(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

at least your gal will guai guai sit on potty. Hao Hao keeps saying "No" to potty. no need to rush, she is willing to sit on potty is already a good start

about gadgets:
think i should drop the idea of getting myself i-phone... else my 2 kids will fight for it!
kiki- u just made me laugh! haha!
but these gadgets do wonders ya? I can tell her; mommy go cook ok? u stay in bed and play with ur toys ok? but no, she auto take my ipad2 n fiddles with her apps(she knows which are hers...) When i came back aft im done with cooking, there she is with my ipad, smiling n said, "there!" asking me to see... hurhur~
i just gotta keep reminding myself to keep the ipad out of her sight when im not ard cos im so afraid she's gonna drop it. she's dropped my phone so many times! =/
Ooohh yes. Now I understand cos Ian is the same thing! iphone and (to some extent) TV can keep him occupied for long time. I doubt kimmy will poopoo when she's playing with the phone leh cos they get really absorbed and won't do anything else de.

Initially I find it ok to let him have the iphone cos he actually learnt words from flash cards apps but soon I got scared when he seems so absorb and will keep asking for my iphone, like so addicted! Now I hide my iphone high up so he can't see it, only use it 'in case of emergency' esp, dinner outside!
yeah...these gadgets can really do wonders!

ya, i'm also abit scared she gets too addicted to it, only let her play with it when on the potty! u might be rite, too absorb in it...maybe thats why always nothing! but if i don't use the ipod then how to make her sit!? she won't sit even 1 min lor! how is your potty training?
hi ladies,
When you all mentioned about potty training, do you mean to get her/him to pee or poo or both? Maybe the first step should be really just to introduce her to the concept of a potty/toilet. Taking that can get her/him to pee is very good liao. Then slowly physco him/her that she/he can poo in the potty/toilet also, and it's much cleaner, no need to wash buttock after that. And then get her/him to learn how to tell you when he/she needs to pee/poo. Don't rush it. Do it step by step. If he/she still can't do it, try it again 1-2 months later.
hi ladies,
When you all mentioned about potty training, do you mean to get her/him to pee or poo or both? Maybe the first step should be really just to introduce her to the concept of a potty/toilet. Taking that can get her/him to pee is very good liao. Then slowly physco him/her that she/he can poo in the potty/toilet also, and it's much cleaner, no need to wash buttock after that. And then get her/him to learn how to tell you when he/she needs to pee/poo. Don't rush it. Do it step by step. If he/she still can't do it, try it again 1-2 months later.
Kim drink 540ml aday, u still wan reduce to 2x per day? I thought most kid drink about 600ml or more aday? Ok I stroll up I jus saw jaelle also quite little. 480ml only.

My K drinking 4x day for wkday. 3x on wkend (skip 4.30pm)
730am - 150ml
11.30am - 150ml (sch)
4.30pm - 150ml (sch)
8.30pm - 150ml

Wahhh now hottest topic is potty training... My mind keep thinking of 2nd birthday party. Thinking of how to celebrate. How u all going to hold a party for ur kid??
for me potty training means both. i'm not really in a rush to do it lah, but it wld be nice if she gets it! haha...

i meant reduce to twice a day but same amt. so i'd try to increase the morning and the nite instead and take away the middle day feed. coz i find that now that she's eating rice, she like doesn't really wanna drink the mid day feed, always throw away, so wasteful!
so far, only once he told me he wants to poopoo BEFORE he pooped. I didn't believe he want to poo (too many fault alarms) but he kept saying potty potty so I put him on potty.. He sat there for a while and said No More. Still I didn't believe he poo till he stood up and wala.. poo poo in the potty! I was so happy, tot he finally got it! But hor, that happened only once. After that it was back to telling me only AFTER he poop

Me thinking of birthday celebration too :p
sigh.. this morning after breakfast she said 'ummm ummm', i checked nothing and thought 'oh good, haven't poo in the diaper yet! got chance to try sitting her on potty'! but then she sat for a good 15mins and nothing. took her off and put on diapers again. within less then 5 mins, she goes 'umm umm' again. checked, she pooed in her diaper! sigh**
u also thinking of celebration ar.. veri fan leh... dunno wat at home or chalet.. at chalet scare raining then the chalet ex leh, $ can save to provide better food if i choose to hold at home, since my house quite spacious (to me is quite ok la, haha) but at home also sianz, wedding, bb shower, 1st year all at my house... then i keep MAO DUN myself with all these.. :p
then after that is buffet, previously we cater 80pax, this yr don wan invite relatives so mostly min cater 30pax... was wondering i got so much friend anot?? hahaa.. +.+
hahaha exactly same thing happened to me this morning!! and I tot I could save 1 diaper.

u planning a bash this year too? I decided not to cos think think think... Too troublesome. Like u said, chalet too much logistic, at home... Sian. So we just gonna have a simple one with immediate family then maybe go for a staycation or somewhere nearby for the weekend.
My gal drinks only twice daily. Morning abt 180ml, before sleep I try to give 240ml but she only manages 160-180ml mostly. During the day, refuses to drink milk from bottle so i try to put into a sippy cup but probably only manages 60ml. I know she's drinking far too little (last 2 nights slept even without last milk feed) but she really doesn't like. I used to give cold fresh milk which she is okay with, but another mum says not good to give cold drinks at their age. So no choice, give her more cheese and yogurt lor. She loves the laughing cow brand cheese cubes.

