(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Is there a "online" or a more accurate growth chart that we can use? I find the one in the Health booklet difficult to use cos the lines are so near each other, and I end up not plotting.

Definitely agree with your last para. My friend is so thin, although eat so much, and even have to find how to put on weight. I'm the opposite too, but it's so difficult to resist food!

Oh, you've put Ian in school already! Must be exciting for him. Did you sent him to TP in the end? Mine still on "total free play". Haha... He's become rather sticky, I'm quite sure I'm gonna have a difficult time putting him to school on his own when I come to it. Haiz...

Mine is Elba.

U're under aljunied? Gonna know the result soon.

Yap, TP in the end, not much other choices. Coming Tues will be the first day I leave him in school alone. Hope he will cope well.
itsy, joli;


went to giant and saw a few oven models on sale too...

now is choosing which one that can go into that empty slot...

your first time? u must be very young...

this is my 3rd time voting liao...
Ya lor.. when I was staying at my mum's, every GE zoned and re-zoned so never got to vote.. always walk over. Then after moved out to my own place, my mum's place got zoned into Aljunied and I missed all the 'excitement'.
Hi mummies

Long time no post. Been busy trying to adjust staying at home for the last month. I think it is driving me insane, especially my daughter's endless whines and refusal to nap and sleep until almost 1 hour later.

I have fair moments of enjoying her company and realizing she benefits from me staying home, but her stickiness really drives me nuts.

Any tips on how SAHM keep your sanity? And getting them to sleep faster? She wants to sleep, lies down on bed but takes a long time to finally sleep.

After I read your post and blog, I went to check my babe's teeth and true enuf, there's actually plague!!! Or whatever u call it though it's easy to brush it off. You see, I have been letting her "brush" her own teeth for some time now, obviously she's not doing a thorough job, more playing than serious brushing.

And of cos, can't kick the habit of drinking milk before sleeping either....
<font color="ff0000">mums with babies / young toddlers</font>

Just received a mailer from Kidzloft. They are having warehouse sales up to 70% for selected products! Started yesterday only. Their warehouse is at Tagore Industrial Avenue. I have been there once 2 years back, pretty decent place, clean and organized, unlike others warehouse sale. If you have something to buy, it worth taking a look. We got our boaster car seat there, think 50% off. If you want a copy of the mailer, PM me, I can forward to you.
may i get the mailer please? my husband is thinking of getting an ultra ultra lightweight stroller when we bring titus for a holiday next month. i haven't agreed to the stroller idea yet because we've always travelled with an ergo and we've done fine, okay see how cheap the strollers at kidzloft are.
i floss my children's teeth occasionally, and sometimes can floss out meat even AFTER i brush their teeth. my 1.5 year old toddler still wakes up twice a night to drink milk. i am also very worried about him getting tooth decay.

thats very worrying. and my babe does not want me to brush her teeth, have to force which is really tiring. let alone floss....

guess have to try to kick the last milk feed and night feed habit. She sometimes still asks for milk in the middle of the night.

Don't have to kick the last milk feed. If you take out the last milk feed, she may wake up more in the night for milk! What you need to do is to let her drink her milk before bedtime, then brush her teeth, or at least get her to drink some water, then go to bed. Don't force her. What you can do is let her brush (play) first, then you take over, or try sing songs when brushing, or can talk to her like oh mummy see a worm on your teeth, can you please open your mouth and let me get it out, and you quickly give her teeth a quick brush.
oh dear, drinking milk before bedtime will cause tooth decay?! i also don't brush K's teeth at nite leh...by the time she drinks her milk, i'm abt there, very tired already...juz wanna quickly put her to bed! still must brush teeth?omg! actually i only brush her teeth once a day now! =p and i don't think its even REALLY considered brushing! must i REALLY REALLY brush up starting now?
I read that milk b4 bed will cause tooth decay so every night Ian will brush after last milk feed. I still clean his tongue now. Even if not able to brush his teeth properly, the action of brushing (having a toothbrush in his mouth) will cause him to produce saliva which will remove the milk residue in his mouth.

