(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

yeah lor, he press very hard. but the worst is last visit when he did VE! I almost screamed! but nontheless i feel he is still a v good gynae and experienced as well. haha

Yeah.. was thinking maybe cut till shoulder length.i definitely gonna bath during confinemt, just worried that it will be diff to dry.

Oh have u gone for hospital tour? im going today at 4pm. the staff say until so good.. i feel v convinced to go. haha.
actually.... I find long hair.. easier... and more cooling nei...

cos juz bundle up :p

hehehe.... then she will know 'ba wu' follow strictly ma..
doozie.. u oso with Dr Fong... that mean we have 4 here with him...

Ya.. I find him a gd and experienced gynae... that y I stick to him..

For me, his pressing is ok nei..
Hahhaa....eh I dun mind mj leh... Long time no play liao... Jeannie u arranging ah heeee..... Let me know la.... Tommorrow I going gynae appt so c wat dr chang will update again
doozie, he did VE on me is very uncomfortable lor. cuz i saw him take glove i know liao. i still ask him, check cervix huh? he say ya so i prep and breathe deep to relax.. so just abit pain only. i find his pressing pain lor. i let out a weak scream when he press during my last appt..

i agree he super experience and careful. but sometimes i think he abit fierce. :p

genesis, MJ i not very pro leh.. cuz long time nv play liao. but i think not enough khaki too.

dun think can arrange cuz i keep feeling mild contractions!!
Mummies delivering in glen eagle, did u all pay deposit during pre admisSion? I nev pay wor, cos e gal nev say anything so I bring bk e paper. :p And for e marriage cert, muz we Bring e original or photocopy will do ?
wetclouds.. u oso delivering at Glen E huh...

Yes...pre-admission no need to pay deposit yet.. only when you admit then u pay..

Marriage.. cert... if you gg to do register bb's name there.. bring original better.. if not... no need marriage cert..
sandy, few hours interval.. so i think maybe body is preparing only?

ivy, anti-biotics during delivery right? my galfriend also got it. she delivered in aug le.. dun think too much k..
Btw, the VE check realli uncomfortable!!!!
Btw, Do u gal bleed after having cervix checked???

I have.. i just called my gynae and he said is ok de...
jeanie... hm.. few hours.. but regular? If it is and is getting shorter... you need to call Dr Fong liao ya...

Chantal.. Congrats.. so you probably will be the next le..
Yaya , i delivering in Glen E.

Wat does contraction feels like? ppl tells me is menses pain x 10000. But i think by then already going to give birth liao right?
Any pre feeling ant huh?
I so blur scare i dun even know i having contraction. =P
Jeanie, I'm thinking of doing the same, cut until I can still tie up my hair. My fringe is not long enough to tie up yet even though I kept it for 5 months liao. Sigh.

Roxy, keen on the fox sale too. If prices are good, maybe can still pop by with my hubby this weekend if my gal is better.
Siri, Your doc same as mine le ;) I also went for my checkup lastnight, maybe gt c u.i arrive at 7 then a while doc rush out for delivery after that i take my weight and blood pre then go eat.

doc come back at 830 sharp . when's yr next app?
Thanks everyone for your well wishes...

I waited for 2 days already still no 1 bed for me...
but they transfer me to 2 bed yesterday....

they say they only have 5 single room and 3 deluxe room.... and no one discharge yesterday and today... dunno shalll i believe or not

I have a question. I am being transfer to ward on 11.45pm.. so is that calculated as 1 day huh?
sandy, not regular.. so nv start timing..

wetclouds, i think contractions is like menses cramps.. if intervals very near plus strong pain means near liao lor..

pauline, i cut my hair till below neckline and gonna trim it thin.. like that also easier to dry..

chantal, i nv bleed after VE.. bleeding is signs of labour. you might be next le..
i also feeling mild contractions. yst had contractions at intervals of 5mins but this morning no more. Dr Fong says dun care abt contractions leh.. just wait for sharp pain. haha. So now i keep asking myself.. pain or not? pain or not? haha.. he says if hubby watching soccer and i at backgrd screaming like mad woman, then means really gg into labour.
jeanie.. chantal will be induced this Sat.. so she should be next le :)

wetclouds.. hm.. ya.. like menses cramp.. pulling.. tightening like rock when press hehehe.. according to Dr Fong description..
Jeanie, me also got eat half boiled eggs before I know I was pregnant. But stop after dat liao.

The VE sounds very scary leh!!!! Very pain ma? So the doc will go very deep one? Y will bleed after that huh? Hear some frens also bleed after VE. Scared man! And they say in hospital even worse, midwives very 'chor lor' one.
lolx... doozie.. he really said that ah... funny man.. sometimes his jokes really can caught you by surprise.. that you will be stunned and don't know how to react..
hi roxy, do help me update my baby birth weight is 2.275kg...

hi all, jus an advise for those who are going for natural delivery... when you are having regular 10-15min contractions, do go to hospi...
or if you noticed any slight transparent water discharge, do check with ur gynae...

i regret not going to hospi earlier wen i had the discharge... intially tot it was urine... but actually my waterbag leaked...my baby got infection and now still in nicu even after almost 1wk... his oxygen level in the body is low...

hi lileen, when induced, is soo much painful than normal labour pains...do time your contractions regularly and check for baby's movements...
Ya lor.. Uncomfortable.. VE Check.

