(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Jeanie, me thinking staycation too! Dun intend to have big bash

We had a bash, inviting most relatives from both sides for DD's 1st so intend to have a quiet one for the next 3-4 years. Actually we have a "house rule", the kiddos can only have elaborate birthday bash every few years, this is to make them understand that such "luxuries" shouldn't be taken for granted.

I am wondering how to have a small celebration this time round. Probably not a stay cation since we are going for a short holiday in early Dec. Otherwise, it sounds like a lovely idea.
i happen to be at hongkong macau 30 nov to 5 dec. my girl bd 6 dec, so probably just eat with family at hk restaurant and my hk fren help me buy cake hehe.
Ya we also dun wan the kid to b too pampered and take for granted. So will keep the celebration small.

Ivy, how u settle ur gal meal in hk? Do u let her eat most things outside already?
GG, yes when we go out, we usually give her plain rice with fish soup. Just plain white rice with fish &amp; tofu, or plain white rice with duck meat, chicken meat, or pork from the chinese double boil soup. But she always end up wanting the soup, she is a soup person, so i will give her a little, outside soup afterall got msg. Once my hubby sick of sharing rice with her, and he order yee mee... and she loves it wah lau, she love salty stuff lah. But i try not to give.

U know eg. tpy food court, the Lao Huo Tang, the soup has no msg, but they do use cuttlefish to favor the soup, so if ur child has not try all this scallops/ cuttlefish brew soup before, test a little only and in afternoon, dun give dinner time, in case stomach not well or itch and dun need to sleep liao.

So in HK, i will order rice with say pork chop, sunny side up, and share with her. Or double boil soup with rice. Shes happy with rice. Actually travel hor, got to relax a bit, as long as not too oily or salty.
Ivy thanks!! I always wonder now ok to let my boy eat wat outside. So far tried giving him mix rice, he loves it as the meat more tasty than wat I give him at home. Ever let him eat some vegetarian bee hoon also, he keeps coming to me 'umm' ' umm'! I give him a bit of bao when we eat dim sum also. Wah ur daughter been traveling a few places with u hor? So shiok!
Not alot of place leh. So far staycation, bangkok, and coming macau and hongkong only. I start with staycation first cos so scare haha, even wanna bring porridge cooker and tio scolded by hubby... so give cereal lor. 11months old at that time.

ya lor my girl love soup in her rice, got tasty mah. Soya duck, braise pork wah lau she loves ok.. so salty but i also salty person, my family all salt person haha. Its the genes.

The meat i start off puree, then small piece feed as finger food, once he get use to eating meat alone, u can start mixing.. Some babies are like that, dun like a mixture of texture. My girl starting hate pork in porridge, to her porridge is smooth just swallow. Then the pork that like STONE haha. Now she oki. Whatever you feed just give more wateR!
Ivy, I see. I only bring staycation before, brought porridge along and bread. Hubby dun wan bring overseas yet leh, scared their ear v pain during take off and landing. Wah she takes braised duck too? I love it but dun think my hubby will let him eat. So far ever let him eat those mix rice outside, will get steam egg and fish, sometimes sliced soya pork. He loves more than my food, think tastier since got seasoning. At home I only give him those meat cooked in soup, no salt one. Sometimes I see some parents let their young tod eat everything le, French fries, fried chicken etc. So at times wonder if I too strict already.
GG, I used to be like u. I nv give fried item before 1yo. V seldom outside food. I even give black face to whoever gave him junk food. Nv eat sweet before 1yo. That's makes ppl ard me v stress. Kenna scolded n I relax a bit. Now I give mcd, nuggets, fries, ice cream.. I gave everything. Lucky for me, he still prefer home cook food. Not keen on outside food. So I'll standby milk. He dun eat as much outside.

Sometimes I'll bake as snacks for him..
I think my son got a bad eating habit. He hasnt been eating rice or porridge or vege or meat for a month now, since he got better from diarrhea. And he doesnt want to drink milk. So now his 3 meals per day are gone. What he does now, is just snacking - we gave him anything he wants to eat (mainly cheese).

Then the PD told us he got hypersensitive taste bud. That's why he rejecting or get bored with food very fast. So he told us to offer the same food for 6hrs if he doesnt want to eat that food in the 1st hr. To de-sensitive him.

