(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">LITTLE BHUBU PERSONALISED TEES</font></font>
anyone still wants??
Got demands...

So I'll collate another batch...

Are we doing a 2nd birthday Tee???

1st MUMMIES MAC bash!

How abt Mcdonalds at Jurong central park (opp jurong point)? There is big field for kite flying, kids can play around the field.But nothing much there. Might be a bit far for some of you.
<font color="0000ff">itsy</font>
Its really only $50! The $6 per day per pax for tour guide is stated on the terms and condition,so that we know.

The holiday is good and well worth your money if you are the not-so-adventourous kind
The bus is nice and comfy, brings you from door to door, but the places are not interesting for our todds.They aso bring you to places which one might not be interested in.
Well, that was my FIRST tour. After this tour, we realised we are not the "tour type" :p

I kinda summarized the places we were brought to in my blog...as you can see, nothing exciting for our 2-year-old-to-be

<font color="0000ff">rach</font> I have pm-ed you about the Bhubu tees
Birthday bash

Picnic is nice. Botanic garden or marina barrage where we bring our own food. Late afternoon like after 4 pm , at least not so hot.
Oh dear, read your blog.. doesn't sound too good at all
Not only for kids but also for adults. Haiz... I guess, really pay peanuts get monkeys lor.
<font color="0000ff">Christina</font>
In the brochure it says 4star but only the last day is truly a 4 star by singapore standard.
Maybe they meant China 4-star (the last day, the tour guide told us the hotel is 5-star and we were considered lucky) haha.

Food wise, 8 dishes and a soup, for lunch and dinner everyday but its very oily and saly, so you have to eat with a lot of rice, haha...
2 meat dish, 1 egg dish, 1 fish, 1 prawn and 3 veg dish.
The food taste the same for all 4 days

<font color="0000ff">Itsy</font>
Actually i think the $50 is really worth it lah if you are a budget traveller and wants to just go and see what Hainan is like, but my opinion is that there are many more nicer beaches in south east asia, better tasting food, and at least they don't try to extort and cheat you to the extent the chinese does.

and i was glad i didnt pay the FULL fare to go to hainan
Good morning mummies

Just wondering if anyone is keen to buy over my tickets for the children's play "The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Other Eric Carle Favourites"?

I have 3 tickets for sale (to be sold together).
Date: 9 July 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 10.30am
Venue: Genexis Theatre, Fusionopolis
Price: $25.40 per ticket (Early bird price) - Total: $76.20 (including Sistic Fee)

Pls check sistic website for details (http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?dt.isPortletRequest=true&amp;dt.action=process&amp;dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&amp;dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&amp;dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&amp;dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&amp;dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&amp;contentCode=carle0711)

I can meet up along East-West MRT line from Raffles Place to Bedok this week as I'll be overseas next week. Alternatively, I can send the tickets via post.
Pls PM me if you are interested.

Good morning mummies

Just wondering if anyone is keen to buy over my tickets for the children's play "The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Other Eric Carle Favourites"?

I have 3 tickets for sale (to be sold together).
Date: 9 July 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 10.30am
Seats: Stall, Row L, Seats 7-9 (Front view)
Venue: Genexis Theatre, Fusionopolis
Price: $25.40 per ticket (Early bird price) - Total: $76.20 (including Sistic Fee)

Pls check sistic website for details (http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?dt.isPortletRequest=true&amp;dt.action=process&amp;dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&amp;dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&amp;dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&amp;dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&amp;dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&amp;contentCode=carle0711)

I can meet up along East-West MRT line from Raffles Place to Bedok this week as I'll be overseas next week. Alternatively, I can send the tickets via post.
Pls PM me if you are interested.
Morning mummies!!

Today is a very special day for me, because my dear HR has been <font color="0000ff">medicine free for one whole year</font>!!! Some of you may have read from my FB or blog (http://babyhaore.blogspot.com/2011/06/hao-re-is-free-of-medicine-for-one.html), but I just couldn't resist to "broadcast" it here again, keke :)

Special sincere thanks to the follow mummies whom I met in this forum (HR's thread), who have inspired me to put more focos of quality food and to go medicine free all the way! I have learnt so many things from all the mummies here. But this certainly is one of the best things that I have learnt!
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Little Bhubu Personalised Tees</font></font>

Mummies, i've hit 60pcs.. anymore?
I need to submit to seller by SAT latest....

Please drop me a PM if keen.. thanks!

