(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


no need to feel sad, 10 mths is a feat. I hope you are feeling better though. And if you still want to continue, it's still possible.

ylc, wanderliebe, Mrs N, NHK,

it's comforting to know that u all are going strong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope my friend doesn't come till I stop.

I feel encouraged, although I've already got a good routine going, at times I think of stopping, because of work and biz trips and stress and lack of sleep and I wanna wear clothes without having to think of how to nurse wearing them...the list goes on....haiz


I bathe my bb with showerhead now with a bath mat. To prepare him, I will say, Shower time, then count to 3 when I place the shower over his head and take it away on the last count. Gradually, I don't even have to count anymore. My #1 still doesn't like his face wet even at the age of 3.5yrs. I do the same, prepare them when the water is going to go over their face, and praise them when its over. If they know what is coming, it's less likely that they will cry/scream or get frightened.

sue, lucasmummy,

ok I'll send out the invite sometime after 19 MArch. looking forward to meet all of you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



During the trial and error days of my #1, I had even tried to feed him milk that had already turned bad. He cried and kicked up a huge fuss. bbs are smart if it turns bad they won't take it. For me, if it smells ok, I'll try feeding it.

Morning morning...

NHK, it's OK!! I was really hoping to keep aunty away for a year. SIGH. Only made it 7months. It's definitely my/baby's sickness during that time. I can't stand that familiar crampy feeling so don't miss it too much!! Even if you are trying for another one, you may still ovulate without aunty so enjoy it while it lasts!!

Mrs N, thanks thanks as always for cooking tips. Let me find if i still have nutmet/cinnamon left. Hmm... the stew cuts at Mmmmm are nice but all chopped up. Yeah i guess pan frying will be better as it seals it juices. Dilemma... ok i shall do it one day when i don't feel so lazy about cleaning up.

bbf, hihi... umm i give bottle to IFC so i hope if it's bad, they will not force baby to drink. :p Yeah yeah i'm also so happy to hear of people still bf. My parents/MIL/even GP (!!) are not supportive. They said ppl only bf 1month during their time. There is no benefit to continue and very troublesome/tiring blah blah... I feel so demoralized everytime they say that. Super sianz about work too cos I don't wanna go anywhere. Where have you been so far? Any advice on how to avoid? I did a short BKK and one week Japan trip but it was exhausting that's why i got super sick after i came back. It's big logistical planning to buy ice/pack back. *sob*

Ask you gals, do you give mainly chlled-bm or fbm? NOwadays I am too lazy to thaw so I just use chilled and supplement with a pack of fbm like once a week. So the fbm supply is dwindling but i think enough for a few weeks' supplement without topping up supply.

Mrs N, do you know how much baby J drinks now? I send him to daycare with 180mlx3 as what Luckyone mentioned but can't tell if he's getting enough and when to reduce. As he takes solids, I'm giving more water (~100-150ml/day). Is this OK?


I've been giving chilled plus fbm. Has been expressing exclusively. Lucky, my bb has no issue w it. Hmmm, think she's just greedy when comes to food. This explain for her weight too :p

Me, too, has been discourage by MIL and my mum. And I've been rude in replying them that fm is expensive, are they paying for bb? My mum got annoyed. She keeps asking me to stop, partially due to the space I occupied in the freezer. I simply ignore at times as I knw I could b real rude and might hurt their feelings.

i think shd be okie. now is at max 10 adults 10 babies.

19 Mar Playdate at Mrs Teo

1) vivy & ash

2) Babygi & Ethan Au

3) LucasMummy & Lucas

4) Lilstarz & Kiersten

5) Edie & Thea

6) Little Tiger & Aaricia

7) Michelle & Nathaniel

8) Jojo & Chloe Chng

9) Impulse41 & Castiel

10) Chillimum & Sarah

Time: 1130 t0 1500hr

Mummies, we can decide when its nearer if we wanna order pizza for lunch.

Or is everyone okie if i prepare sandwiches like tuna mayo + simple ham & cheese etc + egg


Mrs Teo, I'm fine with anything. The sandwiches idea sound great to me. Normally, will be busy jagaing the little one, just take the pop into the mouth sound easier to me.

But see what everybody say, I'm okie with pizza as well.

Hellooo Morning!!

Sat I feed my boy bread with fruit jam for breakfast!

He loves it (^^)1st time feed him bread without soak with water/ soup ya!

1 pc of white bread

(cut away the side. cut the bread into small pcs)

1 apricot (remove the skin, seed and soak with hot water for 5 mins, chopped.

mixed both together.

You can use other fruit like strawberry & peach for healty fresh fruit jam

Brought my boy to "my gym" last Sat. He enjoyed! Esp the game that swing his body with both arms.

He was so tried after the gym and sleep before 8pm till next morning.

But hor super expensive leh, 1 lesson about 37.50...

