(2010/02) February 2010 mtb


Yesh, banking industry is good money. Higher pay but higher responsibilities and long working hours. Before I have a baby, I don't mind staying back and work. Just wanna ean as much as possible. In fact, when I accepted this job, I was told latest I can go back is 8pm which I think is still acceptable for a banking job. But guess there are more projects so need to stay back much later. Since I have not started yet, I still can choose to not start and look for a job that has lesser commitment. Not tough to find a job, just have to be prepared to get pay cut but as long as have more time for my family, I really don't mind. When estovan is bigger, then I go back and earn big bucks. Hee


You can work part time cos it's you hubby's company. Don't think it's easy to find a part time job now. I might have a half day job but it's in town and considering the time spent traveling, I might as well work full day cos it's just a few more hours.

bryest : oh 8pm is really not too late for a banking job. I had worked in a lawfirm before as a "legal loanshark!!!", chasing after debtors to pay up their loans and credit cards.

This job is the most stress of all the job i've done before as there are court cases that we have to follow... cannot play play if not i kana jailed. Moreover, i still need to go debtors house to paste stickers and court notices, of cos not pig head lah!!! =)


Why so lonely..?


Tat's even better what!

"Qin shang jia qin"!

Dun desert me leh, u bear to?


Even better! Save money! Hahahahaahh


Dun worry, will coax her back wif more SHOPPING!

bryest : it depends on how you justify things... i dun mind to go shopping centres to sell cosmetics as part-time promoters... hahhaha

I stayed on in my hb's company bcos he doesn't want other ppl to manage his accounts that is y i'm still managing.

If you say it's just a few more hours, den take this as a bonus that you can accompany Estovan for that extra few hours.

sometimes i'll feel sad and miss Alfonse but I will still carry on this way. I wan him to be close to be, to chit chat with me when he grows older but i will forebid him to stick to me!


I used to work in the law firm as a paralegal before I join the banking industry. Know the datelines for the court documents and procedures. But I find the banking industry datelines are as stressful. As least when I was working in the legal line, I don't stay back so late. Find the job more relaxing than banking line.

I'll consider the half day job once my ex-boss confirms with me and guess what, it's gonna working in a law firm.

Jesline :

Thks for the compliments.. but I dun deserve to be amazing lah... I believe any mommies in here also can do it..

For me is bo bianz leh.. dun hav the luxury to be a SAHM and hav a maid.. so everything must DIY lor.. "ku ming" leh..


Estovan refuse to drink from bottles but he can drink quite a lot of water and bm from the magmag cup. He's using the magmag cup stage 3 with a straw. I just let him drink from the magmag cup now without even trying bottles on him. At least I don't have to wean him off bottles in future.

I just started giving him fm cos I'm planning to wean him off bm when he's 1yr old, then I can stop breastfeeding totally. When I 1st let him drink from his magmag cup, he started to puke. And I realized the smell very strong, I also wanna puke when I drank a bit. Then I started mixing the fm with cereal, he also wanna puke initially but managed to finish 1 whole bowl in the end. Once he gets used to the taste, hopefully, he'll drink fm from the cup.

Does all fm has such strong taste and smell? I'm giving him enfalac stage 1 now.

Bryest : No no, my lawfirm different from the other lawfirm. We dun focus on civil and criminal cases.

i noe what u referring to, my law firm concentrates on helping major banks to get back credits from debtors. if we are slower than other lawfirm just by a few mins, we will get back 0 cents that is y my lawyer put a lot of stress to us.

i can say most of the lawyers will only have 1 or 2 secretaries under them. some may have more... but my lawyer has 2 lawyers, 1 paralegal and over 30 secretaries under him.

Bryest: cannot hv best of both worlds. Honestly like whoofy i m in logistic line. N it is stressful n no rest time. But wr hv to work to provide better life for our LO. Ask whoofy, planes r flying n vessels r sailing everyday. We need to stay late n work on weekends at busy times. N come mth end its even worst. Festive season is what we fear most. But wat can we do? Moan abt our job? We just hv to do it. I believe as a women we hv tge ability to be a gd mum as wellas maintain a gd career.

If u decide to b sahm , then to save some $$ maybe spend lesser n stop being entice by sales, fairs etc.

Honestly there is no job tht allows u to leave on the date. Im sure ot sometimes is inevitable. But if u evet find a job tht can leave on dot daily.... Can intro me?

Bryest :

Jolie drinks Mamil.. the smell ok leh.. not strong.. I guess it reali varies on the brand..

I think so far the FM closest to BM in terms of smell and sweentness is NAN & Mamil.. cos I remember my CL says they went for classes at TMC and got to taste all different brand of milk..

Happi/whoofy : haha, yes, so the morale of the whole hooha was...


Even monks, nuns and beggars got their stress too!


There are lots of jobs which can leave on the dot but have to compromise on the salary. I don't mind getting a lower salary for a job where I can have more time for the family.

