(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

glad you shared ian's link wif us, makes me feel heartache n truly we must cherish all the time we have with our kids coz we never know what will happen.

re: rub face
my son is also one rough boy n likes to rub his face a lot, esp when he's feeling tired n wana zzz. so now i let him wear mittens again coz he had a really bad scratch on his eyebrow the other day. only remove his mittens when he's awake n in a playful mood. also prevents him from licking his fist too much, but end up with soaking mittens! :p

re: 3m vac
brought my boy for 5-in-1 jab last sat and he had slight fever after that, lucky only lasted 3 days. but now seems he very heaty leh, face and chest got all those small red bumps.

ur boy poo so many times ah. mine just the opposite, once in 4 days! terrible hor... now i ask my helper to make him poo every alternate day by holding up his legs (like squating position) n make eng eng sound. so far just started but nothing yet.

re: feeding schedule
i tried gina ford's method but seems like my boy prefers his OWN method. he sleeps thru the nite, only waking up abt 5-6hrs for feed then day time also erratic schedules. mrng he's very alert so between 2 feeds sometimes only nap half hr n rest of the time, keep wanting to play!
PM depends on his mood, sometimes can sleep straight for 5hrs then drink 60ml n doze off again. so i only note down his drinking timings & amt taken, so long it makes up abt 700ml or so, i'm quite happy lah. and PD oso advise beta NOT to wake baby up when sleeping coz bb will CRY if hungry mah. sleep also makes them GROW! :D

pravina - i also get angry when my hubby dont help me ... he only likes to do it when she is playing but when she cries he gets stressed ...

has anyone baby started sucking the thumb... mine has already n my hubby n MIL finds is cute .. when i make her stop they scold me saying that she looks cute when she does it... so annoying ..they dont realise tat it is not a good habit ... but she does really look cute with her thumb in the mouth n the rest of her fingers covering her noose

am also trying to get my girl on a schedule... she is getting better .. use to sleep ard 1am b4 but now she is going down latest by 12am ... must try n get her to sleep earlier coz i need my sleep too
when u start working har?
my einstein book & CD still with u hor, so paiseh til now still dun hv time to go over to collect!
kittybride - my girl also got her OWN method... she can sleep throughout the nite .. she can sleep for atleast 8hrs .. wake up with a cheerful smile.. i think she is well rested then... hehehe... but poor mommy only can get max 5hrs sleep... but during the day she takes very short naps .. but at nite can still get a bit annoying...

yup never wake a baby up from sleep or u will have to pay as the baby will be very annoyed
<font color="119911">Baby scratching face...</font> Mine too. Each x aft I trim his nails. My sis told me she used to file her boy's nails aft each manicure bt I nt veri gd @ this. However aft filing B2's nails, he has gotten less scratches. Other x he'll scratch is when nails too long. Aiya, damn if I do and damn if I don't (abt his cutting his nails lah)...

Two wks back he kena one veri long scatch -- fr temple to mid-cheek -- aft a manicure fr mommy. I used the Himalaya Diaper Rash Cream on him and the scratch (drew blood actuali) healed veri fast coz the cream had Aloe Vera in it. In 3 days the scratch and scarring was negligible! Highly recommend Aloe Vera for the job
<font color="0000ff">Pravina:</font> Heheh, big accident huh? Has he pooed on your hands yet? I kena dat a few x and yes, B2 wl also give big grin aft such accidents. My hubby and I quite scared of diaper changing him and we using the baby cot for this so now rethinking the set-up. May invest in a proper diaper changing station and place it in the loo. <sigh> So much changes to accommodate... Btw, r u in the biomed line? I'm guessing coz of ur wk location. If u go back to work, can consider the CC my B1 is in -- up the hill fr where u r. She was in their Infant Care fr 3.5M and most of her infant educarers stl there -- veri, veri nice ladies.
see ur thread also make me think of my gal.. she enjoy licking her fist and when we put mitten on, the mitten also super wet.. sometime she sleep, she will raise her arm and start licking.. her dad always say she like licking her armpit, wonder if it smell nice.
baby_mum, u prepare 5 bottles as in do you mix the milk from the same day or different day? do u mix frozen milk also?

why the 5pm feed give so little only 100ml?

what are your feeding timings like?
<font color="0077aa">WTS Pigeon Breastpads -- box of 144pcs</font>
Any1 want? I got 1 box extra to sell off @ $28.50 w postage. It's made for Japan packaging. I stocked up a few boxes bt now like supply dropping so thot better nt kp. Just PM me if u r keen.

