(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

hi miaiko, sure sure, not a prob.. thanks for your help and please keep us posted!! btw, i stay in bukit panjang, so can arrange the collection from you anytime on weekends since we are all in the west.. cheers!

cherryale: yupz.. i brought her to the public pool when we went for chalet at aloha loyang.. so far so good leh.. no adverse effect... i bought the neck float frm sgmambo thru the BPs... will be bringing her swimming again soon bah.. before i start work... haiz...

suika/mercs: alot of hassle with the NPL lor.. me starting work on 27th Apr.. so sadz to think abt it...
wilting: meet me at 1245pm can?

mint: i bring my maid along leh. she is my car seat till 14 april. till the car seat comes..

sel: ya, i saw in your FB pics that you bring bb to the swimming pool ah? safe ah???
ni: okay leh i find.. just hv to be careful of the kids who may be over excited while playing in the pool... the water seems safe.. no adverse effect on the skin so far...
ni,like that we also can bring our babies to the pool downstairs to play, just buy the float
mercsboy: thxs. don't noe if my son will get use to not having me around
wanted a nanny but hb said infant care is better in that, the kid get to socialize with others. but I'm afraid it's easier for them to fall sick. sigh...
ni > txs.my gal poo yest liao.after i type in the message, i went to take my fibre drink.
den i pump out the milk,after which she drink,den tht night poo liao.
so happy.

ladies > so any baby no poo,can take fibre drink,pump out the milk,den feed the bb.

mercs >okie.shall transfer e money to her.thanks ya.no la,no hurry.tink me put there for 6 mths.
how was kyler at infant today?>

pinkypiggy > i lost my bunny abt 3 yrs back,somemore he died at home,me lagi more sad,tht time no hubby yet and no baby yet,.
i still rem him dearly,still got his pic,dun be sad anymore

miakio > txs for helpn to order,i will transfer e money to u and mercs will
help me collect.

sel > i heard swimmn pool got chemical 1 leh,safe for babies?

bunny > forgot to let u know,my infant care is learning seeds child development centre,near to our home,at PSA club there./
Hi to all MTB,

sorry to interrupt your thread. I have got a 2nd hand Brandt front load washing machine to let go @ $350 (negotiable). Details of the machine as follows:

Model: Brandt WFF0812A
Max Load: 6kg
Max Speed: 800rmp
Age: < 4yrs
Unit Price: $800+

Please kindly PM me if you are interested. Thanks!

Hi to all Mummies,

sorry to interrupt your thread. I have got a 2nd hand Brandt front load washing machine to let go @ $350 (negotiable). Details of the machine as follows:

Model: Brandt WFF0812A
Max Load: 6kg
Max Speed: 800rmp
Age: < 4yrs
Unit Price: $800+

Please kindly PM me if you are interested. Thanks!

I'm new to this thread.

My 2nd daughter, Tingrui, was born on 21st Jan 2009. She's on TBF but my MS decreased at week 8, after I lazily and stupidly decided to stop pumping. I've been taking fenugreek, goat's rue and motillium since, and I find motillium to be the most effective. Does anyone know if motillium is safe to be taken for long term as I aim to BF Tingrui till 6 months?

I'm starting work on 12th May and I'm not looking forward to sending 2 kids to infant care and child care either. Now in the midst of bottle feeding battle with Tingrui.
bunny: from what i see today half day at infant centre, dont expect the teacher to focus alot of time on yr baby ok...a few babies can cry altogether. and if baby refused to drink already, they might not try again to continue feeding him. but kyler is fine coz he like crowds, the teacher said he didnt fuss alot although he didnt sleep.
but to me seems ok, coz everything is recorded, how long they nap, shit during what time etc...and surprisingly they changed diaper quite often, coz today half a day already used a few pcs...i tot they 3 hrs then will change one time.
anyway, now they are still young so should be able to adapt quite fast.
but one thing, everything have to be labelled ok, they even write names on the hankies..

missycandy: the infant care is at blk 350C...still got one slot i think....quite cheap at $350 only
bbstarlet: today i only leave him till 1.30 then i pick him up liao...he seems ok...was smiling to the teacher when i pass him to teacher lor...so cheeky.
u better check with the infant care also ok...like labels the bottles, hankies, what need to bring on 1st day etc...
Yi Chin: welcome
regarding Mothilium, some of us are taking it too. some of our doctors tell us cannot take for more than 1 week, some say 2 weeks, some say 1 month. so best to check with your doc. when i went to pharmacy and got 1 month supply, the pharmacist never say anything.
hi yichin: welcome to the thread ya..
heard this motilium cannot be taken long term leh...maybe other mummies can advice
hihi yichin, welcome

Ive also been taking regularly and asked my doctor before if its ok to take long term, he says safe, dun really have side effects.

suika: so tmr wat time? Caleb is excited!

