(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

sorry, just back to office n saw ur post.

Not yet. only booked for Dazed and myself. she says max per class is 6 babies. including dazed and myself, only left with 3 vacancies. is that what adeline says?

mercsboy:dun need worry la,zonghan went through similar case as kyler,i thought it was dawn cos usually he sleep through but recently he will wake up after 3 hours.i suspected it is due to his teething plus he is not feeling well so he gets cranky and cant really sleep.after about 1 week,he is much better and can sleep longer now.u can try carrying him upright and walking around the house,usually when i do this,zonghan will stop crying.apply some teething gel before he sleep also..think its really painful cos when i applied the gel for him,he will bite my finger and can see that he actually find a lot of relieft through the biting so sometimes i just use my finger as a teether.
kelly, u can't go??? Then I got no transport liao. If like this I think I also cant go liao. Difficult for me lei, after last weekend bring 2 out I think got big problem to bring Damien n Delia and all the barang barang. very siong.

Cherryale, so sorry I also cant go liao. I cant be the food ic.
Fluffy: great! so your class can move. don't need me liao. :D

In that case, I stick to Sunday class cos' hubby can come along to pay for my shopping. hehe..
daymoon: that sounds exactly like cayden when he was teething a few weeks ago! super torture and tiring.. eh now u can use ur finger.. once his tooth has come out and others following, u wont be able to do that, cos he will BITE and its SUPER PAINFUL!
sperzz/kelly/jan: like dat ah? still continuing? or we postpone the swim ah??? cos seems to be always raining these days... postpone to when cherry, precious and i are back frm KL. how abt dat???
Hihi, good news. Just called Adeline, she says can form a seperate class for us if got 6 babies.
keen? still on 1 aug but she has to get back to me on the timing.

(1) Samantha - JiaJia
(2) Dazed - JiaHe (16 Jan 09)
(3) Pat - John Andre
(4) Kelly
(5) Ni
(6) Sperz
daymoon: i am not worrying just abit pek chek coz lack of sleep and dunno what to do with him...he seldom fuss sooooo much...
i did try to apply the teething gel, 1 hr he cry again lo...dont even want his favourite tutu..
yday i massage his gums using the finger brush...already bite me..heng is "bo gay"
sophie is the name of the giraffe. it is a teething toy.

Baby Jumper Gym at HomeTeam NS:

My elder daughter attended the class for 3 terms (Walker I & II, Runner I).

The teachers used a lot flash cards of words, pictures and number dots. There is also story telling with the flash cards. They'll give the parents some flash cards to practice at home. The flash cards are actually words written on a vanguard sheet with marker pen. They'll follow a theme in English for 1 week, then the same theme in chinese for the next week, then a different theme in english after that.

My girl loves their gym activities and their music and movement. Had to pull her out when 2nd baby comes along cos no time.

If u sign up for their package (10 sessions of 1hr each) after the trial, then the trial fee will be waived.
sperzz: den ok, we cancel ba, when weather better den we go swimming, its so frigging cold in my office today.

cherry: tml swimming cancel ok? sorry to trouble you.
Ni, Sperzz, Pat and Kelly: still keen on the exclusive trial on 1 Aug? If not, the usual 230pm timeslot still got 3 vancanies.
Ultraman, i got it from BlessedMummy for $35.
I saw some BP sell sophie giraffe, just now i went to search, don't have any BP spree selling this.
Got to wait for next round.
samantha : We may have more pple joining. May have to open two classes.. hee!

(1) Samantha - JiaJia
(2) Dazed - JiaHe (16 Jan 09)
(3) Pat - John Andre (1st Jan)
(4) Kelly - LeAnn (3rd Jan)
(5) Ni - Kyan (2nd Jan)
(6) Sperz - Delia (24th Jan)
(7) Precious_bb (tentative) - Jensen (1st Jan)

blessed_mum: have you booked yours? Maybe we can organise one after another. THe lady said that 5 bbies and we can open one class. Hee! This is when the east mummies will go west hee!
Mr Bunny/Ultraman: where do u buy the Hipps organic milk? it looks good, close to mother's milk except lacking DHA. Holland Village is quite out of way for me.
Wow. good response.
already called adeline and chop for 7 mummies liao. will try to arrange for 2 classes on 1 Aug. She will let me know the time next Tuesday and I will update again.

