(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Smalldreams, I can drive to your plc, no need meet at mrt, ur plc at Geylang serai? Can take a walk there fr my mum plc actually



My current mickey mouse house will be too small once we have number 2. So gota move to a slightly bigger house for the kiddos. As to where, as FAR as possible fr my MIL! Waaahhhaaa, wat a bad DIL!


U need lots of patience to train Isaiah to start chewing his food. Never give up and try different types of food over the weekends. Alternatively, cut the food (eg: potato, carrots) into cute shapes to attract him to eat. Hubby will cut flowers and different shapes (circle, square, triangle) from the food and let him self feed. He gets really excited even though it is the same food. Jia you!


Hubby wants to put Chris on wait list for St James Kindergarten, eventhough it is as far as 2013 with 100 applicants. I was like 'you crazy and want to waste the $50 registration fee'???

Heard Marymount Kindergarten not bad. Any experience?

Next yr will be sending HW to Talentplus playgroup near by house. a lot of RC has Talentplus...my boy went there last time and I like the teacher vy much...strict but good, always keep me posted on their development in school They will to toilet train my boy last time.Till now my son still attend her enrichment class. few weeks ago when she say my girl, she start saying vy soon you will be coming to my class already...hehe...as for Nursery and Kindy, mostly likely will enrol her in Raffles House Preschool. It's in Trinity Paya Lebar church, again walking distance nia

Megan, thanks for sharing Talenttplus playgroup and I am so happy to know they have branches near my hse and my mum's place.


There is Talentplus at The Serangoon CC. I may go down tomorrow to take a look the environment. Perhaps can put both Letty and Chris in the same class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Diff Talentplus hv diff standard, i quite like the one near my house...prob you go down to the centre and check. Talk to the teacher and understand more. It's good to get close to the teacher so tat they can update you on your child's development. On n off i'll sms my son's teacher to ask her some questions...if hv to wait till Parent Teacher meeting like vy long ah...

yuki>I heard St James is quite good. A friend put her son at the new campus near HV. She said waiting list not so long. Donno if you want to try that.

Megan>Talentplus is good? I read some not so good so I decided not to send Ayden to the ones nearby.


Yes, understand diff branches have diff standards. So need to go down and see the place plus talk to the teachers.


Yah, will put him on wait list for HV coz they are not extending the lease at Harding Road.


If you can drive over, then we can arrange something, I'm sure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No problem, up to you to decide

TYL, this also means the wait list for Harding will be combined with HV [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yah, i told MIL to reduce the 2.30pm feed since she not finishing... but wonders when shd eliminate the feed totally...


my gal's regular pd is at united square aglow's dr ong... sometimes quite crowded but he's generally a patient guy... will answer watever qns u hv...

i don even know my gal's weight... nvr weigh her at home... only will hv the chance to weigh her if at clinic... the last visit was when she's 11months... oso lost her chubbiness...

Yuki, can understand cos my Monster in law also very ma fan.. everyday come twice 12-3pm / 5-6pm & check the fridge & cabinets. Lots of comment to my mum & she cannot take it anymore. She dun wan to spoilt the relationship but i told her sometimes cant give in to her all the time!!

Earlier my mum finally blurst & She slammed the door after she left. Can u imagine she come to our house & behave like guest ? Ask my mum serve her drinks etc & comment her food like not tasty!

Worse is ytd Letty knocked her head & instead of stopping her she say her STUPID !! My sis heard & immediately carried Letty away to her room. I was very PISSED upon hearing this.

Really wished to move FAR away from her too!!

Sorry for being so long winded..

Yuki, St James Kindergarten.. my fren saying that was good too.. but i think they give priority to church members first. Join their church lor.. hahha then u don't need to be on waiting list. heheh

but i think i muz try hard to convince my hubby to move to clementi first.. before having the thoughts of maris stella and St James.

Cy.. ur MIL havoc siah..

ur hubby dont know abt this? hard on ur mom to tahan her.

Whenever Isaiah knock onto sometime n cried badly my MIL will go n hit the table n say in front of him that's the table fault.. Don't cry n is the table fault.. i Hit the table k! wah piangz..

i always stop her from doing that..

and tell Isaiah in front of her..

This is not the table fault.. Blame in on yourself and stop crying.. n bring him away.

that's the traditional way yah..

can be anything's fault except your own

Isaiah always like to jump jump n fall on his butt so he will bounce back.. sometimes he bounce too hard then hit somewhere lar..

Both Juliette and Isaiah loves to do that now.

they must have learnt in from tv..

Barney got one scene where they shake shake shake..so Isaiah after his milk will take the bottle shake shake shake n leftover milk spill all over the place.. But cute thing.. he will say "shit shit shit" instead of "shake shake shake" hahaha


mindy> my hb knows his mum pattern & whenever i complain he will loose his appetite.. He also buay tahan her!!

I hope after today she will not come over so often. So sianz right always hav intruders in ur house & ALWAYS complain this or tat kind ..

Haha.. my mum hit the floor if letty falls too & she will immediately stop crying. It works so i dun bother much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, mummies, i still have $91.98 left from the Jan Bash, can i donate it out? I forgot about it that time when Jessie ask for donation, only donated my own portion.

Hey CY, ur MIL damn rude!!!

how can scold Letty stupid?

Normally we will hit the floor too and S will be ok and smile...

ask your mum not to give in too much since your hubby also cant be bother with her...

ET, Donated it to Jessie lah...

Looking at her accounting, she collected $590 and all the shipping etc cost up to $690 plus...

its as good as we donated lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl, like i saw not all talentplus is good...depends on centre...i heard not all kinderland is good too...hey cherie heart under receivership..

