(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Hi Firipy

Have sent you email on the details.

For good order, please find revised list below (adding nana):

GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

5) Chameleon X 2

6) febie


8) Afann

9) cheerieheart

10) sueann79

11) Tam

12) luvbabe

13) Wei

14) apple_gal

15) Melody_

16) Metaro

17) Yem

18) Mindy

19) poxchan

20) nana

21) Brainkuku


little lamb>> my col told me last time her son also have lactose intolerance like i mentioned previously in the thread.. do you want to consider goat's milk?? cos i heard soy is not very good for babies..

Hi Jessie

my items r quite alot too.. think can post to me direct(will provide u my mum's place add). else got to trouble febie to collect for me again.. mine scare too heavy..

i do not hv internet access these 2 weeks.. will try to reply at nite if possible, thks.

littlelamb> oic. maybe she was trying to tell me tt mattias maybe having secondary lactose intolerance too? hmmm, guess u caught her at a bad time, usu when i see her she is quite relaxed and we talk for quite long...

think it'll be quite hard for her to diagnose what was the original problem... does Nat still have blood in the diarrhea?

anyone tried this cup before?


Anyone had trouble logging in last night? I only managed to post 1 msg, then couldn't come in anymore. Weird.

Little Lamb, I had the same threadfin bones soup during my confinement period too. It was so horrid that I had to literally hold my nose when I drink. But then again, I've always been sensitive to fish, esp their smell, so maybe in reality it might not be that bad. No offence to those who like fish ;p

Hope your little Nat will get better real soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tam L, yah I'm worried that he won't like the hindrance the bag will pose to him too but I think no choice but to slowly train him cos my aircon is quite cold. Luckily they're only $7plus each, so no harm done even if my efforts fail [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chameleon, wow your recipes all sound so interesting. I'll def try the cheddar cheese with cauliflower one. Had been thinking about letting him try cheese for some time liao. Let me know whether your twins like it after you try it out on them.

Thks for sharing abt using sleeping bag for yr twins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope my boy will learn to like them too.

Updated for bubbleluv

Latest at 10.40pm, 24 Aug



1) Cuiling45

2) Wei

3) Pauline

4) Vanilla_Berry

5) Melody

6) ShaDing (TBC)

B) LYNN CHONG ( Pasir Ris )

C) FIRIPY ( BUANGKOK / Sengkang)

1) Jesskoh

2) Yeocouple

3) Bluey

4) Cheerieheart

D) Jmi ( BUANGKOK / Sengkang)


2) Minime

3) Nana

E) Mstan ( Redhill/ Tg Pager)

1) Cloh

2) manunited

3) bbin2010

F) TAM (Paya lebar/eunos/marine parade)


G) Sueann ( WEST/Clementi)

1)Brainkuku ( Jurong East)

2) Esterlla

3) Bryest



2) V_NI/3As

3) Bride_09

4) Pangpang

5) Sloan

6) Sherry / Fatbabe / Yuki

7) bbwoofie

8) Mel

9) Poxchan

10) 2005

11) Mel(Jere)

12) Freesia

13) CY/ AG

14) Smalldreams

15) Panda

16) Luvbabe

17) Xin/Chameleon/Lsntyl

18) Bubbleluv

Hi mummies!

MIA these few days cos Elly had fever for 3 full days after her Pneumococal jab..and she was so cranky, kept waking up every hour..and was so sticky I couldnt do anything else!

Any babies had fever for so many days after the jab?

Thankfully she's ok after the 3rd day.

Jessie, Tam> Please update to put Melody with mine. Easier for me to bring to office for her since we work in the same office building.

Evening mummies> Had been extremely busy these days, and no time to read posts here....

