(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Adv sports, united sq has many baby boutiques and stuff.. It also have vitakidz where I get most of claire's jar food from.
Another place that I like now is Tanglin Mall where I bring Claire to her Kindermusik class every week and their supermarket has a good selection of organic food and wider variety of HT jar food.. heee

claire looks so cute biting the biscuit :p
her expression is like "duno what mama gave me, so hard to bite.. sianz.." haa

adv sports,
same here! YA's hair shaved when he was full month.. till date his hair still standing tall! gosh, hope we are not having stubborn babies :p

my fav is also united sq! coz got my fav food there also.. haa.. and many bb boutiques, stroller friendly also

btw, i remembered u mentioned abt ur boy's milk strike. may i know how long it last? YA still on milk strike and it has been a month.. he's really testing my patience man! duno is it because of teething..

YA's 1st tooth was out on 5mth 1 wk and i thought it was early! coz my elder boy had his 1st when he was 7th month +... not sure is it because of this he dun like to drink milk and not hungry at all.. daytime interval can go up to 6hours and night time 13 hours!
hi mummies,
pls add ur name below for gathering @ Cheekz's place

BIG gathering
date : 27th Nov 09 (Hari Raya Haji)
time : 12 - 5pm
location : function room @ east of SG (Cheekz's place)
food : each individual to buy from cafe near the function room

1) juju + bb
Re: PhotoShoot

1. Is there any expiry date once we sign up? Cos some of our babies are not able to sit upright yet w/o support.
Ans: The package is valid for 6 months or till the baby is 1 year old,whichever is later.
2. How much is per photos if we wish to select more than the 5 pictures given to us?
Ans: Every additional 5" x 7" image with softcopy is $30.
3. If we wish to purchase all the photos, how much is it going to be?
Ans: For group sign up babies, you can purchase the complete softcopy at $250 instead of the usual $300 for normal customers.

Finally got the answer from them... Here you go !! So please PM me with your details and I will consolidate from there. I hope we can hit 20 paxs, including myself and friend already have 6 !!
Re: Teething
Talking about teething...My gal 1st tooth as erupted officially last week! And she has bite me so hard that she cracked both my nipples!! Grrr! I tried to scold her, pinch her nose n beat her mouth when she bites me during latching..but she still bites leh! How arh? Very painful to latch her now.

Re: Hubby is not in town!
Thank goodness its day 4 liaoz and hubby will be back tomolo nite! My #1 has been so cranky these few days. Everywhere and anytime, it will be " MUMMY" . When i attempt to drop her off at the childcare, she will cling to me n refuse to let me go. Such situation will not happen if its the daddy or grandma who sends her there. Anyway, i m like a MULTI-TASKING woman...running here n there plus endless meetings..GRR!!! n it does not help when hubby is going to fly off to Vietnam for another 7 days next week.
does that mean that total cost is $250 for the photo-taking including softcopy or additional $250 for softcopy?

if its total of $250 including softcopy, i want!!
oki, so hw much is the whole thing?

adv sports, yes i hand expressed 3 times a day for lk 45 mins each time. till i gt used to it, it shortened to 30mins..

shers, joanne lin is jling. rmb her? she posted a few times here before!
good morning mummies

re: push up babies
this morning, burst out laughing at the sight of yuan2 doing push up
she reversed till the end of the cot and kept on pushing -- hands straight, lift up butt and push back... when she was tired, will flop face down on the mattress... then repeat over again...

re: photoshoot
oki, on seanlau's website -- there is additional charge for weekend bookings. Is this inclusive is our deal?

*There will be an additional charge of $35 for weekend bookings.
*Additional pax can be included in the session for $35

shers, $250 for softcopy of all photo is exclusive of the promo package @ $188 for > 20 mummies signup.

re: spikey hair
dodo, haha, than yuan2 should meet up with YA to take a pic together!

re: united sq
cool, will bring yuan2 there soon
Hi dodo,
Are you back in SG already? I rememebered you stayed in KL for a period of time. Do you bring your baby to enrichment classes in KL?
Morning mummies! Yesterday brought Le Xuan for her last 6-in-1 jab so didn't log in. She didn't cry and even smiled at the PD when we're leaving! She was active as usual, and although she slept at 7pm, her daddy woke her up at 10am and she didn't sleep till 2am (cos she was uncomfy as she had fever) and woke up at 330am and 430am. So tiring! I told my colleagues I'm so happy to be back at work! Really salute all SAHMs!

bean: Claire is really advanced in her motor skills! My PD commented that usually 7.5months then babies can tripod sit (sitting by supporting with hands) and yet Claire can stand up already and sit on high chair! What do u feed her?

dodo: hair standing means stubborn ah? my girl's hair also standing de leh! die liao, she's cow year, horoscope taurus and her hair is standing! super stubborn!

