(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

hey pamelia, ijus came back from OUB Centre. ya. i bought a few too. size range from 0-6 months.

Kiddo & Milky, wanna go meet for lunch den head to OUB centre tmr??

Kiddo is coming down from tanjong pagar, so we arrange the time and venue and i'll sms her. As for food, she dont want rice. wanna go mos again?? hehe

anyone else joining?

Did you buy the Kimono styled one? I bought the maroon one with flowers... ^^

About Lunch -

The Lunch crowd at OUB is CRAZY!!!!

I had my lunch at 2pm after the crowd was gone...

Only to realize... This don't have, That don't have... Which annoyed the hell out of me when they didn't tell us what wasn't available beforehand and I was ordering everything that was FINISHED!
thanks milky for arranging.
how abt u gers meet first. den i call you once i reach. cos my timing depends on my boss's schedule, so very uncertain.
*huichern*, *mama to 6Js*

I too has thalassaemia (this is the correct spelling) alpha 'minor', however it's juz trait...meaning a carrier. that means it does not pose any threat to our health and no treatment is required. BUT if hubby is having thalassaemia or a carrier too, the chances of the bb borned with 'major' will increase to 50%/75%. the most severity situation of this disease is that the person with the condition need blood transfusion...

thalassaemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes anaemia. the blood cells contain abnormal haemoglobin that causes the red blood cells to break down rapidly...

So...i guessed both of u are only juz having the traits or simply juz carrier like me bah??? otherwise treatment will be required de...

most impt hub doesn't has this condition...so worst case for us is our children will be carrier like us only...

I still take chinese herbs and tonics...if not sure expecting mothers can consume or not, can always check with the pple at in the chinese medical hall...

pple say essence of chicken is heaty but i don't care also, when i want to drink i drink, abt 2/3 times per wk...

don't know how true abt bird nest but i consumed a lot in my 1st pregnancy and my eldest gal has the best and fairest complexion...the 1st thing pple notice and comment abt her is that: wah why u so fair arh?? haha...but think many mommies here will beg to differ...guess is the genes also bah...
hi guys, sorry to intrude, can you pls help me pass along the following job vacancy to someone who may be keen?

<font color="ff0000">Senior / Administrative Assistant, Corporate Planning</font>

<font color="0000ff">The Challenges</font>
You will provide administrative support to the Corporate Planning department. As part of your duties, you will assist in the organization and logistics of Board meetings, management meetings and strategic retreats. Other deliverables include scheduling of department matters and handling all payment systems for the department, such as raising of payment requests. From time to time, you will also be required to handle the organization’s general calls and mails. You may also be assigned other ad-hoc duties as required.

<font color="0000ff">The Requirements</font>
- Minimum GCE “A” Level or Polytechnic Diploma
- Minimum 2 years of relevant working experience
- Event management and secretarial experience would be an advantage
- Possess good writing and conversational skills
- Energetic, positive-minded individual who is meticulous and organized
- Independent team player with good interpersonal skills
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications is required
- Full time

<font color="0000ff">Details</font>
Location: Commonwealth
Working hours: 8.30 to 6pm, Monday to Friday
Firm: National Healthcare Group

PM me if you wish to know the salary range.
Thank you so much!
yes im just a carrier, else u wont see me here already :p i thought thalasemia does not cause anaemia? i not too sure abt this.

next time i think impt for us to highlight this to our kids hor? cos if they r carriers like us, then must tell them to try look for spouse who doesnt carry this gene right? or at least they should be aware of it. not like me blur blur for 30 yrs!

Then my mother must have taken lots of birds nest when she had me, because my friends and people around me say I have the skin of a florescent light bulb... XD

Antenatal Class,

I've booked my class! Which mommy will be going for the 11th June class with Wong B.B? ^^
Mama26J &amp; girlygirly

Yah, must get my DD check too. If she happens to be a carrier then next time her partner must not be a carrier. Btw, my mum is the one that pass the thess to me &amp; my bro.

They have size for that? I don't think so... All looks the same... I only remember it says 11kg on the sticker.