Updated for Gardenia and Melody

Latest at 12am, 24 Aug



1) Cuiling45

2) Wei

3) Pauline

4) Vanilla_Berry

5) ShaDing

B) LYNN CHONG ( Pasir Ris )

C) FIRIPY ( BUANGKOK / Sengkang)

1) Jesskoh

2) Yeocouple

3) Bluey

4) Cheerieheart

D) Jmi ( BUANGKOK / Sengkang)


2) Minime

3) Nana

4) Gardenia

E) Mstan ( Redhill/ Tg Pager)

1) Cloh

2) manunited

3) bbin2010

F) TAM (Paya lebar/eunos/marine parade)


G) Sueann ( WEST/Clementi)

1)Brainkuku ( Jurong East)

2) Esterlla

3) Bryest



2) V_NI/3As

3) Bride_09

4) Pangpang

5) Sloan

6) Sherry / Fatbabe / Yuki

7) bbwoofie

8) Mel

9) Poxchan

10) 2005

11) Mel(Jere)

12) Freesia

13) CY/ AG

14) Smalldreams

15) Panda

16) Luvbabe/Melody

17) Xin/Chameleon/Lsntyl

18) Bubbleluv

Hi all, I will put up the list to email the coordinator at GUG. Trial lesson is at $25. Too many ppl in the list le, I need the particulars to secure the promo cos ending soon, so its 1st come 1st serve ok. I will send them the list after I compile.

GUG has contacted me, the details of the class is at 1.5hrs for the trial n for pte class to be held, they can only give us sunday mornings 930am. For a class of 5 , if no choice, at most 6. We need to pay by 31st aug to be entitled to the 50% and we can schedule the class to be on sept. I need to let them have the list n details by 25th Aug 2010 12pm .Can I have the following details sent to me at [email protected], let me know ur nick oso ok.

I need:

a)Parent's name

b)Child's name

c)Child's DOB

d)Contact number

e)Email add

GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888 -received particulars

4) ET (evianwater) -received particulars

5) & 6) Chameleon X 2 -received particulars

7) febie -received particulars

8) LSnTYL -received particulars

9) Afann

10) cheerieheart

11) sueann79

12) Tam -received particulars

13) luvbabe -received particulars

14) Wei -received particulars

15) apple_gal

16) Melody_ -received particulars

17) Metaro

18) Yem -received particulars

19) Mindy -received particulars

20) poxchan

21) Nana

22) Brainkuku-received particulars

Wah, had a hard time catching up on the discussions!

Glad to hear that the babies who are down are getting better. Charis, Renee had slight fever for about 30 hours after her pneumo jab. Poor Elly had to fight the fever for 3 days but relieved now that she's fine, eh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, it's been hard on you with a strict diet. So happy that little Matt is considered over that issue. And Lamb, good that you are clearer on Nat's condition now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Any idea if Renee may get constipation when I consume fresh milk. It seems to be that way twice. I'm staying away from milk but still taking in loads of ice creams and cheese.

Lamb, I gave Renee the Pigeon crackers occasionally only cos of the salt and sugar. But I think the seasoning is at a minimal for Pigeon's. Have you tried them? Really plain tasting, unlike Farley's rusk. They are the sweetest! Eeek. And I threw away a tin of Nestle Rice cereal cos they are friggin sweet and Renee doesn't like it. Oh, the other reason why i don't give her much biscuits is she's been a little constipated, though I suspect it's probably due to the oatmeal at breakfasts.


Yeah! Estovan's drinking well from the Magmag. Renee's more accustomed to it now too. She can definitely drink more from it than from the Avent sippy. You let him drink 70ml at one go? I don't know leh... i usually stop Renee when she's done around 40ml. How much water does latched on babies need?

Pauline and Lamb,

Renee's not latching well for the 11am and 3:30pm feeds nowadays too. Usually doesn't even empty one side. I guess she might be ready to drop the 11am feed. But I just keep offering uh... if not very engorged.


I'm going to let Renee try that kind of sleepsack soon. She used to sleep in a half-body type of sleepsack until she started rolling around. Now she's in a covered toe sleep suit only and I'm putting the room temperature at around 26. So warm for me uh! And sometimes when she's awoken at night, she's on all fours or sitting or standing! She won't be able to pull those stunts if she's in a sleepsack like the Halo one right?

And, what's the recipe for cauliflower and cheddar? Share share leh. Will the puree freeze well?


I also don't know how much water does a latched on baby needs? I just wanted him to practice drinking more from the magmag cup so that I can let him drink ebm/fm from the cup in future. I just let him drink more water after I feed him semi-solid. I was thinking yesterday whether I did give him too much water to drink. Better reduce his water intake in case he's too bloated to drink milk. How often do you feed Renee the 40ml of water?