Re: United Sq
I wanna go too! But it seems so out of the way. I'll prob go next weekend to see the motherhood exhibition also..

Re: pacifiers and sleeping
My girl doesn't use pacifiers also, she'll cry and scream if we shove it in her mouth. For sleeping, she usually latches to sleep. if she's full and sleepy (dun wanna latch) my hubby will carry her to sleep. I wish my girl can be like feb_mum's and adv_sports' babies, can sleep herself. if we leave her to sleep herself, she'll play with her bolster and pillows and be more awake!

Re: Reverse gliding
my girl is gliding backwards and in circles too! she's be v pek chek cos she'll be further and further from the thing she wanna reach out for.
hi mummies,

i going to take lot of leave to take care of my bb. my nephew(6 yrs old) yday confirmed h1n1.
so my mum was taking care both of them...so no choice to bb back cos mum may kenna also.
sian....wait no more leave go hoilday...
Tiny M,
She is on breast milk and total organic food and drinks. donno if its due to the orangic food??!?!?!she eats 3 solid meals a day now..
tiny_m, haha, same same -- yuan2 also v pek chek when her toys r further to reach! this morning, when i drop her off @ IFC, the teachers say they will put up bumper on the wall -- coz yuan2 reverse glide so fast and always stuck at the wall :p

bean, is that how claire started crawling? yuan2 dunno how to sit unsupported yet... thot should be sit, crawl then walk?

wow, 3 solid meals per day! i only feed yuan2 1 soild per day...
I read somewhere online that eating organic food helps the baby develop faster which is not scientifically proven yet.. There is one boy who could play golf like an adult at 5 years.. He ate total organic food since birth.. hee
But certain juices, I'm having difficultly to find organic... so I mixed a little of Heinz juice lor.. heee so probably I cannot say total.. 98% maybe. haha
Adv sports,
Yes, when she started with this hip lifiting thingy, she could sit up with her hands supporting.. then she progressed to sitting unsuppported, then sitting up by herself, then crawling forwards. She could not glide backwards/forwards before that.. She just kept sitting up after she flipped over..
Wah Claire eats all organic food ar? Haha.. but I guess it could be genetic/other factors rather than the food she takes..

My boy is also learning to stand already (he will grab on sofa and stand) and he is crawling.. and sitting unsupported (not as straight as Claire tho).. tho I am pretty hesitant to let him sit, coz my mum kept telling me dun let him sit first, later he got hunch back..
And main point: my boy is not eating any organic food, just normal things that I get from ntuc and puree for him hehehe..

He can say mama… papa.. jeje… and when he sees ppl eating, he will say mum.. mum… I guess partially it is due to us and jie jie talking non-stop during the day and singing the whole day long..

Every kid develops differently but they will ultimately head to the milestone that they are supposed to achieve..

my boy milk strike was for 2 month from 4 month to 6 months..for now, its not like he is drinking loads but at least he drink when he is in concious state unlike in the past, we have to feed him in semi concious state.

bean, i also pro organic..but my hubby is not..so difficult..must compromise
Maybe if your boy had eaten organic, he will develop even faster? hahaa Anyway its not scientifically proven, so its up to the individual to believe in it. Anyway my main point of eating organic is not to develop fast.

Its not to let Claire eat all the pesticides in veges and fruits and the meat will not contain any antibodies injections.

Jaime, my hubby also not that into organic but then he lets me decide on my girl's food.. so Its okie for me. Do you let your baby eat mainly organic? Sometimes its difficult to find all the fresh ingredients to puree it, right?
Bean, Jamie
My hubby is not into organic also.. and I am not into it also, so all my family just eat whatever is from NTUC hahaha!

I still hope to have a quieter boy, coz my girl was equally active as a young baby! PPl said one active, one tends to be quieter, but in my case, both seems the same to me.. *sweat*
Guess wat, my boy always snatches jie jie’s toys! And Jie jie doesn’t like didi to mess up with her things..
hello mummies

adv, my boy now had 2 solid meals and 2 fm feed per day at ifc..the caregivers feedback that he loves HT brown rice cereal ! hahaha

shers, when is the order arriving ?

