(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Morning all


How are you now? I believe you're no longer wearing the back brace? You mean your car is totally gone, beyond repair?

Oh ya, I wanted to ask you if your #1 is still passing urine at night? She's a 2008 baby right? my #1 is still diapered at night & recently his diapers are sooo heavy! Worse, at times they leak. I'm getting tired of changing bedsheets every other day. I'm wondering what I can do about this. I guess there's no short cut except to wake him up in the middle of the night to pee?

Megan, Furby

I was in KL over the weekend. A was in the car seat most of the time but when she gets tired, she cried sooo pitifully & would just stick to me like a koala the moment I moved so sit behind with her. But most of the time I'd still place her in the car seat - for safety reasons and more to spare my arms! Tiring lehh...


It's still not too late to get a cheaper car seat, maybe about $100+ for yr car. I think the main reason is for safety. Oh ya, does yr family have an MPV? As family grows, it's hard to imagine how a 5-seater can fit everyone. Or maybe it's coz your 2 older kids no longer need car seats so it's not so crampy.


You mean you turned down both offers? I think the 2nd one is better leh. Free & easy. But no benefits like CCL & all?


Of course lor, kids' schedules are haywire once they're on holidays. Body also feels tired & not so rested. So they'll need a day or two once we're back home to recover. Nothing like resting at home. I think resting in the most plush hotel also will not be as good as a good night's sleep in your own home :D

Re : self-feeding

I have a friend who's 14 month old can self-feed VERY WELL! My jaw dropped when I watched her video. Baby scooped, put in mouth (neatly) & chewed, before repeating whole cycle again. It's amazing. But personally I won't train my baby too early. I want them to grow at their own pace, I'm not in a hurry for my children to grow up & do things too independently.


jobs>would you moms consider a job offer in another country? would mean hubby become a house husband for donno how long but pay for mom will prob be equal to pay for mom and dad in SG...

Smalldreams, I plan to turn dwn 1st Job Cos Since 2nd One its machiam a highly paid temp Job, i can stiil jump ship without feeling guilty later. If 1st One doesnt suit me, i wanna find Job oso diff with the Ot n all. But i havnt get the full pix of both pkg yet So I shall jus wait n see hw. If 1st Job pay me the amt i cant resists i Will go for it 1st but chances mite b low Tyl, if my hb Is nt doing So well in sg that he willing to go over n can find a Job i dun mind go overseas wk. But i definitely cant have my hb stay hm Cos he doesnt know Or learn hw to do hsewk


lol...u're so funny. I guess singaporean guys may not be as gung-ho to stay at home. Those who do are really a rare breed! I've read about japanese or ang moh guys who are willing to be SAHD while their wives go out to work.

I think in the short term it's fine. But in the long term, this situation can also have an impact on marriage - as in the traditional view of men as the main breadwinner and all. I salute men & women who are willing to try this option out. Think Xin will be going thru this soon, no?


The sales seem great! I'm thinking of a jogger stroller. But I'm so broke these days. So I guess I can forget about it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yl, oh ya, I almost forgot that we bumped into each other there, so 'qiao' hor. Yes, next time will try prudential, this time booked in a rush. :p

Mum works overseas n support whole family? I will definitely say YES if hubby is supportive, kids r still young (5 yrs old or younger) n the country has good infrastructure n healthcare system. It's my dream to work overseas n i think my hubby will make a good house husband cos he is a homebody. Haha. You got a good offer? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smalldreams, I should still wear it but i have not been very compliant recently, oops! :p yes, car was beyond repair, had to be scrapped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

aiyoh, not sure what's wrong with my no. 1 these 3 days. Every night she wet her bed, previously she will wake up around 1am to go toilet. Last night, finally we buay tahan n put on diapers for her after she slept. End up she pee in her diapers, then wake up n change into panties herself. :p

Pauline>no offer lah. just interview. donno want to hope i get or don't get the job...

firipy>sometimes I think my hubby is better at housework than i am. :p at least he's more particular

Yl, I see, where is the country? If too ulu, I won't consider cos got young kid. Can ask Jessie n little lamb to share their exp too cos one thing is no support network there, will be quite siong. Also, how to try for no. 2 if only L to look after? :p

pauline>we take this offline lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've already got friends there le, although not close. But see how. must pass interview first

Furby, i Saw car Seats at $8 at cash convertor tpy. Can jus clean up n wash the seat cover. Wont b heartpain if become white elephant. Smalldreams, my boy totally ignore me if i on his fav DVD in the car, but When he gets tired of it, he Will whine till we buay tahan. I know the my hb too well, super lazy, definitely become couch potato if he Is a sahd n A becomes a gangster who curse n swear at young age, hehehe!

