(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Thanks Chloemum for replying. :)


Dun wori. I have many silly incidents too. :-(

Playdate on 9 Aug 2011 at Gymboree Harbourfront (12noon to 1pm)

Member $12 per hour per kid

NonMember $20 per hour per kid


- SN

- babygi

- Evejol

- mrs teo (vivy)

- Luckyone (Audrey & WeiXi)

No one else keen?


Hi ngcywc

regarding ur questions:

yes i use toothpaste Lion brand. but I dun brush her teeth daily.. most of the time either we forgot or we are too lazy.

I havent tried bringing baby overseas so I am not too sure. But my child is eating watever we are having if we dine out. so shouldnt be a problem.

chewing on thumb? before nap time? Ash used to do that, I will bite on her fingers or smack her hands and say NO firmly. there might be a gentler way but i am not sure

i use ear thermometer coz i heard from my pd and the doctors in hospital that its more accurate. Try braun.

It FRIDAY today. Am super glad this hectic week is ending soon. Cant wait for playgym on the 9th ;))

Hi SN,

My apologise for the delay in my confirmation on the playdate.

My girl is still having occasional cough. (Dun knw if it is a fake or real cough).. Haiz. Later, will let the PD check her.

Can I update you on my attendence tonight?

SN, so sorry for the last min "drop off". Hope we can arrange playdate again. If I din change new job, end of Dec I'm bari free (^^)

gladseow, hope she will get well soon. try Yummy House Honey or 雪梨soup.

Mrs Teo, my boy likes to chew his fingers when watching TV...when I see it, I will pull his finger out, of course he will put in again hahaha...

sue, dont need to worry abt all these little accident. we cant be watch after them all the time, so let this minor incident be a lesson to them. but of course dangerous stuff like glass, sharp object or hot item should always be kept out of reach.

sn, im not sure if i will be able to make it for the playdate but will try to rush there after i finish up the stuff at hm.

ngcywc, if u still wanna to give bb homecooked food then get a service apartment rather than hotel lor. otherwise you could get those bottled bb food. breaskfast can too be from hotel buffet, things like hard-boiled egg with fruits or toast with cheese will make a good health meal. bb more than a year can be a bit more relax on salt and seasoning so u can try ordering low salt food when u r out, not so much stuff to prepare. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as for milk, i think most bb is still having their mid day milk. actually im too thinking of replacing the mid day milk with a snack. any mummies know what is the recommended milk intake for 1yr old kid?

Tks for the reply, Mrs Teo n mush.

Despite his molars r out ( total tooth nw: 14) but he still dun knw hw to chew well, always gag. Haiz....

Due to 1 of his kidney is dilated so going to delay his salt intake. Hv tried giving him jar food, he refused to eat.

Regarding chewing his thumb/finger. If he chew or put it into his mouth, We'll pull it out. But wen come to nap/bedtime, no way to control it. Was thinking shd I put bitter/spicy stuff on his thumb?

re toothpaste for baby. I asked my sister in-law who is a dentist the same question before. Below was taken from her email reply to me:

".. I never used toothpaste ( baby toothpaste) till XX was able to actually spit a fair bit: they can never spit well till about 8 i think. But i did't want her to swallow too much toothpaste, so, I basically started her on gauze, then wet toothbrush alone, then with toothpaste when she seems to be able to spit better."

"Baby toothpaste; eventhough it contains lower level of fluoride: there is still fluoride in it. If swallowed in large amount over time: u get fluorosis on the permanent teeth. When u look at some people: their teeth have rather patchy frosty look: that's prob fluorosis. Look at my teeth next time: u'll see fluorosis. Yeah...I was using adult toothpaste at young age and purposely swallowed as much as i could coz it tasted like ice cream. hahah! anyway...part of growing up i guess! As a general guideline: most kids dunno how to spit out properly till 8 YEARS OLD. I think it really depends on how much guidance u give them."

personally, i have so much trouble getting my gal to cooperate with brushing her teeth, I don't think I can manage toothpaste at this stage. She was more cooperative when she was a baby though. :p

re holiday: I brought my gal on a trip a few months ago. We basically brought along a lot of Heinz jarred food and baby cereal. We also let her ate whatever we thought was suitable at the buffet eg. porridge, boiled egg, fruits. We are going to Phuket next mth. Think will do the same again. At the moment, my gal is also eating "homecooked tiny lumpy food w/o salt n other seasoning".

