(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

sun - yes... still waiting

i'm here too, reading the posts but not posting much....

i guess this rain will stretch for almost the whole day....blue monday = grey monday...sianzzz
Taka baby fair is 12 march thursday onwards.. oh i read somewhere here its wednesday..hehe.. so its thursday lah..

hi mummies
Me too still here gt read post just lazy to post haha.Still on waiting game.Tomolo will be seeing gynae think my chances of induce is super duper high.

Oh also COngras to mummies who have given birth will me my turn soon le the most 8more days to go before gg to induce.

However to day lke exprerience quite alot of contraction hope by tonight will grow strong till can go hospital haha.Cant wait le.
Thanks...but maybe he was just concern becos when he was at NICU, he wasnt able to suckle well. ANd oni by bottle feeding him then we are able to know how much he is drinking. However, I will go with my gut feel..if I feel tat Ryan is ready for the breasts, I will just go for it! =)

Yup, bottle feed him by EBM...but then again...ss is not equal to dd so....have to supplement with FM for abt 2 feeds a day! Anyway, as long as he is on EBM, I'm ok....dun wanna stress myself too much!!! =)
st ...

yap ... 1-for-1 but only for ala ca menu including sides + pasta + bake rice + main course ... ice cream not included so its the cheapest of the whole list of item that is FOC

but i find that their portion now is really small

meebaby ...

i rem that its 11.30am to 2pm or something ... should be mon to fri lar
Congrats Jtho! I had a feeling yours would be earlier than the scheduled thursday delivery date! Well done mummy and welcome big bb Olivier!!

Happy Birthday Wintertime!
Maybe my princess will share the same day as you!

Asura/ Sunshinebaby
Yea, still WAITING!!! They have 4 stages of labour here. I'll try to write them down later for those of you who are still waiting to deliver. It's pretty useful cue for me. So, not so panicky at the moment. 0-4cm dilation is only considered as 1st stage. I'm in 2nd stage now and I suppose can go and check in anytime.

I'm still at home, hen3 bu4 shu1 fu2 when the contraction comes. Believe me, you'll feel a "real" contraction. It's like bad menses. But I'll have my dinner, take a shower than go back to hospital.
but how do u noe u are at which stage now? u sure wouldn't noe how much dilation u hving currently right? unless chk by midwives??
jtho n asura.. congrats on yr bundle of joy...

wintertime.. happy birthday..

maple.. my was c sec wif ga.. pd $1k for deposit when admit for 2 bedded.. discharged pd addtional $400 plus..

anybody hv the chart for bb should be drinking how much ml of milk at which stage..
*wave* Babe
I jave always been having contraction since very early of this pregnancy so now I kind of getting use to contraction le I can get like more than 6 contraction in an hr time so I am so use to it worri when real labour come I dunno.

Wah, u still waiting? Cant believe. i thought the stage of labor can be guage by the contraction intervals? That's why my gynae ask me to leave home once the contractions are on a 5 mins interval. think 4 cm is abt 2-3 mins interval.

My gynae comes to check on my stitches and press my tummy today. She say that she is also coming tomorrow before i discharge then the next visit is going to be one or 2 weeks later. Cant remember. Heh. but she would give me tomorrow.

Ya lor... i never even expect to go into labor...
Am not too pleased cos my hb has not arrived.
Think it works this way, those who hope to pop faster end up popping later and those who hope to pop later end up popping earlier..
Finally succeeded in latching my bb on. Mrs Wong tot me to give the bb some massage to wake her up before latching. Really worked! Saw a few drop of colostrum, which bb took in. Hee hee... At least now i know that my bb is the kind that when sleep nothing can wake her up. She just pooed but cos she is awake, she was wailing away with the discomfort. But when she pooed earlier when she asleep, she wailed when the nurse wanted to change diapers for her... hahahaha

Initially I walked a lot but after gynae checked that bb engaged very early and cervix is soft at wk36, i was told to reduce walking and climb stairs, which i did, else maybe would have given birth last week. heh.

Thanks for the rose. 8 Mar quite good wat..
heard a lot of bb cries while i was in teh delivery suite. Should have quite a number of bb. But then me only one in our forum to give birth on 8 Mar... hee hee.. now i look at my girl, i would call her xiao san ba.... hahhahaha
asura, I am so happy to hear you are doing so well. Hugs.