By the way, how often does Renee poo? I realize Estovan recently poo every 2 days since I started him on the happybellies oatmeal. But I only give him 6 spoonfuls of the combi spoon of oatmeal mix with 6 spoonfuls of the bellamys white rice cereal. His poo is now very thicky and pastey, no more the watery type. I find that his tummy is very hard when he didn't poo after 1 day. He used to poo about 2 to 3 times each day.

My boy also finish 1 side except the feed at 6.30pm which is supposedly his last feed which he will finish both sides. He used to sleep after the 6.30pm feed and wakes up for dreamfeed at 11pm, 3am and 7am for dreamfeed. However, recently he'll wake up at 8pm plus to play with his daddy when he's back from work and sleep again around 9pm plus. We must lights off and pretend to snore and sleep before he's willing to sleep. He'll then sleep through the night till 7am without waking up for dreamfeed. He automatically will wake up before his daddy goes to work to play with him.

Hi firpy,

Can include me? I have emailed you the particulars

Hi all, I will put up the list to email the coordinator at GUG. Trial lesson is at $25. Too many ppl in the list le, I need the particulars to secure the promo cos ending soon, so its 1st come 1st serve ok. I will send them the list after I compile.

GUG has contacted me, the details of the class is at 1.5hrs for the trial n for pte class to be held, they can only give us sunday mornings 930am. For a class of 5 , if no choice, at most 6. We need to pay by 31st aug to be entitled to the 50% and we can schedule the class to be on sept. I need to let them have the list n details by 25th Aug 2010 12pm .Can I have the following details sent to me at [email protected], let me know ur nick oso ok.

I need:

a)Parent's name

b)Child's name

c)Child's DOB

d)Contact number

e)Email add

GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888 -received particulars

4) ET (evianwater) -received particulars

5) & 6) Chameleon X 2 -received particulars

7) febie -received particulars

8) LSnTYL -received particulars

9) Afann

10) cheerieheart

11) sueann79

12) Tam -received particulars

13) luvbabe -received particulars

14) Wei -received particulars

15) apple_gal

16) Melody_ -received particulars

17) Metaro

18) Yem -received particulars

19) Mindy -received particulars

20) poxchan

21) Nana

22) Brainkuku-received particulars

23) esterlla


Ok. I didn't buy a lot this time round so can tag to one of the mummies here in the west. I'll check with febie whether it's easier to tag on hers. Thanks.

latest GUG list. Just to let you all know GUG is more for 8 mths and abv babies, if your baby is ard 7 mths to 7 mths plus in Sep, it is ok to join, but if too young, I m afraid u all may have to postpone, am not sure if GUG will accept. Tink I will compile the list n see how k.

GUG- mountbatten branch (date:sunday mornings, tbc)

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888 -received particulars

4) ET (evianwater) -received particulars

5) & 6) Chameleon X 2 -received particulars

7) febie -received particulars

8) LSnTYL -received particulars

9) Afann -received particulars (from luvbabe)

10) cheerieheart-received particulars

11) sueann79

12) Tam -received particulars

13) luvbabe -received particulars

14) Wei -received particulars

15) applegal -received particulars (ur baby is borned in Feb abit too young)

16) Melody_ -received particulars

17) Metaro -received particulars

18) Yem -received particulars

19) Mindy -received particulars

20) poxchan -received particulars

21) Nana

22) Brainkuku-received particulars

23) esterlla-received particulars (ur baby is borned in Feb abit too young)

xin - Yes yes, we caught her at a bad time because she was rushing for a really urgent conference and she apologised to us also. It's ok, we're gonna have another review session with her. Will try to talk to her. After that episode of blood in her poo, no more already. The other time was caused by an external tear.

c yang - Good, you have a gal who doesn't like sweet stuff. Yesterday I introduced threadfin to Nat. Before it even went into her mouth, she smelt it and made a funny face! And even pretended to gag! Wah liao! She didn't even eat it! I dun believe this man! Maybe I'll try cod next coz' threadfin may be more fishy than cod. Wah, you still get engorged. It's been a long time since I've had engorged feeling. Think I should be able to drop BF-ing soon.

