(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

SP_callalily (sp_callalily) : Yah, sometimes being in medical line means we know too much! Then everything also scare cos we know the possiblities and going to hospital with drips and needles all on our LO is really really traumatic!



sorry to distub, any preloved bumbo seat with tray for sale?

prefer to pickup near sengkang.

pls PM me the condition, color, price.

kindermusik : I wld be keen on ard 4pm class on Sat in June at Tanglin Mall.....;p

At least after class, can dine at Tanglin Mall....;p

Jessie, wat u posted is wat I said (most of the concerns listed). I told them, if anything happens to me, we are all together (touch wood). I don't wanna leave him behind cos not as tho we are going for romantic getaway with baby #2 making in mind. Its a family thing wat. Even in Singapore also I have to make sure he stay close to me cos A runs abt nowadays. He ran out of the shops while I was making payment, I was holding onto his hand n just that 1 sec I let go of his hand to sign my bill, he ran out of the shop! I had to drop everything, chase after him while shouting to the sales asst to help me safeguard. N all the shoppers stare at us cos I was running n shouting after A! We are skipping Shanghai cos we are going LiaoNing, dalian. With only 1 week's leave, its very hard to squeeze in Shanghai/beijing. I will visit shanghai next time, I so wanna go shanghai.....

Mstan, ok noted. I see if I can gather ppl b4 I go hol in june k.


Oh dear, I cant imagine the stress you're facing. Would it be possible to postpone the trip till A's a bit bigger? Are your tickets booked already?

smalldreams, reason why we are going for this trip is cos my bil's wedding is in china. future sil is mainlander.....So can't postpone the trip. I won't plan a holiday trip to china cos its nt my choice holidays, this trip is like no choice. plus I just started working....

I am happy I can access forum in office!

Hi mummies, long time no post. Very happy that I have been medically cleared, can be physically active again. Finally can carry n dance with Raelynn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Going for real estate course soon though will keep other options open. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally bought a second hand 2006 Nissan latio, should be collecting Tom. No need to always call cab. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Xin, did not manage to get Eric cos asked him a few times but he had no cars to recommend me. :p

Yl, have u gotten formal offer yet? When r u flying to the States? Must meet before u fly. Maybe with Shu Mian too?

firipy> think your mum love her grandson too much liaoz. hope you'll be able to bring ayden along for the family outing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline> glad that you're well alr. n so glad you got a car. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will be so much more convenient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, yup, actually the most inconvenient parts are the long queues at taxi stand n the cab hotline is always busy during weekends when we need a cab. :p

Positive Focus-Positive Tots trial class on 28 May, Sat, 4.15-5.15pm at City Sq Mall ($20/baby) :

1) Ms Tan

2) Jeanie Tan

3) Caroline




Plse add yr name above if keen ?

Once I reach min 6 bb, will confirm with them & will let u know if need to make payment ?

Will let u know again if need any details to register.

I am keen.

Positive Focus-Positive Tots trial class on 28 May, Sat, 4.15-5.15pm at City Sq Mall ($20/baby) :

1) Ms Tan

2) Jeanie Tan

3) Caroline

4) Firpy



Long weekend is here!!!! Hope can go hm on time


What u mummies use to cut baby food when outside? I'm thinking of getting tiny bites food shears, but cannot find in sg. No spree as well.

Regrets for not getting it previously when there's a spree. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I wish to join the abv class, my hb reservist. Got to arrange timing to see if able to meet it.

Bubble, is it the one that comes in 2 pairs of scissors, 1 red, 1 blue? I bought it during the bp, but it's also available at toy r us.

Bubble, i got a scissors fr Daiso, it comes with cover like the food shear. I had been using it So far So gd. Cheap somemore

Hi firipy

Thks, I bought in toysrus this aftern before I see yr post!

Anyway, wish all mummies here enjoy their long wknd with their family!

Bubble, glad you found it. It's not bad, just that the comfort catch of my red scissors already broke so do be careful when using it ya?