Mummies, the baby gym class that you all signed up also so exp?

good morning,

Luckyone, so paisei didnt manage to go to mygym in the end.

i already at my friend plc @ simei area, my girl cry & cry only manage to fell asleep at 4.45pm wake up at 5.45pm.

How is the gym.. Many pple and what they do..

THere is another this week.. willt ry register again. Hope i not blacklisted.

hee hee

Toothless club

Finally my girl graduated from toothless club last Fri ..

Lin, haha my boy also tried to let him sleep in the afternoon b4 the gym but he don't want to sleep. After the gym he super tired haha..

Um..about 7 babies in total bah..

I think shall be ok if you go this Sat bah. Just tell tehm you can't made it last week loh.

oh ya, yday i fed Ash with baby yogurt, she loves it. I got it from Yoplaits (somehing liddat)

its for babies 6mth & older

mrs teo, i have bb the yoplaits yogurt too.... v hard to find the 6 months type so i gave him the yogurt for 1 yr and above.... he likes it too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think it's strawberry flavor

babygi, u staying in hougang rite. can go serangoon gardens the new "mall" (super small) MY Village - can find in basement NTUC finest those for 6mth above.

there were alot that day i went.

Aaarrgghh... my girl has been diagnosed with the viral form of hfmd.,, same family different strain etc etc... she only has ulcers in the mouth and the fever that shoots up... it was so high she started shivering in the clinic and the PD stuck some tablet up her butt... but the tablet is good.. her fever has gone off.. so she is at home this week and i got problem taking my leave so have to take turns with the hubby....

the thing is i dun even know where she got it from cos IFC said she is the first.... her fever only started on sunday..... anyway she seems active enough so that makes me feel better...

regarding yoghurt.... she absolutely hates it... give one mouthful after that refuse to open her mouth... even the yoghurt melts.. she will spit it out.... guess she just doesnt like sour stuff...


omg, hope babyK gets well soon.

make sure she is hydrated. barley water is good.

btw, adults must also take care as i've heard many parents also kena hfmd from their kids

Hi mummies,

Michelle: You are most welcome. After you all left, Lucas took his nap. I had some time so I uploaded the photos. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jojo, Lilstarz: Take care! And wish speedy recovery to all.

babygj: Some organic stores have yogurt for 6mths onwards. Do you let Ethan finish the whole cup? am wondering if it is too much to feed but it's so wasteful to throw.


i think whole cup of yogurt is too much for baby. i give only like 5-8 small tiny spoonful.

rest of it goes to hubby

1st birthday bash .... mummies any suggestions on venues to accomodate all of us ?

On baby yoghurt, Nat likes it so he normally finishes one whole cup of the Yoplait baby yoghurt. And I feed him 1 cup every alternate day .

Babygi, I saw the Yoplait baby yoghurt at both Cold Storage and NTUC Xtra at NEX if you want to get

afternoon mummies...


thks for having us over last fri... it's been a great playdate for me as well as lil A... it's been so long since i last meet up with all of u...

for the bb yogurt, i give 1 cup each time... but if u feel that it's too much, you can scoop a little into a cup and keep the bal in an air tight container n consume within the next 24hrs...


nice chatting with u gers...

Hi share with you menu for 9 to 11 mths


Boiled & Chopped Broccoli - half table spoon

Boiled & Chopped Cod Fish - half table spoon

Porridge - 2 table spoon

White Sauce - 1 table spoon

(handmade white sauce: melt butter, add in flour and add in milk)

Cheese Powder - few drops


Boiled & Chopped Chicken Meat - 1 table spoon

Soy Sauce - 1/4 teaspoon

Chopped Honeydrew - 1/2 table spoon

Chopped Tofu - 1/2 table spoon

Chopped White Seseme 1/4 teaspoon (can buy ready chopped one from cold storage)


1)Boiled & Chopped Carrot - 1/2 teaspoon

Boiled & Chopped Broccoli - 1/2 tablespoon

Boiled & Chopped Pumpkin - 1/2 teaspoon

Pork Meat or Beef Meat - 1 table spoon

Soy Sauce - few drops

2)Egg - 1/4

Bread Crumb - 1/2 teaspoon

Mixed 1) together and roll to small ball or something like below picture.

Dip with 2) beaten egg then bread crumb and fried on flying pan (fried with little bit of oliver oil).


Mrs Teo , I still give fruits on the same day as yoghurt , so far Nat poos 2x a day . Fruits and yoghurt cannot give on same day meh ?

Luckyone: It's just amazing how you prepare all these food. They look really yummy. Do you feed them to bb separately with porridge? or mash together in the porridge? makes more sense to feed separately though.

Lazy me, made tiny chicken meatballs, and ended up, mashing everything up and mix inside porridge. So good to look only. =P

Michelle: you give Nat the yoghurt cold?

The yoghurt like quite a big cup. i saw it at cold storage the other time. but didn't buy. surprisingly the yoplait for 1YO+ is smaller portion. I wonder why.

ChloeMum, all these I copy from internet haha..

I just follow the instruction to cook loh.

