(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Oh alamak so usual fm is not vanilla flavored?! Lolx I dnw much.. But I know my bottled pediasure is vanilla flavored.. Like this I think I better give him rarely and try letting him tk other fm but he keeps rejecting!! Hw!?!?! I really dnw how to start him w just a feed first... Sob sob! Enfa & gain is ok? Not sweet? I'm left w these 2 samples only and 2 packs each..

They seems to be falling sick quite often hor? Is it from CC? Or maybe see how to boost their immunity?
I'm not sure if it's sweet cos I din really compare with other FM. I give him, he drink, so I just continue, cos he wasn't really eating well at one time. But now that xrisgoh mentioned that it is indeed sweeter and causes phelgm, I may consider changing after he finishes this tin. No wonder he drink since it's sweeter.

His first tin also vanilla. Then now second tin, hb bought wrongly, bought strawberry, he also drink. Before this, he was on bm. Actually, he still is, but I'm cutting down his reliance on me.
By the way, does anyone know what to do with expired BM? I was clearing my freezer, and found a few packets of it dated 2010. So reluctant to throw away...hahah...precious commodity (well, at least it was once...)
Oh no, what's wrong with Ian? You take care ya!

ALL FM are sweetened lah, just to different degree only. And those with flavor is more sweet than the original one. Why don't you try fresh milk is the sweetness is your big concern. Fresh milk is not sweetened.
He's not sick.. He was born with this little hole near his ear (preauricular pit). It was swollen yesterday.. very hard kind of swelling. Doc said it's infected thus the antibiotic. Haiz... really dunno why he got this. Doc said it's not genetic nor defect, just happens =.=" Some people live with this thru their life with no problem but seeing how Ian got infection twice since birth, he might need to surgically remove this pit when he's older
Oh :-( Since doc said it's not a defect, don't have to worry lah, if a surgery can easily solve the problem, then it's not a problem.
Kam I'm ok as long as not too sweet la. Initially I gave bottled pediasure cos he was quite a fussy eater. But after few bottles not given frequently, after the stomach flu problem, he decide not to be immortal and eats much better. I just bought another 2 bottles n maybe after that don't buy le. He eats 3 meals a day. Now I slowly increase portion from half to about 3/4 and most of the time he finishes. So I'm v happy. He latches 3-4x too but trying to cut to 3 and slowly noon feed change to fm. Then slowly again change night or morning to fm.
Thanks. Might tried for the 2D1N Batam trip.

Pediasure is sweeter than Gain IQ. Initially, my boy also have more phelgm but after 2-3 weeks, he is ok with it. Currently I giving Gain IQ in the day n pediasure at night. PD recommend me cos my boy was like 11kg at 2 yrs old which is much below average. Now he is close to 14kg at 3yrs old.
Potbelly> T3 level 1 is bouncing castle. Each receipt gains u 8min Play inside...receipts frm purchases at airport...
Any receipt any amount...
They just wanna u to spend at airport...

My boy is 9.6 kg. That's why wanna let him try pediasure. But he don't seem to like it. Will try to switch one of his feed to pediasure.
I'm here now with melissa....
Will be here till 1pm like that... We came before the nap time else gonna be very late..

I got the membership...
$14 per session. 2hrs peak, unlimited off peak..
Can share...
Left 8 sessions.. See when we Organise another one together!!

Usual is $18 for 2hrs (off peak) & 1hr (peak).

Vivo branch opens today and it's double storey one!!
there is height limit for the bouncing castle. kids must be 110cm to go in. the little little playground beside is really very small for the younger kids haha. Went to singkids to have a look but i find it very small also, especially the area for the younger kids.
managed to find Lily's potty book in the library.. no pete's book. Though no plan for potty training yet, borrow and read read first... heehee. Must say i was lucky cos it was right at the bottom shelf.. whilst busy chasing following L round the library and grabbing books off the shelves as i passed by... only saw 2 potty books. Now can borrow up to 12 books per person. : )
I brought my #1 to universal studio today by myself... nearly broke my arm as I carried her most of the time from 10am to 5pm!

Really pei fu those of u who bring kids overseas. I brought my gal over the sea to Sentosa already feel so tired...
Went to singkids Vivo yesterday. HB accompany the 2 kids cos I'm sick. Paid $18 for 1 hr. Very x n the stuff inside not worth that amount. He rather go fidgets. Think more suitable for younger tots and I was thinking "my son only 3 yrs old, not yound meh?". Max height 145cm. End up all went to play water after lunch.
No stroller to loan or rent? U carried your #1!!! U super! I carry Ian for 1 hr and already I can't feel my arms.

I was attracted to that BP too, lucky hubby was not keen so we did not book. That person is really horrible, cheat others' hard-earned money.
wah! you steady, can carry so long!! I carry 10mins cannot liao.

