(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


check out the babytv channel on youtube. There are a handful of short free baby videos that you can use to entertain your baby when you are desperate. Mine loves the penguin clip.


speaking of TV. Aiiii now that my mom is helping me to take care of gracie for half the day, I have given up restricting gracie's TV time. Can't be helped as the rest of her 3 cousins in the same house are glued to the TV.

then u need to be careful... like Fireangel advise, must tell him off...

wow wow...
finally last day of work b4 CNY for me ^_^...
My boy does that on the bed too. But he's smart enough not to try when he's on hard floor.

3 days of springcleaning is no joke. I'd rather be at work than at home. Last day of work for me today too!
jac, my boy also will do this when he is in his playpen or on our bed especially we give him his "chou chou" bolster...he will like drunken when smelling his really smelly beanie pillow..
st, u got ur things from huajing yesterday? how is it? how much u need to pay for the shipping? until now she havnt reply my email ler..my things is with her but she no time to sort it out and arrange for collection...
kirs does it but only in her bed or ours. on hard floors, she will try to balance and not fall. lolx! in her bed she is like drunkard siao lang. walking to n fro, falling all over the plc. very funny. lolx
dum dee dum dee dum dum

got bored half way through embroidering a piece of soft leather for another soft soled shoe. Bored because the effect turned out pretty ugly. Mega sian. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

have alot of half done things in the house. Half done fabric doll house. Single sided shoes (Ahahahaha), parts of dolls (eeerie) and what nots

I'm so terrible. Hopefully Gracie doesn't take after me in this regard. Crossing my fingers that she will be a much more disciplined person like her dad. Hehehe

dum dee dum dum

oh yes, missy and CF Chang, thanks for organising! CNY is a busy time for me so I'll pass. Have fun!

Btw, whatever happened to the 1 yr old party? Are we still having it? :) How about just a simple get together. I heard that gymboree has open gym sessions where we just pay $12 a kiddo to use their facilities? Wonder if can we book the gym for ourselves. Hmmm ... that will be nice eh? Daddies can busy themselves with playing with our babies and mommies can chit chat amongst ourselves.

Like to place order for the following :

Books & Puzzle (Ready stock for some items)


1) Happy Snappy Pop up Book ~ $18

2) 噼里啪啦系列翻翻书 (7册) ~ $28

3) Puzzle Book ~ $7.90 (Pre-order only)
There are 2 books in this series

1. Who is it?
2. Dress the Baby Bear

4) Too Loud Lily ~ $4.90

Story Books - New Titles


5) 金色童书名家精选(全12册) Golden Classic ~ $24

When is the stock ready & how to pay you?

I'm very stupid don't know how to do place order in the facebook
hi mummies,

advance happy chinese new year too all of u, ur bbs n ur families!

mine does it too, when on bed n when carrying him time, always got to pre-empt his actions, dangerous but he'n not listening. guess we r not scolding hard enuff too :p we termed it "free fall"...

saw ur bb shoes, really beautiful! too bad u wun be holding any more craft wkshop. i tink u r really creative! nice
re. nap times..

any of ur bbs changed/having lesser nap times nowadays? mine used to nap abt 10am+ but now refused to n will only nap 12pm. this is ok but it affects n delay his 2nd nap. he'll only feel sleepy abt 6pm n by then it's too late for a nap. hv to try n not let him sleep else he will refuse to sleep at night till really late...sigh. been like dis for a wk. at a loss of wat to do. he wun nap when i tried every day 10am.... tiring.
re. dicer for bb food

oh yeah, i got this mini dicer for chopping bb food. instead of using chopping board n knife, juz put food in n twist n turn to work the blades inside. no electricity required. only $10, quite a good buy. jts
Hi Seabrezze,
I would like to order

1) 噼里啪啦系列翻翻书 (7册) ~ $28

2) Puzzle Book ~ $7.90 (Pre-order only)
There are 2 books in this series

1. Who is it?
2. Dress the Baby Bear

3) Too Loud Lily ~ $4.90

Pls PM me at [email protected]
ok just called Gymboree tanglin malll (guess that is a centralised location) to find out about their party packages. Waiting for their quotation. Let's see if we can have a party sometime in March :)

