(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Hi Roxy, still can order now??

Postage costs:
0 - 3 boxes postage at S$0.50
4 - 6 boxes at S$1
Add $0.10 for materials cost....


1) Roxy 3 boxes
2) Canopy 3 boxes
3) siri 3 boxes
4) calamari 3 boxes
5) Jean 3 boxes
6) Ainsley 3 boxes
7) Pauline 3 boxes
8) Anny 2 boxes
9) arisz 3 boxes
10) sabz 2 boxes
11) jeanie 3 boxes
12) Purpleclouds 2 boxes
13) Snowpear 3 boxes
14) LSnTYL 3 boxes
15) ivy/eyevee 2 boxes
16) miumiu 2 boxes
17) min 2 boxes
18) W.Joe 3 boxes
19) Alicia 2 boxes
20) vivi55 3 boxes


oops.. i just realized the spree is closed le.. nvm then.. next time when u order can help me order. thanks..

by the way, can i ask how often do u all pump if u let baby latch?

cos sometimes my boy sleeps for 3 hours without waking up, sometimes he wakes up every hour to drink milk. i scared if i pump half way then no milk when he latches.
W.Joe, currently I'm feeding my boy 105ml (ie. Abt 3.5oz) ebm every 2.5-3hrs.. Think when bb hungry, they will cry bAh.. So no pt refusing to let them drink if they want.. Different bbs different demand..

Yunzz, think ur bb is normal.. According to mrs wong's book, 2-4 wks bb shld drink abt 90-120ml per feed abt 7 times a day..
my bb this week 4 weeks, still drinking 90ml only.. sometimes 110ml. Went to cut my hair just now, seems like she din drink much from bottle..
Wjoe- 2hrsly does seems short. Why not increase his feed so tat only cry for food every 3hrsly?

For bbies tat r bottle fed, usu feed by schedule. So can adjust ur amt till 3hrsly feed.

For bbies tat r latch, boh bian.. Can only go by demand as can't say increase means increase, but general guideline also 3hrsly. If constantly 2hrs cry, means bm not enough, need to latch more freq to simulate more milk. That's how I see it.
morning mummies,


Roxy: How much i need to transfer you for the nursing tea? Mine is 2 boxes , let mi know your account too. Thanks.
just came back fr tmc.
baby stayed for 2 nights of suspected infection.

now then i know, if baby stay inTMC, 1 parent have to stay with baby. the nurse no help to take care de.
only to do medical procedures. So i also stayed for 2 nights. Bill very ex!!
$1800 for all the test and accomodation.

POSB wanna dry alr..

Btw, did the fitti company get back to any of u regarding the orders??
I din log on after i ordered on the 28th and till now my email still dun have their reply.
hello all... my edd is today lor.. and bb is gonna be overdue,my doc wana induce me on tues... so scary..

thinking of the long labour, i scared liao.. but for the sake of the bb... im gonna try! anyone inducing too?

actually 2010 bb also gd la.. relax one more yr then stress abt the schooling... hahah...
cross fingers that bb dun decide to come out tonight lor... everyone is partying.. me dun wana squeeze in w the crowd... heheh..
yiqi: oh no, what happened to bb ?
Hope she is fine now. As for Fitti, usually they will call u a few days later one. Sometimes 1 week later. Besides now new year period, slack off, hahaha..

My bb drinks 120ml ebm every 3 hourly. But when he is awake, will cry for milk every 2.5 hours. If I increase his feed to 130ml, sounds a bit too much right?
im induce one, ok one. actually better, dun have to be shock cos u are in the labour observation room and contraction is expected so induce is ok, u are prepared liao mah.
how big is ur baby?? 2.5hrs is normal.. mine is 2 hrs to 3hrs depend on her mood.

Actually they will know how much they need, like today i make 120ml, she only take 85 or 90 at most.. so no choice cannot force into their mouth wat.
calamari, your bb same as my bb..my bb sometimes cry for milk less than 2hrs after last feeding. how old is your bb? my bb is 2wks and 5days..
sandy, 3 wks bb 105ml not alot right??

shokel, 1 jan 2010 bb not bad... best if it's the 1st bb of the yr... diapers n FM companies will give 1 yr free supply lehz.. hahah.. got $$ somemore.. gd gd.. :p

calamari, how u all increase bb's intake of ebm? coz when i initially increase his intake from 90 to 105ml, he alwayz waste my ebm one... then i boh bian, have to throw the 15ml or more ebm away lohz.. sighz..
Thanks calamari!

Ivy, dare not latch yet coz like what Sandy mentioned stomach flu is super contagious!

Started off with my nephew who got it, then pass to my #1, then to my 2 nieces, then to my sil n mil, then me!

Hopefully will stop now...
Genesis, how heavy is your baby now? Yours got same birthday as mine. ;) You using fitti M?