Caca, Jia you! Heee. I also hope your day is today! Or tonight. Heee.

Grace, Okies! Just as long as you feel comfortable. Hugs hugs.

Babe, all the best!
Hi Everyone, I'm back here.

I've given birth on the 7th March. Same day as Jaszho and we are neighbours, staying in the same ward too.

BB Zachary is still at NICU, while I'm back home today. He needs some oxygen to help in his breathing.

Hospital: TMC
Baby #: 3
Gender: Boy
EDD: 29 March 2009
ADD: 7 March 2009
Baby's Name: Zachary
Baby's Wgt: 2.7kg
Mode of Delivery: Natural w/o Epidual

Birth Story will be posted on my blog at http://www.simplyirene.com
so it's true that if we walk or climb stairs if we will have early delivery lor..

but why did u walk alot and climb stairs before that?
Lets hope Ryan will take to latching and drinking directly soon. But hey, direct or ebm, he is still thriving on the goodness of your milk
I can empathise with the disappointment cos my boy self-weaned from the breast at 4.5 months and I had to give him ebm from then until abt 8 months old.
thanks ladies, i'll be going down later to visit him. We are hoping tml or the day after he can be discharge, but then again, it's up to his condition. Now he can suckle milk and taking 15ml, is consider a good progress le.
Hi gals, thanks for all the encouragement on breastfeeding, let's all Jia You together. I sort of cheat feeding him by Keanan is latching on intermittently half sleeping, i am sort of helping him by massaging my breast (like "hand express") and i can see he got some milk coz when he purse his lips, milk will flow out. Is it that we need to pump every 3-4 hours to keep the milk supply coming?
Congrats to all mummy out there..

I'm Rina from Great Easter Life. Do let me know if you need any help on medical insurance or other insurance.

My advise is different ppl different need. Our job is to help you identify your need, if you need to compare, its our job.

Rina Ong
[email protected]
You discharged yet?
Yup.....hopefully he can latch on soon...but u are rite..whether is it direct or ebm, as long as he is having mummy's milk.... =)
i have some news. jus came bck from gynae.. my turn next.. yippeee!!!!!! muahahaha! he said either tonight or tmr.. ask me to be prepared... he did VE super uncomfy.. did it quite long... dn said i will start feeling contraction soon.. true enough... i was eating my final meal and start to feel contractions... very uncomfy... nw feeling it on n off le... back aching... jus waiting... nt sure shld i go hospital nw or later... hmmm anyway i will tahan awhile more... hubby doesnt allow me to bring laptop to hospital.. he said i shld be resting... toopit... so i wun be able to come online... =( im going to try going for natural without epi.. i hope when i admit, dilated a good amt so i dun have to wait too long to push... he didnt tell me jus nw hw many cm.. jus that anytime liao... -_-" so now i will jus endure til i cnt endure.. then il go.. =P
Congrats Irene. Hope Zachary will be home with u soon!

Missycandy: wow, u r next....finally. I know u have been waiting to pop
All the best!
thanks teddybaby ... ya... but nw the contractions not to intense le.. so jus stay at home and wait... =P feel like a big piece of poop inside wan to pang sai but scared to use force... -_-

Wow all the best..
can download liao..


heard that san ba sounds very similar like broom and the star that is affiliated to it..



Btw, my feet and hands suddenly go swollen.. heard that if the swell goes down.. is signal going to pop liao? hehe..

I am home since yesterday. Dealing with feeding and engorgement problem now. Already forgotten it is this painful :p

Asura congrats on ur delivery, missycandy, your turn liao!!! Wintertime, happy birthday! it's also going to be my birthday next week :p (15march) i recall someone asking about my bill at Gleaneagles. I pre-registered for a single bedder that day but it was full so no choice wanted hubby to stay so went up to Superior Room. The hospital charges for 3N (8pm monday nite - thurs 11am discharge) was $6K. My gynae $6K, Anesthetist charge $1K and PD $250. (so total $13K)
As my gynae did an "internal stitch" and there wasn't any pain. I only took painkillers during my stay at GlenE. Coming home no meds and no pain.
