(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Lamb: Arwen hair messy lah. Really but dun know how to cut man cos abit curly somemore so now just clip and tie.

You going where to let her cut her hair ah ? Any good hairdresser for kiddos?

jessie - Ha ... most likely my mom will cut when we head back. And then learn from her. Am trying to get those scissors for trimming hair from TB. But that is only if I can get her to sit down for me to trim!

smalldreams, I went crazy over the FB talk on diapers, went to cold storage near my plc at 920pm n was happy to see boxes n boxes!!! I faster grab a trolley, throw in the cartons n pay. Only to realise they got delivery service but since my hb purposely send me there so tat I won't lose slp over nt being able to get my hands on the promo. hahhaha!

Jessie, Arwen's such a charmer! Honestly, ur "french qn/issue" is a problem I have been facing since A is like 2-3 mths old. I can't get bk on track n plus I feel so tired n ugly/fat nw that I am 2-3 size bigger than b4! But I am trying to get things back on track after settling in my new job n we got a part-time domestic help. Hopefully, everything will be better

YL, no leh, that shoe is from SKR range, not smaller. :p http://www.seekairun.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=BELLE-PINK.

Jessie, haha, Arwen looks so pretty and grown up in that tutu. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what you decribed of her attending french class is so funny but so true. At 18 mths, my no. 1 who started PG was just roaming the classroom and playing with the boxes of toys, wall displays, the tiny tables and chairs. She definitely cannot follow a lesson or even listen to a story from start to finish. Attention span too short lar. But it was ok cos I only sent her to socialise and give myself a break for 2 hrs. hee. ;P

jessie>arwen is so pretty! looks like she is having fun with the paint wor. maybe I should let ayden try that...

Lamb>don't suppose we can persuade you to post 1 pix of Nat? Really curious how she has grown. must be another meinu. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy>what diapers talk? I must have missed it. But yest I took pm leave to go shopping with hubby. went to cold storage at taka n bought $152.95 worth of huggies ultra. they didn't have enough stocks so they placed an order for me and will deliver on sat. asked for 3 receipts. 1 to redeem the bbq set, 1 to redeem for more hugtown stamps and 1 to redeem for ocbc toy. best is I only spent $2.95 cos I used $150 taka vouchers. so happy. I realised I'm becoming more and more auntie. :p

hee, yuki also wants john. n I already have a pair of that at home. really like it too. but need to see if can get anyone else want to order. if just you and yuki, bo hua for shipping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline>think the shoes v popular. the sandals I wanted to get all gone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I like tomi v much too. too bad I don't have a gal. :p


Yl, haha, I went to isetan private sale n bought so much toys n household products cos 30% off, think I am even more auntie. :p finally bought the smallest Le creuset round French oven on sale n got add 10% discount. Must use it very often to justify the price. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tomi looks like the little blue lamb shoes that I bought for her so not so keen. But tomi also left with only size 5 n 6. :p


You went to the Isetan at Scotts? The private sale is still on today right? I didn't know they have Toys section there! Actually we drove past there at lunchtime, the carpark queue was horrendous. Then after work, we drove past there again, and gosh, cannot go inside the carpark. So I still havent gone. I intend to take half day leave today. My office is just a few bus stops away from Isetan scotts.


I was kinda interested in the casserole set by Lumarc. But I think by today, no more already coz only 50 pcs on sale.


Wahahaha! Eh your hubby quite Mr Nice Guy also leh. Give in to your diaper whims. It's a good offer lah, but sometimes I think Huggies company really know how to make pple spend money one leh! Oh, on more reason why you should have 2 kids - if both use Huggies, can collect the points faster, lol! That was how I accumulated Huggies town stamps so fast coz my girl used Size M, and my #1 was on XXL. but now my #1 can only fit Mamy Poko for night time. Bummer.


You're so wacky! It's understandable that as a SAHM you'd want to try EVERYTHING that can occupy the child.

Little Lamb

I can feel your exhaustion radiating through the computer screens. *Pat pat* Actually I think that if anyone deserves any kind of "Me" time, it's SAHMs & grandparents who are full time caregivers to young children. There's NO me time at all! At least working moms get to have respite, like how I get to type this post in peace.

