(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

good morning starflower. hope u found rest soon after posting.

reverie.. the bug seems to be going round n round. my boy also just had cough/running nose in may. each time i would get it after him (like now he is feeling better while i am going down the drain. haiz!)
Mummies, i m so upset...just brought elixir to e doc cos he suddenly high fever, 39.7deg...doc put suppository into his butt, n seconds later, he got into fits..whole body became stiff and couldnt move..i broke down instantly at the clinic...minutes later then he regain normal...i was so lost and helpless...luckily everything is back to normal for now...pray nth of such will happen agn...i m such a failure to protect him...sobz!!!
omg, is it the normal reaction for the medicine given ? hope elixir get well soon.
Dun feel bad, u have already given the best that you can to elixir and i am sure he knows you r the best mum for him .. *hugz*
hugs to u and sweetheaet elixir.! hope he will recover soon...

tristan constipation updates: so far so gd, soft stools hehe.... feel so bad to let him went thru such agony during the first few mths of his total FM on similac & gain iq.. heh heh.

aiyah! i asked u couple of times back then abt the teething tablets then u say u don have any to spare.. last week or last last week i went to order myself.. lol.. now still waiting for my tablets to arrive
Pinkdemoness, oh no... did the doc explain why the fit? During Vesak holiday week, Vera's also sick. Her fever went as high as 40 deg, and also given suppository.. fever did go down as expected, didn't have fit. But that whole week was a nightmare for the whole family - we were all down with the same virus. I had fever too with 39 deg. Hey don't be sad or to blame yourself. You've done your best to protect your lil boy already. Little elixir will recover soon. You take care too, k! Lots of Hugs!!!

dun be too worried. it has happened to my bb twice in the past few months. According to the Pd, there will be no permanent damage for such seizures due to high fever. There was no way that you could have prevented it.
dear mummies, the fits/seizures was due to the high temperature...btw how can i make him perspire?? he took medicine at 3.30pm, n now still having the temperature...stick a cooling pad on his forehead now but temp is now 38.6...i m so so worried...
maybe send your boy to KK?

And maybe u can try sponging him with cold water around his neck and on the body? I did that last time for my boy when he had high fever, does help a bit. But I still had to send him to KK and he was given brufen (not sure if I spelt correctly), but is a stronger medicine than paracetamol for fever.

1) check the dose of the meds for fever. for paracetamol it is 15mg/kg per kg body weight every 6 hours is the correct dose. a lot of people follow the package instructions and underdose so it doesn't work.

2) if he is on the appropriate dose at the appropriate timings and it brings fever down but not totally, add ibuprofen (aka brufen what srumpee said) which u can get otc for todds/bb's - dose is 5 to 8 mg/kg body weight every 8 hours.

3) as per what was mentioned earlier, strip him down and sponge him - neck/head/body. DO NOT wrap him up thickly to make him sweat - he already had a febrile seizure u do not want to make his body temp go up even more.

4) bring to dr asap if :

a) paracetamol on its own does not even touch the temperature

b) paracetamol + ibuprofen controls it but not for long or does not bring it down adequately.

5) bring straight to emergency department if:

a) seizure
b) becomes very drowsy
c) u see a rash
d) not drinking adequately

and of course any other alarming signs that you will very obviously notice.

you take care too! stay cool and in control and well yourself is the best thing to do for bb right now

hope he gets better asap!
pink - *hugs to u & elixir* i havent seen what they do at kk but i also heard they wil bathe with cold water. i also do that at home when kirs has a fever. =P not exactly cold water but just cooler then the usual warm water... u have to constand sponge him... the neck, armpit n groin regions are where heat is trapped most... let him wear cooling outfits...

i read u say sweat it out... i dont believe in that... but thats wad hb does when he has a fever... he wil wrap himself in his comforter sleep... i totally dislike such a method but thats his choice ba... as long as he takes all his meds...
tks fire,scrumpee,missy for the advices...i just put in another suppository and the fever is down within 20 mins...will diapers make his temp worse? i m totally worn out now...

missy:i also dun wana keep him under the sheets cos i think that will make him warmer...so i m like desperate now...where can i get brufen?

diapers won't make much of a diff - only covers his bum and groin.

u can cover him with a thin blanket or a sheet but that is the maximum lah.

