(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Yuki: I like the fun and playful pics you took. He's cute as a shaolin monk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheerieheart: Yah, go for the talk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jessie: I roughly went through the pages of the SB links. They're more stationery stuff than SB stuff to me. Can't find anything I really fancy. Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lamb: Really? Where did you read that? I think it is not 100% proven as not all kids have but they can't be 100% sure too that fever and diarrhea are not part of the symptoms of teething sometimes.

Yuki : Chris so cute lah! I like his hot bod look! LOL

Xiaofu : Funny eh.. my MIL told me the exact same thing! She told me DH is so quiet and somber she actually told he gots some mental problems! She was relieved when slowly he became more interested in things but it took awhile.

Lsntyl / 3As : Yah.. I guess I should stop buying toys for her and start using household items to let her play liao cos seriously running out of space to put her toys. Like Ayden ,she is also happy if she is given a magazine to tear! LOL

cheerieheart>how to 'undo' the damage of latching to sleep ar?

yuki>hee, chris so sexy. :p

wah, mooncakes... make me drool. :p going to gain back all the weight I lost.

Luvbabe, I am also keen in the gym class also.

Gym class respondents:

1) Luvbabe

2) Megan

3) Xin

4) mstan

5) melody

6) Sherry

7) firipy


9) v_ni

10) ET

11) bluey

12) wei

13) Febie

14) sueann

15) koonie

16) Jolene

17) Yuki

18) Josie

Gym class respondents:

1) Luvbabe

2) Megan

3) Xin

4) mstan

5) melody

6) Sherry

7) firipy


9) v_ni

10) ET

11) bluey

12) wei

13) Febie

14) sueann

15) koonie

16) Jolene

17) Yuki

18) Josie

19) AG

luvbabe, i'm adding in for Wendy. She's interested too.

Gym class respondents:

1) Luvbabe

2) Megan

3) Xin

4) mstan

5) melody

6) Sherry

7) firipy


9) v_ni

10) ET

11) bluey

12) wei

13) Febie

14) sueann

15) koonie

16) Jolene

17) Yuki

18) Josie

19) AG

20) Wendy

luvbabe> thks, have pm-ed you... looks like can form 2nd class liaoz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl> we meeting next thu at airport right? hee hee... sometimes he'll still fall over... yesterday he started to lean on the arm rest of the sofa to stand up... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

i always like mattias roll around on my bed leh... coz hb sleep on the floor so the bed is mattias and mine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u saw what 2As said abt the feeder? no wonder it's not sold anywhere... hee hee...

xiaofu> dont worry too much ba... think they develop at their own pace... my hb only started making sounds at 2yo i think... :p... mil thought he was mute... :p... and he absoulutely hated food til he in sec sch...

working with children with learning disabilities will really make you think more hor. i volunteered at a special sch bef, sort of already prepared myself what to do if he is a special kid...

esp in the beginning when he was very quiet... i thought he was autistic... :p... but now... he so noisy and active!!! even my friends could tell the difference...

furby> u must enjoy xyii when she is a contented baby... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

yuki> ur chris v cute leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. so animated...

mine sometimes like bu dao weng... wobbly wobbly one... what is a bu dap weng called in EL?

latching to sleep> now my boy dont really latch to sleep at the last feed but i still feed him at night... i was thinking of unlatching him just before he fall asleep to clean his teeth then rock him to sleep or suck the finger to sleep... but havent tried yet... :p... now half his tooth showing liaoz... better be more concientious...

luvbabe, I KPO add in for Xiaofu and Tam L

Cool... 2 classes formed...

one more partipant to make it 12 each... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gym class respondents:

1) Luvbabe

2) Megan

3) Xin

4) mstan

5) melody

6) Sherry

7) firipy


9) v_ni

10) ET

11) bluey

12) wei

13) Febie

14) sueann

15) koonie

16) Jolene

17) Yuki

18) Josie

19) AG

20) Wendy

21) Xiaofu (Twins)

22) Xiaofu (Twins)

23) Tam L

Yuki, oh gosh Indiana Chris has become Shaolin Chris... He's so tall now...

Boy, it's really been so long since we last met... shall arrange a day to meet up and let them play... :p


Arwen's so cute...

Love the pics so much... esp the one with Toys surrounding her... and she can sit well...

jessie> Arwen really has a lot of toys. On the contrary, Yongxian's toys cannot even fill a basket.

xin> Mattias has a shy kind of smile hoh..

yuki> Chris sure can pose for the camera. So animated.

lamb> i recalled that you fed Nat with oats. May I know what type of oats and how you prepare them?