(1) Samantha - JiaJia (5 Jan 09)
(2) Dazed - JiaHe (16 Jan 09)
(3) Pat - John Andre (1st Jan)
(4) Kelly - LeAnn (3rd Jan)
(5) Ni - Kyan (2nd Jan)
(6) Sperz - Delia (24th Jan)
(7) Precious_bb (tentative) - Jensen (1st Jan)
kelly: sigh yar miss a chance to meet up w ugals again, cayden cant make it on 1st cos hes goin for the pnuemoocal jab. yup signed up liao, got 4 of us already, so see if got other mummies want to join us on 15th aug instead lor
Ladies just now when down to harbourfront mothercare..i quite like the maclaren quest stroller or capella S217.. anyone using it? gd?plan to buy that for my boy..

Latest list:
1) Samantha - JiaJia (5 Jan 09)
(2) Dazed - JiaHe (16 Jan 09)
(3) Pat - John Andre (1st Jan)
(4) Kelly - LeAnn (3rd Jan)
(5) Ni - Kyan (2nd Jan)
(6) Sperz - Delia (24th Jan)
(7) Precious_bb (tentative) - Jensen (1st Jan)
(8) Dink - Aedan(19 Dec)
cjteng: is this XLT or quest? XLT is suitable for newborn, quest only from 4 mths onwards if i am not wrong.
tat day got BP selling maclaren leh...quite cheap. but please take note maclaren strollers not freestanding and also the stroller no front bar.
ni:forget the price..but is around $265 or more..

mercs:is quest.when i was there.. i saw a korean mother using it..and she told me not bad.
ValC: i dunno le. my son likes to chew on it. my MIL is funny, she asks me why it smells like condom. LOL
it is made from 100% natural rubber,the Heva Tree.

initially she was concerned about baby chewing paint on the giraffe. i assured her the paint is food paint, not some lead paint.
cjteng: quest newborn cannot use..jovan now can use liao, just its not freestanding. maclaren is not bad...just note that no front bar, i think got to buy one
cjteng, my bb uses macluaren dat tripper. so far so god. she likes.. downside: cannot recline to sleep position.god for short trips

can add me?
Latest list:
1) Samantha - JiaJia (5 Jan 09)
(2) Dazed - JiaHe (16 Jan 09)
(3) Pat - John Andre (1st Jan)
(4) Kelly - LeAnn (3rd Jan)
(5) Ni - Kyan (2nd Jan)
(6) Sperz - Delia (24th Jan)
(7) Precious_bb (tentative) - Jensen (1st Jan)
(8) Dink - Aedan(19 Dec)
(9) janjan - shyan (10jan09)
cheekygal: CONDOM?!?!?! haha! your mil is funny!

Samantha Latest list:
1) Samantha - JiaJia (5 Jan 09)
(2) Dazed - JiaHe (16 Jan 09)
(3) Pat - John Andre (1st Jan)
(4) Kelly - LeAnn (3rd Jan)
(5) Ni - Kyan (2nd Jan)
(6) Sperz - Delia (24th Jan)
(7) Precious_bb (tentative) - Jensen (1st Jan)
(8) Dink - Aedan(19 Dec)
(9) Janjan - Shyan (10th jan)
thanks cheekygal for the info on sophie..

valc/ultraman: i've got super bad memory... if u're getting sophie, i would like to join in for one too!
Hi Sam, pls include me

Samantha Latest list:
1) Samantha - JiaJia (5 Jan 09)
(2) Dazed - JiaHe (16 Jan 09)
(3) Pat - John Andre (1st Jan)
(4) Kelly - LeAnn (3rd Jan)
(5) Ni - Kyan (2nd Jan)
(6) Sperz - Delia (24th Jan)
(7) Precious_bb (tentative) - Jensen (1st Jan)
(8) Dink - Aedan(19 Dec)
(9) Janjan - Shyan (10th jan)
10) Cherryale - Ashley (31 Dec)
janjan:ya.cos my bb will sleep..so this model is the only 1 that can let bb to sleep.the rest of the model dun't have recline to sleep position.

mercs:eek:pps..then we are talking on 2 different thing liao..cos when i went in..there is a bee facing outside the window..i though u are saying that one. hahaa.
