(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

My ger is like this too.. She loves to scream to get the things she want. Everyday when i put her in the car seat.

The moment her bum touch the seat, she will make a big fuss and keep screaming all the way, if not she will be blah blah in her own baby language all the way to the destination.

And on the other side, my boy will be like staring at the windows or at his sister wondering why she got so many thing to yak about or scream abt.

All my stuffs in the car are either filled with saliva or crumble to get my girl attention.
I tried to put toys to distact her, but it seem they are more interested in Adult stuffs like HP.

i try to let them cry out especially when they are behaving spolit.. insisting their way.

But maid will be like the goody one and carry her lah, sayang her. It make me feel like a witch. :<

And i have to tell the maid to stay out when i am trying to disciple.
yah, my new maid also like this. She really sayang the kids until sometimes i become angry. My girl was also like yours when she is in the carseat. But we persisted and did not give in. Now she knows and is used to it. Can even 'sing' along when she hears her favourite music.
hi all,

can i join you here? the 2010 thread seems kinda dead. i have 2 identical twin gals, they just turned 12 weeks old yesterday. CA 4 weeks old

want to ask..any bbs here are high-need? i just realised both my bbs are high-need...i initially thought they are just fussy but they are really hypersensitive...demanding..unpredictable..and they dun sleep! they always want to carry...and they get startled easily...a slightest sound will send them wailing...its so draining to care for them..

i initally tot they have colic..but they dun seem to be in pain..cos after carry liao, they stop crying..when put them down, they start again..both refused to sleep in their cots..like the cots are their enemy like that. they also cannot self-soothe themselves, i left them crying on their own, for 10min then to 30mins..still non stop and their cries can be louder and louder, until u can see that they are exhausting their lung capacity...but once i carry them...they stop.

any one experienced the same like me?
Gera, welcome welcome! Your twins reminded me of my daughter when she was around that age. Also like yours cry non stop at night. For 3-4 weeks like clock work, will start at 7pm until she tired from crying and sleep on her own.
What I did was to just carry and soothe. 12 weeks i think is still too young. I tried everything until found out that she likes noise and bright lights in the room. She will stop when the TV is on, me and hubbi talking or even someone on the phone.
Good luck.
Opened my utility bill yesterday and almost had a heart attack! My bill went up to $220 for last month. THe usual is around $170-$185.
I think it's the new maid and how she use water.
How do you gals teach/tell your maids to save water?
Welcome welcome too.
My bills stayed at $200 too till last mth suddenly shot up to $299...dunno why...Need to monitor ur maid on the usage during the 1st week ba. Even for bathing, dun exceed certain amount of time. If over 10min, i will comment on her timing... how come you bathe so long... I bathe my 2 boys already, you are still inside..like that lah..suan her abit..Dun leave the tap running..then i also tell my maid the bill for the month..i say the bill is half your salary...then she will say wow...so,she may think if you keep complaining, v soon, you may deduct her salary kind of fear coz you are sharing the bills with her and associating the BILL with her salary...this is the psychology effect.

Btw, i just checked my maid's shampoo..realised that her 550ml of shampoo hasnt finished since Apr!! Can you believe that she claims she shampoos everyday?I asked if she used my mum's shampoo, she said no..she merely uses a bit of her shampoo each time...i told her she has got thick hair, must use more...now, whennever she steps out of toilet, i will try to sniff for shampoo..Nowdays i will position my mum's shampoo in a certain position to see if she uses it...(she shares common toilet with mum)

Btw, i heard some maids definition of 'wash hair' is to wash with water...coz kampung pple wash with shampoo is luxury to them...so must check.
This has been such a trying week. Had my first taste of how tough it is being a working parent. One baby got sick, then the other.. Then had to take urgent leave, then boss not happy. Argggh.

Sophia, your bbs are in IFC right? Do you find the childcare leave sufficient? I'm relieved I'll be staying at home soon, but I wonder if i ever do without a helper and still work.
sent u pm.

my bill is $493 this month!!!! crazy right? i got a shock when i saw my bill. called sp to ask them to come n check..crazy! something must be leaking somewhere, usually its 200 plus has never exceeded 300 before. The Sp guy just said my water went up n the stupid tariff also went up blahblah.. but double??? CRAZY.
spiffy, yah my kids in ifc. certainly not enough child care leave so must be careful. But sometimes cannot help it.

I agree that the tarif has gone up but imakeitrain your increase really too much liao.
can i ask what kind of table food do mummies expose ur bbs too, especially after 1 yr old now.. My boys havent been exposed to any yet..tho mum gives crumbs of bread once..What can i start with?
my utilities bills also shot up in a scary manner...from $200 my usual to $300 this month!! i heard they change the tariff rates again..

