(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Question on how to clear the water stuck in Medela tubing-

My fren ask me to try this, after pumping, remove all the pump parts except the tubing, and leave the motor on for 2 mins. the water shd clear.

ya sporty....... everyday planning when to pump so as not to clash w the meetings..every night when i reach home he will smile at me and after i finished my dinner is already his sleeping time so sad

my boy likes to sleep after latch...n i duno how to wean him off if i decide to stop BF after 6 mths.

now can only use pacifier to coax him...
carrying n patting him to sleep doesn't seem to work
sporty, when u cluster feed, u just feed without the baby asking for milk? What's the interval like? I find myself feeding him too much in the middle of the night that he's too full for the first bottle in the morning haha! The moment he cry i tot he hungry so i give him my breast. Haha.. sometimes he wun regurgitate in the morning..
nicole, ya man...same lor...everyday i see her "awake" for less than 3 hrs!!bo bian lor...juz have to make it up during the weekends!

fieda, she will have a bottle feed at 6ish/7ish before i'm home...after my dinner and shower, which is abt 8ish, i wipe down for her and will start latching her while i watch tv lor...until she KO at 9ish...but in between got break one la...cant imagine she suckle for 1 whole hr!! haha
Hi hi Good day ladies!

Finally have time to come in while pumping..a whole lot of meetings today!

Wat's zoophonics? Is it some flashcards we can get somewhere or only available in a course which need to sign up!

Chenmama: =) U got a gd schedule going! How is Valerie doing ..I've started work full time already since erm after CNY..So sian..Envious of u hee hee can spend time with ur gal whole day everyday!

Medela tubing: Nt sure if the PISA & FS is the same concept but PISA u can plug in the tubing and switch on the pump to dry. this was recommended in the manual.

Starzz: can understand ur fustrations with the in laws! i haf the same prob, i wanna shave my gal hair at 4 mth coz now is whole day long dropping mah..my mil is like everytime i mention she say no no no..for wat..waste money..bb looking ugly etc etc..den whole day long have something to say abt the way i handle bb..well i think sometimes need to let the husband handle..end up my hb went to tell my mil that we appreciate advise but pls leave decision to us coz it is our bb =) in the meantime "ren ren ren" Jia youz!
hi ladies

tabaoed lunch back. had a meeting this morning.

sporty> hope ur lil A gets well soon..

re: bb's routine. since we brought bb home from day 1 we let him adhere to his own 'routine' which we tried to understand. thankfully, he sleeps at night. nowadays most of the time he will fall asleep ard 9 - 11pm and wake up 6 -7 (self adjust on weekends). if he sleeps at 9, he will wake up for 1 feed, usually before midnite and sleep all the way to the morning unless his diaper is really full! past 2 days however, he has been crying before falling asleep, my guess is that he is cranky and need some coaxing. i jus put him on my bed and cover him with my 'heavy' quilt. havent put bumpers on the cot so haven let him sleep on the cot for the last week since he is able to turn and once got his leg in between the cot bars thankfully jus for a split second.

day time he naps at my mom's place..nowadays with the new political changes at my office, i realy so sian to stay at office. just lookforward to knock off on the dot daily!

my boy also hasnt pooed for the last 4 days. hope he will poo today finally!!

hope all the ladies enjoy their sumptuous buffet lunch!
someone commented that i looked haggard & balding. Argz.. Shd tell her, u try waking up in the middle of the night to pump.. then u kw..

Using baby shampoo, does it helps to overcome hair loss?
Hi gals, I'm back from hibernating, how's everyone doing?

Bidosoh, I always got those droplets, usually I fling it hard till most of the water come out then I on the motor for abt 5 mins to totally dry it.

MM6J, lil A nva pooped for days too, then I gave her barley drink n she gave me smelly explosive poop =.="
I tried cluster feeding once but didnt work, he still wakes up.
Mayb i dunno how to do it, thats why.

He used to only wakes up once a night @ 3am but last week after his jab, he start waking up at 1am, 3am, 6am then 8am.

You are right, cos i am starting work soon and baby is getting heavier and very cranky when he needs to slp, mum got pek chek once last week and vent out on me. Thats when i think i had to do it, if not mum & me will sure went crazy after work starts, i scare my mum may abuse him if he continues to be so naughty, hahahha.

