(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Any munnies's tod resisting childcare?? Mine starting to cry and dun wan go from day 4. Any mention of school, teacher makes him cry. Keep saying dun wan and try to get me to sit down or lie down with him at home.

GG, my no. 2 is also like that. For 1 week, she has been only attending half day CC though I enrolled her for full day. A bit sian also, cos last yr, she only took 3 days to adjust to 2hr pg. This time, even though her elder sis is in same CC with her, she still cries badly after shower. she doesn't want to sleep in school. Teachers keep asking me to bring her home after lunch cos she is crying badly n they don't want her to have phobia. Don't know how long it will take for her to adjust. :p
Hi Pauline, mine cries all the way from home to childcare and when go in. But teacher claims he stops after dat and is ok in CC. Dunno if really the case or they dun wan us worry. I put him full day from day 3 as we hope he gets used to it ASAP. Hopefully he settles in coming weeks. Sometimes think he like quite poor thing but guess no choice. Mine never go drop off PG before, only accompanied classes.
GG, today, RL managed to nap in school, she did cry on n off but when I picked her up at 4pm, she was not crying. I am lucky cos there were 2 birthday celebrations, one in the morning, one in the afternoon so that also helped cos she was happily eating cake n holding onto her goody bag. Maybe she was also drowsy from her cold med cos she has slight runny nose. Tom, i got to go office for meeting n they have gym class in afternoon so will try putting her for full day. Keep fingers crossed. :p
Ya quite stressful for mummies man. But no choice have to be heartless and just leave them there else they will never get used to it. Mine still cry when approaching the CC, bit teachers say he ok once inside one. Hope our tods get used to the CC soon:p
Hi everyone. Sorry for MIAing for so long.

DD started pre-nursery on the 2nd Jan and I am exhausted! Last week was 2 hours and she was fine because I was around but yesterday, even her teachers gave up. DD's crying is not the soft dainty sobs, she was shouting and screaming throughout the 3 hours that her teacher asked me to stay today (exception because of the level of "jialat-ness". LOL. DD made sure I was by her side at all times and we left school 2 hours ahead because i had to fetch my DS from sch and the teacher was worried DD would scream down the place again.

Apparently, yesterday DD had her backpack strapped on, water bottle hung at her neck, and basically tried every door to see if she could find one that was unlocked. She also went on water/food strike. =_=

So stressed coz DH is away. Good thing my DS is sensible and helps me with his sister. But I am still stressed.
Those who have experience with such persistent toddlers, how long do they take to settle down. (My DS was totally cool last time and went to 7-7 full day CC without fuss or tears so this is a first for me! HELP!!!
I read some of you were talking about contraceptives. I have been on Yasmin for ages, years before DD and after her birth. So far so good but I also read that some still got pregnant with pills. What is the best solution? Will IUD result in weight gain? I am bloated enough as it is.

DH said he'd go for vasectomy (which I doubt) after #3 BUT I seriously am totally drained from my DD that I don't want a #3.
Fitti, hi there! Long time no hear. Wow, sounds like your DD is even more resistant. Mine also started 2 Jan with 3 hrs for 2 days followed by 5 hrs, and this week 9 hrs. Started ok then by 4th say refuse to go already. But we still insist he goes and teachers say he is ok, mainly cry only when we leave. Can only hope routine sets in and he will get better. A lot of frens told us no choice, just have to be heartless. While we were there accompany him first 2 days, we saw other tods who cry and cry also. Some even puke and teachers standby to call the parent already but after a while more tod is ok cos can't really be crying whole day. As parents can b v heartwrenching though. My son keeps pleading with us dun wan go, wan stay at home.
my son, too, started pre nursery. everyday protest and dun wanna go. one day he even tried to take off the uniform, twice. and kept saying to "play toys". when i told him he can do that at school, he started rebutting me by repeating "play toys at home". hope he'll get used to it soon.

but the nice thing about this age amidst all the drama are the sweet things he says. one day he told me "i love mama... best of all." and when he asked for "milk milk" (breastfeed), I asked him why does he want milk. he said "because it's best!". I'm totally speechless but at the same time reminded.... he's not a baby anymore!!!
yep am still bfing. but i think not much milk actually.. cuz he had gastric flu and had been vomitting in the morning after his breastfeed, we see very very little milk..
Breast milk is really the best. With my DS, I did not succeed even once. With my DD, I couldn't bf her directly (physical problem) but I expressed the milk and fed her until 4th month. In terms of health, I could see the benefits. DD seldom falls sick and when she did, her fever hardly lasted more than half a day. I wished I had expressed longer but after I returned to work, there was no way to express the milk as I had back to back lessons to teach. One of my biggest regrets, really.