Maybe Nat was uncomfortable due to the loose stool that's why tend to be more sticky. Did you manage to cut any feed? I tried to cut Yongxian's dreamfeed after increasing his day feed and it was quite disastrous. He woke 3 times that night. Not sure whether it was because of the many visitors over the long weekend though. It was a bad decision to try it that weekend since there were so many activities. I just might give it another try this weekend.

c.yang> too busy stocking up for your home going trip to come in here?

Afternoon mummies...just back from a long lunch (had buffet at Melt @ Mandarin Oriental). Boss' treat.

Febie> No worries....thanks for adding them in. Am worried that I may missed some people out.

Wow, really overwhelming response hor.

Cindy> I use to know VitaKids and Pink of Health do sell Happy Bellies cereal, but may be out of stock.

Jessie: Did any mum order the neckfloat from TB at the last spree? I wanna get one for my girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I intend to intro Bellamy's baby porridge to my gal when she's 6mths 3wks old for her breakfast.


While there's no direct link between teething & diarrhoea/fever, i think there's an indirect link as per A&A&A's reasoning[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gym class respondents:

1) Luvbabe

2) Megan

3) Xin

4) mstan

5) melody

6) Sherry

7) firipy


9) v_ni

10) ET

11) bluey

12) wei

13) Febie

14) sueann

15) koonie

16) Jolene

17) Yuki

18) Josie

19) AG

20) Wendy

21) Xiaofu (Twins)

22) Xiaofu (Twins)

23) Tam L

24) cheerieheart


yes, she seems ok even though the texture is coarse. I dunno lah, but i tot good to intro texture to bb as they grow. I may add in banana or papaya to the oat soon.

I notice that she gags only on food she does not like, like yesterday, we gave her porridge with spinach and sweet potato, even though we blend until very smooth, she just not interested.

hi mummies,

i've taken the liberty to add myself in as well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gym class respondents:

1) Luvbabe

2) Megan

3) Xin

4) mstan

5) melody

6) Sherry

7) firipy


9) v_ni

10) ET

11) bluey

12) wei

13) Febie

14) sueann

15) koonie

16) Jolene

17) Yuki

18) Josie

19) AG

20) Wendy

21) Xiaofu (Twins)

22) Xiaofu (Twins)

23) Tam L

24) cheerieheart

25) bbin2010

Gym class respondents:

1) Luvbabe

2) Megan

3) Xin

4) mstan

5) melody

6) Sherry

7) firipy


9) v_ni

10) ET

11) bluey

12) wei

13) Febie

14) sueann

15) koonie

16) Jolene

17) Yuki

18) Josie

19) AG

20) Wendy

21) Xiaofu (Twins)

22) Xiaofu (Twins)

23) Tam L

24) cheerieheart

25) bbin2010

26) tanstephy

Hi, mummies

Can i join in?

Gym class respondents:

1) Luvbabe

2) Megan

3) Xin

4) mstan

5) melody

6) Sherry

7) firipy


9) v_ni

10) ET

11) bluey

12) wei

13) Febie

14) sueann

15) koonie

16) Jolene

17) Yuki

18) Josie

19) AG

20) Wendy

21) Xiaofu (Twins)

22) Xiaofu (Twins)

23) Tam L

24) cheerieheart

25) bbin2010

26) tanstephy

27) apple_gal

Mummies> Thank you for the overwhelming responses on baby gym class. Think I better stop taking in more. We are now having more than enough babies to start 2/3 classes liao.

For those who have indicated interest, please pm me your nick, real name, email address and contact hp no.

Hi mommies, would like to ask a question. When you say give babies spinach, which type do you buy? I think there are two types if I'm not wrong - the yen choy (in cantonese) and bo cai. Thanks!

cheerieheart>I got the freshest looking spinach I could find at NTUC. quite confusing hor. NTUC got baby spinach, round spinach, pointed spinach, etc etc. but don't think it matters cos it ends up being pureed.

Luvbabe, since we have 27, can 9 in each class lor... 3 classes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

since they say minimum 8... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think u have every contact detail of mine, so dun pm u and flood ur mailbox ok?

Febie> Ok, i have your everything liao, no need to pm me.

apple_gal, bbin2010> I will check my email at home coz can't access personal email in office and I also dun have IPhone....hehe!

apple_gal>don't quite understand your question.

luvbabe>think you have my details oso, ya? If not, please tell me and I'll forward them to you. don't want to flood you too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lsntyl: I mean during birth, some babies will have breast swollen due to the mummies hormones. Do you know about this? I attend Mrs Wong classes, she mentioned before, so my gal having that since birth. I simply ignore it. Cos they claim that the breast will flatten either weeks after or months after. Recently, when changing, i found my gal breast already flatten but then one of the breast with nipple protude out.

Anyone got encounter this?