Have you ever heard of such thing!??? So am trying now lor...got 2 weeks of testing. If not successful after that, PD will refer us to professional help. SOB!
I think why parents offer all sorts of food like fried, or ice-cream to their children is because their children refuse to eat proper food, like mine
So sometimes I had to give him chocolate cake, crackers etc
ya gg same haha, i so stress leh last time.

then when she go toddler class, the school also give veg soup lah, cake lah.. i tot ok lah test, but i intro salt slowly. As much as i can, no sauce, not too much outside soup can liao. Cos i got to work, hard to cook. I dun give nuggets and i try not to give fries, hubby will give haha. Heng my girl dun like soft drinks, dun like ice cream, only like yogurt.

I wanna be happy mom and can see my girl eats better when im more chill.
Tks. I still dun let him eat fried food as I worry he develop taste for junk food. So far I let him eat cake and Mac hotcakes etc but I hope to let him eat homecook as far as possible. Once my mil tried to give him potato chips! My hubby v fast took away from my boy. But recently my boy tasted sausage at ikea, meant to let him eat the bun only but he accidentally bite some sausage and then like find it v tasty keep munching the sausage part till I snatch from him. But I got let him eat things like muffin la, also not v healthy but he loves it so I give in once a while.

Cheng, sounds stressful. So wat u feed him now?
Cheng my pd ever say during my girl milk strike. A child when hungry will eat whatever is offered. He will reject when he knows he had a choice.

GG yes dun start on fries if possible. My sis lor start it n if she sees fries she will want. So I try not to order fries, she dun see, she won't ask for it. Very bad addictive junk food - fries haha.
Ivy, my hubby also scold me when I try to coax my boy to set more. To my hubby, he feels must let them know wat it is like to b hungry so if he refuse food, take away from him so he know dun eat then no more food. But as mummies we find it hard to do leh, I will still try to coax him then kena scold by hubby. Recently we saw some documentary those overseas orphan no clothes to wear no food to eat and in spore we like have to beg or coax our kids to wear nice clothes and eat nice food makes me think ya really must inculcate right values in our kids. They dunno how fortunate they are. After seeing those shows I was telling hubby hopefully we can retire earlier and spend time doing more meaningful work like volunteer etc to help the needy esp children.
GG, same. Agree. Thats what i hope to do when im older and children grown up. I can contribute back in volunteering work. My interest is cooking, so was thinking cooking for orphanage or old folks home. ITs something in my mind since younger time. Hope we dun have to slaves till 60 70 yrs old.
ivy-Unlikely lei s'pore high standard of living lei........ Haizzzz

Cheng/Ivy- So far i had not yet introduce sweets, chocolate,sausage to my boy... I only let him eat those yogurt that is for baby 1yr+ above.... Maybe after he turn 2 then i will intro him.....
I feel so bad. My DD eats sweets all the time and if I refused to give her, she'd scream the house down. Sigh. Having a girl is really very different. Last time my son did not care about food and cared only about play but this daughter of mine, says "EAT!" all the time. And aside from fruits, she likes junk (like me). Looks like I need to cut out my junk food eating and clear out all unhealthy food at home so she won't eat too. ALL my fault.
Fitti, haha ya they follow us. My boy see us eat ice cream all the time so he also wans. I never give him any sweets or choc so far. Even yakult my hubby complain say cannot give as it's v sweet. Yogurt he eats every alternate day or so. He loves biscuits and cakes (no cream) though.

Faint I just start looking for childcare, most got super long wait list already.
GG Lee: DD is very particular about food and even junk. I think I was too worried (unnecessarily) about her not eating enough so when she wants to eat something, I let her have it. Yakult.....she drinks 2 bottles a day. Aiyo!

Which CC are you looking at? When I started looking in April, the more popular ones were all filled and with long wait lists.
Fitti, wow 2 yakults a day!

Me looking at my first skool but all super long waiting list! Jialat Liao, I need to put him in cc by time my 2nd bb comes in mar! Now must hunt around see got others or not.
Give yakult.. Better give ace lite. If not normal ones v sweet.. I'll give fries but wo salt. I brought him to Mac n he eats max 1 nugget n few fries. He dun like soft drinks too. Think he hates the gassy feel. Sometimes bring him out also stress cuz he eats less then half of his normal portion. N kids meal are always spaghetti or nuggets or fish n chips..