any pharmacy shd sell ibuprofen, so shd be easily obtainable if your dr didn't give u any.

i know it's hard, but don't stress, cos it makes you lose all rational thought if u do.

big hugs
he'll be ok.
yes like what areya mentioned. make sure he gets his fluids. keep him hydrated. if he doesnt eat his solids just give him milk.
im not sure if ibrufen can be bought otc. can it? i thought must have prescription. im not sure. i usually get frm my gp to standby. kirs dislikes paracetamol. so i usually give ibrufen when it hits 38.5 =P
Bree's temperature has been a little high since thursday.. normally her temperature will go down after she perspire but over the weekend.. it went up.. Gave her paracetamol and confined her over the weekend and she really drove me nuts.. kept taking the keys and pointing to the door.

thank god fever is gone but now she has runny nose. haiz...
Lenny, tks...i think without this grp of supportive mummies, i also lost...hope Bree get well soon too...

Really thank all you mummies...keeping my fingers crossed tonight...the monster shall not be spared with his antibiotics and progesic(fever)...
hope everyone's bb is recovering well... the virus is everywhere.. my bb recovering but my nose is leaking! same like other mummies, bb recovering we kanna...
hope everyone's bb is recovering well... the virus is everywhere.. my bb recovering but my nose is leaking! same like other mummies, bb recovering we kanna...
Pink, just keep sponging him down, don't think should wrap in blankets to sweat it out, he should break sweat as a sign of recovery naturally when his resistance is back up. U have got to get some rest too, more water yeah
pinkdemoness, last mth when bb is having high fever which do not subsides after taking paracetamol, I also tried many ways to get his temperature down. like many mummies advise, try to sponge him with water, bath him with normal temp water, wear light clothes...however i found that he is shivering whenever i do all the above.

Until I kenna the virus from baby (high fever, vomit, diarrhoea), I realized that I feel cold when im having high fever. This means that when our bb is having high fever, he might be feeling cold too. so do look out for his reaction whenever u tried to sponge him/bath him with cold water.

My advise would to let him sleep in air cond room but not too cold (25degree with fan on smallest volume), cover him with thin blanket, let him drink A LOT of normal temp water, & give him some ice cream if u think u can take it. Actually doc told me can give vanilla ice cream to our toddler bcos ice cream is made of milk powder. but of cos in moderate not give them the whole stick. i learnt this from another mummy..

I hope his fever has subsided today. Its really heart wrenching when see our LO sick...tight hugz to mummy pink & your boy...
eh,... is ibuprofen same as nurofen? I bought that from NTUC unity.. orange color one. Stronger than paracetomol but BB C hates it..

Hug hug both you & elixir, mummy must be very strong in mentally & physically as you need to take care your bb.

Last month, Ryker oso have a high fever for few days. I bought him to KK A&E when his fever went to 39deg. They didn't bath him in icy water (understand if the bb cannot take it may catch cold). Doctor will thorough check his ear, throat & lung (afraid he might get infection). Anyway, doctor only prescribe paracetamol & Brufen. Brufen to be given if his temp raise to 38.5 after an hour intake from paracetamol. Indeed brufen reduce the temp very fast. Let him drink more water, sponge his armpit & body. I also put the fever cooler sticker on his forehead & body back.

If really no sign of improve, bring to see KK, anyway, they're kids specialise & cheap.

Take good care !!
pinkdemoness:: hugs to you. you are one brave mommy. hang it there. elixir will get well!

also, my PD never prescribes ibuprofen/nurofen ley. he says that this is proven to have very dangerous side effects so we always use paracetamol and bath with cool water. I also let them play with ice, and clean them with cool towel. will help. JIA YOU!

Hello !! ha.. I saw Alyssa's pic then realise you are reverie_island. I think it would be too streneous since I am already half dead (look at my CMI boy) even not preggie needless to say in 1st trim. You are in your 1st trim ? COngrats !!!
i think it depends on how active your kid is... if your kid likes to wander ard in class and you wana chase after him/her then prolly wil be strenuous... but if you let your kid be... then shld be fine... lolx
Mummy bean
Esp when Alyssa is so active n learning to walk. Thx , suppose to keep mum for 3 months.