I brought Caleb to barber just now.. he cried his heart out.. so heart pain.. then now cut too short liao.. dun like, like army boy like that.. regret a bit haiz..
blessedmum: long story lor.. my P and VP was expecting me to go back in jul.. bt somehow.. someone got in the way... haiz.. cannot share so much here.. too open le..

babystarlet: swimming pools hv chlorine.. to kill germs de... so shld be quite safe.. i just make sure i washed her thoroughly after that...
Hi all

been silent reader of this thread cos real busy. Just wan to know i just had my rebounding. How many feed of BM must i throw away before feeding bb?
mercsboy: i'm aware there's not going to be one to one attention. if the bb refuse to drink, they not going to try again? then how? hungry how? ya, i read from yr conversation with others that we need to label EVERYTHING.
sus yeah i saw dr joy lee too.. she's great, isn't she? She was willing to help w my insurance claim too, but unfortunately i asked her too late so couldn't get pay out

why did u see her? Tot u had mastitis, not abscess?

mercs so strange that the centre doesn't let u enter the infant care area... u r the mom.. can't u tell them not to store EBM in the freezer, after all he'll be drinking it on the day itself right?

cherryale is it not possible to bring work home rather than work late? can understand how u feel, my prev job also v long hrs that's why i refused to go back tho they offered

corrine dun think it's neccessary to throw ebm away after rebonding as the chemicals shldn't enter the bloodstream.
ni/willting/mint/kelly/pat: gathering at my place

my playmat no stock! must postpone another time instead of next monday, I source for one that can deliver asap..
flo: sure! which design u getting?

thanks gals for coming to my place to accompany mi &amp; jewel...
&amp; hb was home early today! reach home @ 7pm

btw tml is mi &amp; hb's 8th anniversary..i forgot abt it till hb mention! n i haven buy anything for him. any suggestion..?
mint: thanks for inviting us to your place todae, once again, was another fun outing. sorry to have messed up your place yea??? oh, do let us noe how much is the lunch today also...

flo: ya, the pooh playmat is already OOS when i ordered with SSW. maybe you can try alien??? nv mind, next week, we will mess up lil vic house.. hehehe.. let us noe when, i must pack my last 3 weeks of ML with activities with lil kyan, and next week i did not bring my maid along le! yea! cos my car seat is here!!!
suika:dun think can make it for swim tomo cos some of us going down to JP.maybe next week or f/week kae?

any mummies want to join us at JP tomo at 2pm? most probably having lunch and some shopping. =)
Mint: thanks for opening up your place. So paiseh.. messing up your place.

ni: You are right! We must pack our last 3 weeks with activities.

If Flo can't make it next week, I can open up my place.
precious_bb: i have burnt Baby Einstein for you. burnt all 4 disc, so how to pass to u? or i pass to Pat? are your things still with her? u wanna all 4 pieces??
daymoon: oops.. I think I blur.. but anyway since I already made arrangements to go my parents place at CCK tmr, will go for swimming instead and miss this outing.. count me in for the next one!
hi ladies,

i'm gg to order these undershirts from http://nursingcovers.com/catalog.php?category=65 (finally i can wear normal clothes n NOT nursing tops ONLY) and possibly the teething bling too. Think some of the items e.g. the nursing covers, would be useful for those returning to work and pumping in privacy is a concern.

Anyone interested in ordering anything from here, can PM me by Wed so we could spilt the shipping cost.
yah mint, your plc looks great. Hopefully u didnt spend too much time cleaning after us. So nice i ended my ML with this gathering.

deluxe, sometimes not possible to bring work back cos its the meetings that dragged. Really dread it
ni/kelly/cherry: dun worry..my pt maids coming tml...

so next week is kelly's or flo's? so fast all returning to work...soon, no more outing liaoz..sobz sobz!
mint: we can always have weekends playgroups de.. we all live near near!!! next time when bb learn to flip and crawl even more fun!!!
deluxe: Yes she's really nice
I saw her twice.. I had mastitis which had several milk cysts, one cyst was infected with abcess.. yucky stuff.. I underwent the same drainage procedure.. yah I managed to claim only the second time too.. first time blur :p
U keen to join us for any outings?
deluxe/sel: actually u can go Cotton On and buy the camisole.. buy 1 size bigger... thats wat i do, i wear it under all my clothes if i need to nurse outside.. so when u lift up ur blouse u cant see the flabby tummy haha.. the neck line of the camisole is wide cuz of the bigger size so its easy to pull down.. just a suggestion... its cheaper and reusable after u stop nursing (can just wear a colour tube for stylo mylo look)