No time to plan something complicated like the 6mth party and I reckon that we are all willing to spend a bit more for a fuss free and fun experience for our babies and hubbies. Let's see how much they quote. :)

by the way, has anyone been to the tanglin mall gymboree. Say 30 babies. round about 50 adults at any one time. Possible?
yup got it yest..shipping i forget liao leh..need to go back her trhead to see again.
u try to email her say it's urgent

Moiiesha really loves the Babytv. I happen to record it from starhub during the preview and she will dance along with the music. She loves the Baby giants, Ping & Pinga(the penguin) and their songs(birthday song that u can send your baby's picture in). I am trying to download the clip from website but the quality is not so good.
I saw Popular is selling the Babytv now ... u may want to check it out.

Mini Dicer,
I got it too from Watson. But it's the temporary sales table outside their store. It's quite useful though. I will just cut the carrot/pumpkin/broccoli into the dicer & twist it. It's quite fast compare to chop it.

Moiiesha did the stunt too, but only on the bed/playmat. She knows that she can't do that on the hard floor. Even on playmat, she will 'fall'/'drop' her head very carefully/slowly. Not sure how she figure it out. Haha...
st, alright...sigh..her buz is too good..

seabreeze, i would like to order some of ur items..still checking out..let me know when u start collecting orders ya. thanks!
Happy Lunar to all mummies here in advance.

Gathering on 20th Feb? Too bad gt to attend my fren's daughter bday party and my hubby's workplace CNY celebration..
Hmm..gt a gymboree get together in March ah? great and hope all of us here can attend...

Alfafa I am not available on 6th March (company D & D) & 20th March (Caroline's bday chalet party)

Hiaz..my hubby bk a chalet for her bday w/o telling me, I am so so sian cos it is gng to be super tiring and gng to bring alot of barang barang

I wanted a cosy family bday affair wif a few of our close church frens but he want a grand one.
Her actual day is 21st sunday but I dun want to waste her special day in a chalet leh..

super sian n no mood for CNY now....
mangogal,ur dh so funny leh..usually is we mummy wan the grand x2 1 for our bday o our LO bday..anyway already booked don sianz lar..celebrate ur CNY happily 1st..don think abt de chalet thingy 1st ya..smile
mangogal, hee..actually this shows how much ur dh doted ur gal althou u wan it to b simple n small celebration..i know how u feel..u wan this special day to be simple only with loved ones ard n don like to hav big2 celebration..

celebration at chalet can b simple too..u can don invite too many ppl..juz plan it like wat u intend to do at home..invite those u wish to invite, simple decorations..just take it like different venue only lor..

anyway, Cheer Up!! CNY is just 3days away..hurray!!
ya..like to know..is it necessary to give gifts to the guests we invite for the party? i saw many will give like cupcakes or small gifts for the guests to thanks them..any idea??
quick show of hands pls.


6 march or 20 march, Sat.

starting at either 12noon or 12.30pm
$20 per non member / $12 per member baby for one hour (i'm pushing for 1.5hr tbc)
min 20 babies to book.

basically we can have free play at the gym. Both parents can accompany the baby.

Thought this would be a fuss free and fun filled party to mark our babies' one year old.

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour (will confirm if they can extend to 1.5hr). And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere on their own.

WHO WANTS TO JOIN, pls indicate quickly as we need to reserve the dates.

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
quick show of hands pls.


6 march or 20 march, Sat.

starting at either 12noon or 12.30pm
$20 per non member / $12 per member baby for one hour (i'm pushing for 1.5hr tbc)
min 20 babies to book.

basically we can have free play at the gym. Both parents can accompany the baby.

Thought this would be a fuss free and fun filled party to mark our babies' one year old.

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour (will confirm if they can extend to 1.5hr). And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere on their own.

WHO WANTS TO JOIN, pls indicate quickly as we need to reserve the dates.

