(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Sweet, thx I m at the clinic, no more fever, slight runny nose., i jus bring the boy to see doc in case I can't get doc on nye n ny day. Still like a lil chimp moving ard, tink he shld b fine. So fast 2010 is gonna b over in 2 days


hope everyone had a nice christmas holidays. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

been busy going out so too tired to use comp.

happy birthday to all the dec babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the birthday cakes are all so nice. so tempted to cele birthday for mattias too. hee.

weaning off bm>

i wanted to wean him at 1yo but i v she bu de le. except for the time when his upper teeth were coming out, latching has been quite ok.

hb say better to continue til our trip to sydney. then dont need to worry about making milk. :p

Pauline : oh yr bb sleeps once in the day for 1.5hrs ?

Oh, sometimes during the day my bb sleeps for abt 40-45mins then wake up so will need another short nap (at least more than 30mins).

If we bring her out on wkends, she will only sleep when she's tired. If I come back late, then she will sleep late ard 10+-11+pm....;p

Yr bb sleep at 10+pm at nite, so wat time she wake up in the morn ? She sleep thruout without milk now right ?

These few nites my bb sleep at ard 10-10+pm, she will sure still wat some milk at ard 4-5am....;p....then will sleep until abt 7.45-8.30am.

firipy : yr bb poo once or alt days ?

Previously yr bb hv constipation prob right ? Now better ?

I dunno y my bb can poo so many times a day for the last few days ? Once a day is norm.

So was wondering if she does absorb wat she eats ?

mstan, just after I posted that she sleeps average of 1.5 hrs, she slept from 1130am - 2pm still dun want to wake up. the maid had to wake her up for her porridge. :p she woke up at 4+am these few days cos hungry. :p

fatbabe> Yeah, I wake up at 6-645am every morning de. Eventhough I am not working, still wake up around the same time coz Lucas wakes up around that time too! Hehe!

Went out since noon today and just got home....So tired! Coz me sick since Monday and have been couped up at home for so many days liao. Both boys also KO liao.

xin, i also bu she de to wean off Raelynn but she very heng xin, dun want to latch means dun want to latch. i am still trying to pump but supply drying up. Feels lousy to be rejected by her. If u r not rushing to plan for no. 2, then just continue lor. ESP if both u n Mattias enjoy the bfing bonding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mstan, usually poop everyday but on some occasions he poop on alt days then only got possibility of him pooping twice cos previous day nvr empty bowel

pauline> ya, we do enjoy it. think i'll only try for no. 2 after sydney trip ba. gg back to work in apr. not so nice to go back preg. :p

dont feel so sad to be rejected by raelynn. it's also good that she can self-wean. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

today mattias got fever. first time over 38deg. sighz. now still haven't gone down. hope he gets well by tomorrow. :p

Sweet> Here u go for the customize candy



Sigh... cant make it for customize liao cos the person had forgotten our order!! Email him so many times also never reply dunno itz outstation or not interested in my small order [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Either i jus popped by office there & order those ready made ones since all taste good or give it a miss!!

Pauline, I started giving FM once a day when Letty was 5months & she had no prob even if i am the one who is feeding her via bottle.. very heng!!

Cindy, oic, that's good. I just started giving Nestle chicken & rice stage 3 cereals to RL today. Really very sweet cos I tasted it. And she kept farting today, not sure if it's due to the added milk powder. :p Tonight, she didn't even finish 80ml of EBM. I fed her and she kept turning away, taking the cover and trying to cover the milk bottle. Gave up and 30 mins later, maid tried to feed and she took about 50ml only. Last night, she finished 125ml and still woke up at 4+am for more milk, not sure why today her appetite so poor. :p

Pauline, I dun add milk to her cereal at all.Hee...

Letty this few days also refused milk, she drinks less than 100ml due to teething... Even porridge she used to finish 2 bowls from pigeon bowl now only 1. I let her be too cos she know to look for me & cry for food when she is hungry.

Hi all! Been busy with my friends, they left today, kind of sad cos I wish they could spend the New Year's eve with us. Still it is good to see them. Can't wait to go back SG!!!!

Tokyo is fine but I guess overall, it is not a very happening trip , maybe because there are two babies to take care of! But enjoyed the food and clean fresh air!