Positive Focus-Positive Tots trial class on 28 May, Sat, 4.15-5.15pm (60mins class) at City Sq Mall ($20/baby) :

1) Ms Tan

2) Jeanie Tan

3) Caroline

4) Firpy




Anyone keen, plse add yr name above ?

Once I reach min 6 bb, will confirm with them & will let u know if need any details to register and/or need to make payment ?

Thks !

Positive Focus-Positive Tots trial class on 28 May, Sat, 4.15-5.15pm (60mins class) at City Sq Mall ($20/baby) :

1) Ms Tan

2) Jeanie Tan

3) Caroline

4) Firpy

5) Dreamz (happyfluffy)



1 more seat available ?

Plse add yr name asap if keen ?

Once I reach min 6 bb, will confirm with them & will let u know if need any details to register and/or need to make payment ?

Thks !

Hi everyone, 1 more public hols coming up n after that no more public hols till aug......engine abit can't function tdy


Juz checking anyone hv contact for labour to do wallpaper ?

I juz need the labour/manpower to help me paste the wallpaper, I can supply the wallpaper.

Anyone hv plse PM me ?

Thks !

Yl, firipy, thanks, they still have not recovered from their cold/cough. Raelynn got a second course of antibiotics. hubby n i are still sick too, given second course of antibiotics Le. :p

pauline> get well soon.

firipy> may got alot of hols but then next 3 months no hols. sighz.

nowadays here very quiet hor. miss chatting with everyone.

xin, so quiet hor the forum nowadays... I got alot of things to do...I forsee, now very eng cos waiting for work to come to me. Stayed till 730 ytd n brain ald dead by 630....

Pauline, glad to hear That, the weather sucks again... Miss all the chatting leh, When i feel bored Or sleepy, i check forum. Wonder hws Luvbabe New job

Good morning, mummies....

firipy> Thanks for asking...Am settling well on my new job...So far so good, no staying late for the 1st week. But hor, will be travelling next Wed till Fri. Will miss my kids!

What about you? How are you settling down in your new job? Like you, when I am bored or sleepy, I will check forum too but these days, SMH seems to be really quiet. I also miss those days of chatting online here!

Xin> Can't meet you for lunch for the time being coz not supposed to take leave during probationary period. Will find a chance to meet up some time a couple of months down the road, k?

Pauline> Congrats on getting a new car. Can understand that it can be quite tough without a car especially with 2 kids in tow!

Hey Mummies,

Anyone of u had experience of backpacking? Am planning to go for it in Vietnam/Lao/Cambodia. ..Let me noe if ur keen to go along

Pauline, Congrat for being a car owner. It's really a relief,u can skip e taxi q mrt/ bus sardine packed transport ;)


Sounds like a Gd job lei...can go on company trip & wrk ;) jia you!

Thanks, firipy, Luvbabe, koonie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Though I officially own the car, I never driven it once yet. Hubby uses it for work n gets home sooner, good enough for me Liao. Kekeke.

last night Raelynn broke my specs n we had to zip down to tampines interchange to replace the specs frame n load up on 6 bags of groceries from ntuc so I was glad hubby drove so that we can rush back before no. 1's bedtime.

Koonie, i have not been to all these 3 countries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

luvbabe> was thinking of you too. glad you're settling well in your new job. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we can meet up when you're more settled.

firipy> i'm quite bored at work these few days. but end may shd b busy with mtgs. but now like have to 'beg' for work. :p. your work always comes in late? y need to work til 730pm?

koonie> u bringing joey for backpacking? so adventurous. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i havent backpacked in those countries bef.

xin/luvbabe, not always, mostly I can go back ard 545 to 6, cos maybe nw still new dun have alot of cases. But some days need to stay till 7 to 730 to help

Re :

Positive Focus-Positive Tots trial class on 28 May, Sat, 4.15-5.15pm (60 mins class) at #09-06/07/08 City Sq Mall ($20/baby) :

1) Ms Tan

2) Jeanie Tan

3) Caroline

4) Firipy

5) Dreamz (happyfluffy)



Juz spoken to them on coordination part.

Plse PM me the following details & I will coordinate the rest.