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
quick show of hands pls.


6 march or 20 march, Sat.

starting at either 12noon or 12.30pm
$20 per non member / $12 per member baby for one hour (i'm pushing for 1.5hr tbc)
min 20 babies to book.

basically we can have free play at the gym. Both parents can accompany the baby.

Thought this would be a fuss free and fun filled party to mark our babies' one year old.

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour (will confirm if they can extend to 1.5hr). And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere on their own.

WHO WANTS TO JOIN, pls indicate quickly as we need to reserve the dates.

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
i got it from the B1 atrium fair at compasspt. understand the sales promoter said they selling at og chinatown all the time. can try go see

yeah, very fast and easier to use then chop chop hor.
quick show of hands pls.


6 march or 20 march, Sat.

starting at either 12noon or 12.30pm
$20 per non member / $12 per member baby for one hour (i'm pushing for 1.5hr tbc)
min 20 babies to book.

basically we can have free play at the gym. Both parents can accompany the baby.

Thought this would be a fuss free and fun filled party to mark our babies' one year old.

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour (will confirm if they can extend to 1.5hr). And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere on their own.

WHO WANTS TO JOIN, pls indicate quickly as we need to reserve the dates.

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
Alfafa, I will physco my hubby cos I really dun want the chalet cos I find it no meaning n too troublesome,keke then so many of you can help to celebrate with Caroline! But tentative I put 6th March 1st

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (6th March)
i got it on sun but yest pass by, saw the counter still selling there. hee can go n chk?

the one i hv, handle is optional. just hold the container in hand and turn and twist the cover, both directions can. it's small n very easy to use. i got another bigger one that needs to turn handle to use last time but it's much bigger and realise my vegs also cut into bigger pieces, cannot dice into fine fine like this one. of cos, the finest is to chop myself but that's more time consuming :p
(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (6th March)
(5) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March)
I kaypo.. Think mangogal left out my post :p

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (6th March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March)
Piggsy & Vivian ...

Order captured. Some of the books that you order are ready stock and I can pass them to you =)

PM me to arrange otherwise I will arrange with you on the payment when I start my BP proper

Now in the CNY mood heehee
seabreeze, me me don't forget I want the richard scurry book set in mandarin.

wow you mommies are fast. Come come. Where are the rest of the march mommies.

Btw, if cannot extend to 1.5hr, hope you are ok with 1 hour.
no lah. just pay for your baby. If your baby is a gymboree member then it's only $12. If not it is $20.

Btw, no F&B just in case you are wondering. It's strictly for the gym facilities only.
ok they've confirmed that the gym access is strictly 1 hr only as the previous session ends at 12 noon, then they have refreshment time from 1.30 to 2pm. So the gym is available from

12.30pm to 1.30pm. But they will play by ear and let us in earlier (before 12.30pm) if possible. in any case, they always tell parents to come at least 10 min earlier to sign in / tke temperature / change into socks etc. So come early or it will eat into your play time.
tks Alfafa for organising...20th Mar happens to be Elixir's Actual bday...will bring him down to try...

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (6th March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March)
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir (20th Mar)


6 march or 20 march, Sat.

starting at either 12noon or 12.30pm
$20 per non member / $12 per member baby for one hour (i'm pushing for 1.5hr tbc)
min 20 babies to book.

basically we can have free play at the gym. Both parents can accompany the baby.

Thought this would be a fuss free and fun filled party to mark our babies' one year old.

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour (will confirm if they can extend to 1.5hr). And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere on their own.

WHO WANTS TO JOIN, pls indicate quickly as we need to reserve the dates.

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie
(2) ST + hubby + bb (prefer 20 March)
(3) jo's mummy + bb (prefer 20 March)
(4) jaszho + hubby + bb Javen (prefer 20 March)
(5) Irene + hubby + bb Zac (prefer 20 March)
(6) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (6th March)
(7) Seabreeze + hb + BB (6 March)
(8) Pinkdemoness + BB Elixir (20th Mar)
(9) Victoria + Hb + BB (6th March)
