(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

apple: one thing abt babymallonline is their size cant be predicted.. haha.. some 3-6mths are ok some abit big.. haha..

anyway big is better than small mah.. at least can wear longer lor.. my girl still wearing their rompers leh.. 6-9mths.. haha.. coz initially i didnt put the rompers into the washing bag into washing machine.. so ended up it becomes bigger after I realised it.. nw all the babymallonline clothing I put inside washing bag for washing =p


apple--> i bought a lot of playwear n sleepwear le..all 6-9mths....i expected to let my bb wear when she around 4-5mths 1....now hv to wait for a year...huh....maybe US size bigger....;)

mico: I have not chked.. haha.. my hp 97641782 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see u tmr at 8-810am.. ok? when u reach u sms me.. can u wait for me at the traffic light towards to Tampines Mall? There is a cheers store right? Just wait for me there.. me driving..

apple: me still waiting for her to reply lor.. if not then I hv to sell it away online too.. sigh.. nw looking out for a shoe for my girl to attending a wedding dinner in 2wks time..

mambobb/ apple n all --> i so so happy to hear babymallonline clothes is nice n good quality..so happy as i bought a lot from them...cant wait for mine to reach ;)

mambobb : Aiyo... So poor thing lor!

whoofy : OMG!! What happen to you.. Wahahahhah.. Seems lik the 4D blow is too big for ya!

morning everyone!

Seems like most of us have bought the necessary stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can't believe... 12 weeks more to go!!!

Mambobb: Ya, agree with you, for sizes, it is very difficult to predict. Actually i intend to give my baby wear the 3-6 months for full months. I saw it, i almost fainted la, so big how to wear. Oh, ya, we can put washing machine wash? or handwash ok?

lovie: hahahhaha .. no lah.. cos it's reali fated.. so lets hope all of us here hav fortune luck soon.. cos there's tis saying tat pregnant lady got luck.. hahahhaha

Yvonne: Big ok la, just keep in the cupboard. Most important is the material is soft. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I never buy sleepers, now thinking to buy.. Haha.

hello mummiesss.....

So busy since morning....clear all the work .... still cant finish....sian man.....

Apple.....where is the steamboat???? which part of katong??? timing leh????

Ladies, yesterday i so blurred leh, i ask my hubby to accompany me go united square for the motherhood baby fair. When i reached there, cannot find the fair, asked the information counter, she told me is next week. :/

End up i went there shopping, there have many kids and baby shops. I end up bought 2 pcs of 0-3 months nice and cute clothes for my baby gal, is for her full month wear. Daddy bought for her.


I dont really eat seafood one leh....i used to have allergies after eating seafood.....maybe not in the steamboat.... hahahhaahha......thkksssssss....

you mummiesss.....enjoy ok.....

apple....i must bring my son along too leh...but he lao sai yesterday leh....not sure whether can he eat those food a not...some more he very fussy one leh........ let me confirm with you again can????


Exactly! Affecting my personal life all the time!


I also hope my colleague can come back next week! If my boss is one who is understanding in this area and will plan temp staff to standby for such emergency needs, i don't have to worry at all.

I do feel abit of pain on the lower part of the tummy when i walk, just exactly below the protude tummy...the feeling is as if the the weight adds on and push down that's why causing the pain when i walk... if sit down or lie down is fine. Anyone experience same?

Kath : Alamak! What happen to ur son?

Apple : Sure, will let you know again! :p

Serene : Sometimes I really wonder do u earn 10k a mth.. Hahahahahah.. Have to endure such shit!

Serene : Is it that u walk too much thus affecting? Think u better rest more!


Ya as if i earn 10k! Gosh far from that figure!!!

I think i work far more than my worth!

I didn't walk alot. I mean my office here doesn't require alot of walking around and i don't go shopping as much compared to #1 pregnancy... My hubby wants me to rest more this week so that will not affect my hk trip next wed.

apple--> i got buy a lot of sleepers....but nt yet get..u should join us during the second spree...;) but who knows on the quality if no one try before....;)

Babymallonline spree #2: They have shipped the items. Nw on the way to vPost USA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lovie....he got fever on friday...sat was ok...then lao sai lor....maybe he took banana on sat....then sunday he saw me eat banana & drink yakult...he also wan then evening time he lao sai every time time when he pee pee.. almost every hr..... he got too many "du" in his stomach liao... hahahhah

serene...all bosses are like that one la.... nothing happen... they dont make noise....once something happen...will nag nag nag.........

hug hug serene.....endure ok....we are goin for our maternity leave liao.....dont care too much.

Freesia: haha.. u hv to see my hb.. when my girl is beside me, she looks like me.. but when my hb is around.. haha.. she is totally photocopy of my hb lor.. haha.. coz we are all small eyes family.. single eye-lid. muahaha


Not only that, can't seem to drink alot water, the heavy wt now add pressure on my urine bladder and tend to go toilet often when outside shopping!


Honestly really didn't walk alot but don't know why.


babyfair? the yearly affair at expo? heard every yr very crowded but nothing much to see?


Ya I can't wait for maternity leave to come quickly! However knowing his pattern, will also call me often during maternity leave!

Serene : Hahahaahahah.. But it's as if u're being paid 10k lor! Slogging ur guts out! tsk tsk..

Kath : Wah! Yakult with banana? Think u gotta watch his diet! Poor him! He muz be throwing tantrums for keeps on having diahorrea!

serene.....at times when u r under stress....pain will come too.....

Boss or colleagues sure to call us when we are on leave....i think that is fine...as long as we are free to talk to them....at times, i on leave.. also recevied call from office....

Lovie...he did not throw tantrums but keep on say "Ai Ya" when he feel the stomach pain..... hahahhaahhah. Who ask him to "tan chi" ....hahahahah.....banana is one of his favorite fruit....

