(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

starflr...don overfeed! 125ml to 160ml a big jump of 35ml...itz like giving bb supper so tat he can sleep longer...i not sure abt sleeping longer but tink bbs not dump leh, they hav a limit to wat they can take...unless they miss a feed, so dun force on ur bb k...

no offence k...unless ur bb is undereating based on his growth...
like more freq feeds but lesser in qty...

ida, pinksorbet, Missycandy, Haha. Thank u for compliments on Trishelle.

Alfafa, all your comments crack me up too! Haha. I should consider your suggestion sending to sunday times Haha. I find it weird with the standing hair too. But no use. After bath, I comb it down, when it dries, it stands, Haha. I too think Shichida is way expensive and overrated. There's another company that is pretty similar and slightly cheaper. I brought my #1 there for trials but he simply hates it. What amazed me was the speed they do flashcards. Its faster than I can salivate. Gosh. Too stressful.

Starflower, wah, think don't increase so much feed la.. Later he cannot take it. Different bb different. While others can fall into routine, some can't so we cannot force it on them. I think u should increase his day feeds slowly as books say if they drink enough in the day, they should be able to sleep through. I just latch my girl on in the day, 2 to 3hrly, but in the evenings, I feed her more frequently, from 6pm, 2hrly. Like last night, I fed her 6pm, 745pm, 9pm, she zzz at 930pm and all the way till 3am! Amazed me.. And to me, I do think its considered sleep through as its a 6hr stretch. Haha. Night before, I fed her 615, 815pm, 945pm and 11pm, zzz 1130 and got up only at 6am. Haha so I think feed more quantity and beef him up daytime, and start filling his tummy more often in evenings.
Oxgal, thank u! So I think I shall start her ard 90 to 120ml see if she can take Haha. But doubt she can finish 120ml man... Hehe.

Sunsun, me already doing exercise when she turn 2months. Cannot afford to wait longer. I did situps, jumping jacks, leg lifts, and even osim uzap. Haha but tumtum still there. Very unfortunate. So envy all the slim mommies on the fb photos!
Once again, 125ml did not last more than 3 hrs.2nd attempt fail.
*black puffy panda eyes* *Yawnzzz*

thanks cindy, but i really wonder if he can finish his 110ml at 6,8,10,11pm...

Gals, think i'll give tmr's lunchie a miss, feel so drained tonite...also, there's a family dinner tmr also, think i better put him to sleep TONs in the afternoon so he doesn't get cranky tmr night (ya & maybe a chance for myself to zzz too)... but i do really really wanna try Relish, we'll arrange another session to go again another wednesday ok :pPP

Education~> man, my brains are not working right now...but i think our babies treat it as playtime for them now, so what the heck, show them all the flashcards they want :p but for those exp Shichida method stuff, nah, i dont buy it. My mum's friend, sent her kid for such courses since he was primary one...every month 7K on tuition for the various subjects, speech & drama class, "xin suan", this Shichida method classes, abacus classes...end up, he repeated sec3. Basically, the kid has no interest in studying. All the $ went down the drain, but fortunately for him, he has a family fortune to inherit, so i guess he wouldn't need to think too hard to work for a comfortable life. That's another story...
starflower, Haha, maybe can try. Ccause Trishelle kind of knows its evening to night time n requests to feed that often. Maybe u can give him lesser and more feeds in evenings such that he takes more milk? Jia you! And yes those Shichida I think really over hyped!
Hi Mummies,

when a person post "upz" in her thread.. what does it mean? i.e. she is selling something then subsequent posts.. she wrote upz.

what does it mean?

thank you for the compliments on Favian.
Ya I agree with u I am running out of conversation chatting with Favian. Think he finds me bore too. I bought fisher price flash cards for him but he doesn't seems interested. What is the method u mummies r chatting about ? creating our own flashcards ?


hey nice meeting u too... sorry got to leave early as my fren was waiting for me at Ya Kun to pass me some stuffs... Din manage to see Baby Kirsten...as she was soundly asleep... I wanna pinch her chubby cheeks ! hee...
alfafa... Me also tempted to get the meitai, but i think i better try it out first, cos wondering if it is difficult to tie or not. The store at thomson plaza should have right?

