(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Waiwai: Speedy recovery for Hao Hao!!

Maid: I am paying $350/mth with off days for my maid. She has her own hp. Come to think of it, i was too soft hearted to let her have her hp and off days. $20 if she doesn't go for off days but it is very rare now.

Transport wise, i use to pay for her before she got her full salary (after repaying loan from agency). Now she get her own pay, she pays for her own.

I do spot check her stuff (unfortunately when she's not home), saw some photos and i saw guys in the pic. I did hint her before not to give her no. to any guys they meet during off days she say she know cos her friend was harassed.

She have so many friends, so i don't think she will be lost. Last sunday, she went out with another newbie in my block. They often chat via the kitchen window, downstairs when she brings my girl to the playground and stuff.

$450 is quite a bit leh O_O you got your maid recently? Mine has been with me for 1.5yrs le. She is experienced, worked in SG before.

Mine coming to 2 yrs. 450 is include bonus cos we find her hardworking n fast, furthermore she do help out when we r at sil or my mom plc. My fri just got a new one x-m'sia at 390 tis mth.

She went paya lebar last sun n she said there is many indo there n they r busy wif make up. They bring cloths to change.

yo! doing a survey on supplements. Thinking of giving my girl vit c supplement because she's sick now...

what supp are you giving your todds?

mummies, i am sure you all read the case of the murdered maid in the HDB block water tank. I shared it with my maid to make her aware that there are many perils out there! and not to be so innocent and get cheated by a foreigner worker. That is, if she continues to stay with us....

my friend recommended me sambucol. it is an elderberry extract in liquid form, give 5ml every day.

I asked PD before for supplement and he prescribed Pharmaton. But he says, best is to eat healthy.

So far been taking sambucol. But as with all supplements, we wont know for sure if it worked or didnt, because there are many factors why a kid falls ill. C still has slight occassional fevers, which i attribute to teething.

I know some mummies give TCM also.

Pei Pei started attending CC since last Dec. First 2+ months she was fine. Until March then she started coughing, then Hao Hao fell sick, then they take turn. Have no choice but to send her to CC, as my mum cannot handle 2 kids alone, then I don't feel like asking MIL to look after Pei Pei, think she may not be keen also...

Thanks for advice. Which TCM clinic you brought your kid to?

On Mon PD gave them vitamin C... hope it helps...


About Sambucol:
Nearly wanted to buy from spree, but PD said it is not proven that Sambucol really helps to boost immunity... so think stick to vitamin C for the time being...
Why opt for the chemical. One orange a day is already enough for their daily vitamin C needs. Kiwi is another good source. If you decided to go for the supplement, go for hose with no so high dose one, some are 100x more than what they need, so it's highly overdose! Only think of supplement if you kids is a super picky eater (not eating for 1-2 weeks kind is not considered). If I ever give my kids or ourselves supplement, it will be multi-vit.

i give her a lot of fruits. but i'm thinking of giving her the vit c only when she's ill, like now. else, during normal days, no supps for her.

multi vit, i do have one prescribed by her pd though... maybe i should give that...
Vit C doesn't help improve the immunity when we are sick (that's a myth), except when if we are really lack of vit C in our body. If she is taking lots of fruits, that's very good already.
Ian is officially a school drop-out! HAhaaha mama finally decided to pull him out. Haiz.. there goes my daily 2 hr of ME time.
I noticed Ian has lots of yellow discharge (Bak Sai) from his eyes. 1st time this is happening.. any idea why? Too heaty?

Yes, vit C is given by PD

Think that could be infection or blocked tear duct. Pei Pei had this last month, doc said because she rubbed her eyes with dirty hands and gave her antibiotic eyedrop
Oh, really that bad that you have to pull him out ah?

If eyes discharge is really a lot, like so much so that it makes him difficult to open his eyes, then it could be an infection. HR had it once and XY had it once, but their PD only prescribed normal eye drops though, he said it should clear by itself, the eye drops only to make them feel more comfy.
Mummies, anyone keen in skiphop stuffs??

Diaper bag, changing station, swipes wipes case... Etc..
ESP those expecting #2 & #3..

