(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

good morning, ladies.

hi, roxy.

is the tea good?
tot of getting some as back-up.
since i hve missed ur spree @ $7+ per box, tot of getting some ready-stock frm a bp organiser @ $9 per box.

any comments abt the consumption of genugreek capsules?
do they help to increase milk supply?
roxy, I just saw your email. hehe.. Btw, you also having your confinement rht, still can go out to post. Li hai... heehee

wat brand of diapers mummies using? I used Momy poko and switched to drypers. FInd that drypers not so good compared to momy poko leh
Genesis...I sometimes dun wear bra also cos more comfy and at least air them a bit. But problem is will leak when breasts are more full. So now I sometimes wear sometimes dun wear.
Good morning ladies!

Najmom, Anny, 1xMummy: Found it scary and funny at the same time, maybe bcos i wasn't prepared for that! But her massage is good, my spine area was pretty painful when getting out of bed, but after her massage, my pain has reduced.

GG : the burping sound is from the Massage Lady. Very loud! For those who have done Jamu massage before, do u encounter this?

Any : yes, am still wrapped up, will remove it around 1pm, then take my shower. she is coming @ 3pm today as u r not doing your massage today.
Anny : i don't think i will take the pills as i'm still taking the dha, multi-vits and calcium left during pregnancy. My gynae has asked me to finish them. Don't want to mix them together.
hi mummies, today is baby's edd. Haven got any signs. Just the staining(brown) from the VE that was done on 8th Dec.
So im waiting.

Anywayz, booked tickets for tonight's Storm Warrior. hehe...
If baby stays inside, means i can watch.
ling lee i got some spare boxes... do u want? bp so exp!!

dhl havent come yet....

ainsley, heee...ydae i already went tmc alone register bb name le

valkryie heee njoy ur show!!
afternoon mummies!!

genesis - mi oso wear nursing bra 24 hours.. beli big and feel heavy if dun wear leh..
painful breasts - i tink cuz engorged liao.. so beli painful..is the last feeding more than 3 hours??
mi pump after latching to remove the excess bm.. and if bb cranky, onli drink one side.. mi will pump the other side out.. or else beli painful.. except at nite.. mi a little lazy.. hee!!

roxy - tks man.. mi was tinking how come my sore nipples can neber recover.. beli sad man.. after reading ur post, mi faster go and put disposable pads.. reali feel so much better man.. tks man..

rain and ainsley - ya.. drypers reali no good man.. after finishing will change..

and good news!! my milk ss increase after latching and pumping.. so happie.. but but.. nipples beli sore.. but no choice i tink.. =(
yes alone cause hubby working n v busy...i left bb at homw with CL... im nt so`steady yet as to bring bb out alone....=)

when u go out can call your cl along Mah...tat's wat I do when I go out during my visit to the pd


I've also been pumpin n latchin especially my right side I've been pumpin ex lusively for 2 days liao since it's sore n crack. My breasts it seems like full n hard almost every 2 hours so I gotta xpress it out if bb is not awake. R yours like tat??


confinement is really very borin.... Feelin like goin out liao tdy only day 9 of my confinemt... For the rest of the mummies tat has not pop good luck n enjoy eh.... U'll b missin peaceful night of sleep n the freedom to enjoy going out anywhere without worries.... =)
genesis - mine start to feel harder at abt 2 hrs plus.. but usually bb will be hungry by 3 hours plus.. so usually will clear by then.. but if bb onli drink one side.. mi will pump the other side out..

ainsley - ya.. mi oso sianz of all the visitors.. they dunno confinement time is to rest meh?? they cannot juz come at 1st mth??
miumiu... i find it helps for me too... now when bb latch on, nipples not so sore as the first week...congrats ur ss increase le!!

genesis... its ok ah, only outside for 2 hrs nia... purposely find excuse go out if not so boring at home haha....i normally pump or latch once every 3 - 4 hrs also... only exception is at nite ... always set alarm middle of nite to wake up pump but cannot wake up... so i sleep throughout without pumping for 7 - 8hrs...wake up super hard n painful
afternoon all! These days, you all talk about breastfeeding and engorgement...hehe

BB still comfortable inside my tummy so wonder when can I join in the chat...keke

Roxy, will trf the $$ to you later today. Thanks!
calamari: Thanks! But I delivered at Mt A leh. Can I just send hubby to ask for glass bottles from them ah? When I discharged, the nurse gave me like 10 bottles.

Canopy: I just had my first massage this morning and now with the girdle, I cannot sit properly....jialat, dunno how to go toilet also coz tied at the hip area so I slowly roll roll roll it up....haha. And the massage did burp quite a few times when she massaged my stomach and head. Good thing I heard abt this already else I might freak out abit. 6 more sessions to go!
I am planning on my bb full month celebration...

Aiyo, full mth on the 19th Dec but xmas got surcharge.. piangz...