Your other caregiver had to be on the same platform as you for it to work, if not, baby's crying will be wasted.
Suggest u finish the book and pick a fri so that you can go tru the program w baby during the weekends.

You wan me to email you the ebook?

Updates: 2nd nap went well too, baby fall aslp immediately when he hits the bed at 12.30pm, no crying =)
Rue: hmm i think now is the times all mama AND bb lose hair le..ytd i think Chenmama said someone advise is to use aloe vera to put on the hair le..
Hi Hi, me on my way back to office to see CEO and also renew my contract. Yippy, renewing of contract means got $ but will miss my gal real soon. As I will be going back to work soon.

Hi Rue, I think most of the working mother having the same schedule as you after work. Atleast you r better. Imgaine when go back to work I still have to fetch my gal home from my mum's place, it will be tiring too.
Babylele, no need.

fieda, yah. but 1 day, he has to learn to settle on his own. So far, he can self settle if he wakes up in the middle of the nite of feeds. but day time, once he is up for certain time, it takes a lot of effort to coax him.

my bb sitter says, kids she looked after last time, just eat n sleep.

but now, kids more wakeful...

duno she hinting my bb v difficult to take care.
Raerae... ya lor got to ren leh.... no choice hor.
Sian bu at least they also dote on bb...

ya i reading the book.. had read 50 pages liao. hehe..
Had to have a talk with MIL...hope she understands my effort.
Eh u started this how long then bb can sleep on his own liao ah?

Ya i also see my bb for a while nia... sometimes canot even play with her coz she rather cranky during evening time. So basically i go home is to go coax her and not play with her... sad sad.

Hair dropping...
Mine also... and i thought bf will cause hair loss.. but i already stop bf ... hair keep falling out a lot whenever i comb my hair.
Hi ladies!

This morning I went for an interview....so far so good....cos the person hiring is my friend! hahah...

The job scope is very interesting, something that I would definitely wanna learn and do. HOWEVER the office is in Ubi while I live in Jurong west....today I took 2 hours to get to the office. Sianzzzzzz.....my hubby is not very happy with me going for this job due to the long travelling time. I told my friend the distance is a huge deterrent for me.

I'm afraid that if I take up the job, I will not have much time to interact with my baby cos by the time I reach home, it would be near her bedtime

What would you ladies do if you were me? Should i just focus on looking for a job that's not too far from my home? Just worried that I may not be able to find sometime suitable.
Hi gals!
havent posted for sooo long. been busy with 2 demanding kids. time flies our bbies around 4mths liao!

any mommies quiting job to look after bb? i now ferry my bb to and fro from my mom's plc. very tiring and i missed her..so i most likely will quit job to be sahm..maybe until she old enuf for PG.

my #1 very very naughty. will keep her at full day childcare

you changing job?

Hair loss,
think this is the time we start to pay back..around 4mths from delivery..
raerae, zoophonics is more classroom based la...easier to learn!

mm6j, hope ur office politics get settled soon! think ur boy misses u la...so more cranky :p

rue, ask ur mil to help u with night feeds la...btw are u still waking up in the middle of the nite to pump?

babylele, cluster feed...they need time to get used to it,..initally sure wake up a few times one...

starrz, hair loss will happen no matter u bf or not la...

ashley, do u drive? if u do then wun be a prob travelling to work lor... if not 2 hrs very long leh!
any one has advice on coughing bb? my gal coughing on and off for about 2months liao..gets worse when she lies dowm at night. like there's a lot of phlegm and sometimes she brings up her feed. asked the doc but he don't seemed very concerned. any advice??thanks!!
I got the urge to b a SAHM too but when I tink abt losing my financial freedom ... its a major deterent ... my hb is bery mean towards me when I take $$ frm him. He's such a bitch!
yah..its hard...choosing btw $ or time with bb. i decide to sacrifice financial freedom to spend time with during her growing up year. buy less lor..=I
Starz I dropping hair like mad too....

ashley if u are driving i guess is okay. 2 hour of travelling is really super taxing. Last time i work in changi and stay at choa chu kang it was really super doper taxing and tiring (and i am single then). I guess u really need to seriously think abt it
rue> *touchwood, i've been using bb shampoo since i delivered and so far so good , no hair loss. i didnt do any hair treatments/ colour though. i drop hair when my bb pulls my hair! sumtimes he will jus grab my hair and tug it, now i try to stop him to do it by tapping on his fingers clasping my hair and say NO!

sporty> thanks.. i also dunno how long i can endure. pple here do 1 report for like 1 "case" i got to do 1 report for 11 "cases" i am DYING. i think i also VERY CRANKY cos i miss him tooooooooooo

tanly> congrats on ur contract renewal!