Actually I feel quite bad. Today's my mom's birthday & usually on Thursdays I work from home. But today I have some nitty gritty stuff to do at work. I hope I leave work, go Isetan quickly & get home earlier to give my mother some respite.

And June school holidays coming. It's going crazy time for SAHMS!

smalldreams>the isetan private sale only on for 1 day. but today is start of taka sale [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL, aiyah I missed it lor. Actually nothing much in the flyer interested me but I just want to get socks & maybe toys for the kids. Do you have Taka membership card? But the Taka sale is open for public right?

Good morning, mummies.

Am enjoying my reads of postings...Seems to be more lively here these days...

Thanks to all mummies for the concern. It was Luis, not Lucas, who had the extremely high fever. Thank god, Lucas is alright. Luis had since been discharged but developed cold sore a few days ago, probably due to low immunity. Sigh! I really have to sayang him coz he had been thru so much when he is barely even 5 yr old...

smalldreams>yes, the taka sale open to all but got extra discounts if you have a taka card. Isetan was so crowded yest I couldn't really take a good look at the stuff. anyway, trying to cut down on unnecessary buys :p


Thanks ! But I think what I want to buy is so negligible lah, not worth the effort at all for you to let me use your card [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And I'm a very annoying shopper, I am sometimes fickle and sometimes I make impulse buys!


I can imagine the crowd. Actually I'm quite glad I didn't go. Save me the trouble and also if I go, would spend at least $100 on nonsense I might not even need :p


You really cracked me up ... exhaustion radiating from the screen. Hahhaa. But yeah, I am tired lah and I didn't get my break that I was supposed to have because of Nat and the kawasaki scare. I hope to take her back during summer and then 'dump' her with my mom. LOL. Just kidding lah ... but seriously ... I had a conversation with my DH last nite and yes ... a little too late to realize but with parenthood, we'll never get breaks.

But I believe we can work some things out as she grows older. Frankly, I am not worried about not getting my breaks and would love to spend as much time with her now. Because I know when she starts going to school or when she starts going for all those extra curricular activities, we would hardly get to see her. So as tiring these days as it may get, I will still cherish time with her.

luvbabe11 - Very sorry!!! Didn't realize it was gor gor. Coz' we're so used to talking about Lucas here ... that it just came to my mind it was him. Obviously never read properly. Pai seh. Yeah, think gotta keep Luis indoors these few days. Poor kiddo. Maybe give him more Vit Cs via fruits too? Nat is stuffed with kiwis and blueberries. LOL.

jessie> Arwen looking more and more pretty eh.. btw, there was a link to a blogspot posted by fiona earlier. the model in there looks so much like Arwen.

up until now, i still haven't brought YX for any trial lessons. i doubt he can sit still. i read that as a rule of thumb, the child's attention span is appx 1 minute per year of age.

smalldreams> yeah.. what to do.. i don't think i would be able to enjoy myself knowing that YX is crying and probably going to bed on an empty stomach.

lamb> good to hear from you. was wondering how you're doing. haizz.. i am a hostage every night during his bed time. he must hold on to my hands and fiddle with my fingers before he would slowly doze off. nowadays it seems that it's taking longer and longer for him to doze off. i can tell that he's tired. he'll be yawning and rubbing his eyes but still, it took so long for him to really doze off. and that's not all, sometimes he would wake up at 5+am. sometimes he would quickly go back to sleep after drinking some water. at times, he would start talking and singing. there goes my sleep.

re: paint

That Toy Shop at Ngee Ann city told me that they have paints made of food. so it is safe even if the child were to drink the entire bottle of paint. the lady was telling me to get the first bottle of paint from them not only because theirs is safe to consume but also because it taste extremely bitter. so, after 1 try, the child would never want to eat or drink any more paint. after that, she said i can buy from anywhere else. i still haven't try though.

mamaD> don't worry.. apparently, when they are 3 years old, they will all be at the same development level again.


about enrichment class, I do not intend to send as I am more for the outdoors and unstructured learning environment. The only class is her pre-school class of nursery up to kindy level, maybe 3hrs each day. I intend to start around 2+yo, just like her gor gor and jie jie in the past.