I think she's the worst in terms of iPhone obession. In order to hv a peaceful meal, we had resorted to iPhone when we travelled. She now asks for iPhone once she sat down on high chair! And DVDs when eating at home. *sweat* its really effective to get her to eat but I'm So worried abt Her eyesight and attention span....

Strange... I m also feeling party fatigue. But we only celebrated her first bday! So fast Sian and don't feel like doing anything liao? Sigh, maybe I'll be more enthusiastic later....

I am having school holiday these 2 weeks? any playdate?

ssshhhhh... don't tell Hao Hao yet... as he is allergic to outings organised by his mummy :p
<font color="0000ff">holidays</font>
Any mummies planning any hols with the bubs? I'm thinking of a short getaway (as all my previous hols with the little has been super long haul flight, I refused to go for another long haul flight this month - although my hubs is still trying to psyco us to going to London again!)

Have any of you been to Hainan? Is the beach really nice?

<font color="0000ff">bday bash?</font>
I am still half half about Kate's 2nd bday bash....definitely won't have the bouncing castles and all the decor like last year, but hubs is keen on buffet lunch (more for us to meet up with friends whom we havne't seen for a while) and I'm, excited about baking her cake again this year...hehe.
am going for a staycation in Sentosa only.. :p I've been to Hainan but that was like soooo looong ago... then the tourism industry wasnt established yet and yes 1 of the beach i went to was lovely.. i rem clearly due to the rocks that say "Tian ya hao jiao"

bday bash
hmm guess i wont be doing anything for S's 2nd bday.. might even be still in confinement. so most likely just family gathering. Was secretly hoping #2 will come at a good time so i can celebrate S's #2 with meimei's full month celebration. :D But then i might be in time to get those fancy cakes.. so mayb just a simple cake will do ba.
Mine start fighting for it.

It is a very good tool to introduce phonics, leap frog, colors, flash cards for lazy mommy like me. I find it very useful to destract them too but worried on the eye sight. 1 mommy told me her bb need to wear spec, 300 degree for each eye at close to 3 yrs old. So sad.

Y don u try the sentosa USS? I realise all the outing are mostly shopping which they don enjoy. I just stayed at festive hotel last weekend. 1st day USS, 2nd swimming at hard rock pool, plan to go underwater world but both too exhausted end up sleeping in the room till 7pm. 1st time fully utilise a hotel.

The hotel provided a birthday cake. I got the package from SMH with 8 tix free to USS and 2 nite stay. But I find 2D1N is enough as the 2nd and 3rd day, the kids are very tired. Planning for this again for my gal 2nd b'day but gg for 2D1N with 5 tix free.
hi mommies! i'm looking for a preowned Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo. If you've one to sell, pls do let me know by PM the price, condition and location. many thanks!
Hi mommies,

I feel that DS doesnt ask for more when he hasnt had enough lunch in childcare. Does your DS or DD knows how to ask for more when comes to meal time? DS never ask for more himself. Itz only when we ask him if he wants more, then he will reply.

How can i teach him to ask himself if he wants more?
"Tian ya hao jiao" rock.. sounds so lomantic.

Does he know how to say "More"? When u feed him esp. biscuits/fruits/food he likes, give him just 1 piece, went he indicates he wants more, you take the chance to teach him how to say the word "More" and also to let him know the meaning or more. Hope this helps.

Where did you get the USS package?
Hello mummies!

LTNO! am interested in playdates (including Playdate @ Airport)... count me in.
If weekday, i can take leave (depending on the dates). : D

personally i prefer Jetstar to all the rest of budget airlines.

re: iphone:
my boy is an iphone addict! everyday must play with my phone or hubby's phone (mostly at nite &amp; wkends).. sometimes he will look at the flash cards himself or play games (anyhow press), recently he enjoys watching videos fr youtube (i on 1 video for him &amp; he select the rest of videos himself) and talking tom cat 2. Wonder how to reduce his time spent on that.. **Headache**
he can really be engrossed in watching videos fr youtube.... I also have a page of apps catered just for him... so he knows where to find. must agree iphone/ ipad can really keep them occupied if we need to get something done...
<font color="0000ff">connie</font>
wow, that's a very good deal! thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, am looking to travel in June. Just got myself the deal.com.sg $50 coupon for 4 nights in Hainan,

But only after I bought the coupon, I read so many BAD reviews about the travels agent!
Am thinking whether to go ahead with Hainan or not.
Then again, am also thinking 4nights accom, plus 3 meals, and tour and only $50??? must be wrong somewhere, right?~!

