needs to realise that once she becomes a mummy...the sacrifices start[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]not to say that she wont regain her figure but she will have a lot more to occupy her than just how she looks. she should just enjoy her pregnancy and watch her weight but not obssess over it. the baby will be worth it all. btw, am having my third bb and let me give u a tip- breastfeeding is the fastest way to lose weight. I was always beack to pre-preggers and even pre-marriage weight within 4 months of breastfeeding[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went for a scan this morning, i was so happy to know that i have gained 1/2 a KG, just felt great, i am not afraid of putting on weight, it's inevitable. Yup, agree with some mummies, will be breastfeeding and get massage lady to massage and do wrapping.

Yay i will go and get Clarins Oil too =) thanks for the recommendation.

Today bb is measured at 1.19cm, 7 weeks 3 days.

ok right? last week scan was 0.46cm. Saw my bb's heartbeat so cute, but gynae didn't let me hear lei.. can hear already?

down symdrome test:

i m nt here 2 scare u ladies but i had a bad encounter 4 my #1 so it'll be good 2 test as earli as possible.. then doc only asked me to go for a screening at 22 weeks as there was instability in bb b4 that..den at 22 weeks, i was informed that bb was high risk down symdrome..n i was so upset..did de embryotic fluid test n had a miserable wait 4 2 weeks.. den found out everything was fine..during the wait i was tinking..it'll be cruel 2 terminate the pregnancy at 24 weeks..so i was naturali devastated..lucki #1 is cute n healthy nw..

HI Jo Lyn,

I am also experiencing bad MS for the past week. Almost after each meal, I have to dash for the toilet bowl. Went for scanning yest nite n gynae commented that if the situation gets worst, she may need to admit me to hospital to be on drip. I was given a jab and some anti-nauseous medi to take for now.

Gynae advise me to take more fluid so that our body will not get dehydrated. And remember to rinse your mouth after you vomit as the stomach acid that we throw out is not gd for our teeth.

Ladies, any recommendations for strollers for 2 type , if elder one is 2+ yrs old?

or is it better to buy seperate strollers?

Morning mummies..

Hi Jimbo, I agree with all the mummies out there. weight gain & stretch marks are parcel of pregnancy and it is a wonderful stage of life thou maybe tough when experiencing morning sickness, backache etc.. Ultimately after 10 months when you carried your bundle of joy in your arms, everything is definitely worth it. I used to be slim as well but after given birth my colleagues commented I become bigger in size. But I don't give a damn.

Hi Taurus, please take care.. Like you, I'm having bad MS too. Try to drink some milo and see if it helps for you.


Morning mummies.

Hey.. just to check with you all.. do you all sleep on your sides now or just sleep anyhow?

I read that sleeping on our back is not good for the baby and we should be sleeping on our side especially left hand side.

Is it true? I had a hard time trying to sleep on my left hand side. Not comfortable.

Hi bb Gen,

Thanks! I think the only consolation we have of our bad MS is that our bb is growing well ... kekeke ...

Me too ... used to be a XS but after given birth to my no 1, I am in between S and M ... with a bulging tummy often mistaken tt I am 4 mths preggy. Now tt I am finally pregnant, can finally flaunt my tummy. 8)

Hi Ann,

Me too ... felt uncomfortable when I try to sleep on my left hand side. I am used to sleeping on my sides before pregnant but now i prefer to sleep on my back ... more comfy but sometimes I will still turn to my side but usually is right hand side ... tot it is just me ... so now I have to try to sleep on my left hand side

ann and taurus

think the docs recommend sleeping on the left side so that we do not press on the vein removing the waste matter on our right side. i find that propping a pillow or body cushion under my right side usually makes it more comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


with a double stroller may be very heavy and almost impossible to use the escalators in the malls. but with 2 strollers u may need 2 persons to jaga every time u go out. or how about using a baby carrier and a stroller?

If you buy sepereates, then your hubby and you will be occupied with pushing the kids around.

If one double, you guys can take turns.. sometime you might not have the help, if you go out alone. However Double are usually big bulky , so will take up quite a lot of car boot space.

I am torn (coz the double ones are usually bulky as mentioned) although the phil & ted one seems not bad. Just that the poor baby underneath cannot see anything. heehee

Hi Pillow,

If your elder wan is old enough, maybe u can consider those with an attachment like a roller skate but the elder wan will have to stand on it while you push the stroller.

Jo Lyn

Ya I start puking yesterday night and just now...


and my back also going to break.... i wonder this is normal...

my appetite isn't good either.. i was so hungry, but only managed to swallow one spoonful of noodles that's it. I guess i can only take soup, and fruits now..

My blood pressure was 101 during last check up, is it low? my vision blacked out just now when i tip-toed to take sth from my wardrobe.

