(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

koonie> 5 yo still very long leh. but both of you can go on holidays tog first. hee.

littlelamb> glad to hear that Nat is ok now.


koonie>aiyoh, so hard to get ayden to sit down during the class. think he really not ready. unlike caleb and some of the other bbs who are more guai :p

today my hb is officially on leave liaoz. and i'll be bk to work next friday. sighz. so fast.

we've also decided to try tcm for a mth before deciding if we would go ahead with mattias' op. no matter how minor an op is, once cut surely will have some scars. :p

it's quite a struggle to feed him the tcm med. tt's the only reason i'm glad to be handing over. hee hee.

we're thinking of toilet training mattias these few days as both of us are at home.

any one got success story? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin>good luck. will miss you. hope can do a playdate soon. :D

ayden isn't really potty-trained but he likes to pee standing up when we bring him to the toilet soon after he wakes/makan. saved us quite a bit of diapers.

Hello all...


All the best to you. I hope the students will not drive you to become even thinner. Hope the alternative medicine will work.

Re potty training, I think if you haven't already, you can use the sounds 'sssss' to encourage M to pee. Somehow it's really an almost universal sound to make! hahha...even ang mohs use that sound... or I've heard some malaysian chinese whistle when I got Aifah to pee over a sink in KL once. I think TYL's way is also good, coz babies, like adults also pee after a nap/sleep or after a meal.

I think it's not about totally going diaperless, but go be diaper-free, as in not too dependent on the diaper. And make toilet training fun! Aifah will grin so happily when I say, Yeay! Good job! after she pees over the toilet bowl. I just prop her there to pee. Can just flush. But of course for boys, you risk getting shoot at...kekeke...


Things must be difficult with constant health scares. There's definitely no place like home, but I guess you don't have much of a choice but to stick together with your hubby. This Jap disaster is really a tragedy....

Re : Jessie's spree

Thanks again Jessie for yr patience.

Did you gals get a lot of shoes? So many pretty shoes but I didn't buy lor... haiz... nevermind this is a test for me...

Today having one of those 'I miss home' days. Dunno why ... it's been less than 2 months since I got back leh. Are you gals around to chat?

lsntyl - What classes are you sending Ayden for?

xin - Thanks ... yeah, but Nat still coughs and has runny nose. I stopped Zyrtec because I realized it's just symptomatic treatment. Doesn't do much to help. Gotta just let the virus run through its course. Just as long as it doesn't affect her whole being, I administer meds lor.

Hi little lamb

I guess this is the time most mommies are knocking off work. I got home early today but will be going to fetch the kiddos soon!

So tired today & I didn't even accomplish much. I really have to start exercising soon!

Will your mom be visiting you in China anytime? Poor you, can't imagine how much you miss yr family..

Re : runny nose, at first I was quite bothered.. but now I give med only when it's bad & to help her sleep better at night. If not I won't give. My mom once said last time in the kampong, kids there had runny nose ALL the time..lol... anyway I hope the kids will not have runny nose too often of course...it's so uncomfortable...

smalldreams - No worries. I hardly have time during the day these days too. Only after Nat heads to bed. My mom wun be visiting any time soon. Maybe coz' my gf just left, and I kinda felt a sense of emptiness. Plus I'm stuck at home with Nat coz' she's still not fully recovered. Hopefully it'll get better with time.

lamb and all : Had a "guilty" day, was out having a good lunch with one of my friend and was about to rush home when she said " aren't you shopping with me?". I was like... hmmm... OK!

It was great, I was out shopping with a friend. Been like ages since I done girly things with anyone!!!! I forgot how nice it was. Ended up buying a lot of clothes for myself. Felt bad cos I had so much work piling up and also the spree but I know I need a break.Keke.

Will be busy ordering liao and the blankets for Japan had been shipped yesterday, will update with photos and account soon.

Lamb: I know the feeling, getting stronger each month. I think that is why I buried myself in my work so I would not feel so homesick and divert my attention elsewhere. Dwell in it, don't deny the feeling and then it will pass. Hope to have playdate next week!


I will on and off be posting updates and some questions about your items. Please answer here if possible cos I don't know what is wrong with my yahoo mail! Can't load today!

Mstan : 16) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6667361669 Red If OOS Yellow - RMB 6 --> Only Blue You Want ?


1) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=2456716077 x 1 , Pink, RMB 32, Alt Blue Or Black --SIZE???