I'm also keen to know what is "normal" milk intake as well as food intake for a 1 year old. Can other mummies share yr experience? Reading those baby website, I have no ideas what does 1 "portion" of fruit/ veg/ whatever mean.

Luckyone, no prob. Yup, we can arrange again.

Toothpaste, can get those bb ones without flouride. Dun let them use toothpaste with flouride, till they much older where all their permanent teeth are out.

Hi Sally,

Thanks for having Gerris and me over to your place for a super fun day. Was showered with all the toys and hospitality.

Akiden was so well behave will mummy hosted us so well. Smiley Sophie is super sweet, chuckling all the way. And Ethan is such a gentlemen. Always sharing the toys with others.

Keke..just love playdates so much. Learned so much from tods and mummies.

Really hope to have another playdate with you all again soon.

ngcywc: You can try ordering from Petit Bowl. www.petitbowl.com. They sell frozen bb food without additional seasoning. Got quite a good menu. Go to the website to check it out. More costly than the jar food thought. They use organic vegs and grain.

Pringles: Think after 1 year old, can just give food on demand. No hard and fast rules. Cos of differing activity level.

6am (180 milk) - if she wakes up and ask for it

9am - breakfast, 1/2 or 1 slice of bread

11am - nap

1pm - lunch, 1 green pigeon bowl of porridge or equivalent. sometimes slightly more or less

3pm - 180ml milk

4pm - nap

5pm+ - dinner, 1 green pigeon bowl of porridge or equivalent. sometimes slightly more or less

7.30pm - 1 petite niam yogurt cup. or some bread/cake (abt half donut amount). or some fruits.

9pm (240ml milk)

2am (180ml milk) - if she wakes up and ask for it.

Chloe will also ask for snacks in between. She does this really often. So she doesn't really eat a lot of porridge. She is practically running around non stop during her awake hours and can never go more than 3 hours without food.

Hello mummies!!

How are all of you?

I must be posting here like after a million years.. hehhehe... :p

But I always read the thread. I had the opporunity to briefly meet Anne and bummed into Audrey (Luckyone) few weeks ago. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raihan is super active and getting smarter by the day. He catches short words really quick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just want to check- any mummies here with their babies with poor eating? Raihan only likes drinking milk and drinking water. Fruits are also ok. but when it comes to food, he is very picky! He only eats our food! When I make porridge for him, he just spits out. When our food has low salt content also he spits out. Food like chicken rice, briyani and basically salty & spicky food are his fav.

Of course I do not give in to his demands bec I am very scared of his high salt intake so I just resort to giving him milk most of the time. Anyone else facing the same problems?

A_R: Chloe also bad eater. The 1 little bowl of porridge can take like 1 hr to force feed. Yes. My mother does that. If I am feeding, I can at most easily feed like 4 big teaspoonsful, and she will start running ard, insisting to come down from the baby chair, purse her lips shut. Takes a lot a lot of coaxing just to make her eat. I don't have that kind of patience. So if she don't want, I just let her go. When she is hungry, she will come ask me for food. That's fine with me. Outside food is also ok. I have resorted to eating porridge (outside kind) or foods that is low in sauce or salt. I will feed her if she wants. Need to make some sacrifices. It's a lot easier when she sees us eating the same thing as her.

Otherwise, sometimes letting her feed herself works too. But the mess is unbearable. I lay newspaper round the high chair. The radius is very big. Cos she throws. Not drop the food. If she eats outside, I will try to clean up as much of the mess on the floor as I can.