So Jiayou! to those who are still breastfeeding or are intending to bf for the next baby.
GG Lee: Just do your best. Even if you don't succeed, at least you tried. And remember, our bodies are all made differently so don't feel bad (like I did with DS) if you can't. Jiayou!
wow, seems like a lot of kids all go cc and pre-nursery le... im still waiting to send her in April...

btw, for mummies staying in west, jurong calvary church kindergarten, a pretty popular kindy in west is open for balloting on 16 feb... if anyone is keen
Hi Roxy, tks. Is the kindergarten good? I always see the school bus parked near my block. This balloting is for kindergarten next year?
GG, I think it's one of the better ones in west side, according to kiasuparents. Need to ballot and long waiting list.
No 1 is in there now, seems not bad, and he takes schoolbus to cc himself and enjoys the bus ride. Yes, it's for next yr kindergarten for our kiddos. I guess no harm to go register and ballot cause if you get a space, just have to pay $50 deposit.
Hihi mummies,
Hope all our little two years olds are growing up well and healthy!
So far, Faith have settled into childcare, with lesser crying now.
MY mil brings her to school everyday.
But we cannot escape the torment of her unpredictable mood swings.

Shall we share about the terrible twos 'syndromes' that we have encountered with our 'babies'?
Sometimes, really feel that our patience are being tested (times &amp; times again).
And many a times, we have to stop ourselves from flaring because rationally, we know they are not really aware of this phrase and they cannot explain why they are behaving this way too - so cannot be angry with them as well.

Besides the usual,
"I dun want" and "I want" this and that. Is your toddler crying more? Or crying purposely to get attention?
For example: "I dun want to drink water" but Faith will be clinging on to her water bottle, but not drinking it. Still claiming "I dun want to drink water"....
If you take the bottle away, she will cry.
Me: -_-"
So we usually wait for her temper to subside. Or distract her with other things.

There are sometimes when i notice that she will have outburst of anger.
She will beat me out of no reasons. (Usually me and not daddy)
And when we tell her no (nicely), she will cry (as if we bully her).
This happens not only at home, but especially hard to curb when we are outside. This happens to me twice already in a restaurant. In the end, she did not had chance to eat dinner at all.
And we have no reason why she suddenly mood change and start to use her hand to slap my arms.
She also will do this to my MIL.
Thus i establish that she will have this outburst on people who usually disciplines her.

Any similar encounters?
Any remedies to share?

I am starting to run out of ideas on what to do.

Thanks for sharing!
Hello Jesline,
saw ur round belly in pretty red dress on FB, congrats!! pretty mommy of 2 liao, i think u will return to ur slim figure after labour.

I think terrible 2 is typically name for this stage because at 2 yrs old or so, they learn that they can speak up but not sure how to articulate properly. Like my girl had an outburst in school and bite her class mate. Part of the reason i found out from teacher is she is very small size, while the rest push her, knock her, or scold her (those who speak well), she bite as retaliation. Once she got push badly and injured her spine area and skin got scrape off.

Recently she will cry and whine for no reason, usually we just ignore her. She has a naughty corner at home, so whenever she is unreasonable, she get to sit there to calm down for 5 mins.
Once at food court, she was screaming at her top of her voice suddenly, which never happen before. I took her out and told her that im going to find a corner and put u there as naughty corner... and i give her a choice. Naughty corner or calm down, so she say sorry mommy... and calm down and we went back to food court in peace. BTW she more scare of me, so whenever she knock me accidentally, she will say "Sorry mommy" and i will tell her "alright its ok" But at times she is totally not controllable, so have to keep bringing out for timeout. What to do -.-
Jesline, oh yes mine is at horrible 2 with all the syndrome too. No choice he kena beaten a few times le as we think it is impt for him to know wats ok and wats not. Scold dun really work. We also use the 'remove privileges' method, ie take away his favorite thing from him if he misbehave. Works but really is a test of patience as he will still test his limit. He likes to scream, cry, or throw things, or refuse to leave a kiddy ride in the mall etc. So have to make sure carry out the warning or threats we give to show him it's serious. Then he will tell us ' he cannot do this or dat'. U expecting 2nd one? Some say the tod will also misbehave when they know a sibling coming. I am due anytime, also wondering if it adds on to y he v naughty now.
Hi Ivy,
Thanks. Yup i wanted to get over with my "child bearing" mission then can focus more on child upbringing. But its proving more of a challenge than i thought. Haha...
Im super thankful for all the support i can get from Facebook and from this forum.

Thanks for sharing with me abt the naughty corner. Wah, its good that enyu understands the naughty corner concept. Good job, you've taught her well. Did you intro this concept to her very early?
But if you put her at the naughty corner at home, wun she be crying even harder? Or keep running back to you?
As those are tantrums, and like you say, they are crying becos they cannot articulate - is it too hard to punish them for that?