This is only the tip of the iceberg for most of you. When the kids grow up, parents will also have to face the bombardment of enrichments and tuitions here and there, the comparing and waiting list and such. So far, I have stayed close to my heart that I will not subject my kids to such race, save for some fun camps/classes. My duaghter does not have tuition and she told me she is one of four in her class who do not have tuition. Told her as long as she is doing ok, there is no point and wasting her time. Rather, she should pay attention in class and take responsibility in her learning. But of course, if having done that and still not faring well, there is a need to seek external help. I mean, after spending 7am - 1pm in school, I don't want them to go to another aircon box to study. Also, the culture of parents sending kids to classes after classes during the weekday (after school) and over the weekend, and then parents loitering at shopping malls, the whole day gone, don't think i want to go that path yet. During weekday, I have seen kids in school uniform at the shopping mall (tuition) at 9pm+, longer than an adult's day, it doesn't seem quite right.

I mean, academic is impt but not all encompassing, also want them to grow up happy and develop in other areas.

little lamb

you're so right. This is the best time to cuddle them. They'll wake up & smile at you while still rubbing their eyes. They'll give you hugs & call out for you. You feel so needed. Once they hit 4 yrs old, they'll be out there to explore. still can hug, but definitely harder.

And I think another important reminder to myself actually is to stop using gadgets like iphone & ipads when the kids are with us. It's so hard but we have to pay as much attention as we can to them. Sometimes i imagine when we're all old, and yearn for some kind of attention / conversation, the kids will be too busy sliding their fingers down some swanky techno-communication tool.

So how? Nat's cleared from all the scares right? Haiz can't imagine the anxiety you went through the other time.


Urgh, drink paint?! lol. Actually natural paint comes in the form of blueberries, strawberries etc but of course it's a waste of food hor?


I salute you for sticking to your guns and trying not to send your kids for enrichment classes. My kids don't go to any too and sometimes I wonder if I'm shortchanging them. But I'm also the type who prefers them to go outdoors, play with sand, climb up & down, learn as they go along. They'll have a lifetime of paperchase ahead, so I think we should let them enjoy their babyhood/childhood. After all it's the enrichment centres that make money out of all these!

I read somewhere that the learning curve for kids who are sent to enrichment classes may be steeper when they're still young. But after sometime, they'll all level up. So it's really about the same as another kid who didn't attend enrichment classes.

But that said, there's also nothing wrong for parents to expose their children to many things for fun & to see where the kids' interest lie in.

smalldreams> she was giving me an example cause you know how kids like to put things into their mouth. so, she exeggerated a wee bit and said they can drink the whole bottle. ha..ha..

furby, smalldreams> i think i share the same outlook as the both of you. although i admit that like smalldreams, i sometimes wonder whether i'm putting him at a disadvantaged, but then i remind myself that life's most important lessons are not taught in school. i rather he develop the curiosity and interest in things around him. plus i hate to loiter in shopping malls.

Haha, yes I do feel how I raise my kid does show me my own character. I generally quite bo chap one but will SUDDENLY ki siao and want to be the best in everything.

cocoMama (cocomama) : Yap, I got some French brand paint with bitter taste in them too. As for food paint, I think some books recommend making own paint with shaving cream, whip cream, flour etc with food coloring.

Was keen to try to make my own paint but I know waste time cos the food dye here is ex and hard to find many colors and also time consuming . So I ended up just getting real paint.

Oh, I also bought colorful icing tubes. Those for decorating cakes ones. Will let her try when she is older . Feel stupid buying that cos I scare if might wonder how come this she can eat but not other paint. Haiz..

Actually I see Arwen the happiest when she is exploring in the park. Really. The local here was shock when they see my just plonk her on the grass and watch her play. As usual they say very dirty blah blah but I always say how can a kid dun touch earth? How then they will be down to earth (;p).

Now I so lazy to even carry her things, so I will put her small pack of tissue and water bottle in a small backapack and let her carry. So cute lor. I think the local here thinks I am a cruel mum, to make her own daughter play in dirt and carry own things. LOL. BUt seriously it makes Arwen so happy.

Hi moms! Wow, this thread suddenly move very fast again!

Little lamb: *hugs* it's really not easy be a SAHM, even with domestic help. I think you're doing great!