I will scold and punish also lar. But not scream. Doesn't work very well though. Haha... If she throws too much food or fling the bowl off the table, I will tell her off and take the bowl or food away. She will scream. I try to talk to her, pacify her, and return the things to her. It will stop the wailing. If the throwing starts, I will take away again, return only after a longer time.

I believe everyone goes through this stage at some point in time. Some lasts longer, some shorter. Just need to bear with it. Don't let them make the bad habit permanent.

Hi mummies:

Hope everyone is doing good!

I got to agree with Sue and AR, cos Anish is doing the same too.

My mum force feed him and that will take an hour to finish his lunch, when its dinner, I would let him off if he doesnt want to eat. He prefers to try our food and we would give him since his food intake is not that great either.

He takes bread, but not too much has it tends to leave him constipated. Milk, cereals, baby yogurt, fruits, baby biscuits, pasta, MacDonald’s and simple food seems to be his favourite.

Nowadays I cannot put him in a baby seat, as he refuses and would scream and wail.

For the past few days, he has been throwing tantrums, crying and screaming whenever he doesnt get his way. Hubby and myself, we get flustered and find it difficult to handle him at time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope this is a phrase and we get over it soon.

Anish sleeping and eating schedule

5am-180 milk, he move n would be fugitive in his sleep

8am wakes up

9am - breakfast, oats, or cereals or 1/2 slice of bread with 1/2 half boil egg

10.30am - nap with 200ml milk

1.30pm - lunch, 1 bowl of porridge or rice with 2 side dish

2pm - yogurt(alt days)

4pm - nap with 200ml milk

5.30pm+ - Snack such as biscuits or half a cup of milo

7.30pm - Dinner (same as Lunch)

9.00-9.30pm- wind down and Bedtime

10pm- 300ml milk

Looks good ah, but Anish has slimmed down a lot. He looks so skinny and pains my heart to see him like that. Well he is also very active running around so I guess he burns off quite fast.

On some days he goes on no food diet cos he simply refuses to eat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anne: seem like Arnish doesnt really like porridge. Hv u tried giving rice/pasta/mashed potatoes/omelette etc during his lunch/dinner? Mayb he wanted something to chew rather than mushy food.

Based on his schedule, he's drinking quite alot esp 300ml of milk. hv u ever think that he wakes up so early is due to he has nap too much in the day?

Hayven's schedule:

830-9am: wake up, 150-180ml milk.

10am: bfast, 3tbsp cereal or 1slice of bread or pancakes or half avocado.

12pm: lunch, 3/4 bowl of soft rice/noddle/boiled or stir-fried udon/boiled or stir-fried macaroni/pasta/mashed potatoes w boiled or stir-fried meat/veg/tofu or omelette or steamed egg or pan fried meat patty. Sometimes i add in cheese or tomato sauce/cream sauce in his food dessert: fruits.

130pm: nap

4pm: T-break, 150-180ml milk

7pm: dinner, if lunch is soft rice, dinner will b noodle or pasta.

9pm: 60-90ml milk, brush teeth n bedtime.

My boy is oso not as chubby as b4 since he started on solid. Sometime i'll give him biscuit/bread @ 5+pm, esp if his T is ard 3+pm. His appetite quite small n he dun drink much too.

Mummies, Any advise?

Hello mummies!! Lucas is deprived of playdates but mummy here just couldn't match the dates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My boy on an everage dozes off at 11:30pm, earliest at 11pm and later when we have guests at home. He wakes up averagely between 9am-10am.

He will ask for milk immediately and will have breakfast shortly after.

Follows by lunch around half past noon, then milk and dinner and milk every 3-3.5hrs.

He is drinking 240ml each feed.

I guess they are starting to become less chubby because they are getting more active and mobile. My boy just started to run. So he runs to us, runs to his grandparents, runs to get his toys. How to become chubby?? Well, he is not chubby to start with la, except for the fishball cheeks. But he is gaining a little bit from the loss of weight recently because of mild bronchitis.

