(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

I'm using blogger, can export the blog but text only without pictures. come to think about this, I hope blogger will not close down, else my 3 years effort all gone :p


I hope I have more time to update the blog, not just what happen to my kids, but also to share more information about child-caring and parenting

u're already looking at it. i'm quite certain littlegenius is v similar to shichida. anyways, go with an open heart and see how u find the course. do feedback ya...quite keen to know. =)

i'm not as hardworking as many other moms lah...u can say, i'm just kinda bored! i started out reading all the books on GD, then i started making some flashcards. i nv count but i think i do abt 50 cards a day, a mixture of everything. i do flashcard for maybe 5 mins a day? twice a day usually but if i go out then once a day. if i go out whole day then i don't do any at all =p i'm not that strict abt it. according to some moms, the routine cannot be broken at all, go holiday also must bring and do! for me, i'm not that siao abt it. keke...

flashcards is just flashing lor..hee..must demo? but sure, i can demo but i definately cannot flash super fast. this takes practise too! i think my speed of flashing as compared to kimberly's teacher is maybe only 30%. itsy hse got flashcards or not? else i can bring a few small ones.
me lah, i am the old horse, not milkyway, she's a 80s baby!

I am also using blogger (http://www.quintessentialmoments.blogspot.com/) and I think Kam is also using blogger (http://babyhaore.blogspot.com/) - erm, Kam, you dont mind hor, I like your latest gingerbreadman entry! !(the kids at the cove went to see the gingerbread man show!)

And Kam also has a lot of parenting info in her blog, when I need something I just go to her blog to search, like when I had to check out stuff on USS, I read her blog instead of google

But hor, I think wordpress has more fancy layout options!
Itsy invite FTWM must include me... But hor the SAHM must also go ur house for weekend playdate... Or else FTWM dunno what to teach leh... Dun think we hv time for these fun mini projects..

Thanks for the info on blogging. Gosh I really am very ignorant. Went into blogger & created a test blog & it's a big mess hahahaha. I need more practice.


Hmm.. I thought there was more than 2 horses in this thread. *scratch head* Who's the missing horse? Quick own up!
About blogging.

The two popular and most common free blog host are BLOGGER and WORDPRESS. More or less the same, you can try both before you decide on one. I am very familiar with blogger so I would stick to this. I tried wordpress for fun, but I can't get myself into it. Sandwich converted from Blogger to Wordpress and she likes it.

You can always back-up your blog. There is free software to help you do back-up. As in everything in IT, you need to do back-up, the risk is always there.

In case you are interested, you can use a service provider like Blog2Print, they will help you to extract all the info on your blog (text and photos, but not video), and you can opt to get it as PDF file (pretty cheap) or printed it out as hardcopy (very ex). I use their service once a year. I got the PDF copy for my 1 year worth of blog, then I printed it out myself and got in binded.

Thank you for your great support :) Oh yes, the gingerbread man show was really good. Another coming up in May/June and we sure will go! K went along too for the show?

Er.. er.. how to back up? it's not the same as word documents where I just copy into another hard drive leh. *stressed*
Jul, milkyway
Qing 熟女 mean 轻熟女
) younger version
i used to blog too before i had kimberly. though i never blog on kimberly, i have a handwritten diary...but then after she was born never really update. hehe.. more on my pregnancy journey. i always wanna start blogging again but nv got down to doing it. jul i used to use blogger. v easy to use. i think wordpress seems abit more complicated though some say its much better. if u want basic easy to use, then i think blogger is good enough!
I haven't tried it. But there is free software like Codeplex that can help you to keep a copy of your blog on your local disk. And also like what I described to Waiwai, I got it in PDF and printed it out. Still not enough back-up ah, how much back-up you want :p
Jul / Kam - thanks! I think my mentality is more matured! -.-it's also due to them that cause such things. If they don't keep pestering, it will become once in a blue moon thingy and I think it's ok.. Whenever he mix around w them, we always end up quarrelling that night or nx day cos of what took place.. But when he's w his army frens even if gg to same kind of places, I'm fine. I just dnw why!
I've been saying so much till he ask me stop it, too naggy! Ok great so I've been v quiet lately. I didn't talk much. I want him to calm down and think is he really behaving more like what he should be or still the same old fella who always make me so mad w his actions. Last time he ever said that it's my duty to look after z and I got so mad cos I said he also has the responsibility and it's not just to work and earn money! He has to do a part w his upbringing teaching feeding too. I told him I can Also work and earn money to support z! Then he kept quiet.... Nvm these days I'm so tired and sick of saying or nagging so shall rest my throat and heart. Few days ltr he might sense I'm not right liao and will see if he improves and wanna have a proper chat w me or not! He cannot handle z alone ESP if he's cranky but I can yet he can say I cannot handle one still wanna handle two! When he rushing for time or at supermarket, he always wAnt me carry z and not him.. I just have to give him one session of just he and z alone at supermarket and a List of items to buy wout me helping! He has no patience and has to learn! Z is his child.. Last time when my niece always w me and him gg out.. He find her a little hard to look after but as compared to z, she's so much easier to look after and bring out!!!! Easy one also cannot handle then now own child so tough to handle he cannot at all. He has to learn somewhere someday! 

