(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Yo! Juz up from nap.. Gynea told me to go mt a by 9pm get induce.. N haf a great dinner.. Machiam my last dinner like tat. :D

now tink of jap food.. Heeee

gyan> omg. Ur gf had stroke when preggy?!? How's she after bb pop? Hope she'll recover well n bb is how many wks actually?

Jmi> ur hubby like getting all geared up! Haha remind me of the bb show forgot tat ang moh name. He oso acted in fast n furious n very strong build 1.


Gyan>> so strange water retention need to induce early meh? Anyway mine was like pig trotters since last nth but I still walk ard orchard at least 40 min lor. Some frens told me walking despite water retention still good 4 us. but 4got reason ah. Tink is encourage bb engage n hope light exercise promote open cervix easier bah

tll> omg.. The story is heartbreaking... Hope both will recover soon. She muz be really strong to get thru tiz process n hope she'll be even stronger as the daes comes with bb as her strength n joy..

Hi mummies! I have popped too!

Date of delivery: 6th Feb 2010 (Same as Mambobb)

Method of delivery: Natural with epi

Venue: KKH(same as Mambobb again)

And ya,it's a baby gal called Sherinen. She weighed 3.005kg and is 47cm long at birth.

Started having mild contractions that were tolerable(felt like menstrual cramps)throughout friday night. Called KK at 8am to check if i need to admit myself coz i noticed the contractions came at once every 8mins. The nurse said "Come slowly to hospital." SO i had my breakfast first and reached KK at abt 9.30am. Nurse checked my cervix dilation and i was alr 3cm dilated by then. Called my gynae down and said i can be admitted to delivery ward.

10am: Reached delivery ward.

10.40 something: Gynae came to burst my waterbag. By then i was 4cm dilated. Was also given medication through drip to make contractions more frequent.

12.30pm: Could not tahan the contractions anymore. Decided to ask for epi.

12.50pm: Epi administered. (Feel so much better after that!)

*After that,watch TV and wait for cervix to continue dilating.

4.30pm: Felt a bit of pain so administered a little dosage more of epi myself.

5.30pm: Nurse said i was fully dilated. Asked me to try pushing though i was feeling numb. So i tried. Nurse said i was doing well,hubby and her could see the head alr. But gynae have not arrived,so had to wait.

About 6pm: Gynae arrived. Both gynae and nurse asked me to push. After about 15-20 pushes,baby was out before 6.30pm.

Quite a relaxed delivery.

Maine: I think many pregnant women will have a bit of water retention but u also mentioned high BP so maybe that's why ur gynae wants to induce u?

Gyan: If leg/feet swell, then better not walk too much.. Put leg up whenever u can and rest a lot..

Apple: In the morning, did talk to Lovie, she's doing well but sounded a bit tired.. Gave birth to her baby ydae afternoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Let's wait for her to post her story..

yikai: Oh ic..

Sad to hear about Ponponta.. Really hope she gets well soon.. Keeping her in my thoughts..

Yew yew: Congrats!! Glad that u had a smooth delivery.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have a good rest!

Helo everyone.. Here's my birth story :

6 Feb

430pm - woke up frm nap, felt a gush of liquid came out frm below. Told my hubby "Oh shit !"

Stood up frm bed, more water gush out.. Leaving water trial to toilet !

Took my usual shower, wash hair !

Meanwhile hubby mop the floor n start gathering things to bring to hospital. Had put laundry to wash earlier on, so we waited for washine to finish, hubby hang the laundry while I watch tv and do a final check on things to bring.

510pm - finally leave house and head towards Mount Alvernia.

535pm - arrive Mt A, check myself in to delivery ward.

Nurses did V check, dialtion 2cm. They called my gynae and confirm my admission. Strap me on to machine monitoring contraction n bb heartrate.

Told nurse I very hungry cos din take lunch. Gynae approve to give me take dinner.

615pm - take dinner

715pm - 930pm : clear bowels den strap back to machine to monitor .

940pm - Gynae came, checked.. Dilation still 2cm !

10pm - Put on drip to induce. Gynae est earliest time deliver 8am. So told hubby to go home rest den come later.

11pm - contractions getting unbearable, request for epidural.

1120pm - Anesthetic Dr arrive to give me epidural.. Finally painless.. Start to doze off to catch some sleep.

7 Feb

330am - nurse check dilation, it's abt 8cm liao. Told to

call hubby to come first in case can deliver earli. Also reduce the epidural drip to smaller dosage as I am very very numb !!

415am - hubby arrives.. Wait again cos bb head still not

low enuf to push.. Both me n hubby sleep lor...

530am - woken up by all the nurses.. Prepare me to start

pushin so tat bb head can be in position. So push push push push....

545am - Gynae arrive.. Took over the pushing.. Can see bb hair liao. Wait for contraction and did a hard push.. Push push .. Bb born !!!!

Jmi: hihi! yea 3 of us from RH.. Just realised both our EDD is just one day apart! how are you doing? Went for check last fri, had VE done and was told by gynae im 1cm dilated. Am seeing her agn this week.