For breakfast, I gave him bread and cheese most of the time, sometimes cereals or pancakes. If time permits, I will give him a serving of fruits.

Lunch and dinner would be porridge. either meat or fish w a selection of veg. ;) I do give him some of our food when we dine out but I still prepare porridge. Only at times, when I am lazy, I will replace it with another milk feed. Hahaha...


Hi, yes he doesnt like mushy stuff. We cook our normal rice with his side dish such as boiled potatoe, carrots, and other veg + cooked chicken or fish. When im at home, i cook for him pasta and other stuff. When we are having fruits, we will give him like apple, banana and etc.

As a baby he drinks lots of milk...now 300ml, if he doesnt eat well, he can finish up to 330ml of milk. Usually i add cereals and rusks in his milk with a bigger teet.

As for his naps, i think he sleeps alot in the afternoon thus he sleeps late at night, sometimes 11+ on a bad day, good days, by 9.30pm, so now if he doesnt take his afternoon nap,i dont force so that he goes to bed by 9pm and i have some time to breathe and complete my houshold chores...hiazzz...


I agree, my bot started walking at 14months but he is running already...At times i cant seem to keep up with him.ummmm....Anyways its good so that i can lose some weight and be active too.

But poor boy looks so skinny, even his cheeks are gone... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

HI mummies!

Oh gosh! Talking abt food. I have long given up feeding cos I dun hav to patience to coax for one hr! If she doesn't wan to eat her porridge, normally we replace w something else which she will eat. Bread, rice, biscuits. Guess porridge since 5 mth old she is sick of it alr.

Sarah feeding schedule

8am - wakes up 180ml milk

10am - one slice bread w cheese/nutella/jam/margarine

1pm - porridge/mee sua/fried rice/potato (usually one 12mth pigeon bowl or less)

4pm - 120ml milk

7pm - porridge/mee sua/fried rice/potato

10pm - 180ml milk

She luuuuvs outside food! ESP chicken rice! Sometimes she will eat chicken rice for lunch or KFC for dinner. I love to let her try everything but limit to one or twice a week. Other days will b her half teaspoon soy sauce/fish sauce flavored homecooked foods. :p

She is still skinny now, in fact skinnier then before as more active now. Kinda worried abt the upcoming appt at poly when they gonna weigh her. I tried home weighing scale carrying her n minus mine weight, she is abt 9-10kg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] oh well see wat the doc says.

Would love playmates too! But but only avail weekends. Any playdats coming up? Water park or something. I dun mind at my house. :p if mummies dun mind my humble space. This weekend anyone?

skmama, 9-10kg is the average wt range ah - not skinny at all..... my boy also around 10 kg (maybe a lil bit more now).....

playdate at your house (hougang rite?) - anytime :p

Hi mummies,

Hmm my skinny baby also seems to have the same eating habits as Sarah and Anish. All these picky eaters!!

Anne since your boy is such a milk guzzler maybe can consider Pediasure since supposed to be for fussy eaters. You can buy the small tin to try i have heard of some toddlers putting on weight after drinking it. Unfortunately, my girl isn't very fond of it so i only give her pediasure once a day she drinks goat's milk the rest of the time.

Teachers at IFC told me my princess bit a baby yesterday!! faintz.... i could see her whole top and bottom teeth mark on the poor chubby baby arm (baby was super chubby and cute i tell u i also want to bite but yeah)...baby sitting in rocker only so obviously dunno how to retaliate..how to teach her its wrong when she doesnt do it at home / in front of us and i can't check her since i don't see it!

Impulse / Pinnky.. lunch monday?

Hi Mummies, guess this is the stage where our tods knows what they wants and want to be independent.

There is a few ways I will try to make my girl eat her porridge when she refuses.