Itsy - yah but yours is mj mine is drinking. His friends all no wife no kids so can play all day all night like owl . Those who married le w kids all hardly meet up lor.. So I always say why this and this can no need meet yet you must! And a whole chunk of shit come out and I say shut up! My hb got attitude problem la! I kind of getting v sick of him at times le.. Die! Too frequent arguements till I no feel and just hack care.. Ytd he went out and came back almost 1am I didn't even bother to call or MSG him.. Then he tried to be nice to me wait for me zz but when he saw I on my laptop he kinda pissed n go zz. I also want hv my me time lor.. He finish his me time then want me do this do that I must do meh. I settle z Liao then cannot do wad I wan meh. So angry! 

Milkyway - he also find me v naggy so nw I stop nagging le. If I ask him fr help, he finds that I one also cannot handle how to have more?!?! If I nv ask him fr help, he finds that since i can handle he can do what he want!?!?! The prob lies w his stupid brain! But sometimes if he gd mood he will auto bathe fr z.. Else he just do what he want!! So far he only been bathing him and fetching us back lor... He does help w housework but I would want him put more effort and quantity and quality time w z as well as me.. Really dnw what to do to mk him wake up! Else his wife run away le and it's too late! Hahahahahaha

Ah... why not 半熟女 like half-boiled egg? I'll be the hard-boiled egg. Muahahaha


Enough lah. I'm stressed coz I'm so clueless, not bcoz I dun have enough backup. Ok ok.. Codeplex is the free software to back up to my hard disk. And Blog2Print is the pdf one?


I think I'll stick to blogger. I'm already not very 'zai', better stick to simple things haha

Er.. no offense but I think I meant more of settling the problem with your relationship first. Don't think abt No 2 at all. If you think he shd help out more with Z, tell him to do so! For eg, bathe him, wash his bowls/cups, play with him, teach him etc or hsework like wash toilet, mop floor etc. Don't sit there & EXPECT him to do. Tell him what you feel he shd be doing & whether he is able to do these.

A house is not a home unless both people pitch in & carry the burden.
What I meant is look at Shichida and finding out more. Oh! did you mean K is attending Shichida now? Is the class good? How young was she when she started?

I also heard that GD's culture and Shichida's culture is very different although both also doing flashcards. If I'm not wrong, GD's method advise to intro 3 new words per day right? Flashing 3 sets of 5 cards, 3 times a day. Their Maths is 6 new numbers per day? But Shichida is 10 numbers a day, 10 days finish up to 100! Wow!

Sure, will feedback when I start class. Now, just looking forward to it.
Jul - he washes toilet always not me cos I v clumsy and may fall so all along he scrubs and washes toilets. Sometimes he do laundry and mopping. Generally I'm doing housework cos I'm not working. He bathes him at times.. Play at times.. Can say it's 20% better than before he went fr deployment cos tt time it was much worst! I almost can ask z call him uncle instead. But v wierd z always find him and stick to him!! Lolx! Hais. If my hb thinks similar like me more matured, things would be much better.

Btw I also hv a blog but I private it so must give me ur email to invite but I v long nv update much like what I used to do almost daily. Hahaha I blog since I was a teenager so blogger should be quite steady. Hahahahaha!!

