(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

MTDT: eh u must remind me hor...principal say once the sibling bring back the form, must definitely submit by due date, if not the slot will be gone. I scared I miss out seeing the form when the time comes!
calamari - then u put name down first lah! :p

for my branch, dun hv playgroup class. so can only start at Jan2012. but it's ok lah.. since they are dec kids.. just turn 2 by then nia.

today am on leave... now at home. can see my boy v bored liao.. walk in/out the rooms.... maybe find a interim plc to send him for 3times a wk am class etc :p
Yl, oic, not a bad idea ESP since u r working, can claim full subsidy. Raeanne really learn to be more independent at cc. Yesterday when I saw her finish one big bowl of soupy rice in school all by herself, I was so 'gan dong'. Even mil was surprised cos they always chase all over the place to feed her.

Yesterday, I got her fortnightly progress report too, English good progress but Chinese vocab 有待加强. We speak mandarin at home somemore. Duh...

But err... Your mum will 舍得 Ayden to go full day cc or not? :p
Pauline>donno leh, my mom is always telling me how difficult it is to look after Ayden but then she is also so attached to him. Will see how lor.

Wah, RA's chinese vocab not good enough and you already speak mandarin at home? We hardly use mandarin at home lor... cham...
Mtdt, i went to character Montessori's webpg, seems not bad sia. How much is the CC fees? And what is your view on montessori method huh? Googled abt it but seems like some parents are not keen leh
MTDT>by any chance, are you familiar with childcare in the east? wondering if you have feedback on the 3 childcare centres I'm eyeing. :p
hi mummies,
think someone mention good preschool in sengkang/anchorvale b4? But i can't findnow. anyone can direct me to the link pls?
janiz - not sure abt CM's fees for newcomers. mine was old rate at 2008. u call for a visit lah. Ask for Jennifer.. tell her Zavier Teo's mummy recommend u! hehehe

Monetssori mtd - hmm, actually CM is only partial monetssori. so still very much intune to our pri sch way. just tat they enforce v minimal TV time... and they hv 1hr of individual learning time daily using montessori materials. and of cos, all the eng/maths/chi also uses the materials.

They still group the kids by age (pure monetssori dun). and their learnings more or less on par (pure monetssori wld says to let them progress faster at their pace) Those more advanced ones are actually encourage to be little tutors to reinforce sharing and their learnings. and probably given abit more challanging monetssori work to do.

ohe thing i like abt CM is they really focus on CHARACTER. only pre-n classes goes by the usual thematic like "my body/my family etc".. from nursery to k2, they go by character traits like "obedience/attentive/honesty" etc. I find this v valuable!

another thing is besides swimming that they collect extra $$ (optional of cos), all their other enrichments are FOC. think PreN-Nur - Speech n drama (eng/chi), cookery etc. K1-K2 - pottery/chinese painting/chinese dance etc.
When looking for cc - best to ask them upfront wat are the enrichments available and the $$. as most likely u will let the kid join, if not, the poor kid wld be left alone in class etc. so adds up these enrichment, maybe the fees almost onpar to others more ex cc.

YL - huh. which 3 cc are u beoing?

Ivy - enjoy ur trip!
YL, ya lor, it's words like 幼儿园,小朋友,高兴,你好,再见,早安, which we seldom use at home so can't blame her. :p But at least now that I know what are her weak points, I can practise at home with her to reinforce what was taught in school.

Yes, I know what you mean. The more active they are, the more difficult it is to look after. But if she's ok to look after but just want a break, 2-3 hrs daily playgroup is actually quite good. At least can go marketing, cook or rest when he is in school.
janiz - boh guru lah. am sure those with older kids also wld hv done their fair share of research and able ratter on n one abt it! ;p

ooh CM has a blog.. but access only given to parents with kids in sch :p so has updates with pics/videos and things they do online.

some cons abt CM (all plcs sure hv lah! haha)
1) Excursion v limited. no big deal.. but sometimes like v sian always stuck in sch mah :p
2) their food choices v limited and dun look fanastic! but the kids still eats until shiok shiok! maybe hungry bah! hahaha
pauline/MTDT>considering soka kindergarten (half day), my first classroom (full day) and smartz playhouse (full day). still toying with idea of learning vision.
Soka - I heard not bad. I do hv a one off case of bad experience (withdraw her 2 kids after 3wks) :p. Generally I hear gd comments

The other 2- dunno Liao! Haha
Yl, maybe can try kiasuparents.com forum to research about the other 2? Is soka the one near Tampines safra? Convenient to send Ayden?
Pauline/MTDT>the other 2 schools are childcare near my home. :p reviews on kiasuparents ok lah. But don't have much for the one nearer my home. read quite a lot of good reviews of soka. If I opt for that, prob need schoolbus unless my father offers to drive my boy.

Pauline>yes, that's the one near tampines safra
Mtdt, the cons do not sound like a big deal lah, overall am still v keen in CM hehe! Hopefully the fees will
not make me faint. Shall call jennifer next wk!
YL, oic, if your dad is willing then it'll be great. Soka should be a good choice since so many good reviews. For me, I can't consider schools too far away cos if I go back to work one day. ILs will be the ones to fetch the gals back and forth. No way, they will take taxi to send the gals to school. Hubby goes to work too early in the morning so he can't send the gals to PG or CC. :p
Hey mummies &amp; daddies,
Good stuff to share...

Cinography is giving away free Photoshoot.

CNY PROMOTION - 29th Jan, Sat @ Botanic Gardens

As Chinese New Year is approaching, we would like to offer you a CNY promotion at the Botanic Gardens. We will be at there to take family/child portraits from 9am - 6pm.

Each photo-shoot session will last 30mins, and it is FREE OF CHARGE! We will send you the photos in thumbnails and you can choose the photos you want in HIGH RESOLUTION at just $15 per softcopy.