1) Turn on her favourite DVD. (She will be jus concentrating and open her mouth when asked to)

2) Add in a small piece of table food into her spoon to tempt her (haha.. her favourite is CharSiew/ShaoRuo - RoastPork).

3) Let her self feed. (Hold her hand to guide the spoon in her mouth.)

4) If all attempt fails, then i will wait till later.

Any tods here starts to cry and scream thunderously when they wants something? How mummies here cope with that?

I always gives in to her until a certain stage (cry until like got asthma like tat). I heard older people says that cannot let baby cry too long.

Any tips?


yup my pl near hougang mall. not skinny? i think her legs r soo thin leh... haha but she is well n about so not really worried. just scared the doc think i never feed her or wat... lol

wanna come over? sat im gg out. sunday afternoon if u can? ethan must b a big boy now alr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh ya she will cry n scream if things doesnt happens the way she wants it. its their way of expression since they cant really say/tell us. i will just giv it to her but explain why its like tat. if she wants something which she is not suppose to hav, i will distract her with other thngs. works so far.

most of the time, i amuse myself with her self-frustration. haha im so mean!

Lilstarz29: i gave him Pedisure, he took it well, after tt worse, didnt want to eat or drink milk for 7 hrs!!! tt was bad!! my mum scolded me...

so i give him pedisure only at night and that too alternate nights...Oh man!! had a shock. And then i realise some tods on pedisure goes on hunger strike for many hrs, eg my brother in law's kids, they are 9 and 5, super skinny...so i fear tt Anish would look like tt...

Now although he doesnt eat well, i give him milk with cereals...I have all the different kinds of cerels and rotate for him...

My parents take him to the playground or under the block to eat lunch, which im against but since he eats i allow...he used to eat while watching TV, now cant use tt trick...

gladseow: my boy also crying non stop for something he wants...i often cant take his cries so i give in... but my mum and hubby, let him cry for a while and then he realise hes not going to get it, he hum loudly and walk away...

I think give in cos i cant see and hear him cry...


Anne, Hunger strike?! I didn't know that! Thank goodness but i haven't seen that happening with my girl..only the first time she took it at night she slept the whole night thru... but.. it only happened one night.. yeah i switch the tv on to MioTV Babyfirst TV during mealtimes... once she is engrossed i do my best to stuff food into her mouth as fast as possible!! Eat at playground and under the block yeah thats a no no... but i can understand... whatever makes them eat...

Gladseow.. if distraction doesn't work, my baby will throw her major tantrum by crying until whole face turn red, drops to the floor and starts rolling on the ground.. me and hubby just walkaway like nothing happening.. then when she realise nobody paying attention she auto stops..

Anne: Yes. I heard some of my colleagues telling me abt Pediasure too. It's really sweet and fragrant. A lot of kids get addicted to it. And never learn to eat well after that. Neither will they outgrow it.

So unless the kid is really really not eating, or underweight, don't give pediasure first.

If not sure, talk to a PD. My 2 colleagues who gave pediasure were cause the kids were underweight.

Chloe is also a very picky eater. So what I do is feed her snacks in between. Cake, bread, biscuits, fruits, etc. This way she will eat more and also have a more balanced diet. She also seem to prefer feeding herself. She can hold an entire apple and munch. She only has her front 4 teeth. i also give her milk every 3 hourly or so when she asks for it, or when she didn't eat a lot of solids.

So far ok. She's definitely losing her bb fats and not gaining as much weight, but still growing. That's most important.

Gladseow: The tantrum throwing is a stage. Chloe does the same. Usually I try the distraction method. If cannot, den ignore for a while, den distract again. Still cannot then walk away. If still cannot stop, then i will pick her up and distract again. Usually will stop. They will get tired from the crying lar.

Any mummies using play yard for their little ones? My boy jus started walking, is it too late to get 1?

Thought of putting him in wen I need to cook his meal or toilet break etc....

Really wanted to join the playdate but the timing either crash w his lunch or naptime.

