(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

silly me.. posted twice..

i'm still working... bt den.. lazing ard here.. cos noone knows what to do.. clearing my workstation..

so happy today.. hehe.. jd waved goodbye to me when i left for work..

hello sel, is JD better already? read from ur FB that she was vomitting...

my dear kyan finally recovered frm his long long cough. i think thanks to the EYS Hou Ning Powder. its really gd. gave him 2 dosage, and his phlegm reduced by a great lot!
much better now.. at least the fever is not there le.. bt still coughing and having slight flu... vomiting has also stopped le..

got the bo ying compound from EYS to feed her since the med frm the doc dun work v well on her..

so many babies/kids falling sick.. bad weather..
ni: LeAnn is still sniffing and coughing. Kyan's last day @ ifc today? My ifc just called me last sat that there's a boy who's down with hfmd but not closing the centre. Anyway leAnn will not be going down this week too.. she hasn't recovered from her flu and cough. Think it's going to be a long long flu and cough.
LeAnn mummy u in school? how come need to clear workstation? tot school hol liao?

shyan now got red spots all over her body leh. wonder if thats 'fake' chicken pox or not. hai...
i still gotta go for SEM meeting later this afternoon.. haiz... 1st 2 wks gone...

can't bear to leave for work in the morning...
anyone got solution to stop/prevent bb from biting the silicon teats? I realise that my boy bites the teats until have holes! Dun want him to make it a habit & I gotta replace the teats frequently.
kelly: kyan's cough and running nose also lasted more den one week. only turn better last weekend... yep. today is kyan last day at IFC! bought some cakes and tarts for the teachers!!!
merc: ya, depends on how much milk your babe drinks lor. when shyan is whole day with me, she drinks only 2.5scoops per feeding (with 150ml water), thats about 2x a day. night time will drink more, once at 7.30 - 8pm (3scoops or 180ml) and another time ard 9pm, (2.5scoops). most of the time she sleeps through till morning 9am then next feed. sometimes middle of night will ask for milk
mine also biting the teats.. bt so far no holes yet...

and she loves to grind her teeth.. can always hear the grinding sound..
jan: should be the fake measles. LeAnn had the red spots after her fever two weeks ago. Just wait for it to subside. Monitor another day. I'll be in school a couple of days this week. Clearing my stuff so that they will not disturb me for the next few weeks.

Sel: My P is very good. Told the whole school that we should only be back on the first and the last week of hols. Other than that, the KPs are not supposed to touch us. BUT.. there's always a BUT.. hee!

ni: Great! Going to pull leAnn soon too. Waiting for affirmation from my in laws that they will help again.

din: I need help to stop LeANn from grinding her teeth. So irritating.
Dink: My gals bite the teats too... it comes on & off but we notice mainly during the teething stage, but it can come back at random for short periods of time. We use avent, so every time they start doing that, we just switch to the hard teats. Can't get them to kick the habit but save my pocket la. Cos at 1 stage, they were using 1 teat per week! The hard teat is about double the price but, they won't be able to bite off, so can last quite some time. Just gotta b extra careful when washing.
janjan & sel : 900g can last for 2 wks meh? At my mil house milk powder is about 1.5wks per 900g & only for Mon-Fri cos sat & sun will be @ my house. Adler is now having 4-5 feeds/day & each feed around 180ml-200ml.

fluffy: thanks for coordinating the RPL, can give the a/c # to transfer the $ to u first.
it depends on hw much he/she is drinking mah.. mine will drink 210-240mls 3 times a day...

my sch no welfare one la... always make us come back and do nothing... sianz.. the plans are everchanging..
huh...tat means average one month might need up to 3 tins of 900g???
wah piang....

ni: hou ning good ah? how much is that? so far i try ba bao san, also works to reduce kyler phlegm...english medicine dont seems to work le..

so many of u all here withdrawing from IFC...
kelly: good that ur in laws is helping to take care of LeAnn. extra pair of eyes on the maid is always good.

haha...seems that most of the babies have reach the biting teats stage. It caught me by surprise y'day cos the teat is like a fountain with water sprouting out from several holes

Emq: is there such thing as hard teats? ** blur ** I am using NUK.
how i wish kyler loves milk...
feed him milk like feed him poison. he need to take 2 breaks inbetween feeds then he can finish the whole bottle. and this lazy bum bum refused to hold his own bottle...
Dink: I use Avent, there's this sprout version. But since it's a non-drip, works fine as milk teat. #3 is into her biting stage now, but not as frequently, so she's still using the normal teats. But when she starts biting like her sisters did, will need to change to the sprout version. I'm not sure about NUK, but if it's the wide neck version, wonder if Avent teats can fit it.
dink : Adler seem to prefer the improved version of Similac, maybe better taste.