<font color="aa00aa">Nepia L Size VS Pampers M size</font>
Just opened Nepia L for B2 to use and realise it is exactly the same size as Pampers M. Bt Nepia has gathers @ the back and Pampers don't thus I'm nt expecting poo-poo to leak fr the back as much as w Pampers.
ahahaa... ur hb damn funnie hor.
my son sleep like superman, both arms up up up

but he oso easily frightened type, coz if got some noise from outside he will startled n cried very loud. that's y his daytime nap very erratic, kept being disturbed lor.
kittybride, my sleep like she is always surrendering.. so funni.. that y she turn her face and lick and when she lick, the spot just nice at her armpit there..
for night we let her sleep on her back and she will be K.O. by 7 pm.. to me shiok shiok cos i can watch tv after that.. hehehe..
but for daytime put her on tummy cos she also wake up at the slightest noise. on tummy she can like sleep 4 hours thru..
<font color="119911">HLW,
the wetbags r all ready, juz waiting for me to go singpost n post it out, sori for the wait ah.

it sounds like its wrong side. when u sew, the line n print shld b inside so when i turn out, its the correct side.</font>
omg the Ian story is horrific. I delayed my jabs til I researched on them. Glad I did so now. I don't think she would have survived any complications in ICU.

Anyway, on to happier things

I have these 2 items for sale. PM me if interested k? Special price for April mummies that I recognise.


Tiny Love Tummy Time Ladybug mat. My girls hated tummy time but she now LOVEs it. Selling cos I busybody bought another one.
Phillips Avent Baby Monitor. The top end model. With warranty and receipt. Duplicate purchase
<font color="ff0000">$1.95 Kodomno Wipes @ Watsons</font>
Buy 10 and get 1 free. Actuali the buy 10 can be mix of any of the items tagged @ $1.95 w 'Buy 10...' details. I got mix of candies, Kodomo wipes and Watsons travel pack tissues (200 x 2ply, 3pks of this is $1.95) The Kodomo wipes (non-scented) r nt bad, nt as thin as the Carlson ones. Nt sure tho if Angel wipes is better in price and quality?
<font color="119911">jas:</font> Mine drinking onli abt 60ml than he'll stop. Abt 1hr later my hubby wl warm up another 60ml for him to finish. Bb used to drink like 120ml straight initially. Dunno if coz I stl giving him Stage 1 teats. Yeah, actuali x 2 change liao...
jas: mine suka suka drink 150ml if not drink 60ml. depends on whether she is falling sleeping or not. sometimes when she want to sleep and i want to feed, end up she drink and scold me at the same time..hahaha..
kidskidz, u using Avent bottle? My gal (3mths this week) used to use them, then rejected it. Now have changed to NUK with rubber teats (flow is also faster), and she's quite hapi with it. But she's a very fussy drinker too, drink a bit... must coax for very long before she can finish up her 110ml. Wonder is it just a phase?
tan, haha, your gal so cute. and she drink a lot wooo... she is 3mths now?

I also try to feed mine when in a semi dreamy mode, cos most of the time, can suceed. then sometimes she will grumble as she drink, very funny.
<font color="119911">jas:</font> Yeap, Avent bottle now. I hv Bfree bottles w Stage 2 teats bt 260ml size and coz I fd on demand, I nvr open it. My girl's cc recommends NUK for fussy drinkers and it worked for her when she started IC. I'm stl contemplating if wanna get B2 Stage 2 Avent teats...
wat is cc? wat is IC? =p
Just curious, why becos feed on demand, never open the 260ml bottles? Sorry, I think i a bit slow...
Jas: my also just turn 3 mth ytd.. have ur bb one for her assessment? I think mine is not big leh,so worry for her.. weight oni 5.39kg and head circumference is oni 37cm. she used to drink alot lor.. 1.5 hours will wan milk.. but now she don seems to like milk.. sometimes 4-5 hours then drink
Tan: my gal not done her 3mths assessment yet, next week will be doing. Yours done liao ah?

How much she weighed when born? How much she drinks in total in a day? My gal now weighs 6.1kg, but not sure if considered average...
Maybe your gal more to dainty size?

My gal now drinking only 110ml x 4 feeds during the day, and latch on from evening onwards(some feeds she dun want to drink at times). Each time I try to think of how much she drinks, I also get so worried. But ped says that as long as feed on demand, baby is contented and mummy shouldn't worry too much as long as putting on weight.
<font color="119911">Re: Genting Road Trip
Date: 8 - 10 August 2009
Hotel: TBC

*This is definitely a family thingie, so dun need to write ur whole family names down, juz indicate hw many rooms in case some bringing frenz or relatives.

1. Kris - 1 room
2. rose -
3. Ultrabeary -
4. Marie -
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Genting Road Trip
Date: 8 - 10 August 2009
Hotel: TBC

*This is definitely a family thingie, so dun need to write ur whole family names down, juz indicate hw many rooms in case some bringing frenz or relatives.