I can get at lower price... Let me know..
Waiwai and Kam
Eye infection!? It's not a lot till he can't open his eyes, more like a big bak sai every now and then, even when he's awake and not sleeping. So it'll clear on his own? Maybe then I'll just observe 1st b4 bringing him to Doc, hope it doesn't get worse.

I can't decide leh... after sitting in for 3 days and observing Ian for 2 weeks. Don't think he learnt much, I may be teaching him more at home. And ever since he started school, he kept falling ill (what's new) and I'm thinking why not just let him spent more time at home since I'm intending to put him in cc next year. Somemore, every morning when I ask him if he wanna go to school, he'll shake his head and say "no" =.="

Mummies staying near Sengkang
Which CC do u sent your kids to? I asked a few and all are full!
Waiwai> sorry for the late . Jin On Chinese Physucian & Acupunture Centre @ blk 48 Sims Place #01-155 tel 6742 4428. Mon - Sat 8.30am - 12noon, 2pm - 7.30pm, Sun 8.30am - 12 noon, thur closed. But b4 u go down call them 1st, cos they got quota. Once hit no more seeing or u got to come back in the aftnoon
actually not really expecting him to run home and be able to know his ABCs lah. Just that he doesn't seems to happy to go to school. Kept teliing me NO. Or are all kids the same?
wah, u really withdrew him! i thought u might change your mind. hee... kimberly seems to like going to this school. now reach school she will take her schoolbag from me and walk into class herself. i'm so glad! though i have no idea what she learn there! seems like not learning much! lol. but i noticed she picked up some bad things... like climbing on chair to stand! wonder if she learned that in school! also...when i wanna take something away from her, she will grab on very tightly! maybe in school some kids snatch her things/food and she learned how to be defensive!
kimberly also got bak sai every morning! i just use wet cottonwool to clean. i think as long as its not red or swollen, shd be ok. ya, cld be heaty too! try to make him drink more water!
Too bad you are staying in the East else will recommend you the one my gal attend. My gal stop crying on the 4th day of class. she cried on the 2nd and 3rd day when she just reach sch but stop after she entered. 4th day go in by herself and wave goodbye. 1st day is bad. Today is the 8th day.

Me too. Not sure what she learn but next Mon is meet the parent session.
Everyday i ask K if he wanna go sch, he also reply no... School for 3 months Liao, still no no no.. Every morning also cry for like 10-20secs? Daily routine. (I got no pro waking him up in the morning, bath him and send him to sch. He seem to be excited but reach sch still cry)

But after I fetch him from sch I will ask how's ur sch today? Izzit fun? He will reply yes, fun.
wow...your gal adjusted really fast! thats v good news, at least u feel more at ease sending her to school now. her school got meet-the-parent session so soon after she starts? i don't think mine got such sessions. teachers don't seem keen to talk to the parents!

maybe at this age, their concept of yes and no is not very clear yet. or maybe they're a bit confused! hehe...
<font color="119911">kiki</font>
The bak sai not normal leh, it's yellowish and quite big. Hee hee sounds gross :S

I think and think and think so hard ok. The teachers seems really caring. They told me other then the short period of crying when he reached school, Ian is actually doing quite well in school. Will sit down and listen and tries to 'talk' to the older kids. As for learning, I'm sure he learnt something lah.. but so far I still can't tell what :p "Standing on chair", he can teach lor! Wahaha His latest stunt is standing on his highchair tray to dance! Refuses to be strapped up now so I can't leave him alone in his highchair now.

Problem is me lah. After I bring him to school, I have abt 1.5hr to hang around with nothing much to do other then reading at mac. Doesn't make sense to go home. Plus the usual lor, ever since he goes to PG, he started to have runny nose and cough.
I think cos the school is not well ventilated and I see most of the kids have runny nose.

<font color="119911">myfavchoco</font>
dunno leh.. After I started leaving him alone in school, 1st day he cried when we reached the door. 2nd day, he cried when we reached the playground outside. 3rd day, he started crying when we crossed the road (b4 playground). Today, he started to fuss when we stepped out of our door!!! I think if I continue to bring him, he'll start once he sees his uniform!

<font color="119911">Connie</font>
Wow, teachers must be really good if your gal can stop crying on 3rd day! Or maybe your gal is just very independent
Hi Itsy, i m sending my girl to once a week playgroup (9 to 10.30am) in Tampines mart, the learning curve. I m not sure if they will learn much at this age..it's more for them to expose to the "school" environment and to socialise.