Jessie: sigh, i'm like you, wk n wk all the time, even not working also think abt it. Now with iphone worse, i have tendency to keep checking my biz email or surf the net for info etc. I really hope to find a way as a WAHM to max income with min effort.. hahaha!

Melissa: Congrats on your pregnancy! Take gd care of yourself!

Honestly, abt no. 2, the hubby is really keen n i wld like to, for the sake of my son. Dun want him to be an only child like me. But i dun tink my health is in the best of state n really need to cut down on wk before i tink of having No.2, coz nowadays i usually sleep at 2am, n i hv been taking more coffee to keep myself awake during the day to wk. Super bad hor. Then the house is in a mess, clutter here n there n no time to clear. I think i'm in need of a shedding time-out!!

Kids painting: I just let Kenan did another painting craft but I think he's a clean freak! When his hands got all dirty, he kept signalling to me to clean his hands and he has this look on his face that says he hates having his hands dirty. OMG! He's a boy leh! I think i better let him get used to be 'dirty'!

Potty training: Hm, have all moms started on potty training yet? Feel so guilty that I've just started. Er.. a silly qn.. how do u wipe the bum after the biz is done? For me, it's easy to know when my boy wanna poo coz he would make the umm-ummm sound but i can't tell at all when it comes to urinating. Can anyone advise me on that?


yeah, that's the way to go! And they really like carrying their own stuff at this age eh?


What do u mean you can't tell if he's urinating? Wouldn't you be able to see it if you put him over the potty / toilet bowl? No sound of pssst coming out? hahaah... anyway for me, I'll just running water to wash the bum after both pee & poop. I've stopped using wet wipes for the longest time unless it's an emergency. Cleaner & more environmentally friendly...hehehe

U better get some rest soon. Poor you. Caffeinne not good on the system leh. make our heart beat super fast.

cheerieheart> ur helper doesn't help to clean up the house? wah u really must take time to rest leh! i haven started potty training yet, think i'll wait til she's 2plus so no help here for you.

anyway cheerieheart i don't understand why you have to feel guilty. Don't be coz there's no reason too. If a child is ready, he will be. If it's too stressful, can always start when he's older.

I'll never forget when I started experimenting with EC when Aifah was about 3 months, I was also toilet training my then 2 1/2 yr old. I spent most of my days in bathroom washing them up! In the end, give up and put either one in diapers. hahaha. Anyway my boy is toilet trained by 3. At night still wear diapers.

WTB: Fisher price Bouncer & Bumbo Seat with tray

For Bouncer: Vibrating and music must be working condition.

Prefer to collect at tampines or sengkang.

Pls PM me the price, the pics, used for how long.

smalldreams, my hb got mood one, sometimes u keep nagging oso no use but a bit of beggin n pouting will work ahhaha! I called up this morn to reserve the toy, the que to collect is full for June, can only collect in July.

talking abt enrichment class, I am also kinda reluctant to send him to, only for trials, here n there cos I feel its machiam I m the one who is there for the class, I was so tired trying to follow n catch up! I wanna save up more for his future classes, in case he cannot catch up, must send for tuition....

furby/smalldreams, I tink u are rare finds n have more will-power than ppl like me who succum to letting my kid go for some sort of class(tho trial class). I have relatives who ask me if I send him to class n I really send him to some. Peer pressure is very scary ahhaha. But I only intend to put him in playgrp few blks away to let him have some socialisation next yr.

cheerieheart, some boys are liddat, my bro can take a bite of kfc n ask my mum to wash his hands while I was the gross one ahhaha. My boy wld wan us to clean his hands instantly if some rice or something stuck on his hands by accident but if its his own doing, he can ignore it till later. Dun be too hard on urself, u need to rest whether u wan a #2 or nt. There are much more milestones out there thats energy drainin.

Yeah, having lunch and sneaking in here just to peep.

cheerieheart> Kudos to you to toilet-train Kenan. I totally agree w smalldreams. Tho my elder boy Luis is toilet-trained during the day by 18 months, that does not mean that Lucas can be the same too... I came to realise that when I tried to start toilet training him, eventually making my helper, my hubby and myself all upset and frustrated. First of all, I must admit Lucas is still not ready for that and so be it then. Lucas is currently only toilet trained for poo only. For pee, he is still on diapers.