<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font>
Thanks for your info on Hainan, yes that beach is famous
Hello everyone, I'm back.

Finally found a school for my boy already.

now is my turn to "cry". I hope I'll manage it well, and not miss him too much. But I'm definitely expecting tears from him, cos he's so sticky now. Hope he can adjust well lah, though I doubt it. Haha...

Brought him to clinic today cos he was having a cough, just recovered from a fever of 39degrees on Sunday. The doc gave antibiotics, and I asked what is it for since he recovered from fever liao. He said "in case, he have on-coming bacteria infection". I took it, but think think think, still not right, So went back to doc to ask can don't eat anot. He asked me "you doctor or I doctor?" leh!!

I'm here, I'm here. Sorry la, have been tremendously busy, and pc had some problems. Now, borrowing a friend's PC.

I think so far Jetstar quite reliable.

Seems like most 2-3 year olds don't learn much in school, huh? they are more exposed to gross motor skills and art, etc? but not ABC etc. but I had thought it's the easiest for them to pick up and learn anything now.

Toilet training
Anyone here with an older kid regretted toilet-training their kid? My friend find it so troublesome to bring her tod to toilet whenever he wants to poo or pee. And told me don't rush it, the later the better.
I'm wondering...cos sekali he use to doing business in diapers and don't ever wanna go toilet, then I'm in trouble too!

Oh...what a long post. Too long din log in alr...
Hi paige,

I am very tempted to get that vouchers too, so unbelievanle cheap. However, the travel date is till 25 sep 11, a bit rush for me so in the end, i did not buy. Now, Jetstar is having offer for tix to Haikou, pay for one pax @ &amp; $128 and the other pax can travel for free.
Thanks Connie for the link. So excited, can't wait to show my hubby tonight.

I wanna go London!! But best if it's without Ian :p
<font color="0000ff">christina</font>
yeah, I saw!! and to many more destinations!!

As my hubby travels very often, I normally cannot plan any holiday in advanced

For Hainan, we are looking to fly 19th June!
<font color="0000ff">Itsy</font>
I have never travelled without Kate before, wonder whether I will think of her so much until can't enjoy my hols, or forget about her and enjoy myself to the max....hmmm.

Have finally convinced the hubby to go Hainan after his London trip

Hope u will enjoy your trip to hainan =).

London is wonderful. I miss the place so much. However, I think i will not have the chance to go there anymore.
Dear Mommies
My bff is a Mommy in Sep’10 forum, her baby is taking part in the Baby Show 2011 Finale. She asking if the Sep’09 mommies can help her to vote?

Pls vote her pic as your favorite “Most Photogenic Family” photo online at http://babysg2011.pictureworks.biz/Vote.aspx
Whampoa cc, pic 21. It is the first pic at the last row:
 Click on the Whampoa pic
 A flying milk bottle will appear
 Fill in your Name and NRIC and click submit.

You also get to stand a chance to win $30 shopping vouchers.

God Bless you.

Thank you for your support!
Hi itsy,

Thanks so much for your suggestion. He knows how to say "more" only when we ask him if he wants more. He doesnt know how to say "more" on his own without us asking him. He will just point to the table coz the rest of the food are on the table.

But in childcare, the extra food are in the kitchen. He cant see it therefore cant point..
He slim down ever since he went childcare. Moreover, he is only a food lover and not milk lover. Some kids are daring enough to take the food from his friends' bowl. At least the teachers will know that they actually wanted more.

I will try more ways to help him say it.
my ger was toilet trained b4 she was 2yr old that time...
now she goes to toilet herself when she's at home...
only when outside...need to ask her if she need to go...but normally she will tell me...

i dun regret having to trained her so early...

now am starting to train my boy too...

hopefully he can master it by 2.5yr old...
so daddy can bring him...(if not, i will still be the one to change his diaper lor)...
yes sounds so romantic. but i went with my family then.. LOL.

u got a really gd deal!! sounds too gd to be true?? feedback after u r back!! i wanted to go one of the resorts in Hainan initially too. but hubby couldnt go on leave till now so kinda late for air travel.

I've also not travel without S so i wonder if i will miss her so much or i will just 'forget' abt her. hehehe... and i so wanna go Europe!!! but doubt any chance soon.
toilet training
i'm not really consistent with toilet training at the mom. usually she will usually tell us AFTER she has pooed or even pee.
a suggestion..

why not u leave all your food in the kitchen...
and serve everyone their individual servings...

Do like the CC do...
and maybe get daddy/elder siblings/someone to ask for more serving...
maybe he will learn and also tell you that he want some more serving...
haha...my boy also tell me after he pee...
but we make it a habit to bring him to toilet now before he change into his CC uniform...
Cos the doctors here are not used to be challenged by patients!

My friends at Australia said the doctors there don't prescribed any med for cough. Definitely not antibiotics.

And did you watch the news yesterday. Now Augmentin has problem!
Hi Cloudme,
That is a good idea! Thanks so much!

Hi all,
DS have taken Augmentin twice .. Both times when he got bronchitis