My daughter still cry when she reaches school..but took only a few minutes to settle down. Of course, she never guai guai sit down to listen to teacher, so we've to chase her and bring her back to join the lesson. She seems to enjoy it though
Cloudme..for the training pants..you may get from www.gmarket.com.sg I just ordered one few days ago, but too bad the design i wanted is out of stock. But i m not sure of the quality...am looking for training pants too now. Not sure if it's really necessary??

Ok la.. Think he quite clear about yes or no. Sometime I like to ask many qns which I know the answer is yes (like food, play, gaigai, like mom, dad etc) ask veri fast then end the qns with u like sch? He will blur and ans yes.. Then 1 sec later he will goes no no no no no no.... Then I say yes.. He will reply no no no no no no no no.... So funny :p
i got 5 but not enough cos it won't dry that quickly after wash...
so if need to be consistent...then i feel need to get some more...
Everyone was surprise. Teacher was saying she was a shy gal and I actually drop the idea of joining all the playdate after a few adempts cos she was like crying when peers near her ..... Relieve now cos I thought she will need at least a month. At least MIL won't say I'm cruel now.

The teachers are good. My gal is the shy type. Can hide behind me in the lift when there are strangers.

My gal refuse to let me brush her teeth now. Everyday cry when I brush. She will take the brush and do it herself. Just refuse to let me hold. I don't have a chance to brush for almost a week. Any suggession what should I do?
Yes she love it. She can hold e toothpaste n want me to apply it but she just don let me brush her teeth.

I also have problem wif her meal. She will pick e ingredient to eat n play wif the rice once she had finish e ingredient. Throw them to my dogs, wash her hands in e bowl. So angry.
Cayden having the same problem too in the cc. 1st day cry when in the classroom, 2nd day cry when in the classroom, 3rd day cry when reach the playground, 4th day refused to change into the school uniform, get into car cry...i still bring him there to play at the playground just to let him familirise. But then seems that he is very afraid...i still thinking whether to withdraw or not because i find the school quite good just that the playgroup has a lot of whinning kids.

Haiz from 3rd day and 4th day, he has nightmares at nite and wake up every one hour.. really dun noe what to do.

i'm intrested in the school bags! hehe.

why don't you bring him to some of those parent accompanied ones, like twice a week kind to let him get used to school concept? then slowly ease him in next year.
sounds like C really doesn't like this school. Ian only cried or fuss b4 he goes to school, when I fetch him after school, he always look very happy waving and saying bye to his friends. Maybe let C try for 2 more weeks? Teacher at Ian's PG told me kids usually takes abt 2 weeks to a month to get use to school.

I don't wanna accompany him!! Wahahha I want ME time that's why I wanna put him in school. Actually I think he's fine alone in school, just need to cry cry a bit b4 entering classroom. I pulled him out due to other reasons... mainly teacher's english is not good :p
yea, will let him try a while more not sure is blessing in disguise or not. Luckily i on my maternity leave if not how to bring him there and try out for another 2 weeks.

your boy has nitemares everynight after attending CC? oh dear, that sounds quite bad. initially when my girl attend PG, she will cry n cry when i drop her off n leave, but no nitemares. u must be quite stressed up!

i got a rpt card fr K's school n now i'm wondering if i'm letting her attend this school with both my eyes closed! sigh... i think the teachers are not attentive at all. they do not even know what the child can or cannot do. now i really wonder what they do everyday with the children? and come to think of it, there is no one supervising the teachers also. whether they do any REAL teaching or interaction with the kids, no one really knows!

my girl has been sort of sick for 1 wk already. she's got a cough and phlegm that won't go away. do u think i should bring her to see the doc again? the last time doc say KIV antibiotics and ask me to come back to get it after 3 days if i feel it is getting worse. i thought it was getting better coz actually in the day, she doesn't cough much, only at nites! but now doc say need to bring in to consult again. she's got no fever or anything...still pretty cheery in the day. at nite she will cough but it doesn't wake her up. how ah? i don't know what to do! shd brg see doc again or wait and see how? she has taken half a bottle of the medication already! sian....