Designs https://picasaweb.google.com/littletwinkleestore/LittleBhubuUniqueTeesForYourPreciousOnes
Standard Tee Designs https://picasaweb.google.com/littletwinkleestore/LittleBhubuChooseYourChoiceOfTeesHere
Samples w Names https://picasaweb.google.com/littletwinkleestore/LittleBhubuCustomiseTees
New Tee Colors: Add $1/$2 https://picasaweb.google.com/littletwinkleestore/LittleBhubuNewCollectionTees
Tee Size Available https://picasaweb.google.com/littletwinkleestore/LittleBhubuTeeSizeAvailability

S for 6-12 Months (length33cm width26cm)
M for 12-18 Months (length35cm width28cm)
L for 18-24 Months (length37cm width30cm)
XL for 24-30 Months (length39cm width32cm)
XXL for 30-36 Months (length42cm width34cm)
oh yes!.. blur me mixed up the names :p sorry. How are they? Recovered?

Planning.. planning. Hope I can find a decent job that allows me to knock off ON TIME daily.

only rented it before from the clinic.
It's not difficult to use.. very easy.
Must put in all the diff solution (medicine) into a funnel before switching the machine on.

why do you need to buy?
Nan xing and bei xing for cough

Hi mummies, how do I prepare this for cough? Just add boiling water to the nan/bei xing? Or boil the nan/bei xing with water?
Melissa: my son got acute broncontis .. Mummies out there don't use the space chamber with the inhaler it's very heartbreaking Cos need to press your child flat bundle with blanket and put the face mask onto the nose and mouth My boy scream shout and cry for help keep on calling mum mum like begging me not to do on him he is so in shock ...I try once and bought the neulizer instead he initially still cry but after a few try he us ok
<font color="0000ff">Joopz</font>

You need to add water then boil.
I can't remember which one is the bitter one, but you add 1 ratio of bitter one to 2 ratio of non-bitter one.
You can ask the medical hall person to mix it ready for you.
You need to add 3 cups of water, and boil until it reduces to 1 cup.

since birth until now, Kate has never taken any cough med (not because I don't want to give her but because she vomits everytime she takes oral medication, including paracetamol and antibiotics)
So this is the only things which I can give her during her coughing days- and it works!
Thanks to Kam and the rest who suggested this...

Thanks for the instructions! How much nan/bei xing for the 3 cups of water? I bought one pack of each from the medical hall. Was told that bei xing is bitter and to add less of that.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Little Bhubu personalised Tee</font></font>

Mummies, need just 5 more pieces and tmr need to submit with payment to supplier liaoz..
anyone else wants any Little Bhubu??

Oops, blur me. :p Yes, went to see doc last week and after taking western medicine, he lost his appetite. You know your tongue feels so dry and anything you eat is like tasteless? So i decided to stop. He's just having slight cough for now but I read about this remedy in FB that your were discussing so I decided to try. =)

Already he's light compared to his peers, at the clinic last week, his weight was only 10.1kg. He as 10.2kg in May. Whole week that he was sick, he had no appetite for solid food, can't even finish his milk.

Starting this week was better. I am thinking to boost him up with pediasure or not. It seems like PD are more concern of their weight? However for GPs, they always tell me he's ok and that looking at us parents, he's probably the small-sized kind. I have not brought him to PD since he was 4 months old.

Ian's PD is also very concern about his weight. At every visit, she will tell me to consider letting him take Pediasure and add milk into his food! I tot YZ takes quite a lot of milk? Ian drinks only 380ml a day. I have to top up with fresh milk and cheese. I got Pediasure sample from PD, the milk smells sweet, so I don't think I'll switch to it.

Try the recipe, Ian prefers pear to papaya. Don't add too much rock sugar so it wont be so sweet.
Joopz / Itsy,
Like I always said, look at the growth chart as a whole. Don't compare with others, just monitor his own chart. Then you don't have to worry much. If you remember sandwich, she shared that the PD picked up his #1 physical developmental problem using the growth chart. Imagine if she didn't keep track of his growth in growth chart. It's important to monitor the growth chart, but NOT to compare with others, and NOT to worry how heavy or how light he is.

Children don't inherit parents' size, it's not like parents is small size, children are going to be small size. There are children who are big while their parents are small, or vise versa. Though they did get the genes from the parents, but the size of a kid (ie, weight and height) are very complex traits and the genes are quantitative and not qualitative, and it's largely affected by nutrition and exercise. Though in general, if one of the parents is tall, the child is most likely not going to be short, cos tall is the dominant gene. But for weight, there is no dominant gene. So the kid can be heavy or light totally independant of the parents.