9)http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=7292381147 x1, 蓝色, RMB 39, size 28#17.7cm, Alt other size is Ok RMB 39.00 - Only Black Size 28 You Want?

10) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=7018608743 x1, 红色, RMB 48, size 26码/16.5cm, Alt other available size -- > The next available size for red is 31/ 20 cm. Very big eh.. For size 26码/16.5cm , got green color nia ... or 27码/17.5cm left blue. Let me know ASAP yah!


Thanks. If possible I would like to latch at night. But my 1st priority is to let her drink bottle day time. May I know WBB has bottle feeding service coz my mum has no experience in bottle feed training. I don't want baby suffers too long

Koonie, hehe, my hubby wasn't very keen but the Marriott vacation club really too good to resist, hehe. My fb Nick is my name Pauline K__ . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, no need to feel guilty, mummies also need to relax n recharge batteries. Happy mummies equal to happy babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb>I brought ayden for a kindermusik trial. not sending him for formal classes yet.

how is Nat? hope she gets better soon.

jessie>its good to make some time to have a break. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Anyone of u hv 400g Gain IQ to sell ?

If yes, can PM me the expiry date, best price & which mrt to collect these few days ?

Thks !

hi hi...

Gosh I'm so sleepy today! think I had too much caffeine last night & couldn't sleep till about 2 am.


U so lucky lor... can go so many holidays! I miss going on hols but really gotta build up my pathetic savings again. (Yesterday just bought a jogger stroller, faint). Serve me right rite..haha...


U're such a hardworking mummy, why feel guilty? Actually how do the rest of the moms here have time out huh? For me, being at work is ironically,time out :p And sometimes I take leave just 1/2 day here & there to simply be with myself. A few weeks ago I watched The King's Speech all alone. Then I went shopping for kids' things after that, lol. can't escape from being a mom lor.

Hi all,

been away. How's everyone? Lots going on with donation and spree.

Well, was away during the school hols in Perth, good break with lots of outdoor hiking and beautiful scenery. Now back to work with loads to catch up.


When no kids or only 1 kid, my idea of relaxing is stay at home. But with 3 kids, my relaxing moments are when i am out of the house, at work, or sometimes, take day off to do my own stuff, like loiter in malls, and go home slightly earlier before kids are back.

Being mummy is 24/7 job, so we must always learn to take breather to recharge so that we can take better care of kids.


missed the donation. Always admire your can-do spirit and helping people. Keep it up!


you back to work soon? wish you all the best.


Oh, u have brought Ayden for kindermusik trial. Well, the first time is like that. Aly was surprisingly gd the first time cuz daddy was the one doing the trial class with her while i went shopping. But Aly was at ease in class & she enjoyed herself so we signed her up for a semester. When i was the one who brought her for classes subsequently, she couldnt really sit still too until like the 4th lesson when she got more familiar with the "motions". Now she's more better, can sit longer & follow instructions. 45mins is abt the right length for them now.I find that for those 1.5hr lessons, unless the lessons are very engaging, they tend to lose focus & concentration after a while. That's my observation for Aly.


Aly has finally show signs of not wanting the 2.30pm milk feed! Took the chance to intro her some fresh milk but she totally rejected it! Anyway, wat snacks & how much snacks do u give to yr boy in place of the 2.30pm milk feed? GF suggested rice cakes, fruits & cheese. How much do u actually give? Care to share?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Guess Prof Tan has given u some insight into Mattias' OSA problem? Yeah, just give TCM a shot for wat is worth & exhaust yr non-invasive options first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

callalily>yes, took Ayden for the kindermusik trial that febie arranged a while ago. He refused to let me out of the class so I had to stay in there with him even when his father took over the class. Also good cos it gave us both a chance to observe the lessons. We might sign him up for a semester in a month or so if we're confirmed staying in SG. Currently, our plans are in limbo so I don't want to commit to anything. :p

But overall, hubby found kindermusik more engaging than igenius. not sure if I want to try other classes...