Cheng, I didn't offer junk food due to him not taking proper meals. I just wan him to try try.

Do voluntary is good. I feel so sad about those kids in documentary. Honestly, even orphans in sg are generally well taken care of. If I got the time I'll wish to help out. Probably in few years. And I make sure my kids also help them. My hb used to help bring those old folks from old folks home out to lunch in restaurant or cc.
Jeanie, ya lor, most kids meal not v healthy type I find. A lot of fried things. I try to give things like boiled or mash potato and boiled meat if possible like those poached salmon at ikea. My boy dun really like those spaghetti with a lot of tomato sauce. At home I cook more of oglio style for him.
ivy : i just came back froum HK with my girl and she fell sick after eating the food there.. brought her to PD, and deduced that the oil they use there could be too heaty for her.. moreover, HK food are really oily, but din esxpect that it will have an adverse effect on her....

so do take some precautions when choosing the food in HK. =)
Hey Ivy, my boy had milk strike when he was 4 months old. Thought feeding would get better as the child gets older. But unfortunately, it's the opposite for me. Yah quite stressful especially he doesnt want to eat.
He doesnt have any favourite food except cheese. I offered him junk food eg fries, fish crackers, cakes, ice-cream - you named it!! Every food I can find in the house and he rejected them all!!!
Nowadays, I just leave it - he wants to eat, eat. Doesnt want to eat, go hungry then. Mind you, he can go without food for 5-6hrs and still active!
So Ivy, I guess I have to offer the same food to him for 6hrs or so....hope I can endure seeing him hungry :D
Cheng, can imagine how stressful it must b. When they dun eat we naturally will offer them watever as long they eat something. My frens say it can be worse as they grow bigger. My boy now less chubby and i am tempted sometimes to fatten him by offering him treats. But end up still try to control as it cld do long term damage.
Cheng, U are not alone.......My boy also on milk strike when he is around 4mth +..... Feeding him is a really pain......Test of my patience..........even up to now.... sigh!!!!1
Oh yes, feeding them now is a pain. More picky and will push food away if they dun wan. I salute my mum for her patience!
Hi mummies who send their tods to schichida, so far u find it good? Any difference between the one at TPY vs Springleaf? Have continued my boy for another term at JG but think I shd switch him into something more 'serious' soon..
ya lor haha. My girl has milk strike around 4 mth plus too, and now feeding her is tough, she is a fussy eater. and i have reach a point, want to eat, eat, dun wanna eat, dun eat... So usually after lunch, i will give her milk before she naps, so if she refuse to eat lunch, then she refuse her milk, then sleep, 3pm milk, then 6pm dinner, dun eat, nvm 9pm milk then sleep. Give up.. sometimes i can tell hubby "sibeh tulan", my hubby also say he give up.

Wong, thanks for advice, i will watch out for the food, will look out for oil-less food. thank u thank u!
Wah, am glad to know am not the only one. Thought my boy is the most fussy eater. But guess there are others out there:p

Ivy, is your girl skinny then?

Yes have to remind ourselves - importantly they are healthy, nvm being skinny

Mummy - Feeding milk is tough. I have to wait till he is very drowsy and give it to him - force feed. Sometimes he pushed away but I remained firm with my hand. Sometimes this takes 20mins to 1hr, cos he sucks finger (unfortunately), and I have to be careful to pull his finger away as not to wake him up. Mind you, I have waited sometimes until 1 hour and still was not successful in giving him the milk -I really cried man!!!!

Mothers - I dont know how they do it!!!! Feeding us when we were babies hahahaha!!!
GG Lee- So far my boy attended shicida at TPY nearer to my house. Dun know whether there is any diff btw the 2 centres. This is my boy 2nd term but i feel the 1st term he is better. 2nd term get to run about and start to select what activites to do unlike the 1st term he will do all!!!!1

Ivy- Ya i understand the kind of feeling. So many hours liao they can still dun want to eat?? Not hungry???? My boy morning wakes up around 7am+ up to 9am still dun wan to eat breadfast. Until 10+ then willing to drink his milk!!!!!! haizzz. Of course he belong to super skinny type la 10.5kg max at 21mth.