Tomorrow is Arwen's birthday, dun think there be much people but I am feeling emotional, to think 1 year had passed, what a year! I am happy to see all the beautiful birthday cakes posted here and I think you mums are great! You guys really put in a lot of effort [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mstan : No leh, Arwen still sleeps at 6.30 pm . I hope she is not going to sleep later cos these days she is so active! By 5pm me and her nanny exhausted liao!

Poo ah, same, once a day. Again, is your LO teething? Is the poo loose loose type?

Cy, the Nestle stage 3 cereals (for 8 months and above) has added milk powder. So I don't need to add EBM for this. :p

Jessie, welcome back! Any pics of sweet Arwen in yukata or kimono? hee.

jessie>ooh, happy birthday to Arwen. Have a great celebration.

Happy new year to all the other mommies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did some spring cleaning and realised that I have 2 vouchers.

1) Mamil Gold Step 2 $5 voucher - Expiry today

2) SIMILAC 2 $3 vouchers - Expiry today

Anyone needs? I can help buy the milk powder for you first from NTUC and you can pick up from me at Redhill later.

If interested, please call/sms me. Don't want vouchers to go to waste!

Arwen bella, happy birthday little one! You're the youngest one in 2010! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luvbabe, youre so nice! I've already dumped my voucher away - $5 Mamil Gold one. Coz I figured it's still Step 2, and if I were to start buying FM, i'll be buying Step 3.

Btw, any sales around? U're very good at all these Isetan sales/lobangs. hehehe.

Can't wait to knock off. Happy New year!

long time nvr log in, happy 2011 to all!!

smalldreams, gap is having up to 50% off and fox is having sale too, up t 40% off, most stores having sale. OG is having 20% off till this sun. Enjoy ur shopping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy birthday to Arwen, new year eve baby. double celebration every year. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy birthday arwen!

2010 has sure flown by too quickly. still rem last yer, we're discussing when our babies are coming out. now they're all up and about (in some ways) already.

happy 2011 to all mummies and babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mummies, continue to enjoy the joys and challenges of motherhood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cy, the candies look very cute!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

to all mummies, happy new yr! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy new year to all the mummies, tots and babies. Here's to a better year ahead and more rabbit babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_cheers.gif]

Happy New Year to all!

Arwen had a good birthday parties, it was sad some of her friends can't come but those that did made it very fun for us adults. I am glad I did a small party for her cause she enjoyed it as much as the adults. Still I wish her grandparents are here because they miss her and kept demanding for photos! LOL.

Here is some of her photos. She loved the balloons and the cake too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can't find Angkukueh so substitute it with some sticky Japanese sweets. I love the fireworks style candles but only thing they burn out damn fast lor!



Here is one of her in kimono, not well taken cos she was hungry and fussing liao, sometimes I forgot she is still a baby who fuss!


Jessie, wow, fireworks style candles, wish I can get that for my no. 1's birthday party in school. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Arwen looks good enough to eat in that kimono esp with that finger in her mouth. Wish I can pinch her cheeks. kekeke.

Jessie, wow Arwen looks so pretty in the kimono...

Angkukueh- I wanted to get the normal ones to step for fun but my mum said must special order de....

Looking forward to Letty's party & Our Jan Baby Bash!!!!!!!!!

Here's pics of letty eating a drumstick to celebrate her lunar birthday yesterday & Wishing all a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!



So that's what we missed out!! *sigh* Dunno how come Nat came down suddenly with drippy nose and fever. Didn't even bring her out those few days. Anyway ... she still has slight drippy nose, fever's gone down. Glad to hear that you all still had fun and Arwen's still as beautiful as ever. :D What flavour did you pick for your elmo cake?

Looks like that lady did a pretty good job for the cake! BTW, where did you get the fireworks candles from huh? I saw it also at a friend's birthday party. Can it be easily bought? So cool, eh?

hi to all Jan mummies happy new year!

lamb> Hope Nat gets well soon

Cy> wow, drumstick, did she really eat it?

Jessie> Arwen so cute in kimono..

Lately, my LO has been passing hard stool, i practically 'pull' for him for almost a week..so pathetic..when i saw him sweating n face turned red, i had a fright..tot wat happened then..i gave him applesauce but still can't work..dunno wat to give nw since he still coughing..my sis told me to give fresh apples as nutrients might be lost during the preparation..wonder if it is true..going to do sme research nw..

Happy new yr all... Forum seems to be down pass few days and I miss out all the nice photos.

Wow Arwen got a nice birthday cake...

Letty's drumstick seems yummy... I'm hungry...