Thinking of the full mth door gift for the children too... maybe i will order cupcakes for them
Morning mummies,

canopyhaze - ya mi not doing today will continue tomorrow, mi going to see my gyane today for the post natal check, can't wrap to see him, so funny.

ainsley - just tell them to come when the bb celebrate full mth lor, mi tell them will invite them for bb full mth, the bb so small try not to get bb intouch with so much ppl first.

roxy - mi pump milk during midnight too, wake up for feeding baby then pump but only once per midnight cos very tired.
1XMummy - think you better stay at home cos yr edd reach liao , and water will burst without any warning de. mi also water burst without any sign luck just reach home the night.
anny chionh: can pump only once in the night ah? I can't tolerate leh coz will feel so engorged that I will feel sick if I dun get up to express. I do that twice a night and am so sleep deprived. Worse is the expressing takes so long each time, when the CL is gone and I go back to work, I dunno if I can persevere for long or not.
Rain - full mth need door gift for children??

fitti - Then we are not alone for the burping hahaaa..the massage lady didn't put the panty outside the wrap for you to go toliet?
fitti - ya mi pump once at midnight and each pump take about twenty minutes. mi now only gt total of 100 - 120ml each pump maybe that y not so engorged.

just a gift for them. Last time i gv a milk bottle jelly bean candy with photos n name imprint on it... this time i gv cupcakes
anny chionh: Yes, ML did wrap first but it is quite low and I tend to splash alot of water to wash thoroughly at each toilet visit so sure will kena.

I was given some ginger tea to drink, wa, super sweet. Must we drink at every meal or just once after massage?

Mamypoko is the best so far but so wasteful at this stage coz my girl likes to poo bit by bit, whenever she has a new changing of nappy so now we alternate between Huggies and Mamypoko. I used Drypers for my son last time and he never had any nappy rash before but for my girl cannot. I guess coz girls are more delicate. Plus i hate the sticker at the sides. So loud that my girl jumped a little. I also jumped. haha
rain - mi oso wanna gib cupcakes for coligs... which one u using?? mi still sourcing..

fitti - ha.. ya.. my bb oso jumped by the dryers' stickers when i change due to poo or pee.. mamypoko reali better?? then mi will buy that when mi finish wif dryers..

bb use reali fast man.. 10 days and mi finish a 28 pack and those left over by hospital..
my bb like to poo after i change due to pee.. sigh.. so use a lot man..
fitti : lucky u r being warned about the burping sound if not will freak out just like i did. Did u eat the pills which she give you? I didn't.

anny : Ye, Mdm Aida is coming to my place @ 3pm.

Talking abt engorgement, my breast don't feel hard &amp; engorged leh, normal or not? I have pumped like 3-4 times a day, each time ranging from 50ml to 100ml.

As for diapers, am using Huggies since the e-coupons which Josephine has given us has S$3 discount, just bought 1 bag of Size S (44pcs) for about S$10+ after discount i think.

Check with u ladies, what brand of FM is good? Has bought Mamex Gold to use for supplement of my BM.
I' m usin drypers during the day n pampers @ nite. Pampers it have an indicator to show wetness n its slimmer in terms of price its cheaper than mammypoko
miumiu, sorry for the late reply and thanks for your response. If thats the case I will go get one BF pillow too. Any brand that you recommand?

Btw, any mummy can roughly give me a guide on how much ang bao $$ to give to CL or is there a minimum? And do I give her when she arrive and go off?

Just to share:
I'm having false alarm every now and then. Having cramps and contraction on and off.. Maybe its a sign. The last time my gynea do VE is during my 37wks but not dilate yet. My 38wks &amp; 2d check up ytd, bb is at 3.2kg. Dr say bb is in position, just ask me to be patient. Now walking also feel pain, feels like my stomach dropping.
Baby Shea : my cousin has lent her BF pillow to me but i still find it difficult for bb to latch on, hence i just put it aside. The brand is "Breast Friend", i think she has bought it from Maternity Exchange @ Marina Sqaure, abt SGD60+ i think.
As for Angbao for CL, i have given her SGD38 the 1st day, will give her SGD68 or SGD100 on her last day depending on her performance, her birthday is on Xmas, we will be celebrating for her as well.
Hi mummies,
here to update my birth..

8.20pm - reached TMC Observation Room, nurse help mi to poo..
9plus - Doc came checked 3cm dilate, burst my water bag and put mi on drip..
10plus - nurse came to wheel mi to delivery ward coz dey scare to experience same prob as no1..
12am - doc came to check and say shld b able to cum out in the next 1hr..
1am to 1.15am - nurse came to check and say i'm 6cm dilated le and called the doc to cum.. we chatted awhile den i suddenly got the urge to push.. The nurse checked and ask my hubby to help her put mi on laughin gas so tat i can stop pushin..
1.15am - doc cum and ask mi to push but as im too giddy after using the laughin gas den no choice doc gotta assist by suckin him out..
1.33am - my SON is out..

Sori im not gd wif words so i tink my birth story abit bored..

today start to feel engorgement to my breast tried pumpin out but still feel engorge.. haiz hopefuli will b beta later after lettin him latch on and pump out..
canopyhaze- I was thinking if I should get one but afraid of wasting money if didnt use. Wonder if you face any difficulties with BF without using a BF pillow? Like bb heavy when carried for almost an hour or causes back ache?

Thanks for sharing the ang bao amt, if not i really duno how much and when to give. You are so nice to celebrate her bday for her.
Rain - i See, so sweet of you.

Mui Mui - Ya baby use pampers really fast, i calculate my baby 1 day use at least 8 - 10 pcs then i buy the mummy poko new born 52pcc de the most use 6 days.

Canopy - mi using S26

For the drypers i try out the sample , same the sound of the tape did frighten my gal when i remove it leh . so mi still prefer mummy poko.

Najmom2004- Hopefully its time, coz I feel so tired with this big heavy balloon. Haha.. But also feeling scare of the pain, duno what to expect during labour.

Samantha- I hope I can be like you, save money! But duno if I can bear with the pain. You are really a brave mummy, kudos!