My only fear is that BB will find the fabric a tad too stiff... Maybe will try soaking it in softener. LOL
*mama to 6Js*, *huichern*
ya think we have so many kids, sure one of them same like us, being a carrier. our parents generation where gt have blood tested. my mom don't even go for regular ante-natal check-up. she says ai ya juz pregnant go check, want to give birth liao go check again nia lor, then give birth liao...
think gt this condition very mafan hor...cldn't have juz know ea other then ask the other party: eh u thalassaemia carrier?? and if went deeper into relationship then realized the other party is also carrier, then qin2 tian1 pi1 li4, how to break up...worst thing is married liao and conceived le, how?? terminate pregnancy or pray hard? jialut also...we are lucky...

ya ya can see fr ur pics that u have very gd complexion and skin...envy....like those of Fann Wong...my gal when go under the sun, will turn red instead of tan...for me, i will chao ta liao...i chao ta easily so i try to avoid the sun as much as possible...
Hi Mummies,
Thank you so much for you encouragement. Well currently another few months going to give birth if not I will be going Paris to upgrade my makeup skills the course take 9 mths to complete. Haiz... wrong timing leh ... Hmm.. Here ppl all speak French a very big problem. Most of the wife here usually have their own car and they will drive out themselves if not will be busy with the kids haha...The Singaporean wife not very friendly. All mostly hide at home and dun go out...:p

Have transferred the payment for my order from the Walmart Spree to u last night le. Please confirm. Thank U!
Morning Everyone !!

DD kenna rejected entry to childcare today. Having slight fever, so DH took urgent leave to take care of her.

Anyone here suffer from cervix ache...me feeling ache down there. Like kenna punch or what. I walk in a funny way due to the ache
i got aching at "v" area...
esp worst in the night when i lie in bed...
getting up and turning about in bed is a killer...
but walking is still ok...
hi jul_04.. thks for the welcome =)
i bought the farlin support band without chking out the band u all talking abt... was in a hurry too. lucky kiddy palace got 15% disc for non-members now... cost me $31.xx

hi Pamelia.. im taking the classes starting on 13 june... =)

hee.. looking forward to my chk-up tmr!! prepared all the questions to bombard my doc...
Morning gals!

Tdy's a busy day...

pamelia, jess

I am gog for 14 Jun class, even later than urs haha. Coz I wanted weekend class lah, coz me &amp; HB both working office hrs.


Ooh.. dun have those Sporean wife support groups there one ah?


The one we bot also ard same price, not that much cheaper. It's ok lah, impt is that u have to find it comfortable &amp; it's suitable for u.

giryl, jenifur

Yeah I was so stunned when that time the blood test stated that HB &amp; I cud have Thalassemia. Nearly fainted. Where got think so much one hor? Not very possible to go for BT b4 marriage, then break up b/c both got Thal right?

hui chern, cloudme

Yeah I got this "suan suan" feeling at thepelvis also. But it's not all the time, mostly once in a while when I'm walking. Think only when Babylet is naughty &amp; is pressing all his weight vertically down lor.
Hi all,
abt the ache near the pelvis area, i only have that when i have full bladder and did not release it in time, this occur at nite when i slp lor.. will wake up when i feel it's too full.. if i happen to slp till morn, then the ache gets worst...

Pamelia and Jess,
mine starts on 13 Jun 2pm...
<font face="comic Sans ms">Morning Mummy

Went TMC 24hr clinic yesterday night due to v bad tummy ache, tot I had eaten something wrong. But got a "surprise" instead when e doc said my cervic is already 1cm dilated. He was nice to ask if I need to call my gynae for 2nd opinion but I brush it aside *hee*

Praying for this noti boy to hang on till after 37wks

<font color="aa00aa">KiKi,

I like e diaper bag u ordered from Walmart, v sweet</font>

<font color="0000ff">Jul_04,

Shld be ard tt price based on my previous 2 sprees shipping charges lah. U go check out Aussino &amp; see how. They hving sale now, if not I also hv 15% off their regular price item.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hui Chern,

No worries!!! Have canceled yr order</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ling,

I've got yr transfer &amp; have updated my spree thread</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hui Chern/Cloud Me,

I've e aching pain too.. feel as though BB is pushing on it @ times. Gynae has warned me bout such pain, it gets worse w every pregnancy cuz e muscles r stretched liao</font>

<font color="0000ff">Spree Update
<ul>[*]Babymall Batch #1 items ETA @ CGW USA on 22-May-09. <LI>Babymall Batch #2 items ETA @ CGW USA on 25-May-09. <LI>Walmart Spree - Collecting order here <LI>Desitin Cream Spree - Collecting Order here <LI>Plush Pad &amp; Luxury Plush Minky Blanket Spree - Collecting Order here[/list]</font></font>


Ooh.. ok will look thru &amp; also take a look at ur sprees later. A bit busy these few days *sigh*

Huh? U're dilated liao? Is it possible to get dilated so early? Does it mean u need to be on bedrest or take meds to delay the contractions etc (coz u mentioned the last time u had to, to delay the delivery date)?
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul_04,

e doc ask me to rest but he nv prescribe me any medication. Anyway I seeing Dr. Wong next wk so might as well wait till then.