So far, except for the beating me part, the rest of her tantrums just requires time for her to stop 'wanting' and stop crying. Then her mood to subside and change back to normal.Meaning we adults need to wait, 'entertain' her thus takes up our time and patience.
I will take up naughty corner idea if she starts to beat me again next time.

Hi GG,
I will be due in April. Now stressed cos our 2 mths (transfer) maid gave us problems n we sent her back to agency last Sat. We have yet to choose a new one. Must die die get one by this week.
We tried the "remove previlege" but it would only make her break down further. therefore more delays. Even when we tried to increase her 'previlege", she also dun want.
For example: "You wanna watch Barney?"
(Since we thought she cannot say wat she wants, we try to guess what she wants or find something to distract her). Still no use.
At the restaurant last Sunday, she was watching Barney from youtube/iphone while beating me when she remembers. Then after a while, only she forget then she is back to normal... starts to eat her porridge, drinks etc. Haiz!! Headache lor!
Yup, many ppl shared to me that it could be due to the new baby sister, whom we are preparing her for. Nothing i can do on this as well, because the sister is to come in to accompany her next time. And i think it is not Faith's fault that she wants to react to this change this way.
I am just not sure where to draw the line and when I have to be reminded not to condone her bad habits/bahaviour to tide her through this phrase.

Keep the sharing coming in... fellow mummies!
I need them =)
Jesline, I can fully understand. And being preggy makes it so tiring to have to manage no 1. So I leave to my hubby but yet when he hits him real hard I heartpain lor. I hope they outgrow this stage soon man!!
Jesline, i also heard about the sibling thingy, i think its true. They will feel it and kind of have anxiety that they have a sibling soon, esp for young children.

I introduce the naughty corner at maybe 18months? Its a timeout for her and for me haha, i scare i will lose it. 1st time she will wanna crawl to me, but we persisted in putting her back so then she realise naughty = sit there for 5 mins no matter how she cry. So subsequently she understand that when i say naughty corner, she got to sit there till i say come here. hehe. The 1st time is the toughest, but she will get the idea just for the 1st drama. Then when she go toddler class, her school also practice naughty corner/time out corner they call it.

i dun think its too hard to punish them, cos they cannot articulate doesnt mean they do not understand. And usually 5 mins later, one of us will explain to her why she is being put at naughty corner. And usually when we start to sit down with her at corner, she will calm down to listen. One day hubby was so angry with her, i came home from market and she was crying badly at the naughty corner. So hubby explain to me what happen infront of her, and then i sat down to explain. On purpose to let her hear twice haha, we sibeh good actors. Then only hubby can release her, cos he punish her one mah. So hubby tell her, i will leave it to mommy! kua kua haha.

At time if its really beyond control, then got to pacify a bit after naughty corner. no choice got to ride out this phase. I think eventually she will be ok. u hang in there! keep explaining, she will get it eventually.
Thanks Ivy and GG:

Lets all jia you everyday.

You know what is the best part?
They will not remember this phrase of their life! No memories yet.
Only we will.
Shd video down for them to see next time!

Haf a good mid-week, ladies!
Cheers, Jesline
Congrats to all the MTBs..

I realised that our kids will follow our actions. So no matter what we do to them, we better be prepared they will do the same to us.

Although they will not remember, the behaviour will stay. So, I think we should still avoid doing things that we don't want them to follow.
That's my two cents worth.

When I beat my girl, she may beat me back sometimes. But I gathered from my mum that she beats her younger sis. So I guess she learns from me. One thing I cannot really control is to snatch things from her, when she's not supposed to take those things, because I'm worried that she may spoil it or what. Now she will snatch from her younger sis also..

Btw, I have a bottle of fenugreek, not opened. Any mummies interested can PM me. Thanks!
Jesline and GG, congrats on no2!!

I actually find terrible 2s an easy period to handle as compared to 3 years plus. My boy was quite sweet during his terrible 2 stage, very guai, no tempers, no tantrums. But now he is reaching 4, he has emotions and doesnt know how to handle them. So he'll say things like "I don't love you anymore" I beat you! I'm very angry with you and he'll actually "deo/stare" us and withdrawal of privileges or punishments etc doesnt work. At 3 plus, the pre schoolers know anger but do not know how to handle his anger. And so he becomes an angry rebellious boy. The same happened to my friend's son. I also saw him being extremely rebellious at this age. I'm trying to read more to learn how to control his emotions

