(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Jam, who ask u to go for pap smear ah? adrian? is that the check up at 6 weeks? me also having period now, ur period come already? haha, can start bedroom activity liao lah..why dun dare to start? time to make 2nd baby...kekeke..but dun make now k, cos make now means chinese new yr bb and CL more ex!

KP, some mum mention it's the final visit with gynae and it's pap smear check up..hmm, my period haven't start leh, still spotting since birth loe. i don't intend to have a 2nd one so soon leh, you already planning for one ah? Wait for me leh, den we can give birth same day again lah haha!!!

next time want to plan for baby, i die die want a end of year baby, cooling weather to do confinement + bb just in time to get CNY red packets keke....
oh gathering sounds like fun but i've nvr brought bb out on my own yet, dun dare to still...and sengkang bit far for me..mayb nxt round when i'm a little more confident to bring her out alone

same bd! boy or girl?

re pupsik sling:
is it supposed to b so tight? i literally hv to squeeze bb into the pouch and she becomes v angry..
but according to the size, i bought the correct one leh - size S for my weight and height

my bb needs to b carried and walked to sleep everynite.. anyone bb like tat? tried to get her to sleep on her own, but cry and cry..

pumping milk now
Mommies: does your bb cry hard esp.in the evening (7pm-10pm)?
My bb was quite easy going before 3wks old..recently she starts to show some "personality"..cries for no apparent reason at night..asking for milk like crazy..then after I put her on my breasts then she acts like someone pulling her away...cries while feeding..this kind of fuss will last for up to 2hrs,then finally she exhausts then falls asleep..

Just want to know if any other moms experience the same?

Any solutions?

Also want to share a tip with all moms who pump out the milk: Read from book that our breast milk's nutrition actually changes while baby grows, 1mth old baby's nutritional requirement is different from a 3mth old bb, so to ensure the calories in frozen milk meet your bb's need, store no more than 12 four-ounce bags of milk, and finish them every 4wks..

My plan was store as many as possible as milk can be frozen up to 6mths.. seems its wrong..

Just went back from bb's 1mth check - she's put on 1.4kg since birth..now its 4.5kg..I didn't manage the "regular feeding" - she seems to drink 80ml every feed and full then hungry in 1.5hrs...

Last question.. where can I get the Balboa Baby Sling..?

Good night moms..happy pumping..
oshgosh: my bb is also called jade and DOB is 7 Apr! Gynae is Dr ang huay yan at GlenE. Almost went to Dr Tanny chan.. hee..

such a coincidence.. what's the chinese name? mine's Ee Qing (Yu4 Qing2)
<font color="119911">KP,
i got the mat.

join us next time if we got any gatherin in town.

sounds like colic. its usualli evenin time when bb cry for no reason. u can try givin gripewater, i read on the instruction dat it helps, dunno hw true.</font>

Thx for the link!

hmm..I dont think so cos she can be distracted by walking her around..guess if due to colic she will not..really a mystery to me. Personally I dont want to rock her or hold her every time she cries - afraid of she will get used to it,but guess mother nature makes us want to "rescure" bb once they cry... aiii
my bb's like that too.. bright bright awake from our dinner time onwards till almost midnight.. she's fed 3x tonight already! been feeding her every 1.5 hrs.. dunno if overfeeding her :-(

doesn't look like colic too cos she burps at
least 3x after each feed

super headache....
re: cradle cap
kris, thanks for the tips, will try it tmr coz bb oredi sleep now.

re: bb suddenly cry very LOUD when sleeping.
mommies, not sure if any of your babies have similar experience.
my boy seems to have this sudden loud &amp; hard cry when he sleeps and we all have to rush and see wat happen. is like he had a super bad dream and kena scared very badly like dat lor.
and it happened at least once a day leh.
CL oredi gave him those 'jin feng san' type of chinese powder but seems still the same.
we wrap him at nite but he will still cry. dun know why...
and usually is after feeding then nap/sleep n suddenly will cry loud loud type...

thanks again for helping to get the einstein book. will transfer to your a/c tmr mrng!

ur MIL treats u well leh, even learn new recipe to boost your milk SS. i wish mine is at least 10% like yours but too bad...
anyway, hope your condition gets better soon.

and thanks for your help in advance ya.\
i will contact you after the gathering. yes, idaa has sms me ur hp# liao.
my bb also cries very loudly sometimes whilst sleeping.. i jus carry her up for a while and she'll drift back to sleep..
very xin tong to see her cry like that..
Hi moogey23,

Does your bb cry while feeding? If she only eats like crazy - to me I am ok with it..(I feed bb formula the last feed before we go to bed, so she can eat as much as she wants...) but if she cries while feeding thats really headache..
lisha.. nope my bb doesnt cry while feeding.. she'll cry if we burp her before she's ready to be burped cos that means we take away the bottle.. heh.. mine's real greedy i think.. i think i'm not going to have enuff MS to last her..

someone had lobang for enfalac? can share info pls?
moogey23, i think KP has a contact for cheaper infant FM..