Mayb Mayb not lor.. coz water level is low.. haiz.. i wan her to come out as her wish de.. hahahah

inducing v pain i heard... *sian*

RAIN, which hospital u in?? MT A arh??????? Still now I still yet received their confirmation letter ler.. SIAO liao
i didnt bleed during VE.. just uncomfortable and painful. until i tense up lor.. my gynae see me like dat then he say i so nervous, should take epidural for labour. btw is this how they check for dilation in hospital as well? wah.. i think i will feel super uncomfortable.

sandy, yea man.. he really funny at times. he says for now just monitor bb movemt most impt, then only if strong pain or waterbag burst then call him.

anyone took/taking h1n1 vaccine?
hi chantal.. inducing is pain.. but oso depend on your threshold.... it causes strong and long contractions....therefore more painful...

are you taking the epidural?
I also havent received any letter from TMC...aiyo...very scared they screw up. My clinic just keep saying wait a while more.

Ivy, how soon u get the Step B test result? Is it immediate? Antibiotic is during labour or now must take orally? I heard it is quite common, so dun worry too much.

Shena, thanks for the advise. Sometimes i also not sure how to tell normal discharge vs water leak. At times will feel a bit wet also dunno wat is it. I just see if is only a bit I take it is discharge..
Doozi, yes leh, I think dats how the nurses/midwives will check for dilation. And worse, they will keep checking! So jialat liao, think going to be really horrible!
Jeanie, I scared if they layer my hair too much, I can't tie up anymore. :p

GG, I also never get the letter from TMC but Dr Wong said the letter not important cos if no bed on that day, doesn't matter what the letter says, they'll just anyhow give you an available bed. The letter is just for their manpower planning purpose. :p

Shena, thanks for advise. I leak sometimes so will be confused whether it's urine or amniotic fluid if water bag leaks. :p
hi pauline &amp; gg lee,

same for me.. i really tot it was urine.. cos sometimes wen we cough... it comes out a little... didnt expect things to turn out soo bad for me...
Chantel, confirm also no use .. They confirm me already also no bed...

my last pregnancy also cannot get 1 bedder... ended up 4 days in 2 bed lor...
thx gg lee...
yesterday, paedic tried to lift of the oxygen.. but his breathing was too fast...

tot it was my 3rd baby... everything should be fine... but god tested me otherwise....

each day at nicu cost almost 1k....
Jeanie Tan,
i think anti-biotics got to take now, and during labour also take thru IV.

it takes 3-4 days for results of test... im quite worried.
doozie, yah!! he said the exact same thing to me. he use hubby watching soccer to explain the mild, moderate and strong pain. and after doing VE, he also say i so nervous, should take epidural.. then i say , huh, must take? then he say, up to you lor.. sometimes he ask patient take, the patient dunwan and can endure. when he tell the patient they no need, they die die wan epidural. some ask me dun wait till his 5 mins interval. later got jam then jialat liao..

GG, no need to scare VE la.. the procedure is very fast de. just relax.. not all will bleed after VE..

sandy, me feel he sometimes quite fierce leh.. like blame me why i so blur blur de.. i first time mah.. but sometimes he really quite funny.. and i dunno how to react to his joke.. just lol..

chantal, since you taking epidural, should be a prob la..

pauline, then you dun layer.. just trim it thin and remain the length. that's what i did. i requested not too much layering..
shena, dun worry too much k.. everything will be fine soon.. take care!!

ivy, my galfriend only tell me she needs to be on anti biotics drip during her labour.. after labour ok le.
Hi Shena,
Thanks for sharing with us the above info.

Hmm... noticing im currently having discharge everyday too. i tot its normal.
I must remember to check with Dr Heng tml and ask if its water bag leaking..
Will Dr Heng be able to find out how much level is our waterbag at the moment?
Cos if the discharge is transparent, how would we know how to differentiate ifs its normal discharge or waterbag discharge?
Hmm.. smell it?
Ivy, try not to worry abt it. I read before it affects quite a lot of woman so quite common. The antibiotic helps to make sure it does not infect bb. I will be doing the test together w VE. U did VE already? Pain?
okok, i beta look out for sharp pain then. But i think i still got a few weeks to go bah! *Crossing fingers*

Sharp pain frm the baby's movement shld be not consider as contraction pain bah! My gal like very rough, sometimes when she move, i will have some sharp pain at tummy or V area. Do any mummies feel tat too? Normal?

thanks, maybe i read too much info online. Scaring me.

yes i did with VE. Not say pain, but very uncomfortable. be prepare that your gynae will insert her fingers quite deep inside.