So tml I see you all at itsy's place!?! Who's gg?
yes, she's attending shichida now. started when she was 16mths. we're close to completing 1 term already. ya, i find the class not bad. kimberly is the oldest in her class by the way!!

honestly, i can't really remember what is GD's exact method, i last read it when i was in 3rd trimester! but it is really quite 'siong' from what i can remember. for english i think its change 1 new card a day, use 3 sets of 5 cards each, and recommended to do 3x a day each!multiply that with maths, mandarin and encyclopedic cards, you'd be flashing like 36x a day if u do the full range! kekeke... i couldn't do it! i tried for a while just for english n maths but gave up! cannot make it...how to? like that no life lah...every half hr will be flashing cards lor! no lah...who told u that shichida must do 10 numbers a day and 10 days finish up to 100 cards?! keke.. did ur friend told u so? no wonder u have the impression that shichida is so intensive n stressful! =p its more like change 1 or 2 cards a day. actually i'm quite relax abt the number of times i flash cards. if my teacher know i think she will shake her head. but aiyo...i think this is the best i can do lah...i also wanna do other things and not spend all my day just flashing cards! i see some progress even though i'm not that intensive and i'm quite happy with what i see.
jul, Paige
me not very 80s too lah.. This yr waiting for letter liao! Lol

think u just have to talk to him and hope he grows up soon, be more responsible as a father and husband.

U funny leh "like half-boiled" eggs... LOL!

have fun tmr to those going to the playdate
nope, she didnt as it was an outing just for nursery and K1

But the brochure says 2 years and above though....hmmm, maybe I'll bring her in May if there's another show then! she likes it a lot, as the teachers had a prelude to the show, they were telling the Nursery and K1 kids about the story line and prep them about the show, so Kate's class got to participate in some of the 'fringe' ativities .

I'm also a very new blogger, only started around august last year...but i have to say blogger is very user friendly

huh? what letter?!

wow, Kimmy is learning a lot of stuff hor!

so sad I'll be missing the fun, am sure you guys will have a great time! upload photos on facebook!!
<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
Yap, I have flash cards.. a bit 'mouldy' liao cos never flash them for loooong time :p

<font color="119911">Paige</font>
Me too! I checked Kam's blog when I wanted to bring Ian to the Zoo too.

<font color="119911">JUL</font>
Me horsie too
Hi mummies,
may i check do you still dream feed your toddler at 10pm if he already got his dinner at 7plus (2 bowls of porridge or rice). My son has been drinking like 50-100ml at 10pm and doze off. He used to drink 200ml before I gave him porridge at 7 plus. I wonder do i still continue or forfeit this dream feed.
erm..don't think she is learning as much as the tods who are in CC. but i try lah to teach a bit here n there. keke... hopefully i'm doing it right.

replied u in FB already.

okie..then just use yours will do! see ya later...
for my girl, i stopped dreamfeeding for a very long time already. by dreamfeed u mean feeding when your bb is sleeping already rite? my girl takes dinner (usually porridge) at 6pm. then at 8pm she drinks 180ml before sleeping. 2 bowls of porridge sounds like a lot! maybe if u wish for him to drink more milk, u can try reduce the dinner amt. to continue or forfeit the last milk feed depends on how much milk u're feeding a day bah...if the amt is sufficient then maybe can forfeit. but i think its still good to have some milk before sleeping.
My blog's up! Yippee! Ok.. Ok.. I know, I'm very weird to get such a thrill from something like this, but you have to udnerstand that it's a major achievement for me! Muahahaha

I think I made my blog private though, so.. ermm.. if anyone wants to take a look at it, gotta send me something for me to invite right? Oops.. gotta figure out HOW to do that now haha
I just want to pre alert you guys, if you are sleeping with your tod, and you sleep braless, be careful okay? This is what happen to me last [email protected] and after that I cannot sleep keep thinking and thinking...

F co sleep with me and my hub on our queen size bed, we dun have bed frame so the bed is by the corner of the room. sometimes he sleep in between us, sometimes he sleep inside, i sleep in the middle and my hub usually sleep outside facing the floor.

I usually dun sleep with my bra on, but i only go bra-less when i am about to sleep so i took off my bra and will put at a corner of the bed with my specs, his water bottle, tissue etc etc.. nothing happened for the past 17mths until last night.