bean, claire really looks like a big girl now ! so long never see her already..hehe..i distributed the HT teether biscuits to the older babies at ifc since my jaeden dont like..so now he is taking baby bites and he loves it loads..thinking of getting other flavour for him to try

re : pacifier
my boy can hold the pacifier and put it into his mouth by himself now..so when drop, he will try to grab and put back..unless it falls too far away from him then he will yell for us

re : gathering on 27th nov
sorry, i cant attend anymore...is PH..so hb say prefer to go somewhere
Claire is so clever! I think its not only the organic food, she's a genius! Like those IQ high, PSLE top student, O level top student.. Hehe andrea still trying to sit up!! And u know she's rejecting babynat fruit cereal.. Doesn't want to eat anything!! Except drinking milk. Claire is a genius, she will take her grade 8 piano exam before she finishes pri sch

Wow sounds like ur boy is also v advanced! Take video of him crawling n standing n calling mama papa leh.. So nice to watch claire crawling, show video of ur boy too!
bean, thanks -- will keep a lookout when she makes the transition... probably i will miss it as she spends most of her time @ IFC...

is claire still swimming @ hwa xia? wanna bring babies for swimming on Nov 30(mon)?

porky, jaeden clever boy -- know how to put back the pacifier
does it matter which side he put in? Yuan2 sometimes will put back the wrong side (NUK pacifier) but still happily chut chut!

btw, what's jaeden feeding time like? and the amt? for yuan2 feeding time :-
7am - latch
10am - FM 200ml
1pm - EBM 60ml + 1 baby cube of homemade rice cereal + 1 baby cube of vege puree
5pm - FM 200ml
8pm - FM 200ml

during weekend i combine 1 milk feed with cereal (can last her up to 6 hours)
7am - latch
10.30am - FM 120ml + 1 baby cube of homemade rice cereal + 1 baby cube of vege puree
4.30pm - FM 200ml
8pm - FM 200ml
adv, 30 nov swimming i might be joining too..let u know nearer to date k

ours is tommee tippee, so any side is ok de...he will stare at the pacifier for sometime, then twist and turn, finally put into his mouth and let go his finger and happily sucking with loud sound..hahaha

jaeden feeding :
8am - 200ml
11am - 2 tblesp HT cereal with fm
2pm - 180ml
4.30pm - 3 tblesp HT cereal with fm
7pm - 180ml
11pm - 200ml sleep zzzzz

weekend i haven tried to feed him cereal yet...last sun is failed mission...
hi bean,

not so much for those fresh food, but those cereal, baby jar, biscuit (buy but haven introduce) mostly organic. but as more food being intro, think its tougher to go truly organic.

hi mummies who send baby to IFC,
can let me know the downside? still undecided whether to send or not.

i spoke to a fren, lots of problem - falling sick, feeding too advance food, nappy rash, other mobile infant "bullying her baby", if got problem created by IFC cannot blame IFC , still have to be nice coz her baby is in their hands.

Will try to video some things for Kea.. but no promise, coz at the end of the day, i am so tired with the 2 of them that I would rather sleep haha..

Actually, when we have #2, we don't take video at all/take picts also not much (used to take everyday for Meg previously).. My girl also last time called papa at tender age of 7 mths.. i have the videos of hers (calling papa, started walking at 11 mths, etc)
porky, ur boy sleep so late? my boy use to sleep 9 plus 10 which i thought its quite late oredi..nowadays trying to push to sleep by 9 so that i can watch "daddy at home".

actually ah, at 6-7 months, what is the ideal milk intake be it formula or EBM?
jaime (preciouzalex),

re: IFC
i put my gal in IFC since she is at week 14 till now 6mths. so far so good. last week, her teacher in chargd asked me if i'm ready to let my gal taking the cereals, as they are providing white rice cereal and brown rice cereal to the infants there. so far still quite happy with their service.
what do you meant by feeding too advance food?
they mentioned 2-3 weeks from the last order.. so i think still have to wait another 1-2 weeks.. somemore yrs is added much later..

lil andrea doesnt like fruit cereal? the smell alone is so nice already.. or is it because she isnt ready for semi solid yet? how abt starting her with fruits 1st?
porky, sure, let me know
IFC closed for spring cleaning -- so thot of bringg yuan2 for swim @ HF... wanna finish up her swim package fast!

haha, me n hubby also failed mission when we first feed cereal to yuan2... IFC said she cried for more... so i went down to video how they feed her -- same way leh... so conclusion, it's who is feeding her (she likes the head teacher)... so at home, we feed her some milk first then continue with cereal -- that's y can last longer till 6 hrs...

jaeden sleeps late -- so has 1 more feed
yuan2 usually KO by 9pm -- no matter wat time is her last feed, she want milk at 8pm+...

jaime, i m happy with yuan2's IFC -- coz she is happy there
always smile at the teachers when they welcome her in the morning.