KP, can share yor contact, want to get enfalac..i usually get it from this chinese medical shop in rivervale plaza, it cost $38 per tin..
kris, understand what you mean when you say get some life....sometimes I feel my whole life revolving around my 2 kids very sian. But how you manage with 2 kids? are you a FTWM or SAHM?
oh tats really such a coincidence! same name same DOB same hospital! may hv seen u around the hospital/nursery then..

my girl's chinese name is Jing Jia..

for those tat are going for the gathering, i think u guys are so brave to bring bb out on ur own.. i dunno why i can't handle her alone yet.. sigh.. i hope i can do tat soon.. if not, everyday stay at home can go mad also.

my bb also v strange.. at nite only must carry her to make her sleep.. day time, she sleeps so easily..

has anyone tried putting bb to sleep on tummy? i tried tat and she sleeps v well.. last nite slept for 6 hrs b4 waking up for milk..but i got a scare when i realised she moved her head from the right to the left on her own.. dun dare to put her on tummy tonite, scared she suffocate..

i'm using Friso Gold cos it was free.. so far so good.. i dun mind trying out Enfalac, heard supposed to be good too.. any lobang?
<font color="119911">mousy,
my elder one is in cc nw n my maid takes care of #2. im a SAHM but not hm most of the time, keke. u? SAHM or FTWM?

bb can turn their head frm abt 3wks onwards. when i place my bb on tummy at 3wks to try, she can turn her head liaoz but havent let her slp on tummy yet coz shes ok slpin on her back.</font>
got mums getting slings/pouches - seems like MIM also has pouches now?? same price as pupsik also...

Lisha - i think ur bb has colic. cos same as mine, cries ard the same time everyday. its cos of reflux. she's hungry n wanna drink but when milk goes in it churns n hurts. dr prescribed some acolic for her n usually works in 5-10mins n she'll fall asleep - not sure if pain has subsided/medication has "sleeping effect"/she's tired frm crying... but she will sleep for awhile. usually when she wakes, she'll b ready for a feed. dr says will go away by itself by 3 mths so we just got to grit our teeth n tahan it out! =)
oshgosh : mine also baby girl!! But I'm at Mt E ... actually Gleneagles is nearer to my home, but all my docs are at Mt E, and parking is easier too than at Gleneagles and best part, last time every doctor visit I can go shopping in orchard hahaha

And I think it has influenced my baby too! I've noticed now that if i take my baby to Mt E, we also park at paragon and walk to Mt E, and her eyes will be fully opened and seems very happy when we're at paragon but then will fell asleep when at hospital!
morning mommies, sigh.. baby cait having fever since last evening. think it was due to her immunization jab. gave her the medicine from doctor, and also use water to sponge her to keep her head cool.. hope she recovers soon.. mummies, any way to make her feel better? so ke lian see her sobbing pitifully..
Looks like bb gals are really fussy. My gal is still crying every night till i got phobia liao. She's like alarm clock die die must wake up 4+am and then that's it can no need to sleep for another 2 hrs. Aiyo..i feel like crying liao. Sleep time is stress time for us.

Are those having boys having easier life? I think so right? Cos my boys are so easy last time.

Im giving up on bfeeding. So tired having to express so many times a day. Got to express out every feed. One time just nice and nothing more left to keep for next feed. Imagine how many times i have to express. Sometimes breast not even full have to express find it so difficult. Don't want to make my life so difficult liao since she cannot latch then better give up.
Morning mummies...
Kittybride: My bb oso smtimes cries very loud suddenly but I realised that it's always when she's about to poo or she has just pooed..she will stretch her leg and den cry den after a short while, will be ok le..so I usu leave her alone den just change her diaper..

Lisha: My bb's oso like that, but her timing is around 8 to 10..apparently it's quite common, quite a few of my frens oso experienced it..I tot my ger was colic too but they say that colic is when you do anything they also wun stop crying..my ger's like your bb..if carried around, she will stop..she will oso kip asking for milk during that time..so wat I do is to give her pacifier den hug her/pat her/carry her lor..I was oso told that they will outgrow it so meanwhile, just tahan..you mite just wan to explore different ways to soothe her..