Book with us now for your desired time slots!

To book kindly email us at [email protected] or contact us at 9244-0860

The maximum number of people per shoot will be 5pax.

Cino Chee
*copied from message that Cino sent me

Too bad i cant make it on that day.

Once again i dun earn anything from Cino for sharing this ya.
Ivy- think by time I post over the forum u aldy in bbl enjoying... Help me eat more tum yam BBQ chicken n mango salad over there

Cala- thanks... Yea now I think I settle on preschool first..I had enroll cadet to jg last year for 18 mth.. But recently I tot it better to enroll him in those school that can lead to k1 n k2...
I was thinking of either first skool or lw or pat.. All very near my mum place... Might give up jg...but I need to see how lw n pat goes... Not too sure how they work...
As for the allergy... I really do not know... The hives come and goes monthly... So I also do not know what tigger the allergy... Thanks for your concern....
sarah: just sharing what I will be doing. I will be starting just once a week JG Bilingual Playclub when boy turns 18 months old. He will continue with that till he turns 2.5 years old (30 months). From 31 months onwards then I will send him to daily half-day preschool at Pat's which will see him till K2. Hence you can maybe start Caden with JG or LW first as it is enrichment but Pat's/First Skool is a preschool (although LW also has preschool). As for his allergy, could it be dust mites or aircon?

btw i like your thailand album ;) do you do charity work there?
Sarah.. There is a chiltern house at east coast too rite?

Or u need a fullday cc?

Ya, jg playclub can also opt for 2/3 times a wk. Provided u r SAHM...
Weiting- why do u want to give honey to bb? Normal or manuka?

I gave manuka to no1 when he was over 18mths (ks.. Always drag the time to be safe). But I only give when he was sick. Manuka is gd.. But I dun wan the body to be immune to it.. Thus only give when he is unwell and usu he recovers v fast with it. It still works now for no1...
MTDT, cos he was coughing for the past 3 days, gave him med le.. but yesterday morning discovered he's extremely heaty inside, got slight fever.. then my this boy hates to drink plain water.. so thought of giving him honey water.. in the end never la.. so manuka is good?
Weiting - oh he coughing huh. Then can give bah.. little bit bit.

I give Manuka 15+ UMF. 15 and above actually has a little bit of medi effect. The higher the no, the better (and more ex). but as kid, so i feel 15 is enough. But I dun mix with water. I actually just give a little honey by itself! (best way to maximise the medi effect). more like use finger to take abit then give. like licking peaunt butter jam! :p

but for Ryan - u see which mtd u more comfy with :p
Morning mummies !!!

Can I find out for those who went Taiwan b4, where is must go places ? Where got cheap &amp; nice shopping (esp cheap bb stuff &amp; women fashion) ?
E.g. 101, shilin nite mkt, si meng ting ?
Oh, how's weather like early Mar ?
Thks !
manunited : I heard that if u take those pure honey (those no need to mix with water, in plastic container, hv to use plastic spoon, cannot use hot water), it is not heaty but rather neutral &amp; heard gd for sore throat etc......;p
Weiting, since u mentioned yr little one has cough why do u still want to give him honey? in case honey is sweet and will develop phlegm to his cough?
honey - yes no metal spoon. best is "wooden" actually

i dun think honey is heaty... but most pple think "sweet = phlegm". actually if it's dry cough - gd to give some sweet stuff to "draw" the phlegm out. if not, dry cough v xin ku one.

Honey - I also give my no1 when he has cough! and I give it in the early stage and usually wont drag and become a big bad cough. i think honey is a gd alternative natural source of home medi, alot of antioxidants etc
Calamari - thanks... We just only gather some old toys n buy stationery for the orphanage ... Think the poor kids over there deserve much better...aso a good startoff for caden to see few years dwn the road how fortune he is in singapore....We will be doing it as annual thing so if any mummies want to donate old toys please let me know

Heh.. The hives... My mum console me by saying is a growing up stage so it normal... So I just take it as it goes.. No choice... I aldy cut dwn the ingredients he is consuming... My mum home.. She keeping as clean.. So I really do not know.. Half yearly aso steam clean the house ...aircon aso seldom on unless very hot... So I really do not know Wat cause it...
Mummies, is really tough managing our bb while preggy ya. I find myself getting more irritable and paranoid over no 1. And tends to v worry he fall down etc end up I am tired and strained. Quite siong man. Salute those mummies who can manage well.
Gg, yes, really not easy to look after active toddler while preggie. Last time, when no. 1 was 13.5 months old, I was preggie with no. 2. Ms was bad n always sleepy, end up I get ils to look after No. 1 in the day, cos cannot carry n chase after her. :p
Pauline, my gap is same as yours then. V tough, can't help fussing over no 1 cos at this stage v active climb here climb there. He will push chairs around the house and use as step to climb up other things. Gynae also say cannot keep carrying bb but sure need to sometimes lor. Change diaper, bath, catching him all needs to use strength. And plus work really quite tiring. Salute those who manage very well. Got one mummy here already giving birth soon right, really very sud!
GG, I think usually mummies with better childcare support can afford to have kids with closer age gap. I know of mummies from Jan08 thread who still has only 1 kid cos they cannot manage with more than 1 kid, no grandparents to help to look after, not keen to hire maids or not keen to put kids in CC. :p
Pauline, GG: my kids r 20 months apart. If without my mum quitting her job n my maid (too bad my mom doesn't really like her), I sure peng sung!!!

Pauline, i'm exactly like wat u've mention.. No grandparents helping.. Not keen to get maid.. Not keen to put bb in cc yet..
Cant handle alone so duno when then can plan for #2. ;p

Gg, jia you!