I think that it's important to start now to instill good habit. Even if I'm VERY VERY tired, I'll still make him brush cos I wanna let him know even if he's very tired, still have to brush b4 bed! LOL Habit lah.. now, unless I'm dead drunk (doesn't happens now tho') I have to brush else I can't sleep.
ooo no... K also doesn brush teeth after last milk feed. cos he fall asleep after that :p

2nd Birthday Bash
looking at the SEpt onederful bdae bash pic.. was thinking r we going to have a 2nd bash this year??
brushing teeth
i tried using a finger brush to brush her teeth after last milk feed juz now. she bit me hard lor...3-4 times! =/ so painful! took me awhile to coax her to try the fingerbrush, thankfully she willing to try. the best part was she found it VERY amusing and kept laughing when she bit me hard and i yelp 'ouch' in pain! then she'd laugh and willingly open up her mouth so that she can bit me again and find it funny! poor me... don't tell me everynite must get biten by my daughter!?!

ya, why not? u wanna host? hee...
HR didn't brush his teeth regularly before the dental visit. And the consequences at ~40 months old is 1 pre-molar with a big hole and a set of weaken teeth :-( Now he brushes his teeth every night. XY follows loh. Luckily they adapted to the change well. Still take about the same time falling asleep.

His dentist said brushing teeth at night is the most important one. Can don't brush in the morning and in the afternoon, but must brush before bed, after last night feed.
Brushing teeth:

My kids do not brush everyday, but I give them water to drink after meal or milk. for rinsing purpose. That is my habit to drink water after meal, and so far I have not gone for dental for filling... yet...
Birthday bash:

I don't dare to organise this time... as you all know, my kids are "allergic" to gatherings

Both of them are sick again... soar throat...
Kam / brushing teeth
Looks like I gotta tweet C's bedtime routine.... Sigh, hopefully won't increase the already super long time needed to get her to bed... Another problem is that she gets herself quite wet each time she brushes teeth, and yet she's not the sort who willingly drinks milk when asked to. Half the time, I have to dreamfeed....

With this kind of weather not surprised kids will be heaty! Make more barley for them and hope they get well soon!
My gal don't let me take the toothbrush once she get hold of it. I usually brush first n let her play with the toothbrush later. I have difficulty brusing the top portion.

I brush their teeth before last milk feed. At times, half way thru the milk feed, they already fall asleep, how to brush after that?

I have make appt with the dentist for 23rd appt. The dentist will not do anything on that day? Then when can she start on the cleaning? My boy's had a hole in his teeth and turning yellow.
Just give it a try. If she is not ready now, don't force her, try again in another 2 months or so. For the time being, you may want to get those wipes to clean her teeth after last milk feed. The dentist said must clean, if cannot brush, clean by giving their teeth a wipe.

Gonna change their routine loh. Now my kids drink their last milk feed even before we go into the bedroom. When they go into the bedroom, first thing is to brush teeth, then story reading and then light off.

Depending on how your child reacts to the dentist/dental treatment. She will clean the teeth on first visit (checking cum cleaning). But whether she will do the filling or now, depending on how he is loh. A friend on mine brought her son there (same age as my boy), the dentist found FOUR decay teeth!!! She only managed to fill one out of the four that she thought needed the urgent treatment. Cos her son getting stress up already and kept using his tougue to touch/push away whatever tools went into his mouth after a while. So the dentist stopped.
yep, i think starting to brush now is a good habit but i didn't think it was necessary to be very through. oh well, looks like i better make it a point to give her a good brush every nite then! btw, how must did the dentist charge for HR? so their 1st dental visit to check for decays is at 3 yrs old, is it?
No, 1st dental visit not necessarily to be at 3 yo. Some said the earlier the better. Some said wait till the child is ready for it, can be later than 3yo, and some don't bring their kids to dental at all till milk teeth are gone (cos they think milk teeth not important cos it's not permanent and hence no need to spend money on maintaining it).

My friend brought his son of 2yo+ to a dentist cos she saw him suffering from toothache. True enough there were decay. BUT the dentist said must do general anesthesia in order to do the cleaning and filling. My friend didn't agree on the anesthetia. So the dentist prescribed some cream/med thingy that can fill up the hole temporarily, and that cost a bomb! She spent >$200 without getting the problem solved :-(

So ya, not too young, cos the dentist can't do much even if she detects anything, unless to put the kids to sleep (general anesthetia), which I think it's too "over" for treating a milk tooth.

So for now, prevention is still the best way one should take

You can call the clinic and ask a quote for the price.
I tried training mine to 'gargle' to rinse mouth -ok, not exactly but at least have a sip of water then spit it out, but she ends up drinking the whole cup of water!
I am trying to prep her so she can use non-edible toothpaste

Now, she loves brushing teeth because she loves the taste of the toothpaste!

ANyone's todd can do the proper gargling yet? can teach me how to train them?
HR only able to gargle well and spit out water without wetting his clothes when he was close to 3yo. Before that, he either didn't know how to spit it out or he thought it's funny to drink the water from the cup, in the toilet :p

I didn't train him. Just let him do it naturally. So he had drunk quite a bit of tap water, ops. But I did show him how to gargle and spit the water out. I heard from other mummies that the best way to "train" is by showing him how to do it and do it often (practice makes perfect).