Both my boys are totally opp in terms of character and milestones. One can be better in certain aspects than the other and I let them be. In fact, like furby/smalldreams, I am also not keen to send them for too many classes too early. In fact, i kind of agree that they will all fall in place by the age of 3 somehow.

You all gave me a great idea to start painting with the boys this weekend! Thanks!

One small warning about the paint . The ones I got all declare they are washable and it is but not for clothes eh. I thought they can be wash out easily but end up not able to.

My helper manage to get rid of most of the stain now somehow today after soaking and scrubbing the clothes overnight. A lot of work. Best to give them wear old tshirt. I was able to wash the paint off my mat and wooden floor though. But fabric stuff, be careful.

jessie> same here. YX likes to take his own little outing bag. and he's happiest whenever he can participate in (or imitate) whatever we're doing, be it sweeping the floor, assembling a new piece of furniture, brushing teeth or walking my dog. recently, he imitated me putting on moisturiser and lotion too.

cheerieheart> i haven't started officially toilet training YX, but I made it a habit to remind him to empty his bladder just before bed. He prefers to do it standing. So, after brushing his teeth, I would place him in the bathing cubicle, tell him to pee, make the sound and usually he will pee. After that I just wash him up. After some time, I tried it when bathing him, he would urinate too. I haven't done much with poo though. At one point, he would consistenly poo after breakfast, but that is the time when we are busy getting ready for work. So, we didn't manage to ride on that. Toilet training does require some amount of time and patience.

I echo what the others say. Don't feel guilty. In fact, if you read the ang-moh books, most only advocate starting at 18 months.

smalldreams> hey, i thought Huggies has a bigger cutting leh.. YX wears L for Huggies but XL for Mamy Poko.


can anyone enlighten me what the promotion is about?

Good afternoon mummies,

cheerieheart> one PD told me to start potty on LO last year..i was like!!??? i alreadi cnt cope wif the meals n the VERI late sleeping, still hve to potty train *faint*

went to a childcare recently n asked whether need to be toilet trained before admission, they said they will train on their part..then i asked whether those children i saw there (between 18mths to 2yrs old) whether they are ready..she answered..none of them...in my heart i was like HENG AHH..professional trained teacher oso failed leh..

YL, I went at 1+pm, shopped, had late lunch at Hoshigaoka, then shopped again while waiting for hubby. Then ate at Olio with hubby, redeemed my HSBC vouchers before going home at 8pm. Quite tiring.

Smalldreams, yup, I bought my gal's Xmas, BD presents n extra presents for niece, nephew liao. I usually buy their clothes, toys n household items I have been eyeing during IPS or Taka sale cos most items will be at 30% off. Recently, Friso3 had sale, I stocked up 12 cans at one shot cos 1 can save $5 each. 12 cans save $60. kekeke.

Cheerieheart, RL will be turning 18 mths next Thurs and I have not started potty training yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So far, my no. 1 who is almost 3.5 yrs old, only has Yamaha music enrichment every Sat for 45 mins. I actually took her out last month cos she didnt seem very keen. But in the end, she asked me why I never bring her for music class anymore so last week, we rejoined the class. :p

my boy toilet train at the age of 22 mths...i read before somewhere written diff child has diff timing.can wait for the cue when they are ready...my boy was trained to toilet train in his talentplus playschool. the teacher work hand in hand wt my maid to toilet train him...and i think boys are faster than girls when come to toilet train...


This is the promo the mommies are talking about



Hope you get the set after all that effort!


You've bought your Xmas gifts already? Wow... Serious stuff!

I went to Isetan after lunch anyway n just bought some socks n melamine items

Hmmm actually today's my mom's birthday. I feel rather guilty taking half a day off to do some shopping while she's at home babysitting. Oooppps! (but the initial plan was to get her a birthday gift laa..)


I guess YX doesn't use the paci right? To be honest, I sometimes feel like I'm cheating in getting Nat to sleep because she's still using the pacifier. There are different schools of thoughts on when to wean them off. DH and i gave it some thought and we figured we'll wait till she's old enough to understand and we'll explain to her that she doesn't need the pacifier anymore. I guess this SA thing is but a phase. But more importantly, we gotta make sure it doesn't become a habit.