Alyssa running in class n can't sit still. She will struggle w me. A few x I almost sprain my wrist n thumb.
ya. I understand. But like missy says, if you let her be, then shld be fine. And I think Alyssa is consider a good girl as compare to mine. But can understand your concern since you still need to follow her around as she just starting to learn to walk. Maybe can ask your helper to help ? She is continuing the next term ? I am still wondering whether to let Favian continue. sigh
Mummy bean
I thot haf to confirmed already otherwise ur deposit will b gone.
We r going jg wed n fri cos her Shichida changed to thur. We dun like helper to b involved esp bonding x.
I've history of low placenta thru out my 1st preg.
Y sun let favian continue?

Just let her be.. when the class is going on.. some of the activities will catch her attention..

Bree does crawl out of the circle depending on her mood.. i just let her..

but she does comes back when her fav activity was on.... so.. don't be stressed.. just let them be..

I will just tell her.. See.. u crawl away then u missed your favourite part of the lesson..

Don't care whether she can understand what i was trying to put through this stage but i think she will when the time comes..

If we insist they sit through when they want to explore, i think we will get worse effect..

i mean even us adults do not like to be forced to do things when we don't want to.. the reason wee did is because we understand we have to in certain circumstances.. but for our tods at this stage.. don't think they will understand reasoning now.. will take time though..

so.. relax.. sit back and enjoy the class.. i admit i do.. when i see other tods reactions in class. they are really adorable and we adults always have a good laugh...

Having said that.. as long as what Bree does will not obstruct the class or be a nuisance to the rest of the tods.. i just let her be
else i will bring her back.

oh because I wasn't sure whether he would enjoy and can I survive thru the travelling for twice a week so din pay deposit & they give me til thurs to consider whether I wan weekends or weekday session for him. And from his 'performance' so far, its really draining for me & him . So I am still considering any other courses or continue one more term. Ic. wow Alyssa's schedule is so pack. I think Lenny gave good suggestions. Can let Alyssa wander off . My only worry for Favian is he hit other babies or disturb the class or else I would have apply ignore therapy on him too.

nurofen is only dangerous in that it can induce asthma in those who have it, but even so it does not induce asthma in all asthmatics.

asthma cannot be diagnosed before 3 years old btw...
Hi n tks to all mummies for the valuable advices...Elixir's temperature still on n off...this morning hit 39.5 agn...whole cheek so rosy red...i went to get nurofen liao...but kept in e fridge for now...hope everything will be over soon...tks all
hi mummies
I see that from week to week (since last month) there's always a baby who is down with fever. what's wrong with these 2 months?? keep wondering..

i truly understand ur situation. last few weeks my son had fever for 7 days and all our family was also sick worried and so depressed because we dont know why the fever took so long..not to mention the frequent waking at night, crankiness and clingy etc..

well this is what i did (advised by PD):
if fever is going up til 39++ although u have given him meds, we need to give him 2 paracetamols every 3 hours. so let's say at 7pm i give panadol, 10 pm i will give nurofen.and 1am panadol again..and so on.. my PD insist i dont need to bring him to hospital..well, indeed...after a night doing this method..it worked!
fever never went up above 38 anymore...but he was still feverish for the next 6 days.. his temp could be 36.8-38..up and down.. usually after 5-8 hours will go up again..so he was on paracetamol for 7 days!!
mummy bean
so good. they din take deposit fr u meh.. I think he is enjoying...

alyssa can be quite violent. she will pull pple's hair and clothing, snatch away stuff. she likes to throw things too. that's all. you seen it before. so i have to drum them into her and she is better now. but sometimes she starts again...

bad weather and infectious.

regarding fever, my sis shared this with me and it works. however a day aft her fever she developed flu and cough and phlegm in her lung... she is almost recovered.

i use panadol paracetamol for her fr guardian. supposed to take every 6 hours. when given, fever subside and it will come back at the 4th hour so either give at that time if gone up or at the 6th hour. then cycle repeat. seek a doc if after 2 dose the fever shoot higher than ever. so far alyssa highest was 38.5 then went down and back to the same temp nearing 6th hours. i just gave her for 1-2 days and she fully recovered. of cos need to watch out for other symptoms. i din bring her to doc immed cos the flu developed 1-2 days later.