Misscandy, the connecta n jap carrier looks good on you.

Kiddy palace 20% is applicable to avent also? I need to get storage bottles
Alfafa, Starflower
Moi came down with the flu last night, feeling bit better after med last night but still think I shouldnt take the risk of passing on to you gals. Will skip today's lunch.

Relish actually sounds good, been hearing about it - under Wild Rocket group right Alfafa?

yesterday meeting, jean told me u can bf while bb is strapped on your pikkolo carrier.

will be really good if i can see how u do it, then i can consider buying one.

I only have one carrier so far.

was told that you went to thomson plaza to get the pikkolo carriers, can you let me knwo which shop?

i am going to TMC tomorrow for my check up, thinking of dropping by.

i will PM u my mobile no.. can text me? thanks
sleep workshop

Is everyone ok for talk on Friday May 29th 11am-2.30pm?
11am - talk
12.30-2.30pm lunch and chit chat

If ok, I will confirm with Tammy.
thks for the jap carrier.

mummies who added me to FB, xie xie!
i saw the gathering pixs, the bb group photo so cute!

carrier - aiyoo very tempting lei.. must control, last kid liao, cannot buy, cannot buy cannot buy..

i had TT u the fund. thks!
I won't be able to join the sleep workshop if it's on next Fri, going to move office and start work on 1 June.

Baby sleeping
Wow! My boy broke his record, slept from 9pm to 5am, Usually, he will wake up at 2-3am for his feed. I suddenly woke up at 4.45am and found him still sleeping & got worried but he started crying at 5am

Looks like the connecta is more cooling. My HB was complaining that the Pikkolo is quite thick & warm and the thick shoulder pads were "heating" his shoulders. (maybe just an excuse not to carry bb, haha...)

for the sleep workshop, me and hubby should be fine.. i will confirm with him again when he touchdown tonight and keep u posted.. ok?

Don't overfeed Keenan cos as you have seen it for yourself, it doesn't work all the time. Some babies just take longer to drop the night feed. My boy only dropped his night feed at about 4.5 to 5 months. Cos instead of popping the bottle in his mouth when he wakes up at night, I popped in the pacifier and he didn't complain. But for the next couple of nights, I had to wake up to pop in pacifier for him :p

The 'upz' is just the seller's way of giving the thread a recent traffic so that it gets listed in the "last 3 hours" or "last 12 hours" post instead of being buried with the rest of the archives.

29th *should* be ok for me.
Sleep Workshop 29th May 11am-2.30pm @ Shelford Road, capped at 20 people so that we have ample time to ask questions.

Catered Lunch
Print-out of Slides


Please PM me to 'book' a spot and I will send you payment details. Need to do this so I don't get stuck in the end if people drop out at the last min. Maids and other siblings don't need to pay.
thanks mummies for all the compliments on the carriers! =)

annmelody - yeaps she did tell me jus the day b4, someone else took the light blue solarweave... so no more... must wait for next stock intake... anyway its okie becos i also dun like the light blue one.. easily dirtied... =P im looking at the blackberry one... actually shld be called blueberry.. hmmm *shrugx* anyway, shall see how la... hahaha! lucky HB nvr nag.. he jus asked where did his money go. LOL. i told him then he said why didnt i tell him? i said wait u nag. he said jus tell him abt it. if not wondering where the money went. lol =x

tusky - the flashcards r free to dl on brillkids. i didnt dl em. but i did sign up. im nt paying anything.

alfafa - you r not alone! i bought flashcards as well but not GD la.. lol. i have 3 sets. 1 picture cards. 1 maths dots kit & 1 black & white infant cards. I wanted to get chinese but my chinese sucks big time!!! haii... next time dunno how.. need to send my kid for chinese tuition le... i wun be able to teach her.. nor will anyone else in my family.. hahaha...

hubby just called n he said ok.. so count both of us in and we bringing brianne. hubby will be attending the workshop n pls include him on the food as well..

Sleep Workshop 29th May 11am-2.30pm @ Shelford Road, capped at 20 people so that we have ample time to ask questions.