Calamari, ya, not very zhun cos her weight ranges from 4.4 to 4.7 when I weighed her. But 4.7kg happened twice so I think more accurate bah... :p
ivy: i dunno how heavy he is now leh, when he was 1 week old, he was 3.78kg. I just feel 120ml for 2.5 hours a bit a lot lor...and he will finish all.

yunzz: My bb is now 2 weeks and 5 days too

cayenne: i just add more ebm to bottle. So far he finished all the milk, never wasted any of my ebm.
haha... ya, alot of ppl also say, try to induce lor, if jus opt for csec, like nvr go thru labour lei.. cos some ppl wana natural also no chance la, like placenta low, bb nt growin well and all...

me jus gonna try la, cos i also wana my hus to be by my side to support me, so i can hve the moral support and fight the pain!heheh... walau, if 1st bb of 2010 , of cos gd la, but hw can so zhun one.. 4d and toto also nt so zhun lor.. heheh.. moreover, this date, sure alot of ppl csec, hops gonna be flooded with bb lor, moreover me gg to deliver in tmc, so small, later they shorthanded, anyhow pass a wrong bb to me, i pengz.. hahah...

cos i always got this fear tt , we might end up with the wrong bb when the nurses is blurr lor.. ahha.. so scary .. so i wanan be ard and *lock* his looks and features, so will knw which bb is mine if the nursery mixed the bb up... wahhaha... but think is a bit hard la, cos all bb look the same lor.. unless got distinctive moles or birthmarks.. ahhaha....

btw ivy, hw long was ur labour when start to induce? mine ask me to chk in midnight then doc say if lucky, noon time can deliver liao... walau... its like so many hrs lor.. can eat anythin in btw bor? cos sure hungry one lei... hehheh...
Pauline, really ah, if I continue to latch, he will get the antibodies?
I tried to call TMC ParentCraft but think today 1/2 day so no one picks up the call.

Thanks cayenne!
shokel, mine is long...
i was suppose to put the induce pill at 9am, then gynae see i got contraction so she say dun need induce, just admit... i din admit right away haha i went for breakfast, take my bags etc... reach TMC 12pm..

so 12pm wait till 3plus, gynae say progress too slow, put IV to induce. 630pm very pain liao, ask for epidural. 12am still not fully dilate, 130am ask me to try push a bit.. still too early.. 2plus am push again.. end up 3plus am start official pushing 345am deliver baby.. so 16 hrs??
wah.... tts super long lei... u gd lei, got contractions still can go eat breakfast and go home ... u dun feel that contractions pain ma? heheh... but at least u managed to deliver naturally cos some say after too long labour, bb stil nt out, got to csec liao...
i dun feel the contraction leh.. until evening.. then the epidural the dr give me 10 (full blast is 10/10) which numbs me so totally.. my gynae reduce to 3/10 then i can push, which i dun feel very pain too.. so actually i can tahan with just epidural 3/10. but cannot do without lah.

Girls, any one of ur bb scream and cry when changing diapers?
also my labour so long is becos when my gynae came in at 3am, realise baby facing upwards suddenly. In all my check up 3rd trimester, baby always face downwards towards me (which is the normal way). suddenly baby face up and poo inside also, so its harder to push, and my gynae did not use assisted delivery so i push till cham lor.
calamari.. actually i think 120ml for 2.5hrs given ur bb's weight shld be fine.. my boy weighed 2.87kg upon birth, now (after 3 wks) taking 105ml for 2.5-3hrs.. n ur bb very guai... never waste ur ebm... mine wasted alot of my ebm liaoz.. sighz...

mushloom, i think shld be taking enuff bahz.. he will ask for more (by crying) if he's not having enuff.. dun worry.

shokel, i think once ur bb's out, they will put tags to his legs before carrying him out of the labour ward.. so wont mixed up bahz... and yah, all bbs look alike... if no tag, i think hard to differentiate.. :x

ivy, sometimes my boy will cry when changing diapers.. esp so if got diaper rash...
My bb also induce de, cos bb nt gaining weight in womb le, my labour is any 12 hrs plus, with epidural n forceps, otherwise I die le..... Can I have the number to contact fitti?