If you wanna find a job that can leave on the dot, try to look for admin jobs. Not so stressful and less demanding.


I'm not worried abt not being able to find a job which can leave on the dot. Will be either taking up the half day job or just start finding an admin job. I just need to substantiate a bit of the income so can buy more things for estovan.

My mum also can't stay over at my home so don't want her to go home too late. She needs to have her personal time too.

Bryest: Actually since Estovan depends on you being around so much so he can feed/be comforted, etc, etc, then you might as well be a stay home mom because you really do not need to make any extra $$ to buy him anything else - he already has you for latching at all times and he is very happy!!!



Choose, i think i agar know how to liao.

But juz now, i try cutting it, mashing it, really give me hell!

Coz no matter what i do, there's no presence of "puree state"! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bryest: a pce of advisr. I did admin job b4 my wedding . For 3 mths. N i did not get to leave on the dot. So if u want to go bk to work u hv to bear in mind that workng life is not always wat we want n be prepared to stay late if needed. Im sure every working mums wan to leave on dot but cant. Then wat can we do? R u going to resign n find another job shld tht company requires u to stay late?

If wat u say yr priority is estovan then by all means b sahm. But if u wan to come out n work then sorry to say, u may hv to work late at times. Thats life.

Gyan: no lei i nvr mention grinding of ikan bilis. U always "miss" me n whoofy huh? So many pple in forum bt u only rem both of us. Kicking lovie aside alr? Haha


Thanks for your advice. I've been working for some time already. Also know not all admin jobs can go back on the dot. If need to stay, then have to stay. At least I don't have to stay back everyday till so late. Just wanted a bit more time with family only.

bryest : you can choose to follow Lovie's footstep to be a happy SAHM too... tho she's a SAHM but she's still enjoying her life... playing mj and watching midnight movies


I went to taka to buy the Tiger Porridge Jar. Told by the promoter it can cook porridge in 1.5hr but must make sure water is boiling. However, if your LO has no teeth, better to cook the porridge in a pot first and then leave it inside the jar to cook further. Hmm.... isnt that double work? Anyway, I decided to buy coz it can keep porridge for 10hrs and good for bringing porridge out if you need to stay out for hrs.

Oh btw, the same jar is selling at Tangs for $65.

Bryest: since yr mind is made up n u seem to be very "experience" with yr career path. So i c no reason y other mummies n myself should offer our advices anymore. With this i rest my case.

hi mummies! finally managed to read thru the posts...


i was @ taka yesterday too!! wat time u were there?? were u the mummy @ tangs lukin? i was there n there's one lady lukin @ the 0.9L one while i was lukin @ the 0.7L one... hehe...

i oso bought the jar @ taka... sad tat i didn get the offer @ isetan lor...


tot u mentioned alfonse luks like my gal, can become bro & sis? if so, hw can u b her MIL??


Haha... I went ard lunch time TODAY. Saw one mummy buying the jar as well but I think it wasn't you since different day.

Me not the mummy lurking at Tangs. Just passed by and happened to see the offer on the 0.7L one. Luckily we bought ours from Taka. Almost half the price lor. Ya, Isetan one was a good deal but too bad for us... Consolation is a smaller jar is more portable :p

U gonna start cooking porridge tmr? The promoter says she receives a lot of positive feedback on it. Wonder how true

bbin: wahahah... maybe after see see look look, Gyan still prefers ur ZX to be her DIL! haha...

shortlegged, bbin: the jar really nice n good to use ma? hmmm.. my ger i think, she only prefers those thick thick porridge (i think is cantonese porridge) which i dunno how to cook.


haha... when the lady was 'studying' the jar, i tot its some mummies from forum... dono who thou... err, the promoter didn say alot of positive feedback but i did ask abt whether it's capable of cooking porridge... @ 1st she say those 'teochew' style den i asked hw abt the thick kind, she say can, put inside longer... but i really doubt... shall try tonite if got time...


i dono yet.. hven use.. only washed it yesterday... i'd oso prefer cooking those thick kind coz from day 1, she's been eating that kind... if tis jar is not capable or takes far too long to reach that stage, i'd speed up by cooking the porridge over stove for a while b4 pouring in... if u wanto learn hw to cook (easier way), can go to my FB n see the 'step-by-step' pictorial of preparing... otherwise, get a slow cooker like most mummies here do...

y i didn use slow cooker coz the one i hv is BIG... no point using tat...

btw, i'm so tempted to get those thermal pot... nw everywhere got offer....


Ya just now when I was there, I also saw a lady "studying" and it did cross my mind if she is someone from this forum. haha...

Oh, I bought a Tanyu claypot from there as well coz I intend to cook the porridge using claypot before putting into the jar.

Heard alot abt ikan bilis powder. Shld we add to porridge? Can imagine how yummy the porridge will taste [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