My XY is at the drinking water phase. So I only let her take in 1 sip, not the whole cup. When she sees her gorgor spitting out the water, she would say "Gorgor 吐!" (vomit) :)

To be on the safe side, I gave her drinking water
I anticipated her not being able to spit, last night was my 3rd time 'training' her and she was still happily drinking the water!
Does not help that she is obsessed with the metal cup from the toilet she refused to let go until she finish ALL the water in the cup!

She will just giggle when i show her how to spit, and what she does will be - gulp down water, then try to spit out saliva!
so at what age does all the milk teeth drop out?

haha..same for K, she also loves to brush teeth coz of the toothpaste! and she knows when i try to trick her and not put any!

something gross happened
while bathing K this morning, she suddenly said 'um um'. sometimes she makes this sound when i ask her if she has pottied. she'd reply this but most of the time when i check - nothing. so i thought she was just saying it for fun! after her bath...i dried her and carried her out and just when i was abt to put her on the diaper mat, guess what happened? i heard her go 'ummmm' and then something 'dropped' on the mat. looked down and there it was.... 1 pc of 'gold'! nearly fainted! luckily didn't drop on my feet!
Oh, 3rd time only ah. Give her a few months ba. Yes, it's exactly like that. XY gulps down water and try to spit out saliva, and look at me as if saying why I cannot 吐 :)

Milk teeth start to drop out around 6-7 years. The molars can last till 8-10 years!

Hahaha, Kim was already very kind to you loh. She dropped 1 solid pc of gold for you, not those watery type leh. Should count yourself lucky liao :)
Milk Teeth

I think will drop out ard k2(6years old)

I have not tried it before coz she usually fall asleep while drinking the last feed or she will drink alot of water after the last feed of milk.
"luckily nv drop on my feet" couldn help but to laugh.. Hahahaa :p

When even if it drop in ur feet it's still nt as bad as mine. Was changing his diaper cos he poo... Tear the diaper and I c the poo roll here n there so afraid it might drop on the floor and indeed it's gonna drop Liao and stupid me use hand to catch it =.= after several time my hand still stink

Another time in the car, wanna change his diaper, jus go through leg onli then the poo dropped on to the carpet =.= luckily not watery kind else I will faint..

Brushing teeth
Yeahh... Jus now first time I brush his teeth at night. 8.30 last feed. I scare he don wan sleep if I on room light and ask him stand to brush. So I on toilet light, ask him lie down to brush :p after brush and pat... Fall asleep at 8.50pm
<font color="0000ff">wetbags orders done....</font>

in case anyone thinks i'm earning from it.. i'm not hor....

u can refer to:


i paid exactly what is stated on her thread..

Those who havent paid me... please faster do so!!!

I just sorted out 5xON/GAP &amp; 2xCarters..........

took me 1.5 days.... i cross eyed liaoz....

I've emailed all whose loots have arrived...
if anyone needs me to bring, please WHATSAPP/SMS me... faster... cuz tmr wake up is a rush..if u email me i'll miss out.... thanks!!

mayfang> u going ma?? can i get a lift?? i've got BAGSSSSS of stuffs to bring... lol....
I was laughing when I saw your poo stuff. Can go buy 4d liao. Last time my son do that and my MIL said poo is XXXX, and really strike. haha. she is giving you luck.

Guess I need to reverse the routine. Now is brush teeth, change cloths, story time n milk. Then have to push everything backwards. But they just have dinner at 7+, wonder can she take milk at 8+. That is a bit too close.
Maid issue
Anyone tried renew WP through internet? Is it troublesome or better through agent?

Now, my maid requested to off this sunday but her original package is without off. She is gg back for 2 weeks vacation end of this month so she want to go buy things.

She requested 2 sunday off in future. Still thinking should I give it to her? Any suggession?
Your child's dinner time n bedtime routine is same as mine. I'm also wondering the same thing.

As for maid
I think one day off to go buy things is fair considering she is going back and has not had the chance to go out. Think they also want to "show off" when they go back. The thing is, how do they know how to take public Tspt themselves since they hv never been out themselves? Unless another Fren brings them.

My maid will probably ask for the same come August.

However, as a precaution, you should check what she brings home. I hv heard of maids who hv behaved throughout their contract but only to steal before going home.

I m not sure if mine wants to renew contract but if she ask for that I will say one day first to monitor. If after a while, still ok then 2 days. Otherwise, if misbehave will revoke entitlement.
ya, will try to change tonight.