Those intending to go USS, there's a 20% promo for the tickets now.
so good...u can have a hot date with your gal...

i also want one...but hor working and the thing is that i need my AL for my dec trip...
and my boy is sure clingly to me one if i were to step away from his sight...
haha, but now shoulder and back ache :p

u can have a hot date with your boy on weekend ma... my hot date with my gal was on Sunday Father's Day, poor hubby was "tortured" by Hao Hao at home... wahaha
Hi mummies, long time no login. How's everyone doing?

I've been giving YZ quakers oatmeal for about 2 weeks. He loves it. But I am wondering if they are suitable to take oatmeal at this age?

Milk Intake
He's taking 3 milk feeds daily, 240ml + 200ml + 240ml, total of 680ml a day. I asked the GP 2 months back about milk intake and he suggested that I squeeze in one more milk feed, and that they should drink a range of 4 to 6 bottles of milk ranging from 150 to 180ml. That's like at least 900ml a day. But there's no way I can squeeze in one more milk feed leh. Is 680 to 700ml a day enough?

Potty Training
YZ refuse to sit on the potty when he really needs to poo. Cries until very cham when he's going to poo cos he knows I'm gonna ask him to sit on the potty. All books on potty are on loan in the library! Potty books are so popular, lol. And I'm wondering the ikea potty I bought, is it uncomfortable for him. He doesn't like to sit on it. Haiz... still a long way to go.
YZ drinks enough milk, IMHO. No need to take more if he's taking solids well.

Birthday bash
R we having any this year? We can celebrate at the beach, botanic gardens, mac, tanglin tree, someone's condo function room. Just a few suggestions.

This is what I read from a magazine and blogged it down in my blog, the source of this info was from Health Promotion Board Singapore.


For 1 to 2 years old
2-3 servings rice & alternatives
half to 1 serving fruits
half serving vegetables
half serving meat & alternatives
750ml milk

My girl is also taking about the same amount as yours. To me, it's just nice, as she gets nutrients from solid as well. If you take the GP advise seriously, maybe you can top up with a tub of yoghurt or a few cubes of cheese on a daily basis. Why you ask GP for children related questions, is he very experienced with children?

Thanks for the info! Cos I brought him to the GP for his vaccine jabs, shun bian ask him and that was his reply. Yes, Yz does take cheese but not a lot, just a cube of the laughing cow cheese a day.

Birthday Bash
I don't mind having the bash outdoors like the beach but that's subjected to the weather. I think it will be fun to see our tods having fun together at the beach! And we can have picnic too. Or any mum's(staying in condo) kind enough to book a function room for us?

i wan mac.... when i was young i always dream of having bdae party at MAc.. hahaa

at Mac, think don nid think of cleaning up, rain or shine.. think only $9 per head only right?
Hahaha, I also like u, always dream of McD party. Then once, my friend have party there. And all of us, got to take a party box home. Wah! That one became like my treasure. Find all the thing so cute. That time lar...
Yeahhh.. Sameee. That time beside the party room still got indoor playground. Can go inside play. Super envy my classmate that can celebrate their bdae there. Though my dad also used to celebrate for me every year but everytime also at chalet. :/
1st MUMMIES MAC bash!

Wahahaha I dunno how much leh. Just that I was out few days ago and i saw a kid holding his BD party at a cafe. I thought it's such a 'mature' place to hold children party, why didn't his parent held it at Mac or KFC instead. Maybe it's too ex? Myfavchoco, you sure it's only $9? But are all the kids here ok to have Mac food?
1st MUMMIES MAC bash!

need to chk which outlet is ideal for all mummies coz not all outlet host bdae party. I think they usually have 2 sessions each day. need to pay a deposit to cfm the date & time of booking. They have a party host to play some games & happy meal. Adult food can be purchase from the outlet on that actual day. I will be keen to join in.
Back from Hainan....not a very child friendly place...maybe the whole China is not that kid friendly?

Personally, I do not recommend going to Hainan, there's nothing much to see and do

Oh dear, sounds bad. So the whole trip stay was really $50? Hope u wasn't asked to pay for more.

BD celebration
Just a thought, will it be more convenient if we have the BD celebration at ECP or botanic gardens? More flexible time, bigger space and kids are free to run. But we have to hope and pray for good weather lah.
Hi Kam,

I am looking for a good and reliable nanny for my newborn. Understand you have got a real good one for your #2. Can you please let me know if she is taking in new baby? Where is her location? Many thanks.

Waiwai> no pm received leh....
Think something wrong... These few days totally no pm received!!! Cham... Dunno got missed out orders or not....

Email me?? U got my email???