ET, just retrieve back the post:

Collected :SGD 590

Bought 50 Blankets : RMB 1784 / SGD 356.80

Shipping for 39 Kg divided into 3 boxes : RMB 1505.40 / SGD 301

Total Spend : SGD 657.80

30 Medium Size 20 Large size

Please see these link for the blankets and shipping invoice.





Thank you so much to all who contribute. I realized even if we cannot do a lot but 50 people there will get our blankets


Oh no that's horrible. How can she be so insensitive, her own granddaughter leh...

Hope she realises her mistakes soon.


12-18 months is fine. Else, just drop, no problem. Thanks.

wah, jessie paid so much more. I agree donate it to jessie better. then it'll be like mini-donation from the rest of us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, no problem, all the 3 colours very cute lar. It's my no. 1 who likes pink a lot but the toy is meant for Raelynn anyway. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yl, even non religious CCs/kindys can have religious influence, depends on the teacher. RaeAnne's teacher is Christian and says 'God bless you' to her so often that she will repeat to me. The school also has a before food song that ends up with 'Amen'. But I have talked to the principal and agreed for RaeAnne to sing the food song (dun want to stop her from singing the song though the P offered cos the song thanks everyone and ask everyone to join in the eating) but no need to say Amen. :p

I think more Eastie mummies stay at Bedok than tampines so no pt offering my place as a collection pt bah. hee.

Jessie, can tongpang my loots with smalldreams? Thankz

smalldreams, tink its easier to tag with u cos weekdays my hb come bk so late, dun wanna disturb CY, weekends we are always at my parent's

CY, can ur mum n letty hide in the rm n pretend they all nt hm? She always come up n check for wat? Maybe your mum shld come up with a evil plan so that she got no chance to have to enterain the monster. Pretend to go out or something

Er... correct or not? Please check!


:: SELF::

-Venny ( if hit 1 kg will ship to self, if not will tag central)






-Alice Wong

-Mel Gan


-Febie + ET

- Koonie


-lsntyl + melissa

-smalldreams + megan + firipy


-Bbin ( if hit 1 kg will ship to self, if not will tag mstan)


- 2005 ( if hit 1 kg will ship to self, if not will tag north)

- bbwoofie ( if hit 1 kg will ship to self)

- Pauline

:: NORTH ::








::East ::




Yuki: Indeed St james is very popular.. I've tried my luck asking, say it is already full and only can put me as waiting list. I heard from my friend that we need to register fast once our baby give birth in order to get the place at there. Pat schoolhouse is very good but then too expensive which cost 1k a month after subsidy.

ET> I agree to donate it thru Jessie!

Jessie> Mine is correct. Please let me know the shipping charges specifically for each group I sent you hor... Kum sia!

Firipy, u can tompang with me. I can meet u at paya lebar.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u ok?

Yuki: There is quite a number of good childcare or kindergarden in each areas, depends ur needs and criteria as well as burdget. Honestly, at first i will look at the those popular one, after check with all my friends, all advise me most importantly is the distance and convientent. Hence i choose childcare at yishun as future 2014 i will live there. Furthermore, my mum can help me to pick up when i am busy.

Tam L, thanks for the offer, tink I get fr smalldreams easier cos I know how to go to her plc. If I meet u at mrt, I must bring A along, its very hard to collect things without help, my monster mite jus mess up the loots!


Mine area should be NorthEast.

I tink u should tag 2005 & wei together. (Correct me if i'm wrong as i remb wei stay woodland or yishun)

Smalldreams> I guess she speak wo gg through her brain!!

Firipy> Cant stop her from coming cos she VOLUNTEERED to duplicate our house keys!! She simply walk in anytime with her BF.

Earlier my mum brought letty to shower & purposely speak loudly that she is bringing Letty for gai gai than she went home. She really pissed my mum today !! Wahaha...

She went into our computer room & look around so my mum asked her wat she was looking at.. She told my mum she wanted the spare computer & my mum told her we using it!! She rebuted back "THAN I BUY MYSELF" Funny part is she dun even know how to use buy computer for WAT ? Really weird ....

HB gave her our plasma tv than full of complain to my mum (So big lah/ waste electricity etc) best part is she damn kan jiong & immediately wanted us to shift to her house in the middle of the night on the day we shifted into new house...

Really BTH

Jessie, please accept it... Else i have this amount hanging with me and i feel so uncomfortable, dunno what to do with it.. I will transfer you tonight...

Firipy, ic.. Sorry was busy so didn't reply earlier.. I stay along tanjong katong rd so see where more convenient for u to pick the stuff. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams : my girl only 8.7kg not 9.7kg so her weight only abt 20 percentile.....;p

v_ni / Jessie : no problem. U can tag on me if yr purchase dun hit 1kg.

I am at Redhill & work at Tg Pagar. So u can pick up from me either at Redhill or Tg Pagar area/mrt.

Tam, thanks for "taking me in", I am more familiar with smalldream's plc, tho my parent's is near rather urs, I get lost sometimes while trying to find food at tanjong katong area, hahhaha!

CY, my god! Self-invite!! Nvm, ask ur mum bring Letty out everyday, really got go or nt oso nvm, jus say. Else, ur mum n Letty go bk ur mum plc n "hide" hahha! Damn sian to have such mil.


oic, thanks i'll take it...

dono y, i nvr geto see those items u listed... isit the way i surf taobao website is wrong? coz i only click the link u provided n view 'all products' which i tot shd hv all the products the seller has? or i hv to also click on the things listed @ the side panel also ah?? lol... i muz hv missed out alot of goodies...

thanks ms tan! as 'usual' if nvr ship to myself, i'll collect from u @ ur block...


i'm 'impressed' wif ur MIL... skin can be this thick...