Hi Pillow,

There are alot of other brands , beside Phil and Ted. If you dun like the other child hidden underneath and behind. Can consider Graco, Mama love brands.

phil and Ted is the most expensive on the double stroller range

alot of discussion here on how to gain back pre-pregnancy size? i am a XS too before given birth to my #1. i put on a total of 21kg throughout the pregnancy, stretch marks were all over. baby born at 4.05kg via natural. i managed to sqeeze onto my skinny jeans on his full month celebration, very amazing rite? it took me less than 3 months to regain back my pre-pregnancy size/weight. by the time i returned to work, i don't have prob wearing back my old clothes. i continued to BF my son till he is 1yo. during this period, i looked slim but with fuller breasts. it really made my days LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] currently i am 27wks preg but had already put on 12kg. i dun give a damn too so long i am happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pillow, looks like we're in the same thread again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LOL all those sacrifices when you become a mom....

For me, I was XS size before i got preggie with my 1st one, put on 13 kg and within a month lost almost 10 kg thru breastfeeding. Cont bfing till 6 months and stopped due to travelling for work, so it was very disruptive to express overseas. Then after I stopped bfing, I could never shed off the 1-2kg but I was glad for that as I was way too skinny as remarked by others before pregnancy.

I was most worried about getting oily and pimply complexion as I used to have acne as a teenager. Thankfully I did not have any and even had a glow on the face during pregnancy.

I think all these are worth it when you finally hold the baby in your arms. So what if you put on weight, breakout, had horrible MS, saggy tummy and breasts or even balding for the pregnancy? Not everyone are lucky and blessed to have children and I think once you get pregnant, you should be prepared that your body is going to change. You should be worried if you do not put on enough weight to carry the baby though!

So I am hoping the 2nd one is a baby girl so I can close shop soon and squeeze into my skinny jeans again! HAHA

I think weight gain is part and parcel of being pregnant. My sister in law never lost the 4 kgs from her 1st and the 3 kgs from her 2nd child. and according to her after breastfeeding her children for total of 3 years in all, her breasts are not perky anymore and look kind of deflated. I think to imagine we'd all be the same or no change from before being preg is not realistic. However, the joy comes from having our little ones right? So I feel it is still worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any MTB is also migraine sufferer? haiz.. i am a migraine suffer.. headache + pregnancy makes me feel even worse.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


me lor.

i used to take a herb to help with the migraine & changed lifestyle habits too. yes but with pregnancy its worse as we cannot take medication as usual.

I think the herb i took was Feverfew I took it once every day for 1 mth -migraine left me for 6 mths then came abck with a vengence.

best to maintain for 1 week every mth - but not sure if we can take while preggy.

the other thing is to keep well hydrated, dry your hair before u sleep & keep consitpation at bay.

these are factors which can trigger migraine & make it worse.

which is why i chose to have short crop hair during my 1st pregnancy.


preg skin.

my 1st round i had oily skin so bad - i had to soap my EARS! or i will get pimples in the lobe & areas in the ears (not ear hole la) & ear pimples are really painful!

& i had big angry pimples in my SCALP!

& not to mention Big dandruff Flakes which can challenge kelloggs

i felt so Shitty! my face was a wreck! pimples, oiliness big pores!

Hi gals,

Anyone of u interested in second hand maternity clothes? Selling them cheap - Tops at $3 - $6, Bottoms at $6 to $8, Dresses at $8 -$10. Many of them r still in rather gd condition. If u r interested, come for viewing personally at my pl which is a stone's throw from Toa Payoh MRT station. http://www.flickr.com/photos/45441489@N06/?saved=1

Thanks picotin for your update on m/c. I just saw my gynae today. 7 weeks. 1.19cm. I guess that's on track. Next visit is in 11th week.

I'm wondering whether anyone knows about scans done in the 12th week. First trimester screening. Gynae visits are terribly expensive. And if the baby is stable, I'm hoping to spread them out and not visit so often. Any 2nd, 3rd time MTB, has any comments?

Julie, our baby is the same size! 1.19cm, EDD 24th July right? I am visiting gynae every week, really spent a lot! I have also schedule for 12th week blood test and OSCAR test.

Hi Shann, I don't think I would want to visit gynae every week! Really too expensive. Plus too disruptive to work. The NUH gynae schedules visits every 4 weeks in the initial period until the 3rd trimester, where it's every 2 weeks.

Has anyone done the Oscar test in the 11th week?

Good morning!

I wanna ask you mummies a question.

If you are seated on a crowded train and you see a pregnant lady, will you give up your seat to her?

Today I was taking the train to work… The train was so crowded and a pregnant lady had no seat.

I looked around me and the people sitting on the priority seats either did not notice her, or pretended not to!

The rest were sleeping.

I felt so guilty and gave up my seat though I really wanted to rest.

Around 15 mins of standing, I suddenly saw stars all over and my head became so light. (Maybe I haven’t had my breakfast).

I broke out in cold sweat and I started to feel faint. Luckily I didn’t faint…!