Tyl, my hb Is particular but dunno hw to do hsewk. Washing machine can press into dryer......i almost explode When i was preggy n cant bend down to put clothes in my frontload machine. U all lucky to have hb who will do hsewk. I must ask, shout Then scold

smalldreams, firipy

actually i have a 2nd hand carseat collecting dust at home. Was thinking of buying a new one, but hesitant to use any as bulky unless upgrade car [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if a job got less stress/OT, then got work life balance. But some women are ambitious, work long hours and derive satisfaction from high position and status. But spend less time with family. Ask yourself what's your priority in order to decide

Furby, Yah lo i ask myself y i left my previous job n i noe Wat i wan ald. If I m gonna b solebread winner i wld have to choose 1 with more stability.

Tyl, i teach him le, he dun on the lights n relied on street lites, end up he on wrong button...... Must b he pretend dunno So That i wld stop asking him to do hsewk

TYL. m also looking for this kinda opportunity to move my whole family out of Singapore !! hahahaa

my hubby can be house husband too..

He can be with Isaiah for the whole day.. preparing meals.. milk and shower him.. Housework he is better than me.. haha coz m a messsy person n he loves to pack the house.. most impt thing is he can still do freelance job as he is a website designer and help pple maintain online shop.. he can do that at any part of the world as long as he has internet at home.

Actually we are also looking at the option..

for him to stay home n take care of babies now.


anyone got good lobang for me? heheh

m into engineering/industrial sales now.

firipy>your hubby working rite? if can, don't be sole bread winner lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

your hubby clever then. escape housework. :p

mindy>hee, good for your hubby. But I don't think my hubby can do that leh. Worried he might get dissatisfied if he stays home too long. Cos I think a large part of men's ego comes from their work. Then worried about care arragements for Ayden. But haven't even gone for interview so shouldn't waste time worrying bah.


Regarding self-feeding & independence, I feel pretty much is dependent on our LOs. If they exhibit signs of wanting independence & showing interest in using utensils to self-feed, i think we should encourage their efforts & not suppress it. For me, there was no need for me to train Aly at all to be interested in using utensils. She merely showed interest & i took it from there. For her, she derives a lot of satisfaction in achieving skills & I applaud her efforts for that. Different mummies have different aspirations for their kids. For me, i feel strongly that independence plays a large part in self-motivation & keen-ness to learn, which is not a bad thing in life[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That sec 1 kid who still needs to be fed is my hubby's niece! Like you, i also hope Aly can self-feed by 2yo. Yeah, watching that sense of satisfaction on their faces when they manage to put food in their mouth with utensils is truly rewarding & priceless![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I havent thought of using beans or rice grains to let Aly practise scooping using spoon. Wont that be a little risky esp for beans? But i let her use the spoon to scoop cheerios. Less of a mess. Books & friends have advised using mashed potato/sticky foods to let them scoop but believe me, it's equally messy!!!

I have a mixture of brand new Vitagen & Yakult straws to donate. Can give them all to you. How to pass to you?

Tyl, i Wont wanna b breadwinner, i m nt ambitious, plus i feel i suffer during childbirth, its only fair my man Make it up to me by working hard to provide for us, hehehe!

Firipy, pauline,

Ya I'm blessed to hv my parents help me look after the kids n willing to stay w us as I know n see many fren n colleagues rushing fr office after work to pick up kids fr childcare centre or fr their grandparent's place. It's really tough n tiring.

Infant n childcare centre r always long queue n I think they shld set up more n reduced the fees if govt want pple to hv more babies ! but of course many factors besides this lah...

Kokamee, agree, do away with maid levy n cut down cc fees by half, I'm sure more pp will think of having more kids. Mid range full day cc cost $700 for 1 kid, multiply that by 3 kids, it'll be $2k plus. Huge chunk of salary will go to cc, no wonder many stopping at 1 or 2 kids. :p

Pauline, agree with u, some ctries got So much welfare for kids lo. Like free milk Or sch fees reduced etc...... But i know of some ppl who nvr consider So much abt all these n got No family planning.