mercs : kyler dun love FM or BM? Adler oso lazy, dun hold bottle.
ni: wah!!! so ex! one box how many bottles?
how many bottles then u will see effect?
cos for ba bao san rite, only when start coughing give then will take effect, but need to finish the whole course which is 6 bottles
laugh: kyler dont like both BM & FM...worse when i give him frozen ones...
so now my frozen ones usually i used it to mix with cereals...
how i wish he can hold his own bottle and feed himself..be abit more "tam jiak"
ni, is the hou ning good for adults? I want to get for my hb. His cough is v funny, sometimes when we thot he has recovered, it would come back again.
sel: depends on his mood...nowadays i have to play barney and let him watch while feeding (which i hate to the core). but hb said let him watch and eat rather than i made myself angry...
poor mummy.. i hate it when she refuses to eat too..
I also dun like them to watch tv when eating... slows down the process.. eyes glued to the tv and dun wanna eat leh..

u tried ur pancakes?? he likes it??
Me on leave this whole week. Going to Genting tomorrow morning till Thurs. Not bringing Katie, will leave her with my dad and helper...*sob sob* so gonna miss her...'sigh'...hopefully she will do fine.

ni: now that you've stopped bf, is it true that the size of our boobs will reduce? Wonder will it get smaller than before..? Any idea if hou ning suits all ages?

dink: I think he's teething that's why he bite. Don't think there's any way to prevent him from biting though. On the safe side, you really need to change the teats frequently and wonder if he ever swallow any bits of the teats...?

mercs: sometimes they will go through a stage where they reject milk and food after which their appetite will come back again. Recently, my mum gave 'chee cheong fun' (kosong one, no oil, no sauce) and she seems to like it...

fluffy: thanks for coordinating. Let us know how much we need to transfer to you after conversion.
sel: i hate it lor. but kyler eats faster when the TV is on...hb told me to let it be now, he said when he is older than teach him wor...
i dreads feeding him food nowadays.
ya, he like the panckes...my 2 furkids also like it...will clear those drop on the floor one...kekeke

mgteo: i hope so, but its not true for kyler leh...for the past 11 mths, feeding him milk is like feeding him poison..
mercs: LeANn also eats faster when the TV is on. But i have been trying to stop her watching tv while eating. Some studies have shown that it's unhealthy for babies to watch tv. It may cause hyperactiveness which i suspect LeAnn has. It's a nightmare feeding her when she's not watching tv. She will spit out the porridge. Throw her toys on the floor. Fidget.. try to stand etc. Sigh. I also dreads feeding her. Maybe she's sick of my porridge too.
hi ladies,long time never come in.
alamak,infant care just called,crystal having fever of 37.5 deg.headache. if still dun go down,got to bring home already

btw any1 from this jitterbugs swingapore club?
almost all the techers appear today... hehe..

ladies, anyone knows if there's any nursing rm @ habourfront? i hv a feeling there isn't... & the 1 @ vivo is pathetic... sianz...
I today on leave. Suppose to bring Delia n Damien out to play. But then Delia gotten fever so only bring Damien out. We now at Gogobani. I find it nice and will bring Delia here next time.

The function rm that I booked for Delia is very small can only accomodate 20persons. Now looking at new venue, thinking of gg to Grassroot club, playrm. the price quite reasonable. But the only available date is on 24 Dec. Scare wait not alot of ppl free that day.
kindly pls transfer to

DBS saving plus 051-3-015565

just transfer the total amt of ur entire purchases first... Will let u all know the exchange rate after I get cc bill and shipping charges..

Do pm me ur contact if u dun have my contact

mgteo: the sales gal at EYS says that hou ning is suitable for infants below 1 yr old. she say only hou ning can. the rest try to avoid below one yr old....
sperzz: my sil held my niece's 1st birthday @ grassroot club. It's good and cheap. The place is big. Only that the theme MUST be carebears as they painted carebears on the walls.
sperzz: still got hope for Delia's bday celebration as long as the date is not reached yet. u sure can find some way!

ni: the hou ning so EX!! was reading and wanted to try for Melody cos she's been coughing for the past week with lotsa phelgm and western medicine like no use one leh.
ju: ya it is REALLY expensive! but no choice la. too much ang mor medicine also no gd.. as long as it can cure ur baby, no matter how much also must spend...

ni, is the hou ning only suitable if they have phlegm, if no phlegm but prolonged cough is it ok?

just now i wanted to go and get the iphone but white is oos, sianz.

sperzz, have u asked your mil to see if the relatives can make it on 24 dec? If majority can, then just go ahead and book grassroot club. Anyway, if they are not christians, mostt likely 24 dec will be free right? At least u can be sure of a venue, if drag on, may not even have venue.