Catered Lunch
Print-out of Slides


1. Lenny Susanty, Brian & Baby Brianne
i just woke up and was busy nursing bb. lenny, you saw my message?

babes, no time to surf for now but anyone wants to join us at Relish? yah koala, it's under the wild rocket group. Aiyayaya how come so many fall sick these days. Sassybaby as well. Hope you recover soon. Catch you another time.

just received your msg too. No worries. we will surely arrange again.

The rest, just text me at 90686812 if you want to come.
Count me in as well.

Sleep Workshop 29th May 11am-2.30pm @ Shelford Road, capped at 20 people so that we have ample time to ask questions.

Catered Lunch
Print-out of Slides


1. Lenny Susanty, Brian & Baby Brianne
2. Pups

I pmed you. Added myself to the list for your ease of compliation.

Sleep Workshop 29th May 11am-2.30pm @ Shelford Road, capped at 20 people so that we have ample time to ask questions.

Catered Lunch
Print-out of Slides


1. Lenny Susanty, Brian & Baby Brianne
2. Pups
3. Meerkat

upz...means e offer has been taken by someone else...to put it simply, e pdt on sale no longer available...

lesser feeds in e day, nite more feeds? sounds interesting...
starflower, dont worry, it will take a while for baby to adjust to routine, am sure keenan will slowly drop his night feed. Better to slowly increase their intake, like marissa was also drinking 100ml at 9 weeks. Like wat some mommies say some babies drink more at less frequency while some drinks less at more frequency. Just adjust accordingly.
wonder if Zac is going thru his grow spurt again, ytd at 1pm, he drank 110ml, then 2 plus want milk again, drank another 40ml then fall asleep, wake up at 3.30, crying for milk again, drank another 80ml...

This moning also. 6 plus drank 110ml, 7plus drank 40ml.
ermmm... lenny & tusky - upz actually means they are bumping up their thread... the item is still for sale.. but the upz it to push it up.. because the threads run according to time & date... if u leave it alone, other threads will go above it then too far down, not many ppl wil notice it... heh...
Lenny/ Tuskywollie
I love tat pic too. Funny expression which she ll show once in awhile

Hope ur BB guai guai finish up her milk and zzz.

very scared of the growth spurt period too. dunno how much to give then cry and cry, we feed and feed.in e end throw and throw..

E jap carrier-how do u remove BB out of it?i tried 2ways. one from front/one from side.
but seems like abit stuck stuck when i want to remove right/left sling w BB in it.do u exp that? and My bb seems so much lower compared to ur PIC. muz try again later.
The pikkolo carrier is available at Thomson Plaza Level 3, (near to Sembawang Music Store, opposite to Royal Sporting House)It's not a shopfront, more like a stall.
pigpig - i remove from the top. jus take her out lor.... hmm... lower? hmmm... maybe ur body longer then mine? heh heh heh... or shorter.. hmmm... im a tall person so also depends bah...
i am buying stuff from littlethinkers..u gals might consider as her cost for the items include postage
Saw a mummy at IKEA using a carrier , like a elastic wrap. Seems good esp for breastfeeding mummies. At first look thot she was wearing a tight top and preggie. Have seen this on one of the BP threads but cannot rbr the name liao.
u got so many carriers? U bought the connecta? The jap carrier is the one u bought for us during the gathering? So easy to use ah? I go back try on my baby later... Now lazing at my mom's place.. MIL looking after baby... Nothing to talk to her... Keke... She dun like me to breastfeed baby... So irritating and sianz... Said it'll be difficult for her to look after... So everytime breast feed her I do it secretly... Haha...
hoho03 ...

no prob but you will need to wait for a while before i send it to you k .. cos i am not at home these few days so never open letter box. PM you once i post it out
<font color="ff0000">serene</font> - are u thinking of getting pikolo too? i just went last sun and left only solid colors. u can visit them at http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/

<font color="ff0000">jas</font> - u know the philip carnival got bb bottle products?

<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - did u buy playtex milk bags last time?

<font color="0000ff">re:EBM</font>
mummies, EBM can keep in our freezer for 3-6 mths? The period seems quite wide..so how we know how long to keep?
<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> - can u send me a copy of the flashcard too? my email is [email protected] thanks in advance!!!

<font color="ff0000">meerkat</font> - is it? ytday someone was still saying small small world is more exp than world of korea and this alien77...