Pauline, Firipy

Sometimes I wonder what has made our country this way. The fast pace, high cost of living, stress. Is there any other country in the world with a similar situation like ours? Maybe only Japan, which is grappling with high numbers of old folks and very low birth rate.

SP> thks alot. will arrange with you. we use 2 straws a day so running out liaoz. prefer the vitagen straw coz bigger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SAHD> smalldreams, you're right. my hb will offcially 'retire' in 2 wks and he is so counting down to it.

like mindy, i'm the messy one and hb is the neat one. haha. he always nagging me to keep the house tidy. now he's turn to keep it clean lor. and he not the kind to come online, so shd have more time to do housework ba. unless he watch tv!

tyl, if got chance to go overseas, i surely grab. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we're hoping that i can get an overseas study scholarship. hee hee. will miss ur family if you all move overseas though. all the best to you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I got this lady i know she got work scholarship for overseas study. The husband take no pay leave to look after their 3 kids there. Think like 3 years.

Another one is doctor, went overseas to train, the husband follow with their 2 kids.

On the issue of SAHD, really depend on how much the wife can earn, husband's ability to re enter workforce, husband's domestic skill and temparament.

firipy - 5 days is good enuff for Shanghai, trust me. In fact, it'll be so hot in June that you'd quickly wanna get out. June is known for hot and humid weather. Where it rains, no wind and the heat just rises from the ground after that. Just very jialat. I would escape from shanghai if I have the chance. But while you're here, you can check out stores like H&M or NEXT, the rest of the brands, you can pretty much shop in Singapore lah. Oh, and do take a trip down to the children's market.

kokamee - I think I'll still hold off snacks for now until she chooses to drop her 2.30pm milk feed, then I'll probably give her yoghurt and cheese in place of the feed. Otherwise, milk somehow seems like an easier option to take out for now.

xin - Most taxis have car seat in their boot?! Are you sure? For the countless times I took cab while in Singapore and had to keep a stroller, I never ever saw a car seat. Thanks for sharing about your Sydney experience. DH and I kinda had a discussion over this holiday thingy. Think we'll hold back holidays for now coz' it's pretty pointless too. She probably can't remember much. Holidaying would be more for ourselves and if we were to go and were to adhere to Nat's schedule, we pretty much can't enjoy as well.

lsntyl - My take is the same as Pauline man ... take ... sure take ... as long as the country's infrastructure is good. After being a SAHM for a while, I sometimes feel like taking a break. And DH always joke ... saying that if i ever get a job as highly paid as him, he'd gladly quit his and be Nat's caregiver. But not possible lah ... especially now tt i haven't worked for years, marketability not there already. But still worth dreaming about right?

thanks all, for your feedback. Will do my best for the interview. wish me luck. :p

megan>that's a v interesting article. thanks!

smalldreams, I tink the govt shld relook into our low birth rate prob n tink of hw to improve instead of adding jus $300-$400 to baby bonus.....I dun understand y 5th child can't use medisave for delivery.....(not like I got intention to have 5)

lamb, thanks for the tip, yah lor I was hoping the wedding is somewat not june cos sch holidays, I hate to travel in june/dec....wat to do nt my wedding hahahah. If my mum sees wat u post, she will nag for us to nt bring A along. Tink Xin was saying those cab in Aus all have car seats

Littlelamb> ya, firipy is right. Was talking abt aust cabs. :p. N yes e kids can't rem a thg unless u keep reminding them. Mattias got a scar on his forehead as souvenier though. Still crossing my fingers tt it'll go away. :p.

Megan> e article really interesting. Will show my hb. But tt daddy really v brave to stay hm to tk care of 2 kids.

Firipy> now baby bonus got give til 5 or more children right? Think they shd b reviewing e medisave part soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jus went bedok bata n found out tt e shoes r even cheaper at east pt! Seems like every outlet diff sales.

Little lamb

Ya think it's ok to let your baby self wean off the 2.30 feed n GF mentioned tat as long as milk intake is not more than 500ml daily is ok. But she did say than too much milk will lead to feeding problems or your baby turning into fussy eater later. I think the logic is your baby might not want to eat solids knowing tat there's milk coming later so as time goes by she will rely more on milk n fuss on food later.