Some parents actually don't mind accompanying their kids to bed and watch them slowly drift off to sleep, in a way, it's spending time with them. For me, I dun have such patience. I have a gazillion amount of things to do after she hits the bed. So these days, I pray that she drifts off quickly. I dun have to hold her hand, just be in the same room as her coz' she still sleeps in her cot. It'll pass ...

Cocomama, we will apply baby lotion on A after his night bath since infant days. So nw whenever he gets hold of the tube b4 we cld, he wld do the action of dabbing himself with the tube


I liked what you shared about your daughter's education experience. You know, being all the way here in SH, I dun quite get a realistic view of Singapore's education system. Over here, in international schools, I hear from my mommy friends that they take it rather easy. And some don't even take mandarin as a subject seriously. You know, after living in china, i realized how much a priviledged lot we are as singaporeans. We are well-versed in both english and mandarin.

Despite how much I detest the education system for boxing us, I am still grateful that there was good that came out of it. Before Nat came along, DH and I were talking about how we should just take things easy, not be caught in the rat race. We have seen both sides of the coin. On how some kids have been pushed into tuition classes, enrichment classes and also how some kids take it easy without tuition. Both sides have been average kids. It is easy to fall into the trap of competitiveness. Very easy.

I admire you for the fact that you can let your heart lead, let your daughter enjoy school, not subjecting her to the rat race and having the confidence in her. But now that we've had Nat, I am the one who begin to have 2nd thoughts about taking things too easy. Lately, after hearing stories from moms I met in Shanghai who have brought their kids back to singapore share about the competitiveness and how the pressure doesn't come from the parents but amongst the kids themselves, it kinda scares me. And then I start wondering to myself ... What if we were to head back to Singapore and have a rude shock as to how much Nat is lacking behind in comparison to her peers? Would she feel left out? Would her classmates tease her for not knowing this or that? A friend shared with me that her son's friend actually asked him what he learns in Shanghai's school and then goes on to put him down by saying that Shanghai's school doesn't teach as well as Singapore's school.

Another friend shared that her daughter didn't dare speak mandarin when she went back home coz' her mates were teasing her for the way she spoke mandarin like a chinese. I dunno what has the world become and why have kids turned out this way. The innocence seems lost. That's why I really hope that while I can, when Nat is still young, to really expose her to do things she enjoys. Take her to playgrounds, playdates, music classes and things that she truly enjoys and not find such a dread to attend. I know that I will not be able to control her life once she enters school but while I can, within my means, I hope to give her a happy childhood.


Speaking about iTouch, I've been trying to hide it away from Nat. I noticed that it's causing her more grief than fun everytime she's on it. She's spoilt for choice for apps. When she's on it, she plays one for barely 10 mins and she wants to move on to next app. It really scares me to see how short her attention span is. She plays for like 5 mins, she screams because she thinks the game is not 'going her way'.

I dun wanna raise a kid who just lives on instant gratification. So I realized my mistake in offering her the iTouch and I have decided to go back to basics. Entertain her with toy cars, and will get her crayons and paper to take out when we're having lunch so that she can occupy herself. I will probably still let her have the iTouch but only limited usage just like how she has limited tv time. Gosh ...

jessie - I love taking Nat to the garden downstairs. She can entertain herself for a whole hour there. She goes to the playground, moves from the slide to the horse ride to the mini obstacle courses inside and then we take a walk around at the garden and she'll be looking at other children, birds, people playing tennis, flowers, pond. And then we'll sometimes go to the minimart and just walk round and round the aisles until she has become friends with the cashier. It's just so enjoyable compared to being stuck at home!

cheerieheart - Thanks for your encouragement. Think parenting just never gets easier. I sometimes just wished I have the courage to take the leap forward in wanting to have a 2nd child. Or that I should worry about lesser things and just go ahead and plan for number 2. Think I have set myself too many limitations. Ha.

smalldreams, mainly for my no. 1 lar, though she is supposed to share with Raelynn. I have not decided which is for Xmas, which is for her BD and which ones are for rainy days though. I bought jigsaw puzzle, bubblegun, ice cream & cone set, Dora DVDs, Crayola wipe off markers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