Re: Slping on tummy
I tried this on my bb 2 days ago..aiyo, she reali hate it.. check wif you all ar, do you turn her after she's asleep or let her slp on her tummy right from the start? I tried to turn her after she was asleep for about half hour..den she was struggling..her buttocks kept shifting up and her hands wanna stretch..so I turned her on her back again den she felt better..maybe cos my ger reali loves to stretch ba...haiz..tot can have her slp for longer period of time...

Bonbon: Hope bb cait is feeling better now..it's always the mummy who feels the pain wen their child is sick..dat time when my bb was hospitalised for fever, flu and cough, I just kept patting her and carrying her near to me and reassured her that mummy's around. She den stopped crying. I oso slept next to her, as in my head near her(cos I was sitting on a chair) to make her feel more secure...
Dodos, can understand the stress you are feeling cos my ger was also crying from 2-5am during the first wk wen she came bk..was reali very tiring. One thing that I've learnt is to tink positive. Instead of seeing her as fussing, try to tink that she must be crying for a reason and she must also not be feeling gd. I tink the more stressed you feel, the more frustrated you'll get too..she mite still be adjusting her day and nite..does she slp alot during the day? tink almost every bb will have a timing where it's harder than usual to pacify them..

Have you tried the fenugreek which the other mummies reccomended? Maybe it'll help with your supply..or maybe you wanna supplement with FM instead of giving up totally? Since you still BM, giving bb some is better than none..maybe you can give her FM at nite since you need to deal wif her cries as well..
dodos, boys r easier to take care as babies.. but now my 4 yo boy is giving me headache with his naughty antics.. if having a fussy girl means an easier toddler next time.. maybe not too bad a tradeoff afterall.. 先苦后甜..
<font color="119911">bonbon,
to bring down temp, not sponge head, shld sponge thighs n armpits. do it frequently, slp in airy room, dun bathe with hot water, water slightly warm can le.

if u r a SAHM, juz go wif latching on. dun b too harsh on urself. as long got bf can liaoz.

lumps r blocked ducts. coz bm cant come out so ss drop, u got to massage wif real hot towel or go take a hot shower n massage ur breasts b4 u pump, lumps will clear in a few sessions.</font>
<font color="119911">owmum,
sakae at 1pm den, im tinkin whether to bring kerryn anot. hmmmm...

any other mummies joinin us for lunch?</font>
owmum, u secretly color chelsey hair golden ah.. haha

jam, i shaved cait's hair for 1st mth, and now her hair growing back. think its good to shave for better hair growth. last time her forehead hair shaped like M, abit bald, now it looks like some hair is growing out.. :p andrea's hair looks abit like her daddy's..
i not shaving my daughter's hair too... dun want her to look ugly.. now she got hair so cute..

i got blocked milk ducts too, v painful.. jus had my 1st session of postnatal massage and when she massage my breasts, i want to faint.. still v pain..later i need to massage in the hot shower, i hope it clears soon. i dun want to get infection again.
kris: so is marie gg?

bonbon: haha, she like me lo born with natural brwn hair, my mum remind mi to note in her healthbooklet if nt next time teachers will make noise.
owmum, that day i went out with mr bonbon and saw a toddler like abt 1yr plus just starting to walk, and her hair ah, its black base, with whole head full of blond highlights.. faint.. then see the father, also all golden highlights, so young alr start to dye the kids hair..
Wah, so only bonbon shave bb's head ah? I also sim tia leh, see the hair like ultraman so cute, if shave liao, no more ultraman to play with le....

ow_mummy, haha, chelsey so cute one, got gold patch of hair. i saw ur mum's photo on FB, she don't look chinese hor, like abit baba?
Finally..bb shower over on sat...so tired and yesterday went back to il's place to bai zu xian. But bb officially 1mth old on 21st so nw still must stay @ hm...

Y, must shave bb's hair? On Sat, ppl kip saying must shave...my bb hair oredi so little n i dun want to shave it, juz let it drop n grow naturally.
chocz, yah loe, alot of ppl see my bb keep asking if i gonna shave her head, and i should do it so it will grow out nicely after that, my mum also secretly plotting to bring her to barber
when i'm not around loe. unless her hair become patches due to sleeping, i will only trim her hair shorter..

bonbon, caitx2 feeding better?
i heard from my hair stylist that bb's hair only shave at 4 mths cos at 1 mth their skull still too soft? i'm planning to shave my bb's hair then..

wah ow_mummy, andrea was only 4.3kg last tuesday when PD weighed her, and she's only 5 weeks loe...birth was 3.3kg. chelsey growing fast leh....