I am so freaked out and now I still feel a little headache. Wonder how am I going to survive till end of today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mornining mommies


oscar is the big word we use on down syndrome testing commencing between weeks 12-14 and 18-22 weeks.


sorry, but r u not under any package for ur gynae? cos if u r on package, u shd visit your gynae 2 or 3 weeks, for the first 12 weeks and then every 4 weeks from 12 weeks to 36 weeks and then weekly from 36 to edd

Hi Sweetkiss.

I would give up my seat to pregnant lady if no one give up for her. What you did was right.

Sometime I can understand pple work and are tired but we pregnant ladies also have to work and even worse as our tummy gets bigger. But selfish pple dun understand.

Sometime when I stand, i am just worried that I might fall when the train or bus braked suddenly.

Told hubby maybe next time I should print a shirt with wording like "I am pregnant. Pls don't pretend u didn't notice". Haha!!

sweetkiss.. I have the same symptoms as urs... started to feel very very giddy... There are so many days that I was tempted to go and see any GP and get MC to rest at home. Oh yah.. I have thalasseamia trait.. any mtb here have the same thing.. for me, my red blood cells are smaller then normal thus less oxygen transfer. dun usually affect me much but now I dunno if I'm giddy because of this.

I usually drive.. now I drive pretty slowly.. I used to drive quite fast.. maybe tat explains why there are so many comments about ladies driver being slow..

There were many stories on Stomp abt Singaporeans not giving up their seats to the needy.. yesterday, my hubby dropped his wallet and he saw the person picking it up from the floor and running away instead of returning it to him.. Shows how the 'courtesy' and 'kindness' campaign the government is spending so much money on is 'working' sigh..

Going for the second scan this sat.. hopfully can get more MC from the gynae... I am struggling at work and am making so much mistakes due to the 'tireness' that the protestrone tablets are causing.. Plus.. MS is really kicking in.. Doc is right.. MS will start in wk 8... arghhh... feel nauseous most of the day and get so pai seh throwing up in e toilet since it's always full (300+ ppl sharing 5 cubicles) sianz..

So much of my grumbling.. oh yah.. when are you mtb going to start shopping for baby things?? anything that I can get from HK or Korea?? going during christmas time.. hope I won't puke on e coach.

Jo_Lyn - I guess so.. I had been eating kiwis and dun feel any adverse effect like tummy ache after that.. usually I choose fruits of different colours

Ann.. haha.. that's a great idea!! maybe can even turn it into some charity thing.. think many pregnant ladies will come forward and buy them.. hmmm.. can even ask gynaes if can place there and sell.. ok.. i hv no mood to work at all..

Noknok: Thanks alot! I been craving for fruits all the time too. No craving or apettite for food in fact. Hope we faster pass the first trim and have a wonderful 2nd trim!!!

Xmas is around the corner. I am so tempted to start buying BB stuff. Anyone started buying? And actually what to start with? Hahaha...

Jo_Lyn - I hv no cravings for fruits leh.. more like I force myself to eat fruits to prevent constipation... I choose diff colour cos apparently they hv different nutritional values.

Went window shopping around baby stuff.. think need to spread out buying man.. big ticket items like cot, car seat, stroller, breast milk pump all so expensive... all costs a few hundred dollars.. with gynae fee.. dunno how to cope if all buying all at once. anyone started research on the above??

Hey Noknok.

Good idea... ask someone to design a few designs .. nice one la.. then the proceeds after deducting cost will go to charity like orphanage or needy family support group.

People also cannot come out with the excuse that oh.. she doesn't look pregnant at all or I dunno she is pregnant. Save all the guessing games and sometime embarassment too to those non pregnant ladies. haha!!

Hey... you also going to scan this Sat? Wat time? I am going at 11am. But i think another long wait.

Noknok: My friend will be sending me a list of what to buy. I will post it here to share with all mummies. And those 2nd time mummies, maybe you all can help out too by telling us what are the yes and what are the no. Meanwhile Noknok, you try to ask ard ur friends or colleague who have given birth. See there is anything they can pass to you. Can save some cost too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jolyn/nok nok

may i suggest that u start buying after u get to know bb's gender? also, try visiting fairs... if get some bargains...

i just bought a 2nd hand breastpump. over a year old and it's functioning well. for those who dun mind, 2nd hand stuff is quite good.

re: cot

one thing i find v impt... are any of ur folks/ILs gng to look after them? if they are, likely they like yao lan and not cot, but if u r, then cot is a good investment.

re: stroller

i din buy the lightweight ones like combi and aprica. i find them filmsy. i bought a pre-perego which was bulky but v sturdy. maybe one question u need to ask urself is if u can travel in w/o help. ie, just u n bb...

re: carseat

same thing, if u dun start ur bb in a car seat the first thing, like he/she will not seat in it for long hence if u wanna buy car seat, perhaps get those which can sit from infant to 18kg...