Apple gal: saw your earlier post on microwave, not sure u've bot but u may like to check out Sharp cos they are inventor for microwave/oven. we just bot this set from best denki at 399, its micro cum oven [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi hi... saw my gynae this afternoon. She is going to induce me tomorrow morning (by inserting some tablets), and i should deliver by Wed (heh, 10.02.2010). So i'm out of the running for first CNY baby also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She decided to induce me coz i'm 39 weeks already and bb is getting big (3.4kg+ now). But a bit scared....There is a risk that my induction will not be successful and will end up emergency csection coz baby is not fully engaged and i am not dilated at all! So may have to suffer 2 types of pain eventually.... wish me good luck ya!

maine: Not sure whether swollen feet is linked to high blood pressure, but my gynae did mention that as we progress along our pregnancy, our blood pressure will generally also increase (because baby is growing and putting more pressure on your body). So if your blood pressure is getting too high, then that could be one contributing factor why your gynae may suggest inducing (for you and your baby's safety).

freesia: hey, i'm going induce either tml nite or wed nite too! will confirm tml morning when i go for gynae appt. if i admit tml nite den my bb will be delivered same day as u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bb now 3.5kg le..

fiionn: Are you fully engaged and / or dilated yet? Too bad we are not in the same hospital! I am quite scared my induction will not be successful... Got to suffer induction pain and then csection pain after that. *faint*

freesia: i think my situation same as u leh.. i went check up last thurs, still not dilated n bb not engaged yet. my gynae oso keep asking me to be prepared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sounds like induction will fail to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

freesia: i think my situation same as u leh.. i went check up last thurs, still not dilated n bb not engaged yet. my gynae oso keep asking me to be prepared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sounds like induction will fail to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

We wish each other good luck ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Going to sleep now... need to reach clinic at 9am tomorrow to insert the first tablet.

Good night!!

tam & freesia: my BP measurements have been normal so far. guess my gynae wants to avoid a possible happening. as of this moment, i will go with the advice for inducement on this Wed. Wed is just 2 days away and my life will change forever from this Wed. i'm not sure if i'm ready. hur hur

good luck to freesia and fiionn on your inducement!

freesia: my appt at 9am too! wish u gd luck! nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maine: thnx [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tml we shall see if i'll induce same say as u or freesia.. lol. good luck to u on wed too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubblegumz: I'm doing alright. Gynea didn't do VE on me last Sat when I went for check-up. She also didn't say baby was engagaed though during the scan baby was in right position, but he's been moving still. But she didn't know if I can safely enjoy CNY at the same time. So will have to see this Sat's check-up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


whoofy: Ur birth story sounds pretty relaxing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have lotsa rest!

Freesia/fii0nn/maine: All the best for the "induction".. Don't worry too much, i'm sure u're all in good hands.. Jia you!!

Tam : indeed was kinda relaxing.. Only tense part was during the push push... Intact I slept much better during the wait at the delivery suite cos of epidural. Since transfer to the ward, very hard to sleep as reality checks in wif the feel of the pain frm stitches and pus !!! Can't wait to go home !!! Hopefully bb jaundice test will pass and can discharge together wif me today.

whoofy: I agree with Tam that your birth story sounds pretty relaxing. I hope my delivery will be just as smooth. Rest well!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am at clinic now doing CTG scan.. Gotta wait 45mins .. Zzzzz

Bubblezgum: Thank for your information. I will go and take a look. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Freesia/Fii0nn: All the best and jiayou!

apple: frankly I don't know. if baby wants to come out, we cannot close our legs and stop it right? :p

whoofy: U can't wait to go home? I tot rest in hospital better cos got nurses around to take care.. Hee.. Btw, did they give u any painkillers for the stiches n wound? Hope ur baby can go home with u later.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

apple: That's what I've been telling my baby too. Hopefully both our babies listen yah? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jmi : best of luck to ur delivery.. But seriously epidural is life savior !!! Hahhahaaaa

Yeah bb clear jaundice test ... Can go home together !!!

Tam : ur gynae sure give painkiller to u.. Die die must ask ok.. Also will hav anti biotics..

whoofy: Thanks, I'll take note of that. You rest well and enjoy your journey with baby Jolie!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbin: Soon ur arms will be toned.. Good leh.. ur gal refuse to sleep in cot then where do u put her to sleep? Do u put on ur bed?

jmi: These days I'm also kinda 'free' at work cos my boss offloaded me already... hee.. Quite bored..

whoofy: Oh.. that's good.. If no painkillers then I dunno how to endure the pain from the wound..

Tam: so we're in the same situation. Yah, come to work everyday and wait for 6pm to come. I see my other colleagues busy and I'm so free...:S

apple: you went over the March thread and check-out? Haha. Oh yes did you sign up for the Sea Lau Photography? You got email from the organiser asking for another 5 more sign-ups for $188?

bbin...i have the same problem wif u! princess also dun want sleep in cot, have to cuddle her in arms for quite some time then can place her inside --"


Hi all,

one popping after another, hope all mummies have a smooth delivery!

Being trying to increase my BM. Any tips? so far only got about 50ml leh. bb show signs of dyhration, so gonna top up FM for her. so worried!