I duno mine how heavy think have 4plus to 5 bah...haven't go weight yet...this Sun going GP for jab then weigh I let you know again. currently using S n M also ok. juz tat use M wear higher slightly above the waist...bcoz S is gang gang hao...so think mayb a few weeks time cannot wear le...

my confinement officially over!!!

today hubby n me bring bb to causeway point walk walk heeheee....bb very cute open eyes c here n there...one thing to compliment is the nursing room at level 3 is very baby friendly n clean...I spend nearly 45 mins to feed n change diapers...hmmm....first expedition out with bb graded mission Success!! =)
Feeding - 2.5hrs to 3hrs i feel it's ok. when awake, sure shorter hrs. they might be tired and want to sleep liao, but wants to hv a full tummy before sleep. hehe

if constantly less than 2.5hrs, i wld feel time to increase their feed... sometimes burp them then feed again? or etc

genesis - paisei, din realise u PM me. I reply u liao. nowadays i seldom login to email. hehe

shokel - jia you. aim for Jan1 baby!! hehe...
wah ivy, u gd lei... contractions so pain, u also dun feel it... think ur level of tolerance very high leii...
for me, perhaps i scream like hell liao.. erm, at least with epi, dun feel the pain.. but i scared got side effects like shivering and vomittin lor..
hehhe.. erm, was ur hubby allowed in the OT? cos i wana my hubby to be by my side all the way... erm, ur labour stil consider ok le lei...

hi caynne.. ya, i knw bb wil hve the tags when they born.. but somemore i stil got this fear.. hahahha.. think i watch too much drama liao..

ehheh.. erm fitti, think ur 12hrs also gd enuff le... ahha..i hope if i induce, also can be lesser than 16hrs lor.. most imptly, induce le, can natural,, dun wana end up cant, then csec.. like dbl pain combo lor.. sianz
shokel, in the end i did take epidural arbo can die, but no need so heavy dosage lah. My hubby with me thruout, natural can lah. not sure if c-section can have hubby with u though.
yes epi got side effects like shivering and vomitting. But for me is after labour i vomitt and shivering then backache for awhile. Now ok liao. I suggest that if you really not tolerance the pain better take epi.Wait if you tense up the celvix not open til 10cm end up c-section even worse.
ya, i think i sure opt for epi, hearin all these pain sia.. i dun think i can jus do with the gas lr.. hehhe.. erm, my bb is notie boy lor.. dun knw when wanna come out... heheh.. i keep feelin BHC ... duno if its any signs not.. cos my tummy also very weird shape these few nights.. machiam preparing for real labour soon... hehe...
hey mummies..
my bb has greenish poo!! mi remember a mummy oso mention her bb got greenish poo rite?? how u solve it? i read that cuz too much foremilk.. tink i shd pump longer so that hindmilk will hav more.. sigh..
Hey siri, sorry for the delay!

hey miumiu,
you every hr pump can get 70 ml very good le! means everytime you pump, you feed baby with it?
i only pump once or twice a day
in the morning i pump only one side while baby is feeding on the other and i think can get good vol.. about 60 to 70 ml cos can feel let down and quickly pump using a manual, manual yield better for me..
at night before i sleep i pump once more and that i get about 90 ml combine..
in between thought of pumping but scared later i pump then that fellow wants to drink and i no more milk...

Ainsley, my baby seems to sleep less in the day too! he is almost full month already.. but realise when he sleeps less in the day, night time is good for me!
but sometimes when i bring him out in the day, he can sleep and sleep non stop! maybe he sleep v well in the infant car seat..

Ivy, think that place is called gyu kaku (dunno spelling correct not) super nice loh the beef there!
shokel, my edd was 31 dec too, but bb decided to pop on 2 days ago. ;p

sigh... battling with bb started last nite...
min - but after that nipple damn sore.. so i change to 1 hr plus to 2 hrs.. will pump abt 120ml for both... dunno good or not man.. sigh..
ur ss is good liao le.. got latch and pump..
tmr is my end of confinement!! and is my bb's full month!! ha! went to cut and dye hair today!!

genesis and canopy - u all oso celebrating tmr rite?? wif elsie kitchen?? hope all is fine..

ainsley - like u neber post much liao hor?? u feeling better??
Miumiu, Jus log n see ur msg alr. u miss me Liao ah? Heehee.. I m ok ls, thks. Lumps, fever all gone. Bt recently alot of ppl sick. My #1 still sick...
Tmr last day confinement happy rht? Bt u dun gt too busy n stress tmr. Last week I kena super engorgement n blocked duct fr my confinement. Ppl carry bb n she slp v long then.... Breast bcome rock. Lol. Rem to pump regularly k..
aiyoh miumiu, poor thing, yah i bet nipple is very sore! woah 120ml so good! i cannot wait for the day my ss become so much.. think so long enough for baby is considered good ss.. the body will produce enough for baby!

tmr is also the end of my confinement.. ey self declare i think cos celebrating baby's full month tmr.. when is your baby born miu? mine came out on 4th? yours?

so many of us celebrating tmr? good day! first day of the year
happy new year everyone..
now drinking a little of KOI bubbletea.. shiok!

Miumiu, u cut n dye hair how long? During the entire period how u express ur milk? I'm gonna cut hair next Friday! Then sat do bb full mth.. Wondering wat to do if I need to express milk..