dun be put off by what u hear... go visit a few IFC and if u find it ok, let justin give it a try -- he may like it

for food @ IFC, though yuan2's IFC provide meals, i prefer to give them homemade food. Will let yuan2 eat their food after i let her try all the different food(veg/fruits/meat)...

oic.... according to the ifc that my gal is going, in their menu they are offering vege porridge at the moment. i dun see any meat involved yet.

i agreed with adv sports, do visit and ask more questions. u will find which ifc is more suitable for your bb.

i did stay there the first 3 days. so i'm quite comfortable and feeling at ease with their handling.
jaime: i also thinking of putting my girl in IFC, next year Mar like that. am shortlisting a few then visit them..
My PD says can start to feed pork porridge already leh, fish must wait till 7 months. We'll still only giving cereals, fruits and veg, i told my mum to delay porridge till 7 months then can feed together with the fish.

Re: Feeding baby
I think babies know who to bully! I can't feed my girl cereals too! She'll "pui" all over me! I cna only feed her with my mum supervising, she doesn't dare to play around with my mum. when my mum feeds her, she ate very quickly. think i'm too slow or the cereal i make not nice.. sigh..

rc_cola: Wow.. Kea also v advanced. I can't imagine if my girl talks!

bean: Do u use organic fruits & vegs to make puree too?
wa.. some of the babies here can glide..crawl.. walk...happening. My boy lazi one.. can oni sit abit. dun like tummy time n dun flip either haha..but as long as he's happy n active can ler..

regardin milk intaake, i juz ask my pd today when my boy went for the 6mth jab.. she calculate for me based on his weight..tink recommended amount based on weight but different babies will still hav different variation oso ba..for me eg. 10kg need 4feedings at 160ml but this is mission impossible for me coz my boy on milk strike for quite sometime..

anyone try giving millet rice before? ask pd say can giv. goin to try intro to boy oso coz millet rice is packed with nutrients as well hehe.. if u use slow cooker to cook the texture is v smooth de.. v nice!!
jaime/adv, actually my boy slept at 9pm after the 7pm feed...but he sure will wake up for another feed at 11pm then cont. his sleep till like 4am then feed again...

re : ifc
jaime, i put my boy at ifc since 11weeks till now...for the first 2 weeks, he got flu, cough, diarrhoe...i wrote in to the director for an explanation...so she put 1 main caregiver to my boy until he fully recovered from his diarrhoe...

actually i am quite satisfied with their service, like adv, my boy will smile to all the caregivers there every morning when we drop him...he will play and dont bother to look at us when we say bye bye and left..watever new stuff they gg to feed him, they will ask mummy and make sure we sign a letter before they start..even cut nails now also need to sign..but i dont mind all the signing loh at least i know wat they are gg to do..hahaha

tinym, i m gg to try again this sun...my boy also dont give me face when i feed him cereal...
tiny m,
ya ya my pd today oso ask me giv porridge..

feeding baby,
same as me! my boy will bully me oso.. if my mum feed, super smooth. i feed the cereal can land all over the place :p dunno why...
bean, hailey nw on HT cereal! let's hope the organic powers work on her ba! haha! i think claire takes in a lot of milk and cereal rite? maybe tt's y she's so strong too! the high chair pic is very impressive! she can tahan sitting for hw long?

a question: when do we knw when the babes are full? lk i gif hailey 5 tbsp nw and still can down 70-80ml! does tt mean the cereal nt enuf? she used to slp thru the nite bt i think abt 2-3 wks she start to wake once a nite alr..
twinkle, i am the one asking the caregiver to cut nails for my boy leh...cos i no time to cut for him aft fetch him back...at night cut very dangerous mah...but last time no need to sign form, now just started to sign only

i juz read abt this from this food pamplet by gerber:
full signs
- turns his head away from spoon
- spits out famaliar food or pushes it away
-becomes distracted or notices surroundings more

Tiny M

I personally dun think my boy is advance at all.. I guess once they know “oh I actually can flip – he then tried to ALWAYS flip” or “oh I can stand – he keeps trying to stand by grabbing onto anything that makes him stand” that is the magic..

As for talking.. I wont be surprised, coz my Meg is basically a talking parrot in the house :p

Changing diaper and wearing clothes are super challenging, as he kept wanting to move! Unless I gave him something to hold onto, then he will observe the things for 30 secs and starts moving again hahaha..

For a start no need to feed too much first I think.. my boy will drink milk first before he eats.. and finishes off with drinking milk again, so I guess he is really full after that hahaha..

I must try the HT cereal too this weekend..