Most likely will let her go this Sunday but I rejected her request to go JB. Do we have to pay for her transport fare when she is off? Look like will need a HP just incase she get herself lost.

Good idea , maybe will tell her 1 day off/ mth. But her original package is no off day. Can I dock her salary? $450/mth with off day, a bit high. My friend paying $390 without off day for her new maid.
lol! so i shd be thanking my lucky stars then!

ewwww.....u shd juz let it drop on the floor mah! *faint*

haha..really?! so poo poo is suppose to be what golden number?! =p your MIL so cute, can relate it to buying 4D somemore!
brushing teeth
hmm i'm not consistent with teeth brushing for shanis.. seems like i have to start it now esp before bed! I only let her take the brush and brush, no toothpaste and no rinsing of water! but i do wipe her tongue and teeth but before last milk feed! think i need to change this sequence. R u gals giving toothpaste to ur todds already??

sch outing
S' sch is organising a outing to skygym at serangoon garden with no parent involvement. I'm apprehensive to sign the consent form as i feel she is a little too young to take bus. And i doubt there is enuff teachers to handle so many kids. mayb 1 teacher to 5-8kids? the sch says that such outings will promote independence and get the kids to listen to instructions. But errmm at 20months with signs of terrible 2s, i'm not sure if S will listen! esp now she is not really listening to me! When i forbid her to do certain things, she just throws her tantrums! so i really doubt she will listen to her teacher as well. Should i have some benefit of doubt? I dont want to regret should anything (*touch wood*) happens. Any tots?
normally there will b shortage of manpower during outing unless they have older kids to help hold e younger one. I tag along for my boy first outing at 20 mths. A few fall down cos some r still not stable n 1 fall, e other follow since they hold hands but tt outing is to garden. Maybe indoor is better.

Usually kids behave better without parents so don worry abt e mischief.

can't recall e no but should b able to find inthose 4d books. My gal started sch on wed, teAcher comented tt she cry without tears. Expected her to cry for 2 wks or more but 2nd day she already stop. mil say she was v happy after class. Weird. Hope mon will not cry. 3 days / wk.
connie / maid
dont think need to pay for their transport when they go out. anyway i think its not a good idea to let her go to JB. In fact, can they go out of country without the employer?

i give my maid $20-$30 extra for no offday. Your rate is a bit ex but i think it must be based on current market rate. Do you intend to give her an "increment" after she renews? Maybe can give off day in lieu of increment?

for the first 8-10 months, i had a lot of issues with my maid. After that, she settled down and we got used to each other. she just told me that she does not plan to renew her contract. it's quite disheartening given that we have treated her very well. that just teaches me not to put my emotions into it, because no matter what, they will not be so selfless and think for you. when its time to go, they will be like yesterday's news.


After Pei Pei had high fever for a few days, last nite Hao Hao vomitted and today starts to have fever. Today Hao Hao is like koala bear and I am like a tree.

I think u all hearing my complaint about sick kids also hear until sian. I feel so sian that they have been unwell for soooooooooo long.

10 days of child care / child sick leave is not enough for me. I have already taken 5 days and it is only May...
$450 is the renew package. Her contract end this month and she will renew. Mine the same, Extra $20 due to no off day. According to the Indo Embassy, need to give at least 1 day off or replace by $$. Talk to her again last Friday and she said she will not take off for new contract. But she kept changing her mind. I might send her for cookery class after she is back. Any idea will CC accept domestic worker for their class?

Yesterday she went out with her aunty, we paid for her bus fare since is her first outing and she is gg back end May. And my AL for the 2 weeks is not approved.

How many months is ur #1 in CC. There is 1 mommy who told me that if kid keep falling sick in the CC, means that CC might not be suitable. Her boy seldom fall sick in both CC. Not sure how true that will be. You might want to keep track the sick interval and set a time frame.
Waiwai>have u try TCM? My son also fall sick quite often. There was 1 time his fever shot up to above 40degree, that time he already seen once PD and twice PG. was been inserted the medicine, fever went down. But next day afternoon, shot back to 40.my mum nagging at me to bring him see TCM, so I went. the next day he was well, no fever. But I went back once a week for abt 1 month to cure his
cough. Last month he fall sick, went TCM for 1 week, then he ask me see PD/PG cos fever no go down, so need antibiotics. And indeed after taking antibiotics he well. Last week fever again. went PD. Now on recovering.

<font color="119911">Waiwai</font>
Ur kids are still sick? Really quite long hor. I agree with connie, stay home for time being so they can recover b4 going back to cc. No one can help u to look after them? How about letting them take supplements to boost immunity?