Sophia, usually both my twins have fussy hour that starts from 4 - 7pm...then at 8 weeks the doc say got colic, so instead of crying that ends at 7pm, it went on throughout the night...till about 5am...but now i noticed hor..daytime also cry lei..like 9am or 12noon, or 2pm kind...both will cry inconsolably...all sudden one...they dun look sick or in pain...so i really dunno wat is going on..very tired.

then i got toys to distract and entertain them but like they dun appreciate, just only know how to cry and cry...mayb cos CA is 4 weeks?

i tried giving pacifier also but they dun want..zZz

Welcome. I think it is just a passing phases for the babies. They will get past it. Hang on there.


I never dare to check on the utility bills until my hubby complain if it is too high. My maid has a habit of staying in the toliet for more than Half an hour. Dun know what she do inside. Because it is very quiet, no water sound at all.

I think the tarif increase abit.


My friend's baby is given wanton mee and whatever food she is eating. Some of them even give KFC mashed potatoes etc. And they are not even 1 year old yet.

I read somewhere in a book, u can start slowly by training them at home first, to let them try home cook food such as pasta, rice abit, tofu etc. most impt not too salty etc.
76, u can start with plain rice, steamed fish, soft veges like brinjal, pork ribs from soup (need to mash to small pieces). for brinjal, you can take the flesh from the inside of the brinjal as the outside might be too spicy/salty (depending on how u cook it). some other "wrong" things i have given --> chocolate cake, cheese cake, ice-cream, coffee, milk tea, milo..

my mum says it's a bad habit for adults to feed babies their own food and i think it's true cos nowadays whenever the boys see me eat/drink something they'll make noise and expect to me to let them taste whatever i'm having :\

to save water, when we wash milk bottles or drinking mugs, we will save the final rinse into a basin and then pour it into a pail for collection. can save up to one pail a day and the maid will use water from the pail to mop the floor every morning. other ideas include using the water from final rinse of laundry to flush toilet bowl. i dun have so much space at home so i'm only saving water from the milk bottles.
76, I agree maid won't help save water and electricity. My maid wakes up early and she used to on ALL, let me repeat, ALL the lights in the living room and kitchen. In all, there would be about 10 over lights. I feel like slapping her.
Wow, why she on all the lights? Scared of ghosts ah? Did you manage to tell her not to do it? If not, tell her she is only allowed to turn on 2 lights max..For every light she turns on, she has to pay $1 every day.
76, wow ! Must pay ERP to on lights huh ??? Peak hours from 5.30 - 7am = $1.00. Off peak hours = 0.50 cents . Haha.

My maid on the hall, kitchen n balcony lights every morning at 5.30 am. She wakes up at this time . Aft on all the lights ( like to show us she already wake up ), she will go toilet till 5.55 am then start to do breakkie for my son. I think from 5.30-5.55 am , she go toilet to sleep for a while , but she mus be thinking that I can't scold her ma, as the lights on already means woken up . @@@@ !!!
Idea hor? This is not called ERP..this is called "shared responsibility"..Nice term hor? Cheng hu always uses such terms.Me now monitoring maid's bathing time. abt 10min now which is ok..sometimes she goes on to 15min..so i am monitoring.How can be 15min? same as me ah? Then she machiam the owner of the house lor.i used to suan my brother when he uses the bathroom for v long, What do you need to wash that take you such a long time?
Hi mummies, here's my 2 girls with their new head band. ^_^ .


Putting it on make them look more mature. FINALLY no one asked if they are both girls! No Doubt! keke
Its the hairbands... look very different with it. Haha. Look more like girl girl also ;P.

My elder girl still very "flexible" she excels in sit and reach... When let her sit up she "slide" all the way to the front >.< My younger girl is better. Can sit and play for a while before toppling over. However we still have to prop her up into sitting position.
Hi mummies

Anyone find your twins has speech delay? My gal did not babble till 13 mths. Now, they are 14 months and cant speak a single word. Went for one seesion of ST and the therapist said twins and prematurity have higher risks.
Newbride , I tot talking is somewhat like walking , it just happens anytime they r ready ?? I have friends bbs who only spoken their first word aft 18 mths or so , though I'm
not sure abt the blabbering part . Was there any reason why u went ( or referred ) to the speech therapist ?

When my boy did not do well at his hearing test when he was 6 mth , his ENT dr told us that sometimes ear blockages ( like my son case - excessive ear wax at that time ), may cause speech delay . Maybe u wanna ask yr pd abt it ??

But generally , I tink it shd be ok to " talk" later as some bbs develop some skills earlier than others ??
Here is a non-related eg: My 40 yr SIL started talking at 3 yrs old.. Now she talks non-stop and is a VP at a financial firm...Oh in case you are wondering..not that irritating SIL with that stupiak nephew ..its another one. In any case, dun worry.