But I'm not worrying about it.... I've faith that things will work out fine. Jedidiah will hang in tere till it's e right time to come out. Doesn't matter if he wants to be out @ wk 35 like my DD, as long as his organs r fully functional &amp; weight is satisfactory

I gng Suntec tonite for my church service, will try to drop by e Aussino to help u go see see.</font></font>

U mean even tho u r 1cm dilated, Jedidiah will only come out ard 35 weeks? Then not so bad. I heard "dilated" &amp; I tot u were gog to give birth like next mth. Haha me so suaku.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul_04,

No lah... I mean I've faith that I will deliver him when the time is ripe lor. It doesn't mean tt he will only be out by 35 wks. I've heard of cases 24wk dilated liao den go into labour @ 28 wk. Haiz, Dr. Wong is gng to nag @ me again *hee*</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Mamato6Js,

^5.. God is my victory &amp; he is here!!! My triumph is on the way

<font color="aa00aa">milyway,

No known reason leh. When I delivered my #1 @ 35 wks, my 1st gynae attributed it as she's overweight. She weighs 2.81kg @ birth.

So for my 2nd pregnancy, I totally stay away from durain but still my cervix was 2cm dilated ard 28wks. Dr Wong said it wld be inherited but no one in my family had such problem. In e end also no conclusion, only thing is to take medication to stop contraction &amp; delay labour. I managed to delay my #2 till 37wks &amp; he was only 2.68kg @ birth

Prob like wat e midwife said, my cervix jus open up v fast lor. It was dilated from 5cm to 10 in less den 10mins during my 2nd labour. Totaly freaked e midwife out as I was still chatting laughing w my DH &amp; suddenly I said I wana push!!</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Ling,

For newborn, 1 tube shld last u bout 2mths. But hor it also depends on how generously u applied. If u like my DH, apply thick thick den 1 tube only 1 mth or less.</font></font>

okies.. can help me update ur spree? I wana order 6 tubes of the desitin creamy. collection at sembawang. Might change collection to ur place when the stocks arrive. Will liase again? Thanks!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Ling,

I've updated your order... cham.. I'm gng crazy shopping online.. jus saw a sling that I wana get. I oredi got 2 carrier liao, my DH is gng to kill me
How about hinting to any friends who might want to buy you a gift?

I'm feeling under the weather today. Keep having this annoying tummy ache and feeling so sleepy although I slept really early last night. And I have a 6pm work meeting later. sighsss

Sorry.. Can I understand more on this destiny creamy? Anyone used it before? Seems like suite a few mummies are ordering. Is it good?

Mickey from aug09 shared this, and it sounds great:

JUST TO SHARE: KIDZLOFT 50% for pregnant mummies Just have to print out the voucher.
Hello Mommies~

I wanted a weekend class... But my salon is busy on weekends and so I chose the night class on the 11th.

It's held at AMK hub right?

I hope there will be no parking problems.
btw... just curious... anybody thinking to set a "gift registry" type of memo or maybe blog etc.. so that ur friends can know what to buy for u when they ask abt buying gifts for the bb? =)
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Ling,

Hahaha... later not only my DH kills me, yr DH also wan to strangle me.

@ least yrs is a 1st born so got reason to shop. I oredi 3rd kid liao leh... still buy &amp; buy like is my 1st born. DH said he's gng to confiscate my laptop soon.

This is the sling but I'm getting from this site cuz cheaper. </font>

<font color="aa00aa">HappyMrsKoh,

So far I've tried Drapolene Cream, Anakku Cream, Johnson baby nappy cream, California baby diaper cream &amp; Desitin. Find e cream from CB &amp; Desitin works e best. But CB too ex so stick with Desitin lor</font>

<font color="0000ff">Corsage,

Try liao leh but end up also come different things. So now I always tell them if want to give den give vouchers or diapers or cash *hee*</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Claire,

Thanks for sharing. Gd timing since I need to go shop for pressie for my DS &amp; DD on behalf of Jedidiah.</font></font>
my #2 has given a bicycle for #1 jiejie...
but hor for #1 give didi...i now headache...
dun know wat to get for #2 on behalf of #1...
