(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Hi Apple_gal .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thank for updating the chart.. could you update mine.

Actual day : 6-Feb

Name : 曾俊恺 Colin

Delivery via : Natural w/o epi

Wgt : 3.0 kg/50cm

maine : toothbrush & toothpaste and 1 small towel and maternity pad is provided. If you going to stay there for 2 days.. the maternity pad is not enuff, also remember to bring your disposable panties. I used up 2 pkts of maternity pad when i was tehre because i change every 2-3 hrs.. Cos' it alot of blood if you doing natural.

I use the hospital towel to wipe my legs everytime i go to toilet because of the dripping blood. So it will be better if you bring more towel if you going to "towel" clean yourself in hospital.


apple: if my BB weight goes up to 3.5kg tml, Joc Wong wld suggest inducing.. Else by 15 Feb, my BB will definitely grow bigger, by then wld have to go for c-sect..

Portia: That's why you're a 伟大的妈妈! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Freesia : yeah.. very painful.. this is the first time i experience the full labour pain.. though only 2 hrs.. . So painful..i dare try again w.o. epi.

BTW , just to share my bill. After CPF medisave deduction, only paid $600 cash. I am surprise by the bill size.

Apple, lovie also popped? Really? She doesn't want 2 lose out 2 whoofy so went 2 deliver after her??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Something personal tat wld like to share wif mommies Whois gonna pop.. For sure the maternity pads provided by hospital is not enuf and it's all w/o wings so definitely will stain panties.. Besides bringing disposable panties, go buy the Sofy 40.5cm pad. I reali love tis pad !!! It's long enuf to prevent back leak, also with side guards.. I gave up using those maternity ones even frm those I bought. Told my hubby to go buy more and bring on my 2nd day lor.. It's not cheap lah. 1 pkt only got 5 pads, cost abt $2+

Jgal: Congrats!! You've done it w/o epi.. Great job!! Rest well..

Serene: Soak the wound in salt water?! Wouldn't the salt make it more painful??

Portia: Don't give up n keep trying! Pumping more often will increase production.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whoofy: Thanks for sharing.. shall go look for it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How many packets did u use for ur stay?

Thanks mummies for the encouragement. I am back home again. The ctg showed that I am having strong contractions, so gynae say I can skip the 2nd tablet. Phew! BUT I am only 0.5cm dilated after all the pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now got to wait till 11pm for admission.

Tiffany: the pain is quite bad leh. And it spreads to the back area also. But I saw another girl after me who is also inducing, she seem to take it quite well, can still walk quite fast.

Jgal: congrats!

Freesia: Oh, dun worry.. Look at the bright side. Who knows by the time you admitted, you already 8-9cm dilated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple & Tam : go to big supermarkets to hav higher chance of gettin tis 40.5cm ones..

Actually how heavy our flow partly depend on how much our gynae helped to clear out after delivery. For me, Dr Wong did a great job in clear my womb.. So I only hav heavy flow o day 1 after delivery .. Now my flow is like almost stop liao. Total I use abt 4 pads on Sun, yesterday use 2 only cos I see tat my flow not much, day time use normal usual pads, evenin dendu change. Den today use 2 lor..

But dun think less flow means gonna finish ok.. Gynae says will still hav especially when we walk or stand.

Freesia: Oh, u going home again? Would it be tiring to travel here n there? They didn't allow u to stay in the hospital or u didn't want to stay?

whoofy: Oh ic.. thanks! How did the doctor help to clear the womb? I tot our body will discharge the blood on its own?

Tam : after bb out, next is our placenta.. But usually there'll be bits & pcs of blood clots inside still.. So for me, there's alot ! My gynae literally use her hands to dig out lor.. Also she took some surgical scraper like thingie to help clear my clots too. She did however say tat she can only do tis cos I'm on epidural .. Otherwise she will need to send me to operating theatre for GA den can do the cleaning as it's too painful !!

Tam L: I will try to persevere! I dun dare to pump too frequently cos I have too much supply. Dun want to go thru engorgement again! Now pumping every 3 hrs feels better... I'm getting like 120ml on both breasts cos baby is not latching on. Once he starts latching on again, my expressed milk may not be that much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will increase the time to pump every 4 hours after the 1st mth. Then I'll decide whether to continue or not...

Apple : it's very impt our gynae help us clear as muh as possible.. Cos sometimes it's not clean and our body din discharge out, will hav infection in our womb..

Apple : it's very impt our gynae help us clear as muh as possible.. Cos sometimes it's not clean and our body din discharge out, will hav infection in our womb..

portia: will add u on fb shortly!=)

Jmi: dunno why jus have this feeling baby might pop anytime from now.. hehee. that's wat gynae told me too, cld be this week or next. hosp bag is 3/4 packed. have you packed urs?

Apple gal: no prob. happy shopping!

Hello Mummies!! :)


I have a BRAND NEW BABY BJORN (HOT PINK) SPIRIT CARRIER to give away for a price.

I have received a sling carrier for my bb's baby shower and I prefer using the sling. It looks like I have no use for this Baby Bjorn. It is NOT opened and definitely Brand New, comes with box.

I am giving it away for $150. I bought at RRP $179.

Interested, please PM me or email at [email protected].


Which hosp did u go to? And how long was your labour? Hmmmm...did they insert catherer to release yr urine? I heard that it is painful for that if you were not on epidural.


erm, she don sleep in cot, so where else u tink? in my arms lor... tats y i say training my bicep nw...


yalor, she gets startled VERY easily wif the slightest sound... den cry for carry... cycle after cycle... i'm so drained... let alone trying to increase BM supply by pumping... damn tired to do anything else...


envy... till nw my BM supply is CMI... damn sian...

bbin...can understand ur feeling, my confinement ending soon & nightmare starting soon manz..have to handle a fussy infant & an active toddler...

jgal: thanks. 2 packs ah? ok, i will pack more. i only packed 6 pcs. yup, i've also packed a small towel.

whoofyjo: i've already bought 2 packs of pureen maternity pads. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bbin: there are pros & cons if u hv the supply. Now I'm just trying to regulate the flow!

Bubblegumz: u r one hot mama! R u selecting 1 bedded in RH? Dun get too nervous k? Must look forward to that day!

Bubblegumz/Jmi: The nurses in RH are really nice and helpful. I did not opt for their confinement meals cos I'll eventually have that when I'm home. The lactating consultant, Helen is really helpful too! I still call her now to seek her advise. Ur stay there will be a pleasant one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya, i was juz tinkin, wat if i hv a 2nd one... i tink i really cannot handle... seeing hw tis one behave, my hb said, the bb helped us made a decision... ie stop @ 1...

Apple: think I nv read carefully [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lol.

Heading to gleneagles now, admitting tonight.. Totally no mood man.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Freesia: jiayou ! U can do it !

Portia: Thanks. That sounds really reassuring. I'm also taking 1-bedded in RH. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whoofy: not foamy but sticky clear liquid which is the colostrum. Thereafter, it with be yellowish which consist of milk & colostrum. Matured mlk will be creamy white & that will be much later like a week's Plus time.


Hi good morning mummies n mtb!

I hv joined the mummies club. Apple can u kindly update? Delivery date: 4 feb, natural with epi, princess name: Gabrielle, wt: 3.265kg,

now rushing to go hospital to see pd cos baby has jaundice and need to monitor.