Ashley> why not consider other options? 2 hrs very far lei. i take like 15 mins to go to work i still feel very far liaos and i drive.

momoko> his farts very smelly. i hope when i go home, my mom will tell me that he has pooped liaos. at least u got a choice to ur financial freedom. i have NO choice lo..

this week i keep wallowing in self-pity. HAIZ. is it cos cny is over?
stacey, 4 mths bb too young for zoophonics, maybe 8 mths old then can go for class ba...

momoko, so who's taking care of ur gal now since u are back at work?

mm6j, dun worry la...u will see ur boy tonite! juz jet off at 530pm!

nicole, tell me abt it...i see my hair all over my desk now...even tho i dun have much hair now!!
sporty> yea, i am jus waitingggggggggg, how to bring kids so young to class? erm 8 months still crawling. can sit still to learn ma?
mm6j, the classes are parents accompanied...so some parents like to start their kids young lor...but its all up to personal choices la...i think good to start after 1 yrs old lor
Hi gals keen on a quick poll here? =)

How is your baby taken care of? Hope our babies are in good hands! =D

1. By babysitter/nanny (at your home) <<0>>
2. By babysitter/nanny (not at your home) <<0>>
3. By family/relatives (at your home) <<0>>
4. By family/relatives (not at your home) <<1>>
5. Infantcare centre <<0>>
6. SAHM <<0>>

Happy with current arrangement?
1. Yes <<0>>
2. No <<1>>
ash, u will be near me if u take up this job :p, but 2hrs to travel to work is a major turn-off... i only take 15-20 mins to get to office, i also lazy to go sometms, haha.. or try to carpool?

mm6j, another 3 more days to ur trip to US right? excited? hehe

starzz/nicole: i'm also losing a lot a lot of hair, i hv to clear the hair on my office chair at every end of the day

babylele: can I hv the link for tt ebook too? tks.
latest tally..=)

1. By babysitter/nanny (at your home) <<0>>
2. By babysitter/nanny (not at your home) <<1>>
3. By family/relatives (at your home) <<0>>
4. By family/relatives (not at your home) <<2>>
5. Infantcare centre <<0>>
6. SAHM <<0>>
7. Stay-in maid <<0>>

Happy with current arrangement?
1. Yes <<1>>
2. No <<1>>
3. So-So <<1>>
stacey, my bb is taken care by my hb (he works frm home)...happy with current arrangement as we dun have much choices...haha
bb taken care of by mum at my home at the moment coz mum on 1 mth mc. After that will b bring to work ... no such option LOL.
I am back at work too. Miss my boy so much. He was so naughty, did not want to drink his milk. My hub's aunt is looking after him and when she fed him in the afternoon, he refuse to drink. So basically, he drank at 9am and refuse to drink until 4pm when my mil went to the aunt's place to feed him. He also refuse to sleep until they place him in his own pram. I think he miss home.
Mm6j, thanks. When I go back to work can meet u for lunch. Our office just opp each other.

Going to isetan now to see see look look what to buy for my gal.

Kimifin, I have 25pcs of the first year milk bag to let go. interested?
same as you! my mom complain bb refuse to feed since her 8am morning feed...all the way till 3pm...cry and cry but refuse bottle. i kena scolded for not letting her adjust. i think she's miserable there haha
momoko, wow...really bring A to work eh?! envy!! i dun think i can concentrate with bb ard...

mitsy, ur hb's aunt staying at sembawang too?

tanly, when does ur new contract starts?
i think working moms v poor thing..baby aso poor thing..this is singapore bo bian. I took a long time to decide to quit for bb's sake..haiz..
Tee Stacey, ya loh. I think he is miserable. Last nite when we reach home, he slept so well on our bed.

Sporty, the aunt live in yishun 900+ last min decision to send him there.