I normally cook and chopped all meat/ fish and vegs separately then put on top or mixed with soft rice, spaghetti, soumen & oat.

I think the only way to made me so hard working is me and hubby also can eat mah.

I don't have to eat outside food or cook separately hehe..And it's more healthy for both of us cause no salt & sugar, low fat and more vegs.

I will try not to intro "salt" & "sugar" below 1 year old.

"Soy Sauce" "Miso" "Butter" "Cheese Powder" all I buy low salt/unsalted one.

Luckyone, so u feed like 1 mouth rice, 1 mouth ingredient? like that i think will feed for very long. hahahahaha. me so lazy. even when i made pasta, i just chopped up everything, and mix together and feed.


i was thnking could it be too acidic for bb?

I give only yogurt or fruit in one day. not both.

my bb poo once a day (normal) sometimes she eats too much then its 2x a day.

i try to fix her on once per day so it is more convenient for me. hahahh


ur bb is indeed luckyone lor.

admire u for trying to cook so many diff dishes. My bb is only on the standard stuff.

fish, chicken, pork

pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, heng-cai, brocoli, ikan billis...

i see she eat also boring. but i know my MIL add some sesame oil in her porridge.

ChloeMum, sometimes. Ah yeah it ok to mixed all together lah, any way end up, all going to baby's stomach mah hahaha..The most important is the ingredient mah right.

Mrs Teo, there's a lot of ingredient already.

If you see last time my SIL cook for her no. 1 hor, you sure will throw out.Every fish, fish,fish mixed with heng cai...(@ @).

It's ok to intro sesame oil but..um not everyday loh. Sesame oil is a bit "heaty"

Luckyone: You are giving me a lot of inspiration. I shall be diligent and go read up my BLW cookbook!

But then, must force hb to eat my cooking. haha. The only reason why I am cooking for bb now is cos... She cannot complain abt my lousy culinary skills.

I dread the day she learns to talk and start complaining about the scary meals i cook. hahahahaha....

ChloeMum, true, true now they can't talk yet so no complains haha..My boy hor, any thing I feed him, he just open his mouth and eat/ drink (medicine too) and he will ask for more. but hor, when feed him water!!! He will start to made noise...

I wanted to train my boy use straw but he only know bite and bite...so yesterday, I change his mug cover to "cup cover" a small hole in the center of the cover. He ok with that. I hope when he turned 1 year old, can say bye bye to milk bottle.


White Sauce add pumpkin will become mash pumkin creamy soup. Can also add mash carrot, mash corn or mash potato.

(handmade white sauce: melt butter, add in flour and add in milk. can use fresh milk or milk powder)

JSP , I got them at Ikea , very cheap , less than $5 I think . Nat just loves to throw them ard ad crawl after them

ChloeMum , I leave the yoghurt at room temp for abt 30 mins then feed

Mommies: thanks for ur encouragement and well-wishes! Bb Chloe has recovered.. Going to get doc certify Tmr! For me.. It's not hfmd, but very very bad mouth ulcers. Can't eat proper food.. Now only eating on chilled beancurd, chilled milk, cold water and cooled porridge.. Really painful. *ouch*

Luckily I Nv give up on pumping.. The milk supply really did come back! So happy!!

Lilstarz: do take good care of ur girl and urself too! Must remember, always wash hands! Be strong and hang on there!

Luckyone: u feed ur boy bread too rite? Wat kinda of bread?? No sugar ar??

Luckyone... wow your food for baby looks so delicious. Hee hee. Can he grab meat patty to eat now? i experimented with tuna patty before and my hb liked it. But i think most things are mixed into porridge now so my presentation is negligible. Chloemum, you are not the only one haha... my hb cannot get used to cooking without salt (MIL uses alot) so he says food is bland. i ask him to add salt himself but he doesn't want, i think it's mental block to add salt but if hawkers add without us seeing, it doesn't feel so bad. Haha... Mrs Teo, you are right, if baby starts eating our food from beginning, hopefully they will not dislike it when they are older!

-- congrats!! Happy to hear Chloe recovered. Are you well again yourself?? It's ok... just feed whatever baby will eat. If she takes fruit can give also... er unless your hb doesn't like.

Thanks for info on yogurt, i go find. Baby Yoplait is different from small tub kids' Yoplait??

morning mummies.... re: yogurt, i realise bb won't eat the yogurt if it's cold - have to wait for a while like 15 mins then he will finish it

i also think he's having a lil separation anxiety now. i used to be able to leave him at the playpen alone in the room while i step out for a while... now he will cry the moment he sees no one in the room.....

Wanderleibe: yes. Baby Yoplait different from the small tub kids Yoplait. The baby one is bigger cup. No idea why.

Jo: Good to hear that Chloe is fine now! Feed her whatever she wants to eat, and nurse her back to health!

I also give my Chloe bread. Just normal bread that we eat for breakfast. I'll just pinch little portions and leave them on her high chair table for her to take and eat. "Bao" also give the same way.