I am not so sure about pedisure. How would it help to fatten up a kid? How much different it can be from other brand, it's not like they can anyhow add in things right? Don't know, maybe you can compared the nutritional values of Pediasure with other brands and see what's the different?

Is tall a dominant gene?!! YES!!!! Wahahaha !

PD told me that Pediasure has more calories.. not sure if this is a good thing but she claims that it will help under/light weight babies. Ian is 11kg now, he doesn't look (and feel) light to me leh so dunno why PD kept telling me he's too light. Maybe she likes bui bui kids.
Yes, tall is a dominant gene. Both of kids tall because of my hub. Me short short nia :)

A friend of mine in KL also the same. Her gal now 2.5yo still under 10kg. PD also recommended Pediasure, but after trying many months, no use. So she admitted the fate liao :p Ya, not sure, more calories is good or not? Then give them more fried oily stuff loh, also high in calories what, haha!
Yes, tall is a dominant gene. Both of kids tall because of my hub. Me short short nia :)

A friend of mine in KL also the same. Her gal now 2.5yo still under 10kg. PD also recommended Pediasure, but after trying many months, no use. So she admitted the fate liao :p Ya, not sure, more calories is good or not? Then give them more fried oily stuff loh, also high in calories what, haha!

Like to check, do u all give vitamins to your kids. My son is not taking any at the moment. But I remember I took cod liver oil during my growing up years..

Btw what brands do u all recommend.


From the photos , I find YZ size okay too. He looks tall. Not to worry too much.
My kids don't take any. No supplement at all. My thinking is that they are drinking lots of milk everyday (about 720ml per day), and since FM is fortified with all the essential minerals and vitamines, they should get sufficient of what they need. Plus the nutrients they get from solid meals.

Yes, the GP says to plot the growth chart monthly. YZ's height is at the 50 percentile while weight is 25 percentile. Unless, it goes out of the range, then we have to take note right?


Thanks! Will try out the recipe, looks so yummy! His milk intake dropped for a week when he was sick. Now it's back to normal. Food wise, he's not a food person, is never interested in main meals. However he prefers his rice with soup and tofu. As long as there's soup and tofu, he will eat. The amount of rice he eats is not a lot, about 3 tablespoons? So i try to give him quality instead of quantity. He loves his fruits though, any fruits.

Yeah, he's just small-sized. I am not that worried actually.

3 tablespoons is not little for a toddler right? Yihui only eats that amount each meal plus 50 ml veggie 1 piece of meat or fish(quite a big piece) 1 full cup of fruit yoghurt n 1 egg (sometimes switched to other things)

I thought that's not little Liao.
Hi Mummies,
Is there a pneumococcal vaccine when they reach 2 yrs? The polyclinic told me no more vacine but when I look at my boy's booklet, he took another jap when he turn 2.

How do u measure the veggie? My gal reject vege now and kept playing with her rice. Eat the ingredient n finish the soup except the rice. I gave her lots of meat to replace rice if she don take rice.

When I went for Yihui's jab during her 18th month Kk said that's the last one.


Oh. Because I'm too busy to make her veggie everyday so I make her veggie during weekends and freeze them in glass jars. Every jar is about 100ml. So she takes half for lunch n half for dinner. Hehe. That's how I derive 50 ml. She loves veggie. Even drinks the veggie "juice" from the jar after that especially spinach. I tried giving her the frozen mixed veggies. She ended up picking out the corns n refusing to eat the rest. So my mom blends them before she eats them. But she's ok with fruits and cubed mushrooms. Really strange.

When I went for Yihui's jab during her 18th month Kk said that's the last one.


Oh. Because I'm too busy to make her veggie everyday so I make her veggie during weekends and freeze them in glass jars. Every jar is about 100ml. So she takes half for lunch n half for dinner. Hehe. That's how I derive 50 ml. She loves veggie. Even drinks the veggie "juice" from the jar after that especially spinach. I tried giving her the frozen mixed veggies. She ended up picking out the corns n refusing to eat the rest. So my mom blends them before she eats them. But she's ok with fruits and cubed mushrooms. Really strange.
u mean u're still pureeing YH's veggies? i'm also having problems making her eat her veggies! maybe i shd try pureeing too. u cook the frozen mixed veggies and then u refreeze them? then wanna eat then puree?

if u have taken all the jabs on schedule, by right it shd be no more jab till pri 1.

seems like PD more concern when it comes to boys, PD has nv said kimberly is light before leh...although she is also abt 10kg only. maybe boys suppose to be heavier, is it?