DS is 2 plus now and still quite ok and not much tempers... hope she dun learn from her gor gor and become a very difficult to handle kid at 3
Hi Roxy, my son terrible 2 already quite terok. Tell him dun do something he will still purposely do lor. And he insists his way like wan to go to a certain shop, take mrt though we just passing by and will sit on the floor. All the horrible things I used to frown upon on others' kids!! My hubby will beat him, he feels no choice, must discipline b4 get worse. He believes the first few years are v impt, once they reach 5 or so character is fixed and damage done. But I a bit heartpain la, also wonder is it due to no 2. Not easy being a parent siah!!
GG, I use the cane on my kids too! I believe in spoil the rod and spare the child. At least now whenever they are naughty, I take out the cane and they at least show "mr cane" some respect.
I thought I had my terrible 2s easy...now my boy is 3 plus, then it's really terror time. But your hubby is right, 1 - 5 years are the formative character years. If we spoil them too much, I think it's going to be difficult to change already.
Hi mummies,thanks for sharing.
Really helped a lot to share and read from each other how we are coping through their growing up phrase. =)

Same as how GG feels, i am not sure if it is the childcare or the coming siblings that is causing Faith the 'unrest'.
But I thank God that these few weeks, her tempers are pretty under control.
At least, she sleeps through the nights and can see that she is becoming more accepted into her "routine of life".

At the moment,just hoping she will continue to enjoy this routine, then later have to prep her to accept another new change when her mei mei Lovelle comes into all our lives!
It is definitely not just a change for her, but also for us, adults! =P
So im taking this slowly, a step at a time.

By the way, can i check if your children are still taking their drinks from bottles?
For Faith's last feed of milk b4 she sleeps, she still uses the Pigeon milk bottle. Sometimes when she wants comfort or something to suckle b4 she sleeps, she will drink water out from her Avent. In childcare, they also allows their milk intake by bottle b4 nap time.
When do we have to really get them to quit the bottle?

Roxy, nope I din. Delivering today, now pampering myself with a nice lunch!

Jesline, yup still using milk bottle for no 1
Hi mummies,

more info on the class outline for the Little Genius class :

Little Genius Class (Mandarin)
Duration : 1.5hrs / 90mins
Day : Sat
Time : TBC (there's a open slot at 4.30pm now)
Location : BLK 163 Bukit Merah Central, #03-3569, S’pore 150163

Cost per student : $31.50 + $10 material cost = $41.50 (provided can get at least 5 students)

Age : suitable for 2-4 yrs old

Class outline :

10mins : Introduction songs
20mins : Go into the main topic (e.g. Fruits) - recognise words, drawing, reading
20mins : Songs &amp; Dance
10mins : Games (finds words etc)
15mins : Story telling, answer questions
10mins : Revision / review what is being taught in class
5mins : Good-bye songs

Total : 90mins class

They will follow daily necessities &amp; have a subject/topic every class.
E.g. topic Fruits - student will learn about Apple, Banana, Watermelon etc thru flashcards and recognise the words.
They will also teach about manners like using 'Please', 'Thank you' &amp; 'You are welcome' etc.
90mins class will comprise of movement, songs, art &amp; craft, drawing, imitation / acting, games, etc.

Website : http://www.appleplusschool.com.sg/

U can choose to register which centers after the trial class but teachers are different.
Overall guidelines are the same but each center has their own speciality.
Bukit Merah has invested and developed on some new contents, the intellectual property belongs to this centre which might not be available in other centres. Basically teachers are good in all centres thou.

Anyone keen plse PM me your details (name of parent, contacts, child's name &amp; DOB of child) ?
Thks !
Tks Roxy! This round I never buy good pump but got milk. Just make do with manual pump cos dun think will continue after ml.

If go holiday how huh? Express and throw? Must pump then continue to have supply right?
I see, I'm going to help my friend to order freestyle she due in july12. prices have gone up so much!! I have contacted e person who used to provide freestyle to us, it's abt s$450
Congrats Jesline on your #2! Think I've seen some baby pics in FB from mummies in this forum too.
My second baby is 6 months plus now.

On tantrums, yes, my first boy has big tantrums ... very terrible 2 phase. It was tough for me at first as I had just delivered then. I practically had no time for my baby. Then subsequently, thru series of time outs and being consistent with what he can and cannot do, he gets better. 'Naughty corner' didn't work for my boy. On the milk bottle, I have no luck with weaning him off. It was tough. Just like the night feeds, I tried cold turkey method but with no luck. But funny thing is once I gave up and continue to give milk at nights, he decided he can go without it. So I guess it's all a timing issue. With the bottles, I hope it's also just a matter of time.

Are there mummies in the west here? I'm thinking of enrolling my boy in Jurong Calvary Kindy for nursery but it's already full.
Anyone has feedback for Pandan Calvary Kindy or Galili Kindy?