Hi Lyn n Nana,

I still don't have your particulars, I need to send the list for GUG soon, can I have them asap?

For feb mummies,

I will check if they can let ur all register n pay for the promo n postpone till later date if ur babies are too young. U all may need to organise a grp urselves with the coordinators.

Its a really big grp, I will try my best n I will update u all again!

Hi mommies, finally finished one assignment so can come here and 'chat' a while [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Abt baby yogurt, I also gave my boy yoplait (bought from NTUC xtra). The first time he tried, he din like it (pear flavour) but subsequently, he could actually finish the whole cup (70g) for the vanilla and peach ones. I think the pear one is a bit more sourish than the other 2, maybe that's why he din like it.

Breastfeeding: my boy also taking less BM now, and super easily distracted! But i'm still keeping to 4 feeds a day. Is that too much or too little?

Little lamb: Thanks for the prune juice recipe! Do I need to remove the skin before boiling?

My boy also doesn't like threadfin! And like Nat, he also gagged and wanted to vomit. The first time i put lots of pumpkin to mask the fishy smell n he took a few spoonfuls, the second time, i used broccoli n fish, n he simply refused to eat. He even cry n cry! I'm also thinking of using cod next.

Btw, now that Nat's better and her diarrhoea not becoz of any bacteria, shall we have a gathering? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL: I would also like to join the gathering at your plc, is it ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

Who is going for baby gym this sunday n wanna exchange milk sample? I wants mamil gold, I have nan pro, nan ha n similac for exchange, do pm me k


Anyone keen to get any of the following BPA-free milk bottles from diapers.com ? Let me know thru PM or email ?

A) Nuk Clear View Plastic Nurser - 9 oz - 3 pack=US$2.99


B) Nuk Clear View Plastic Nurser - 5 oz - 3 pack=US$2.99


C) Nuk Fashion Tints Plastic Nurser - 9 oz - 3 pack = US$2.89


D) Nuk Fashion Tints Plastic Nurser - 5 oz - 3 pack = US$2.89


Thks !

Btw, when do we need to change milk bttles if BPA-free ? Every 6mths or 9mths or 1yr ?

I hv not chge yet....;p...time to chge, right ?

Blue7mist -- Smalldreams and Cheerieheart helped answer your query before I did [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I bought the yogurt from NTUC finest (at Century Sq). Cold Storage also sells them.

Nana/C.Yang -- My 1st attempt at feeding the twins cauliflower and cheddar didnt go too well. I think they probably found the cheddar a little too strong for their liking. I tried again today, mixing it with some brown rice cereal, and fared much better! Kieran finished it all and Ashley ate most of it up leaving just 2 spoonfuls in her bowl. I'll probably make another batch for next week, but will use a milder cheese. Maybe cottage cheese as suggested by callalily. It is really easy to make. Just steam the cauliflower and when done, add in some grated cheese (a little goes a long way) then blend. It freezes well.

C.Yang -- Dont want to burst your bubble ..... but even in his HALO sleepsack, my dear Kieran is still able to roll around in his cot, flip, crawl, pull himself up and stand in his cot !!!!!

TYL -- I'll probably have lunch at home first and feed the twins before going over to your place at around 1.30pm. Will that be ok or will it be too late?

Cyang: Guess what, my little boy can use the magmag cup too! Thanks for sharing with us abt it! Today's the third time i'm letting him try the cup and he finally managed it, not too bad i guess. And I definitely prefer this than the Avent training cup. Now I can bring water out for Kenan, very happy. Like Bryest said, i also hope to let my boy drink milk from this too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Meanwhile, will let him perfect his sucking/drinking skills first ;) Thanks again!

Hi all, anyone else still interested in going for the JWT gym class this Sunday afternoon? My slot is at 2.30pm. I can't make it anymore cos Bryan is down with HFMD.

Pls sms me at 91846259 if you are interested cos I hardly hv the time to log on. Need to know who is keen, so I can make sure there's no more than 1 baby turning up.

Luvbabe > thanks so much for all the arrangement. Am very disappointed that I can't make it. Hope to join in the future sessions.

Xin > I will make another arrangement to pass you the milk powder.