Aly is dropping feeds? Ayden seems to be increasing feeds! He know wants a milk feed when he wakes up n before we go to work in the am around 6.45am. He normally has his other feeds around 8.30-9am, 2-3pm n 8-8.30pm

Smalldreams, if you know anyone who bought the mvc package can get them to refer you then u can get the 4d3n stay for $120 after listening to the presentation even if u dun buy the package. Too bad I can't afford to buy so I can't refer anyone. :p

Yl, your interview is over already? good luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I never brought Raelynn for any trials so far. Wanted to bring her to little neurotree but heard founder left or something. Yamaha does not have music appreciation classes for very young tots n kindermusic too far for me. Shichida too exp for me but my cousin sends her kids there. Lazy mummy. :p

Yl, hehe, i see. Must be a bit unsettling cos dun know what the future holds. Will it take very long before results r out? :p

I just SMS Shu Mian, hope to meet up but now got new baby, maybe not so easy unless visit her at home. :p

Pauline>please keep me updated. Would love to meet her again. Never had the chance to meet her boys.

aiyoh, time flies hor. I still haven't visited you since your accident. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Donno how long it'll take. Its ok lah. if have, good. If not, life goes on. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Never mind, I am getting more mobile, just need to Go for weekly physiotherapy. Can arrange for playdates Liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She replied me, she's at gleneagles now cos her baby has heart defect n needs to go for op. Poor boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ayden could b having a mini growth spurt. They do get these growth spurts once every few mths. Aly had one when she was abt 12.5mths? Literally hungry for milk! But right now, she's abt at the right age to go on to 2 milk feeds, so i am happy to just let her drop the 2.30pm milk feed. Just that i havent quite figure out how much snacks to give her such that it wont affect her appetite for dinner.

yup, i find kindermusik quite engaging cuz there's not much talking & think right now, they are at the age where they very much prefer music, rhythm & movement. But i am going to sign Aly up for those 1.5hr lessons when she's 15mths though.

callalily>ayden has been eating and drinking more than usual. maybe its really a growth spurt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ayden would only participate when the music was playing. but once it stopped, he would crawl away toy explore the room.


Haha, that's normal!!! Aly has 2 other newly made friends in the class who are very active too. So most of the time, she will join them to explore the room when there's no music too!

callalily>really? I was wondering why ayden can't sit still when some of the other bbs could. I went home and told my mom and she was worried he has ADHD. I don't think so though cos he can sit still n read his board books when he's in the mood. He even started kissing the animals in the books yesterday. So funny. :p

I agree that kindermusik is quite engaging for our little ones... Kaden seems to enjoy himself.. I also wanted to sign up.. but still have to wait for the class to have minimum of 10pax to start.. Otherwise, will be joining other sessions which still have vacancy.. Awaiting their call...

Japan Donation Summary

It is a shame the shipping is so much or else can buy more blankets! Anyway here is the summary :

Collected :SGD 590

Bought 50 Blankets : RMB 1784 / SGD 356.80

Shipping for 39 Kg divided into 3 boxes : RMB 1505.40 / SGD 301

Total Spend : SGD 657.80

30 Medium Size 20 Large size

Please see these link for the blankets and shipping invoice.





Thank you so much to all who contribute. I realized even if we cannot do a lot but 50 people there will get our blankets [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams> working time is also my timeout. plus i recently signed up for gym and will go for workout during lunch. felt so lousy without exercises. sometimes, i take some time off to lepak around the malls and also take the time to do some shopping.

sp_callalily> i am also thinking about replacing the 2-3pm feed with snacks but haven't got much idea what to give him. i'm looking for something that is quick and easy to whip up. i'm scouting around the internet for ideas now.

lsntyl> Ayden is starting to show affections... must be very cute to see. Yongxian is still not interested in books. I hope he will not grow up being uninterested in reading.

re: playschool

any mummies planning to enrol the LO in a playschool soon? i wonder what is the right age to start playschool. i was thinking about age 3, but it seems so late in SG standard.


Actually if Yongxian is not weaning himself off the 2-3pm milk feed & he's still taking solids well, i feel there's no hurry to drop that feed. I was prepared to keep the 2.30pm milk feed as long as Aly wants it actually. Wow! You are really hardworking! U are actually thinking of whipping up the 2-3pm snacks! I am more of exploring the lazy healthy versions of snacks like rice cakes, yoghurt, fruits etc!

When u mention abt playschools, are u referring to those daily half day/full day kind of playschool? Well, i think there's no "right age" per se, cuz also got to weigh the pros & cons. That is, if u decide to send Yongxian to playschool, then got to bear in mind that likelihood of falling sick is also higher. For me, i am planning to send Aly to playschool abt 3x/wk 1.5hr each session starting from 15+mths? And then when she turns 2yo, she will be attending those daily half day kind & that's when i will go back to work.