Cheng- Yaya something i had to wait until he drowsy then feed him milk. But be which milk or porridge is always difficult to feed!!!!!!!!
GG Lee-Shichida does not offer any trial class. As mention earlier he behaves changes in 2nd term . I will give him 1 or 2 more term to go if he still do not participate much or rather run behind the class(try to open the door) most likely i will withdraw him from Shichida.

In fact i thinking enrol him to those more on language (GUG/Zoophonic/or any playgroup )he will learn more things..... as he still do not talk alot.
my girl is skinny... and petite. Often pple wonder if she is 1 yr old plus... actually 2 yrs old soon.

Wong, dun regret, im sure she enjoy the holiday.
Mummy, I see. I tried GUG trial before. Not bad, but decided to sign up JG. He in 2nd term Liao now I feel like switch Shichida as some frens say v good. Shichida asked me visit their office for a video preview.
by the way, any mummies interested in this item?
<font color="0000ff">Kalencom 2-in-1 POTETTE PLUS Fold Away TRAVEL POTTY &amp; Trainer</font>
My friend said that it is very compact and can fit nicely into a diaper bag.


Mothercare selling for $46 but I am thinking of buying directly from USA and getting one for my bb. will be cheaper than buying locally.

Organizing a spree to buy it from Amazon

Anyone interested to join?

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">View the product video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDlztIriDqM&amp;NR=1</font></font>

- Full size travel potty that folds flat into a trainer seat
- Non slip, durable and comfortable; improved sturdy, well-balanced rubber base helps keep your child feel secure
- Legs lock into place when opened, folds flat so it can fit in a purse or diaper bag
- Uses self-absorbing, disposable liners that discard like a diaper
- Comes with three super absorbent, leak-proof and easy-to-use disposable liners and a drawstring carrying bag
From the Manufacturer
The new 2-in-1 potette plus is a portable potty and trainer seat all in one. It is great for travel or use at home when potty training. Great to take anywhere that you may not have access to a sanitary bathroom. It's a clean potty and trainer seat for your child no matter where you go. It is a great potty for the park, beach or to keep in your car, boat, camper, or RV.
Product Description
The Potette Plus brand portable potty is great for travel or to take anywhere that you may not have access to a sanitary bathroom. Its a clean potty for your child no matter where you go! The seat is contoured for your child's comfort and it folds flat so it can fit in a diaper bag or large purse. The potty uses self-absorbing, disposable liners that discard like a diaper. Liner handles secure to the potty and tie closed for disposal. Its a great potty to keep in your car, boat, camper, or RV.
GG- Yes is watching a video saying how kids can have speed memory, gut feeling after attending their course. Very short around 15min.

Ya i think different method is suitable for different kid. You can consider if you want.
Hi mummies..

May i know how much ur kid eat rice at one time? N how much milk a day?
My gal still prefer to drink milk than eating solid leh.. Any idea how to entice her to eat more solid?
Sorry to interrupt.

Oh, what a noisy zoo tickets.

May I know if any Mummy has 4 tickets on 23 Oct, Sunday, 11am that you are willing to exchange with me? I'll be most grateful for that. Or else I will just have to sell these 4 tickets and my kids won't get to watch the play.

I'm willing to meet you anywhere to do the exchange. THANK YOU!

Please PM me for my hp.
Talking about food intake, DD is quite uncooperative
I am still giving her porridge (&amp; would be so happy if she managed to eat 3/4) as she spits out any bits and pieces (meat, fish, veg etc). When we are outside, she only wants to eat soup noodles (especially Japanese ramen) but without all the other ingredients.

She drinks a lot of milk but at nearing 2, she really should be taking in more solid food.
my boy is erratic in his eating. Sometimes a lot (finished his portion but still want more, and end up eating abt 10-20% more than usual). sometimes he eats very poorly (he will do it by eating slowly). He prefers rice to porridge. will spit leafy veg that is not cut small enough n cooked with tomatoes. exhibits strong preferences (e.g. codfish but not salmon, brocolli but not caixin)

as for milk intake, i am blissfully unaware. cuz i am still breastfeeding 3x a day

wah everyone complaining about not eating enough ar.
my baby is opposite.
he is very greedy, eats non-stop!
i think i gota start controlling him liao. he's not fat now but i am afraid if he will be obese next time.
He looks to eat adult food and loves new food. He dun wan to eat porridge anymore, loves to eat rice with soup and watever we eat. and he loves mooncake, wholemeal bread and fruits.