Name of Parent :

Email address:

Contact no(s) : Mobile

Name of Child :

Date of Birth of Child :

I will reply u back my POSB bank acct no to transfer the $20 fees too.

Btw, anymore mummies keen ?

Need at least 1 more pax to form the class.

Koonie> Wow, so adventurous! Never been to those countries before. So far so good, but don't usually like biz trips de. For this biz trip, no leisure de, schedule packed like mad. Think got to work even harder than in SG!

Pauline> Convenience of having a car. Nowadays, COE/car prices are so sky high...can't afford to change car. Hopefully, by 2014 Jul, car prices can go down coz current car will be 10 yrs old liao.

xin> huh, got to beg for work one...actually, on my 1st half day at work, I was quite bored. But, once my laptop is ready, I was buried under work liao....No honeymoon period, so to speak! But, so far, so good la....keeping my fingers crossed that I will have better work-life balance here than in previous co.!

firipy> Enjoy your honeymoon while you can! Good that you can go home early, then you can spend more time with Ayden!

Hi mummies,

How's all the mummies and kids? Hope all those who are not feeling well will recover fast fast. My boy also down with flu and cough since last week. Think he got the flu bug from me.

Luvbabe> good that you are settling in your new job well. I'm always reading the forum when I have time to sneak in but no time to post. Have been very busy with my job. Have to bring work home and do. Weekends busy with my boy and errands.

Firipy> you managed to convince your parents to bring ayden to china with you?

Pauline> hope you girls will recover soon.

Xin> will yu be organizing any more play dates since you have started work? Keep me updated if you have any play dates. Will take leave and join you gals.

Tyl> have you confirmed your new job? When will you be leaving?


Just follow your own instinct. You will know what's best for ayden. As long as you keep him close to you constantly, I'm sure it should be safe.

firipy : Yah, really chill. Think you will be more bothered about the cleanliness and the food and the mosquitoes than anything. Serious, if you use normal common sense ( which you have), nothing will happen. You will be more frustrated about being frustated about this when you look back.LOL.

I hope all is well! Miss you guys and loads to catch up but Arwen is like one day one pattern, everyday she takes us by surprised! Like tonight, she actually took her favorite bear and cuddle it and sleep with it! YEAH! A sleep buddy finally! It is nice to see her forming attachment to her toys instead of tearing them apart!

Hi all mummies,

Super slack today so decided to come in... Finally the 'exciting' weekend is here!

Jessie - Bryan must sleep with his dog (which is supposingly mine), duck and puppet Pooh every night too. In fact, he has been giving me tons of surprises on and off each as well. Last Sat, he actually sat down with me to watch TV for a good 40 minutes... And of all shows, we were watching 'Princess Diary' on channel 5... Muahahahaha!!! I am also getting worried cos he loves to see me putting on make-up too. Thankfully he is not imitating anything yet, except for combing hair.

Koonie - you are really daring to plan to go these countries with a young tod. I have been to Vietnam before (only Saigon though) and never thought of bringing Bryan there at this age cos it is really not child friendly as it has super heavy traffic and not pram friendly. Expect to carry/sling most of the time in my memory. Nevertheless, food is not difficult there as they are typically simple dishes that suit our local taste buds. However, if you are going further north like Hanoi and all, I heard that the taste of food tend to be stronger.

Luvbabe - glad to know that you are settling into your new job. Hope things will get better along the days too. Work trips with no relaxation is gonna be stressful, but take pleasure along the journey.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Firipy - enjoy going home early while you still can ;p

koonie, I backpack quite abit but not to these countries. I had done Nepal though. Not very hard lah, just pack the essential and some stuff very important like mosquito repellent eh and torch light, some medical supplies etc.

You er.. going with Joey? No right? Dun think it is wise to do so.

You going a lone with your own itinery ah? Then just go to busy well threaded places cos I think Laos or Cam some place still got mines..

bigfoot, I wish everyday I can go hm 6pm at most lo...

Koonie, dun tink u bringing Joey rite cos backpacking is very raggard leh, tods very hard to control


Hi everyone, happy polling day! I can't go hm yet, still waiting for my staff to pass me things to check.......I was so eng in the morn....after lunch bz....