My no. 1 was like tat so I learned my mistakes n hope to do it rite for my no. 2 !

U juz monitor on her intake n see how it goes lor....


Now that you mentioned, I read up the background of signing time and was touched by it too. Now I get the motivation behind this whole series. Before that I questioned, why are there signs for every other word? and why do they cast such an old toddler for signing, as I supposed that the tod would be able to speak well by that age.


All the best for your interview. There are a few options you can consider when the time comes. (1) LS takes care of A, (2) LS can also find a full time job in that country, send A to childcare when he's about 18 months, (3) LS can find some work from home stuff to do. (4) LS can take charge of investments, hopefully make some money from the stock exchange. I think the man needs options, you can't expect him to give up his career and also uproot himself to move overseas with you too, especially if it's a 3-5 year posting. LS needs to stay relevant for his future job too.

I was very confused and emotional when I first moved here. Well, actually before I moved here. Cos I had to quit my job and leave my family. Of course, things are different now cos we have baby, it is not as suffocating as being a stay-at-home wife. very zoh boh! And not used to being dependent on someone else financially.


you are planning to move Nat to her own room right? Perhaps you don't have to worry much? Cos I just shifted yesterday and we put Renee in a separate room for the first time since birth... and she was perfectly fine! It's like no diff! Don't think you need an extra mattress or what... you may not need to sleep near her.


my cousin's daughter was self-feeding very well by 14 months. My cousin who get up in the morning and mix up her cereal for her and then head back to sleep. THe LO will take her time and eat on her own, no need supervision! That's what she told me lah.

Yang>he'll prob do either 2 or 3. He's thinking of buying branded bags and sending back to SG to sell since they are much cheaper where we might go. Even with a small markup for his services, the bags should still be much cheaper than in SG. Any mom interested in buying if this happens? :p

Yes, I'm v concerned about his career. Maybe more so than him cos I think career is v impt to a guy.

4 a bit difficult considering that he doesn't play stocks but I do. :p anyway, still academic. But just exploring options atm. cos if we decide that this is not worth doing, I might not even go for the interview so don't waste the time for both sides. If think its workable, then will try my best at the interview. :p

Pauline>just came back from Ikea for the preview sale. Quite crowded even on a weekday!

kokamee - Yeah, i mean to me, as long as she doesn't reject solids for milk, I am fine. Nat was never really a milk kid from the start also. She used to drink so little also.

c yang - Thanks for the sharing. You've moved over to your new place already? Actually, we were considering for a move also. But DH always finds it a hassle even though I repeatedly told him that we need bigger space already. *sigh* Anyway, hopefully she'll respond well after we move her. Actually, she does wake up a few times at nite too but it's to find a pacifier. I tried ignoring her but she relies too much on us for the pacifier, she doesn't wanna search for it on her own. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yl, yup, a lot of pp also doing this, selling branded bags but i think if competitive, margins may not be good. :p oh, I didn't even know got preview sale at Ikea so u on leave today? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline>hee, donno lah. see how first.

I'm MC today. Got flu so lost my voice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


last time for no.1 and 2, I clip the pacifier chain to their shirt, so everytime they wake up, they can find the paci themselves and back to sleep. Can train one.

for this one ah, dont know what's up with her. Decided to wean herself off just overnight from paci, milk bottle, and EBM since 10mths old. So now, if wake up in night, will look for me to latch for fun then fall asleep. Naughty loh.


If i remember correctly, are you expecting? when due?

furby - The pacifier clip did cross my mind just tt I fear of strangling incidents too. But I think I'll need to train her to look for her own instead of relying on us, otherwise I cannot imagine having to run into the next room everytime she cries for pacifier.

furby, 3rd one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], ya this preg is quite smooth except for some nasty ms in the beginning.


hi mummies,

Both Lucas and I have been down with flu too...Sigh! Lucas seems to be also have SA and will cry very badly if I were to leave him for a while to the bathroom, etc. It doesn't help when he is also teething at the same time. Hope this stage pass quickly soon!

MamaD> I also pray with you and hope the NB will be fine. Hope he finds a good foster parents and continue to lead a happy life ahead!

Joy> Haha, you forgot that I also saw you in your preggy state! At Plaza Sing - Sea Horse!