Hehe, Ayden is so cute!Rather unusual to hear boys being so affectionate[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Dun worry, he definitely does not have ADHD! I was also worried abt Aly having ADHD initially but these days, she can actually sit quietly & read her books or 'analyze' things she's very interested in, hence i am relieved that i dun have to worry abt her having ADHD afterall!I just have to resigned to knowing that she's a hyperactive kid!


Cuz i miss the intellectual stimulation at work!!! Hmm, actually, it's not 2yo but 3yo cuz those half day playschools for 2yo are still parent accompanied!!!

So sorry but I decided to omit this store


Because it is suppose to be a shoe store but for some reason, all the shoes are not there anymore. And the amount in items and person who ordered , it is very minimal ( less than SGD 3 in all , the bank transfer fees will be half of that liao..). I don't usually make a decision like this but as a spree, the best is to bulk purchase from the stores, the more the better .

So please note, these will be dropped from your list , thanks!


12) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=7687661894, x 1 Dark chocolate, RMB3.50. If OOS, drop.

mstan :

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6891134380 -YU

美国费雪布书 撕不破手掌书

Rmb 2

Panda :

16) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6890678234 x1, RMB 7.50, If OOS, drop


Thanks for your effort & hard work in getting the blankets.

tyl & sp_callalily, my lo is oso veri active. I oso worry. she never stop moving.

Mstan : Noted[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluey: You are most welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SPREERS : In order for me to faster group, count and weight the items. Can you confirm how you want to ship?

I mean this list below is a very rough idea nia. I use last spree to group the below but of cos you can always discuss and change your mind . Post here please . thanks!


:: SELF::







-Alice Wong


-Mel Gan


-Febie + ET+ Bubbleluv

:: NORTH ::

(here who can distribute ?)












::East ::






To re-confirm again please ~



-Bbin ( if hit 1 kg will ship to self)

-bbwoofie ( if hit 1 kg will ship to self)

- 2005


Jessie, u have 1 big heart! The blankets might help more than 50 ppl, cos sometimes can share also. Arwen is so lucky to have u as her mum, u shld go relax!

smalldreams, sometimes u work so hard, u wanna pamper urself n later u ask urself y did u buy that hahaha! As long as u are happy, its ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl/sp_calalily, I tink kids nowadays all very active leh. My hb always comment n worry if our boy is "special" (with ADHD). But he can sit quietly there on some days to flip books/stack legos

Nowadays, I really buay tahan staying at hm n having to discipline my boy. I miss having "me" time n having lunch with colleagues etc. I ask myself, y did I turn down the job offers....But then again, I mite just quit after a short stint also. *sigh* my pathetic savings acct, its super slim during this period

Sp callalily

Wah Good tat Your gal showing signs of weaning off the 2.30 feed ! My boy also self wean n seems not interested in finishing his 2.30 feed so I drop it.

I replaced with a pot of petit miam Yoghurt, fruits, a piece of sliced cheese, toast, rasins, soft plain wheat bread, rice cakes, organic biscuits, self made muffins, minced meat nuggets with self cooked tomato sauce, fish fingers..etc

U can get recipes from GF cookbook for the minced meat nuggets n fingers, very easy n healthy. Dun hv to give a lot as u dun want to affect her appetite for dinner. A sliced of cheese n a few biscuits is already enuf or juz a pot of petite miam will do liao

Go with your girl's cue, when she's on growth spurt, give a bit more...it's gd to quickly drop the 2.30 feed now n avoid giving too much milk n encourage her to eat more solids. They are very smart one, after u drop the 2.30 feed, they will look forward to their last milk feed at 6.30pm !!!

Usually after 5pm dinner when my boy see the milk at 630pm feed he's like seeing GOLD ! Haha... N he can't wait to drink it ! He will happily finish 200ml n go to sleep ;-)

I'm sure your girl will get used to doing without the 2.30pm feed easily since she is self weaning.

Jessie :

I am also in Redhill / Central....;p

If anyone who do not mind picking up from me at Redhill / Tg Pagar area/mrt, can tap on my package too.


SPREERS : In order for me to faster group, count and weight the items. Can you confirm how you want to ship?

I mean this list below is a very rough idea nia. I use last spree to group the below but of cos you can always discuss and change your mind . Post here please . thanks!


:: SELF::







-Alice Wong


-Mel Gan


-Febie + ET+ Bubbleluv

- Koonie

:: NORTH ::

(here who can distribute ?)












::East ::






To re-confirm again please ~


-Bbin ( if hit 1 kg will ship to self)

-bbwoofie ( if hit 1 kg will ship to self)

- 2005