1. Kris - 1 room
2. rose - 1 room
3. Ultrabeary -
4. Marie -
jas, wow ur baby so good.. 6.1kg liao.. my is 2.81 when she is born.1st month increased to 4kg then now 3rd month liao oni increased 1 kg within the 2 months
Hi starflower, welcome to the thread..

wow!! genting trip!! mummies in this thread really adventurous ah... Must be fun to do roadtrip together!!

My bb also for the past few days like rejecting milk, during the day he never cries for milk, and when i latch him on he will turn his head away when milk let down.. Mummies whose bb went thru this phase already, how long did it last??
gallop, isaac also like that now leh..he will drink like 1-4 oz depending on his mood then stop..then he will struggle and cry if i cont to put the teat in his mouth. unless he's falling asleep liao, then he will drink..sian man, he used to take 6oz every 3-4 hrs. then just now he pooed once all liquid one leh, i wondering if its diahorrea..

kidz, so u always feed 60ml then 1 hr later 60ml again? the whens the next feed?
Tan: most important is healthy. =) weight is just a guideline. Now the headache part is her feeding. Do you feed her BM or FM?
<font color="119911">below trip is cancelled coz no rooms at all. we planning either bintan or batam. will advice soon.

Re: Genting Road Trip
Date: 8 - 10 August 2009
Hotel: TBC

*This is definitely a family thingie, so dun need to write ur whole family names down, juz indicate hw many rooms in case some bringing frenz or relatives.

1. Kris - 1 room
2. rose -
3. Ultrabeary -
4. Marie - </font>
Jas, she is on FM.
seems like these few days the bb all having milk rejection lately. my case also similar to KP one.. Now she like that suka suka also drink from 2-6 oz depending on her mood until every feed i also don now how much milk to make.. so sometimes i make 2 oz 1st and if she drink, then i make another 2 oz...
Kp, ya keene also like don't want milk, like want to go on diet like that
I am worried too as today his diaper is never full at all.. I read that some bbies in this thread also like that so maybe it's just a phase, but wondering how long as quite worrying lah
then since ur babies are drinking 2-6 oz hor, do u all still feed 3 hrly on the dot? how much time do u give bb to drink? half an hr if cannot finish stop?
hehe.. i don follow 3 hours. sometimes i 2 hours feed her liao if she drink 2-3oz the previous feed... and sometimes i see her mouth. if she starts to show sucking pattern, i feed her again.. that y i say mine is haywire one..
Tan, me too... previously it was already a problem seetig bb on a schedule, now even worse.. just let him latch when it looks like he wants to suck, but alot of time he will only suckle till let down then cry n let go.. like don't want milk lho
Issit now the trend for our babies to refuse milk ah? Mine also refuse to latch.. thought she already forgotten bout mommy, cos these few days I'm down with flu, so I don't dare to get too near to her ... Yesterday I used face mask when I want to latch her and she looked at me with a strange look! Then she was like sucking but also like grunting, struggling then let out and cry!

Actually these few days also suddenly can cry without any announcement! Usually will give d sad face for a while b4 crying. Then let the maid carry then she's okay! Me n hubby very sad liao ...
<font color="119911">jas:</font> Sori, I mean that I bf on dd, nt fd on dd. I do pump occasionally to stockpile a little so my mom or hubby can bottle fd B2 when I nd to go out w/o him e.g. dentist, hair appts.
I wl defroze 1pk in the chiller (bring down fr freezer) the day b4 I'm to go out.

<font color="0000ff">kp:</font> I always bf b4 I go out even if it's nt yet x 4 next fd. Make B2 full and easier for mom/hubby to look after. When he's hungry they'l juz warm up the milk n fd him. Bt his pattern has changed so now they give 60ml 1st i.e. only pour 60ml into bottle to warm up and return the other 60ml to the chiller. Then he's happy 4 a while and when he's like fussing again, warm the other 60ml (I freeze 120ml bags). Coz hubby realised when he warms up the whole 120ml and it's nt finished, the milk can go to waste. By dividing up, if B2 doesn't want a 2nd helping, the other 60ml is still in the fridge and can kp for next day too. Or I'm home oledi thus can latch him direct and he dun nd the 2nd 60ml in the fridge...
ipanpan, i think your bb don't recognize you with the mask on, plus i think for her also quite scary coz you wearing face mask, probably that's why she cried...
Get well soon!!
tan : thanks!

gallop : did try to do a 'peek-a-boo' with her with face mask on/off but I guess she's too young to understand he he he
About Gripe Water:

Recently my girl seems to have tummy pain cos she always lifting her legs against her tummy, so I got a bottle of gripe water, wondering how to give it to bb? Directly give it to her mouth or mix it into the milk?

Is it medication? Can bb take it every day without any side effect?