That is a good idea to let ppl know they are girls. I have neighbour coming up to my mum and ask how are your grandson? and waiter asking me if he want warm water.

i tot talking is as and when they are ready for it. ermmmm how to train them. tot got to wait till they are ready for it. My ger was suspect to have Ear Blockage and we have to go ENT twice to confirm that she has too much ear wax.
I heard from my mum that I do not talk/ blabber as an infant/toddler till quite late. When I started, I spoke in sentences and she wished she could shut me up ;PPP

For my girls, my younger one blabbers alot and some of the sounds she makes do sound like words. My elder girl will only blabber when she has something in her mouth, either her fingers of pacifier. Otherwise its just :AHHHHHHH or hurrrrrrrr when she want us to carry her.
xiaofu, your girls are so cuteee!

thanks for all the ideas on saving water. Spoke to the maid and went thru the chores. True enough, it's the washing toilet one. Use the shower head to splash water.....
Newbride ... To add on , I really tink it is ok that at 14 mth they aren't talking yet . Maybe u can observe for the next couple of months?

My pd said to me before that a few things can affect speech delay . Ear blockages , or the movement of the muscle jaw . Thus encourages his patients parents to give something chewable for the bb to practice moving his mouth muscles . Thus , he suggested milo balls , cheerios, small bits of meat to get the mouth n jaw moving . U can perhaps ask yr dr abt it ?

My bbs same as yrs , now 14 mth . Picked up some talking from 11 mths . Basically , mainly 1 syllabus words like bird , star , there ( for everything they dunno how to describe), mum mum , ye ye, train . They still blabber to each other still though ...
need to check with mommies here what brand of milk are your kids taking. I want to change my twins' Nan to others. The milk is manuf in Philippines and really cannot make it. Please write on the list:

1. Sophia - Nan Pro 2
Poko, do they understand each other's blabbering? ;P Just wondering if their baby talk really do make sense to them, just that we adults did not learn the language or if its just plain blabber.
need to check with mommies here what brand of milk are your kids taking. I want to change my twins' Nan to others. The milk is manuf in Philippines and really cannot make it. Please write on the list:

1. Sophia - Nan Pro 2
2. xiaofu - Enfalac
Thanks Juliana. Feel free to visit my blog at http://xiaofu.blogdrive.com/ if you are free. Got pics of them with and without their curls. Quite big difference. ;P

I think my pay will go to spending on them when they can walk. Saw many cute little dresses, but felt not worth the money since they spent their time in their pram when outside.
Sophia , my bbs take progress milk .

Blabbering : not sure really , if they understand one another . But when I put them tog , they will blabber either boy or gal first . Then normally break up into laughter . I tink they laugh as they find the blabbering party funny as when they blabber , it sometimes come wif actions like hands up , or clapping ...

Even sometimes my 8 yr old talks like a baby to them , n they laugh n laugh . Thus I tink anyone who talks to them in an animated way is funny.

Sometimes they blabber tog , and laugh tog too . At this stage , it's really a joy to see them doing this .
The PD says it is not normal not to babble at 12 months. So she sent her to ST. Realised she is more active but in terms of speech slower. Quite worried she might be autistic. Most pd say difficult to detect at young age.
1. Sophia - Nan Pro 2
2. Xiafu - Enfalac
3. 76 - Enfapro
4. Juliana - Friso
5. Annfresh- Similac

Seems like everyone is taking different brands. How do I compare and know which one my kids like?
you got to trial and error.. My boys have taken Similac and they got constipation.. I also think the powder is quite yellowish and coarse till i see enfalac's. So, it's not suitable for my boys...I switched fm. But your twins may take to it. So you got to try, no good/"bad" formula...as long as it makes ur twins grow....................
xiaofu, your girls look so adorable with the curls!! i wish i could dress up my mini men with those curls X'D

1. Sophia - Nan Pro 2
2. Xiafu - Enfalac
3. 76 - Enfapro
4. Juliana - Friso
5. Annfresh- Similac
6. seeJay - Mamil Gold 3
Mini men with curls... ewww... haha! Sew some jumpers for them! I'm sure they'll look cute in them!

During the holidays I shall get my mum some fabric to sew simple dresses for my girls. She used to sew for me while I was very young. That tiem she was a nanny and the baby boy she was looking after cried n cried coz he also wan to wear THE "new clothes" ;X

i wana 'contribute' too....

1. Sophia - Nan Pro 2
2. Xiafu - Enfalac
3. 76 - Enfapro
4. Juliana - Friso
5. Annfresh- Similac
6. seeJay - Mamil Gold 3
7. fatBobo - Enfagrow