SP_Callalily and mummies who feed your LOs yogurt,

Is the yogurt a snack or a meal on its own?

As for adding oatmeal cereal into the yogurt, can I add rice cereal instead? ;X I'm not too sure the difference between the rice, wheat and oat cereals ~_~||


Gosh I'm so sorry to read about Bryan having HFMD. You must be worried sick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope he's well soon.


THink u can add any cereal you want. The difference is in the different grains lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rice is rice, wheat is wheat & Oat is oat hehehe... I also add some cereal into yoghurt if I feed. For me I'm not too fussy abt whether it's a meal on its own. If I feed & she's full, I'll take it as a meal. Else,if I think she's hungry at 3 pm etc, I can also feed her some 'snack'. After all, mine is turning 8 mths soon liao. Even we as adults, get hungry periodically in the day..

been busying wif alot of things around me..finally settled dwn..seems like the gym thingy to be very gd for BB, I'll bring Joey for the sat gym trial see how =) afterall, still along way to go lei..muz keep pocket secure for rainy days and other investment for her (*_^)

see ya mummies on sat !!!

Elynn -- Oh dear. Hope Bryan gets well soon.

Xiaofu -- I feed the yogurt as a main meal ( breakfast). I first feed the twins their milk, followed by a tub of yogurt each.

smalldreams, chameleon, megan, luvbabe > thanks! Bryan is actually much better, rather quite ok now. Just that he is not really getting his appetite back... think cos of his nagging cough and runny nose, so the medicine could hv killed his appetite.

Wow! Didn't know our babes can already start on yogurt and cheese. I am really missing out a lot of things for Bryan cos dare not let him try many things cos of his sensitive skin condition. PD is constantly telling me to be strict with his diet. Haiz. Hope he don't grow up to be a fussy eater.

Firipy, just sent u my details via email. So sorry for the delay cos I can only log on at night after my boy sleeps. Thanks again for arranging!

Chameleon, I just bought cheddar cheese today. Thinking of trying the cauliflower w cheese tom. Any idea if yr twins are disliking the cauli or the cheese? Which sorta cheese did you use? I've never fed my boy cheese nor cauli before. Maybe I should try them out on him individually first before I combine?


For my gal,she doesnt fancy yoghurt on its own all that much (actually i havent tried giving on its own after the 1st time), so i always mix with oatmeal and fruit puree ie. 2 tbsp oatmeal + 1 tbsp yoghurt + 2 tbsp fruit puree and she really loves this combi. Like chameleon, i serve the above combi after a full milk feed

Elynn: hope Bryan recovers fully soon!

Xiaofu: i tend to see yogurt as a snack and i don't add cereals. But I think for my son, 70g is alot so after that, he doesn't have stomach for lunch :p

nana: my boy's two upper teeth are coming out, and like your son, it's the lateral incisors and not the two front ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I havent tried giving my son yogurt.. scare its too sweet.. is there any brand which has unsweetened yogurt??

and also.. mummies who had bring their LO out for a tour.. what did you give them for their meals? I am reluctant to give them outside food.. he is having no salt no sugar homecooked porridge and organic cereal (for bfast and dinner).. any ideas what food to bring for them overseas?

big foot : so sorry to hear your LO is not feeling welll.. hope he recovers fast fast!

Er.. What are the symptoms of HFMD? I know about it but I do not know what exactly the kids go thru? Is it like a superbad flu?

Cheerieheart, when the teeth starts showing more, you'll have a little "vampire" just like my boy. He'll look so cute. And soon u can give him soft fruits to chew, instead of just purees.

Brainkuku, I'm going to bring my boy to Tokyo for holi next mth. Having headache abt his meals too. I'm now letting him try bottled organic purees from Healthytimes to see if he can accept them. There's no added flavouring. I've tasted them, some taste abit sourish. But luckily my boy still eats them. I also intend to bring his rice cereals along. Plus, I also intend to buy the local fruits there to supplement his meal. Do share if you find any other bb food that's good for travel too.