Febie, i more kiasu, i pm luvbabe all my details again.. hahaha..

Applegal, my boy's nipple 1 side protrude, 1 side ok.. Is it something to be worried about?

My little Oliver is super whiny and loves to be carried recently.. Oh ya, he loves Happy Bellies cereal, recently got a tin from a nice mummy who overstock and he really like it.

By the way, i am looking for Yeocouple, anyone here have her no. can pm me?

ET: Cos yesterday i bring my gal for jabs, the doctor ask me what milk i give her. I answered her Mamil Gold, then she replied me FROM China? I told her of cos NOT. She ask me to monitor for 1 month leh.. which make me worried.

hi mummies!!

MIA for while and so many posts. only managed to catch up abit on recent ones.

my elder son was down w HFMD end july and went on to spread to me and yr! SIGH. both of them recovered pretty fast but it lasted almost a week for me. HFMD really hit the adults harder like chicken pox! and the 2 days for yr was so bad when he cried his voice hoarse and rejected milk/water/solids most of the time. was so glad when his appetite finally come back and we can put the whole tiring episode behind us!

littlelamb: are you in sg now? maybe nat is not comfy with the change in environmt and you are like the only familiar thing to her, hence she clings onto you so much. just let her inteact more w ur mum, n hopefully nat will slowly warm up to her por por. babies are v clever n alert. i guess when she wakes up in middle of night she can sense its diff rm from her hse and she will stir herself to wake up fully..

jessietan: wow arwen has so many toys! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] even though yr is #2, still not much toys in our hse. :p

and she can sit without support so steadily! yr still leaning forward with his weight on his hands and falling sideways after like 10s.. haha. but he has start to learn crawling forward last few days! thought they normally learn to sit then crawl?

xiaofu: ur girls look ok to me and since they have doubled birth weight by 6m , should be ok. milk rejection can be a phase or a preference for some babies. i ve some mummy friends who proceeded to spoon feed their babies milk cos they refuse to take the bottle. have u try spoon feeding? if she takes the spoon , maybe she just rejecting bottle instead. and it maybe a good idea to start her on more solids to boost her weight and ensure that she has her intake of vitamins/minerals from elsewhere other than milk.

firipy: sama sama my mum warned me many many times no going home late with the kids!! she also one pantang queen.

yuki: chris looks so cheeky and cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL, ET> I have both your details too...hehe!

ET> Nevermind if you have pm me your details again. Yeah, like what lil_lamb described, Lucas also encountered separation anxiety and is super whiny and kept clinging on me like a koala bear.

ecookie> Oh dear, so sorry to hear that you are all down with HFMD. Must have been a difficult period for you and your family. Glad that episode is over now....

solids feeding: im so lazy w yr as compared to my elder son. for my elder son at 5.5m i started feeding cereals and from 6m onwards, i let him try 2 new food every week ranging from fuits to vegs! but yr is 6.5m now and only tasted cereal so far. think this week better start making 2 fruits purees for him so can establish a proper breakfast of cereals + fruits from now on. currently he taking healthy times cereal ard 4 table spoons. i dun really like HT, so fluffy and alot of the cereals melted to almost nothing when mixed w milk! prefer heinz but its OOS EVERYWHERE. argh! anyone see the heinz cereal from 4m onwards available anywhere? can let me know?

sleeping: yr sleeps by 9+pm at night and we will dream feed him ard 11+pm. normally he will sleep till 4+pm before stirring. then need to put pacifier and pat for 5-15mins edpending before he sleeps back till 6+/7am for his 1st feed of the day. this is the GOOD night. on BAD nights, he can wakes up at 2am & 4am & then finally at 5+am wailing the house down for his 1st feed. on other nights, he may just wake himself up and coo to us and wanting to play at 4am . faintz. im still waiting v v v patiently for him to sleep thru the night! or learn to settle himself back to sleep after waking up in middle of night!


Hi Luvbabe > Would love to bring Bryan to the gym trial class as well if there are still slots available. Best if weekends, so no need to take leave. Hee!

Xin > Thanks for telling me about the meet-up @ airport. Sorry, I can't make it cos of a meeting that I have to attend. So miss these gatherings! If only I log on earlier and saw it...

ecookie> Good to know that your kids are well now. HFMD is indeed scary and I am always paranoid with this cos Bryan is in an infant care. Everytime he don't feel well, I will freak out too.

lsntyl > hahaha! I am also like you. Find the best looking spinach I can grab in supermarket cos no idea what is the difference.

Re: Spinach - Do mummies actually run through (blanch) the spinach 1st before cooking with porridge or blend/puree it? Cos I read somewhere that it is essential to do that as there is a chemical in spinach that inhibits the absorption of iron, but I kept forgetting when I am in a rush.