Mamad, letty still doesn't take meat well. She tend to keep aside like a hamster n later spit out !! She bite a small bit out only.

Febie, we jus do it for fun nia. Actually didn't know e meaning lol !!!

Moning mummies !!!

Happy New Year !!!

The system hv been down for a few days so cant come in to wish u all earlier.

Woh, so many lovely & cute pics.

Jessie : maybe like u said bb might be teething but over the wkends she hv been pooing twice/3times a day (before that 3-4times a day for a few days). Will monitor her this wk to see how.

But confirm she change her sleeping pattern as finds harder to make her sleep as she will only sleep after 10pm now (sometimes 11pm)....;(....means less time for me to do my own stuff.....;p

MamaD : try giving him more fruits ? Let him drink more water too ?

Hello mummies, has been a long, long time since I came in to chat. Happy new year to all daddies, mummies and their little loved ones!

And blessed birthday to all our Dec and Jan princes and princesses!

We jus returned from a week holiday in HK. Conclusion, HK is not an ideal place for bbs/ children. Poor air quality and noisy. Smokers everywhere. We have tested and proven our Combi stroller is terrain proof! Haaahhaaa

We are surprised Chris took the flight very well. He did not fuss at all, slept during take off on both flights. Played his toy and busy smiling and cooing other passengers.


I am looking for PT helper to do cleaning at Bukit Panjang/ Serangoon North area. Any recommendations? Can PM me pls? Thanks!

Yuki : HK not a gd place for bb ?

Oh, my HB still thinking of bringing bb to HK this yr....mmm....then which ctry cheap & gd to bring bb for a short trip ?


HK is not pram friendly, the roads are very uneven and heavy human traffic. Be prepared to carry your stroller up and down the flight of steps.

The local cha chan teng is very small and no way you can open the stroller for our LO to sit. They dun have bb chair too. So we had to carry Chris on our lap. The table is also v small and gota be v careful with the hot beverages and food.

I find HK people not v tolerance to BB. Chris pooed and we brought him to change at a corner outside the toilet, coz no changing table in the toilet. During the 5min quick change, we heard sarcastic remarks from the passer-by, gave u the evil stare. I definitely dun experience this in SG.

And nobody will give way to you with a bb, be it entering the train/bus/lift & on escalater.

Having said that, we enjoyed the trip coz it was a gd family gathering to visit my bro who is working in HK. Chris had a gd time playing wrestling with his uncle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yuki>welcome back!

ya, I remember how cramped the cha chan tng in HK were. We were quite paranoid about Ayden toppling hot drinks onto himself due to his itchy hands. But the food was good!

arwen/cindy>love the photos of your gal. They're both so pretty. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

**wave wave** to YL and CY!

We sent her back coz of her poor attitude. Also found coins in her bag (adds up to >$10) which she explained the agent teacher gave her. When we called the agent to check, they said the teachers do not give $ to the maids. We highly suspect she stole the coins and decided to send her back.

My mum doesn't want a helper anymore and now looking for PT cleaner to clean the house twice a week. Any lobang? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuki : HK so bad ? Then must really consider bringing bb there liao....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I really feel like traveling this yr as long long time didnt travel liao since I pregnant....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mmmm.... dunno where to go leh....;p

mstan>we had a pleasant trip in HK actually. But then, we were prepared mentally to carry Ayden around. We didn't use a pram cos expected uneven roads, heavy traffic, etc. Also didn't go to the night markets cos didn't want to stress him with the late nights and crowd.

Maybe you can try self-drive holidays in Australia or one of the beach resorts? Should be less relaxing cos it'll be own time own target and less crowded? But hor, I think holidays with children hard to be cheap cos need to pay more for convenience.

TYL : heee....I dun hv any suitable carrier for her now or bb dun like to sit in carrier rather.....;p

Heee....but I like to go nite mkts.....;p

Aust is fine with me but my HB like not too keen....;p

Well, my HB very troublesome wan.....;(

Was thinking cruise but then cant put bb cot in cabin so dunno where bb can sleep at nite ?


mstan>wah, then v siong to carry bb everywhere. like this, think u better choose a pram friendly place or your hubby gotta be prepared to carry the stroller everywhere. or maybe you can try a packaged tour instead since less issue with transport?

cruise also not bad idea ar. bb can sleep in same bed as you, no? at least that's what Ayden did in HK. He wasn't used to the cot in the hotel.