Nana -- I used Cheddar too, tho for the next batch I might try a milder cheese. You dont need to add a lot of the cheddar to get a cheesy flavour. I think my mistake might have been to add a little too much cheese. Before I fed them the cauliflower cheddar puree I had fed neither food individually. Im guessing that their initial hesitance towards the puree was the cheese rather than the cauliflower because cauliflower has such a mild taste compared to the other vege they have tried like brocolli and spinach. But I think they are gradually accepting the taste of cheese because I had a much easier time feeding them today and my boy actually seemed to enjoy it.

Nana/Brainkuku -- I'll be bringing the twins to Melbourne in Oct and will be feeding them bottled baby food mostly whenever I am out and about. I've tried Heinz and I find it too sweet for my liking. I've also tried Rafferty's Garden (can be found at NTUC) and I like it much better as it is not as sweet as Heinz. Am thinking of trying out Organix and Healthy Times too.

Chameleon, I'll try out the cauli/cheese tom then. I'm getting so sick of giving him the same dishes everyday. Hope he'll like it.

How long is your trip? Are you going to bring enough bottles to feed them throughout the entire trip? I think in Aus, it'll be quite easy to get bottled bb food, but maybe the brand might be different. So maybe just need to prepare a few days meal enuf already.

I dun think I can find the western bb purees in Japan. So I think I will have to lug at least 10 bottles there, plus FM, plus cereal, etc for my 5 day trip. So much logistics!

Nana -- Good luck with feeding Christian the cauli/cheese tomorrow. Let me know how it goes! I'll be in Melb for 10 days. Tho I'll be staying with my inlaws I dont know if I will be in the mood or have enough help and time to make fresh food for them everyday, so will prob be feeding them bottled food mostly out of sheer convenience (and laziness!!). I'm looking forward to going grocery shopping in Melb cos I'm sure they will have a good range of baby food! Rafferty's Garden is an Aussie brand so should the twins need something familiar, I can get Rafferty's Garden baby food for them easily.


Your baby doesn't want to drink milk from bottles too? My boy is drinking very well from the magmag cup but I'm still training him to drink mill from there. He seems to prefer to drink water from the cup than milk. My lactation consultant once told me that one of the reason why baby rejects bottle is that they know if they take bottles, mummy will not be with them. So they just refuse to take bottles. But it seems that breastfeed babies learn to drink from the straw of the magmag cup very fast.

I think I have mastitis again. Now breast is swollen, hard and painful. No matter how I massage and pump, no milk come out. Just took antibiotic. So painful that I feel like crying. Sigh

Hiya peeps

Cheerieheart, Nana

Hey so cute your LOs got teeth liao. Mine still very gummy!

Do they bite? hehhe... I used to be so worried abt getting bitten when #1 was teething, but he surprisingly didn't bite except when he's fooling around during nursing.


Alamak..you still get mastitis? Hope it goes away soon...that sucks...


*paiseh* the shopping lists must've been super long! But we're all looking forward to receiving the stuff! Yippppeee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Did Bryan catch the virus at his daycare? Hope his appetite will be back soon... I can't imagine what you're going thru.

Little Lamb

been 2 weeks liao. Hope Nat's better.


I'm so excited for you! yes, Australia has Bellamy's too! You can buy & stock up. It's really so much cheaper there! If you have luggage space, you might want to consider setting up a BP, hahaha... just kidding.... with yr 2 babies, who has time for BPs.. hee..but I think that's how those pple in the BP get their supplies from.


Tokyo! So fun! I liked Tokyo but I must say fruits are extremely expensive there. I recalled the strawberries were like $14 per punnet. But they were really the tastiest ones i've had, evuh! U cud bring along a travel cooker and cook porridge using grounded rice grains, dried/toasted anchovies powder, etc. I wonder if you'd be allowed to bring frozen cubes of vege on board? once reach hotel, keep in fridge, that stock cud last a few days if you're not moving around... then again jar foods are so convenient & it's good if yr LO takes them well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Morning!! Haven't been here for a while, feel like I missed out on sooooo much! My shanghai trip was just work,work,work, so no chance to go those sale lamb was talking abt. Sob!!

Opps, me on the train and just stepped this lady (in sandals) with my heels *ouch* but I kept apologising and asked if she's ok.. She only stared and glared at me. Must be really painful..opps!!

All the traveling mummies and babies... I am so jealous!!! Enjoy your trips!!!