F was sleep and call for me.. "ma ma" "ma ma" "ehhh ehhh". Usually I "ignore" him and pretend to sleep cause he very manja and want me to pat him. bad habit. or he drop his pacifier and wan me to put into his mouth. But last night i got up and tot mayb he thristy wan to drink water, and check on him. He was in a position where he giap the neh neh pok in his arms and the strap "entangled" his neck!!! its very tight and i quickly took off the strap. I really got a shock of my life leh. I dunno how he go and take the bra or what, mayb he tot is his blankie or his chou chou or his bolster or what... but this "accident" made me cannot sleep, he cannot also cannot sleep soundly after that like keep tossing and turning here or there.. i was so lucky that i woke up in time. or else... i cannot think....

so, here i wrote in this forum to share, if any of you also got this habit like mine, please be careful. Mayb have to throw the bra further not on the bed or hang up behind your closed door...

I am ok now, after cool down, i half laugh half feel so blessed... like ... wah lau how come something like dat also can happen... kena tangled by bra strap....
it my last day at my current work place today!!..
but starting new wk next week le... sobz..

wah.. suddenly too many post to read le.. no time to read today!
have to rush their last min wk thrown to me.. then need to spend time to backup all my personal stuff in the pc... and need to pack up and clear my space too.. sigh...

Matured women club.. im in too.. hit 30 since last yr.. sobz..

i wanna join the bento lessons too!! =(
wah so scary...
heng nothing happen...

i go b**less too when sleep but i take it out immediately after i reach home...
so bra will be in my room while we sleep in another room...
Ya lor.. Something we tot won't happen.. Nx time u b very careful.. I cannot go bra less once I'm home.. Got mil fil bil...... So many pple... :x
i think i'd probably be late too! kimberly still not sleeping! still singing song n talking to her toys n rolling around in her cot!
Lucky u woke up to check on him!

Playdate at my place
Ian is still rolling on the bed.. Pls quickly sleep...
<font color="aa00aa">cindy</font>

for me, i also dun go braless till its bed time. But I normally use strapless, jaelle dun bunk with me on my bed n i dun leave my bra on the bed. so this makes it pretty out of reach for her...
You so lucky,

Eversince my gal recovered from the stomach flu, kept asking for food. How? After her dinner yesterday, she took biscuit. When I'm having dinner, she joined. After that she saw maid still feeding gorgor, she go mum mum again. Noone eating, she will point at the biscuit and shout for it. faintz.
Wah, so scary. Good that F is ok.

Er..your gal has recovered from stomach flu? Then why don't give her food? She'll be hungry right? Pardon my questions is they are silly. Inexperienced.
Talking about blogs, is it possible to turn FB into a blog? I mean, I see this status update and it's really quite a daily thingy right (for most people at least)?
Does it have a function where it pulls up all your status and compiles them into one document or something?
Enjoy the playdate.. Take more photos of the ongoing 'class'
Yup, I am thankful that I check on him.. Like a mother's instinct.. Phew~

Its good that she has good appetite. My boy also just recover from his cough. Last few nights , he vomits after milk feed.

Since his 15mth check up , his growth is stagnant - ht &amp; wt. So sad .
They had given her plenty of food and she ate non-stop. Imagine she wanted more porridge after the bowl, eat biscuit after that n ate a few spoon of rice with me n tooks a few spoon of gor gor porridge from 630 to 730pm. Within an hr.

MIL complaint she kept asking for food. Scold her and she cry. No choice but to give. Her tummy was flat on sun nite and now floated again after 2 days.

Good, Vomit is good way to remove phegm. Those that don't vomit will have issue. My gal went kk to remove phegm last time.
There is this 'Page' thingy in FB. It works some what like a blog. Kam has used it before, and the other person Paige I think - author of "A Dollop Of Me"? I am thinking of starting a 'Page' since I am those kind who prefers to use a few sentences to express my feelings and things I want to say. I am not too good in flowery language which I can write up a few paragraphs.. hehe.. And I hope to post photos too..

yes thats what i thought too, he is taking the adult serving (those we got from food court-fish porridge). I guess he already very full thats why he dont take much. Think i should continue to dream feed him. Last night i only gave him 60ml milk with multi grain cereal with cake and a bottle of yakult - thought its enough, but he keep on crying, i got to give him a pack of biscuits with 100ml gripe water, then he smile...fainzzzz