Hi, I'm using Haenim Play Yard..bought two sets to create a huge play area for my son when he was around 8 months...initially it was useful coz he needed support to stand and walk but once he started walking well at about 12 months, he refuses to stay inside unless I'm in there with him.So I started putting his table with blocks and even a tent inside to entice him to play in his play yard...hehe

Anne: u mentioned he's v skinny. is Anish underwgt? Pls dun compare w other bb, birth wgt n height do play apart too. If u r worried, chk w PD. based on his intake of milk, is HUGE. (+ u added cereal or rusk in)

Mayb for his side dish dun jus boiled it. Sometimes u can put abit of oil to stir-fry or pan-fry. Eg i blended chix w cherry tomatoes (like puree) add in abit of pepper, few drops of sesames oil, breadcrumbs, roasted white sesame n tiny bit of chopped oregano. I pan-fry it in the size of 50cents. I learn alot fr Luckyone. Too bad she has closed her blog.

U can let him tried stew chix. Steamed fish (few slices of ginger n abit of sesame oil n 2drops of low salt soya sauce) or steamed eggs or omelette (put cheese, meat, veg, mushroom) Can he chew well?

ngcywc: Hi!! Anish is not underweight.but his weight gain is much slower than before. He still in the 95-97 percentile. However, his appearance shows that he is skinny. On days where is food intake is lesser, we add rice water in his milk so that he still maintains what he has. Can feel his back bones now.

We have discussed this issue with PD, but he doesnt see anytg to worry as his weight has always been good, and hes active and reaching his milestones effectively. PD prescribed vitamins.. he is still taking it.

As for his food, yes we have been doing a variety now. Some days are good while others are not so good.

I also let me him eat on his own,food, fruits, biscuits and etc, after a few mouths, he will experiment his food, by squeezing and pressing it btw his fingers...

I hope he outgrows this phrase soon.

I also noticed that there is a change in his nap time. Past few days he doesnt want to take his morning naps though he looks sleepy. He prefers to sleep ard 2ish after his lunch, has about two to three hour nap in the afternoon. This is considering he will adapt to his CC timing soon. But bad cos my mum cant do her cooking... guess we have to learn to manage.

Thank you so much for your suggestion and concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anne: u r welocme. wow...95-97. Hayven % oni 50 since birth til nw. Since PD said his wgt n development r gd, dun put pressure on urself. Anish is growing well.

Does he still wake up so early after his nap is 2-3hrs?

ngcywc: this is what it means to a kaisu parent..hahah!!! also pressure from my parents...hahah!!!

His nap, last few days he had only one nap in the afternoon for abt 2-3 hrs, and goes to bed ard 9ish, he is still up by 7.30 to 8.30am...he doesnt sleep beyond 8.30am...I think hes a morning person...

So we are sleep deprived too... I miss those times when i get to wake up at 11ish on weekends...hahaha!!!

This is parenthood... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies..good day!!

My friend wants to transfer her gym membership with Amore Fitness at attractive price as she is leaving Sgp tis month.

The membership will be valid until March 2014. It's a full unlimited package, so you can visit any of amore branches at any time.

The amount for these 2.5 years full package will be 2.8k SGD (after GST), which means you only need to pay S$93/month, the price is still negotiable, since she is leaving sgp soon.

If you are interested, please call her directly at 91096852. Her name is Fiona.


Weight....... So envy all the tods big big size..... Mine barely touches 8kg onli. Super duper mini size. :-( But he eats alot lor. Hiaz.


29th August, Monday, Singkids @ Airport T3.

Any mummies interested? Thinking of going there early in the morning. Anyone know the opening hours of Singkids?

Hi mush..

I thinking to go Singkids too on 29th..hehe..they open at 11am..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

did u been to peekaboo? I never been b4, consider tis place also..


I still not sure cox 11am is my boy's nap time..i might go in afternoon with my sis..u guys hv fun ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

